Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1289 Winning over

"Isaac's continuous flashes!"

It was the "anti-magic field" below that was being lifted, and the teleportation aura flickered on Isaac's body once again.

Still haven't done instant casting yet.

Just like before, he was still waiting for Revalan's stress reaction.


But this time, the situation below is changing.

The "anti-magic field" has just been lifted, and Isaac has just started the "continuous flash". Below, except for Revalan who is calmly and gloomily maintaining vigilance, these ghost mages are also starting to carry out the "continuous flash". To cast a spell.


All performed in unison.

As long as the ghost creature is not in a bright environment, it can use the spell-like ability to cast the "invisibility spell" once every round.

This collective display at this time...

With just a thought in Isaac's mind, he knew their intentions.

This is what we can see before our eyes. Even if they respond defensively, they are still in a completely passive state. At the same time, Sesmeath is also about to escape from the "shadow shield". These ghost mages are taking the initiative to respond.

"Invisibility" can be performed once per round.

"Shadow Leap" can be performed once every two rounds.

In addition, they also have powerful spellcasting abilities.

Moreover, the reinforcements from the City of Shadows will not be too far away.

In this response, these people must have not given up their attempts to attack Sesmis, especially the Miser Nuclear Force.

Although the deep sea environment limits their ability to cast many spells, at the same time, the dark environment of the deep sea is naturally suitable for their "ghost abilities".

If these ghost mages were all invisible and scattered, even if there must be water being pushed away by their bodies, in the dark and vast environment of the deep sea, this is actually the case. As long as the distance is slightly further away, it is Isa It's hard to say how many people can be traced.

But even so...

Isaac did not interrupt these people's spellcasting!

On the one hand, Revalan is waiting for him to take action, that is, to interrupt. I'm afraid it's hard to say that it will definitely succeed.

More importantly...

Dispersing these people was his purpose!

To him, the real threat to these arcanists was actually the ritual casting.

If they are broken up, there is no prerequisite for ritual casting, which is naturally the best.

As for whether these people's pursuit of Sesmeath will lead to Yada Tanshur, or even Telamante Tanshur also pursuing...

"With Thesmeis as a target, there is always a direction to snipe their pursuit."

"Besides, since they are scattered, Irevis will not miss this opportunity."

"Even in the end, Telamante still came after him..."

Not to mention that the green dragon has a natural advantage in casting spells in the ocean environment, but in other places, would Isaac still be afraid of this person?

As his thoughts flickered, Isaac just performed his spells in an orderly manner.

In the blink of an eye.

On his side, he had completed the "continuous flash", but all the ghost mages below were disappearing.

And at the same time, these ghost mages are still taking steps at the same time.

"Shadow Leap!"

Although Shadow Leap is a spell-like ability, this ability is quite special. It is a movement-like action.

Therefore, while performing "Shadow Leap", this does not even affect attacks or even spell casting.

With this step, all the ghosts, who had already entered the "invisible" state, suddenly disappeared from Isaac's "Vision of True Knowledge".

Revalan was the only one left in his original position.

Even though he doesn't need to take care of other people, the great prince of Haunted Soul City is quite confident about himself.

The mysterious enemy is unfathomable. Although this is a rare and even unprecedented enemy in his life, Revalan is still confident enough about his own progress and retreat.

Seeing this man, he actually did not stop the Yinhun crowd from dispersing.

Looking up, there was nothing out of the ordinary except for the sea water.

Revalan didn't speak, but there were signs of "invisibility" slowly pulsating on his body.

But just at this time.

"I originally showed you mercy, but since you are so stubborn, you can't blame me for not being merciful in what happens next."

A voice sounded where he looked.

It seems that although the "continuous flash" was completed, Isaac's figure did not teleport away.

Be compassionate!

Revalan knew what he meant.

Although from the encounter to this moment, the spell offensive launched by this person has been extremely fierce, but...

With the magic ability displayed by this person, just such an offensive, but in fact, it really has a lot of reserves.

Otherwise, whether it is the "Sea Wolf" or his direct descendants, heavy casualties will really be unavoidable.

Therefore, this person does have a human heart.

This also made Revalan think back to Brenas's judgment.

Brenas suspected that this person should be related to the "founder" Thorund, and should be a remnant of Sacross City.

If this is the case, this "remaining humane" approach is reasonable.

But at this time, this person has spoken out and will show no mercy, using his miraculous invisibility ability...

Although Revalan did not stop using the "Invisibility Technique", his eyes narrowed slightly.

He could appreciate the magnitude of the threat.

In fact, the reason why the Yin Hun people dispersed until now was because he was wary of this person's deadly attack!

It was only then that he had no choice but to make this order when he saw that Thesmis was about to escape.

And now, this threat has indeed come...

"I appreciate your mercy."

"However, the re-launch of Sacros City is related to the revival of the dynasty and civilization. No matter how much sacrifice we make, we will never back down."

"If you can take a step back from this matter, today's City of Ghosts and the future Magic Dynasty will remember your kindness."

"Or... if you are also interested in joining the great cause of dynasty revival, we may have more discussions in more aspects than just Sacross City."

In the sound, Revalan also completed his invisibility.

Although we are already prepared to sacrifice our direct lineage, it would be better if we could not sacrifice but make less sacrifices.

And at the same time, if this mysterious mage can also be drawn into the dynasty camp...

As he spoke, he began to test whether this mysterious mage was related to the city of Sacros?

Revive the dynasty!

This is not a surprise!


Although the City of Shadows is powerful, there is no doubt about it.

The Supreme City Lord, the twelve Yin Soul Princes, a large number of Yin Souls, many of whom are high-level arcanists, and there is also the floating city...

With such power, no one here in the North can fight them alone.


Their enemies are naturally numerous!

Felin Demon Kui, this is the mortal enemy!

The chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic, even during the Efraska War, traveled thousands of miles to launch an attack on their floating city!

Plus the Silver Moon Alliance, Zhentarim, Cormyr, and Sembia...

This is a place where there are enemies everywhere, or at least enemies!

In the desert, there was suddenly such an aggressive and powerful force, and it was natural that others would be hostile to it.

And to complete the revival of the Magic Dynasty under such hostility...

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