Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1304 The gap between times

Before coming into contact with Mith, Isaac once had some concerns about the use of Mith because of its independent intelligence.

But at this time, when he actually interacted with Mies, he truly became familiar with the ability of this intelligent holy tool...

So useful!

So practical!

It’s even too powerful!

They are both Miser energy cores, but the dark energy core he masters, if compared with Mith...

"It's been a whole era!"

This gap does not lie in their extraction power of "magic source energy".

In terms of power alone, the difference between the two is actually not obvious.

The real difference is.

His dark energy core, this fixed and dull.

Even if the energy source continuously extracts magic energy, through his design, a powerful barrier can be permanently maintained, various magical effects can be given to the barrier, and temporary magic equipment can be created, etc. But once this creation and endowment is completed, it is basically fixed unless he casts another spell to correct it.

Meese is a completely different story.

With its own intelligence, combined with its control over magical energy, as long as this intelligent holy instrument is willing to cooperate, it can achieve long-term driving of the floating city and permanent maintenance of the magic barrier just like the Myser Energy Core. It can also be adjusted intelligently. When it is not needed, it can turn off or reduce the energy consumption of certain functions, so that more energy can be invested in other aspects.

What's more, this intelligent holy instrument can directly infuse magic energy into magic equipment one-on-one to instantly strengthen the power of magic equipment. Even if the target has strong enough characteristics, it can withstand the impact of magic energy. If he instills it, he can even harmlessly instill magic energy into living creatures to give them powerful power!

Just like this, through the infusion of this magic source energy, he even activated the bloodline of the Demon King in Magadon, increasing the strength of the tiefling by at least four levels.

At this time, the indoctrination that Isaac received in the form of the dragon was even more incredible.

This does not mean that the power of the dragon is more powerful than the full activation of the Demon King's bloodline.


"The condensed frequency of dragon's breath!"

"The number of times the dragon's natural spell-like abilities are cast!"

"Even...the ability to cast spells!"

Isaac already possesses the ability to temporarily shape spells with original magical energy through magical retrospection of spell slots.

At this time, Mies's magical source energy injected at the same frequency may be just a pure ability enhancement to others, or it may be used to grant abilities, but to him...

"Medical skills!"

Control this magical source energy to perform divine magic in an arcane way.

As the temporary shaping of a "medical technique" is completed, bathe in the abundance of life energy...

"Although it is not as controllable as the regression of his own magic, compared to the dark energy core and the Well of Glory, his co-channel infusion is much more powerful."

"Instilling this means that as long as you are within the range of his energy radiation area, it almost means that you have endless spells to cast!"

Of course, this "never-ending" also needs to be enclosed in quotation marks.

The temporary shaping of spells, which is beyond the casting time, is undoubtedly flawed and is not suitable for actual combat.

"However, this is not without a solution!"

"If we change some ideas, we might be able to build a 'city magic pool'!"

"In addition, this can also provide energy for the casting of legendary spells similar to, but stronger than, ritual assistants!"

"There are still ways to use it in actual combat."

However, with this flash of thought, Isaac was not in a hurry to start thinking deeply now. Currently, his only goal is to complete the "Magic Dragon Transformation Ceremony" as soon as possible!

"However, it is a bit weird!"

"Normally, with his extraordinary ability, since he was born in the Magic Dynasty, he should cause a sensation and even a big change."

"Why do Wilder and the ancient tribe have no relevant knowledge?"

"Could it be that... the level is not high enough?"

This thought couldn't help but move in Isaac's mind.

This is not impossible.

The creation of the secret energy core can only be completed by the Grand Arcanist.

To create something like Mice, it would almost be an updated intelligent holy weapon, and it might even be a bit inferior to the ordinary Grand Arcanist.

The ancient tribe did not have a floating city, so there was no great arcanist.

Lich Wilder is just a descendant of the immigrants who were accepted by Cape Esko after the destruction of the Magic Dynasty.

It's not impossible that they don't have access to information about intelligent magic artifacts.

I have this idea...

"This is also an entry point!"

His heart stirred again, and there was a hint of curiosity in Isaac's voice: "Mis, your birth should be able to push the Magic Dynasty to a higher peak, and your significance is comparable to that of Mith The invention of nuclear energy is the right one, but why have I never found any records related to you in my exploration of the ruins of the Magic Dynasty?"

"It's Karthus!"

"He destroyed everything!"

Mentioning one of the three arcane kings of the Magic Dynasty, some anger was revealed in the mental fluctuations of the intelligent holy instrument.

When the final catastrophe broke out, he was always with the "creator", and it was because of this that he had the final understanding.

"I was born nine years before the catastrophe."

"The creation of me by Archmage Thorund once caused a huge sensation among the great arcanists. However, before it had time to be promoted, due to the attack of Felin Demon Kui and Khalsa His folly was ruined."

"The Archmage was supposed to take advantage of this achievement and be promoted to the true king of arcana, but in the end it could only end with regret. The root of everything is Karsus's foolishness!"

It turns out that he was born at the end of the Magic Dynasty.

This is not surprising at all.

Not to mention the war with the Felin Demon Kui in the last years of the Magic Dynasty, which restrained many great arcanists.

From the birth to the destruction of the Magic Dynasty, in less than ten years, the city of Sacros may not have maturely applied the power of Mis, let alone promoted it.

Isaac nodded slightly, but suddenly spoke again: "Excuse me for asking, it caused a sensation among the great arcanists. This should also include the one in the City of Shadows, right?"

The supreme city lord of the City of Shadows, although in the era of the Magic Dynasty, only stood on the edge of the circle of great arcanists, but since he is a great arcanist, he naturally has the qualifications to know about the existence of Mice.

"Yes, Telamante should also be aware of it."

"Although Telamant's research on shadow magic was only non-mainstream at the time, he was one of the great arcanists affiliated with Karsus, and his share of such key information would not be missing. "

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