Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1313 Conclusion (Happy Dragon Boat Festival, everyone)


The contract first flew to the hands of the six-armed snake demon queen.

Don't look at the legion, just look at the squad. There is no doubt that she and her dark guards still have a combat power that is better than that of the wolf snake demon warlord.

After accepting the contract, Angelina only glanced at it for a moment, and the awe-inspiring eyes suddenly moved.

The restrictions of the treaty seem to be much looser than their previous discussions.

Even if you have to obey this person, the degree of freedom in many aspects is far beyond their expectations.


Angelina didn't hand over the contract to Wolf Snake Demon and Barlow Flame Demon. After being surprised for a while, Angelina interpreted the terms more carefully.

Although Tanari is an absolutely chaotic creature, but in terms of accepting the "Oath from Otherworld" and entering the material world, this is also too much contact.

And when it comes to "Oath Binding from Other Worlds", negotiating with those spellcasters and finally signing a contract is a matter of course.

Therefore, a high-level Tanari at Angelina's level has come into contact with too many spellcaster contracts in her long life.

Naturally, some contracts seem to be superior and loose, but... just like those devils in Bator Hell, some spellcasters always like to bury traps in the clauses!

Seeing the content of this contract, Angelina's first reaction was to wonder if there was some kind of trap buried in it.

It's just that, after she reads it carefully again...

Her eyes were slightly locked, but she didn't speak. Angelina handed the contract to the Warlord of the Wolf Snake Demon.

After a while, the Warlord of the Wolf Snake Demon handed it over to General Barlow the Flame Demon, and then those Hexa Snake Demon Dark Guard and Glamor Demon Leader.

After reading these Tanari one by one in person, and using the exclusive telepathy between Tanari and Tanari, after exchanging each other's meaning...

"In principle, we all agree with your treaty, but before the final conclusion, we still have a problem..."

Although the first to accept the contract was the six-armed snake demon queen.

But when the negotiation really started, the queen of Al Taba took half a step back inadvertently, giving the throne to the Warlord of the Wolf Snake Demon.

General Hewlett did his part.

The snake head stopped hissing and spit out the letter, while the wolf head asked a question: "Where is your permanent residence? If this contract is concluded, where do we need to go?"

This means...

As soon as Isaac's heart moved, he understood the meaning of the Wolf Snake Demon Warlord, or in other words, the Tanar'ri.

This is because he doesn't want to leave Imbutu, or, he doesn't want to leave this Eastern Territory!

After all, after the "hidden layer" was shattered, the countless "devil's sacs" formed were buried under the vast underground of the Eastern Territory.

Even though Altaba's whereabouts are temporarily unknown, he should also be hidden somewhere in the "devil's bag" in the eastern region.

Under the circumstances that it is obviously impossible for these guys to be loyal to him, they naturally hope that after they can get out of trouble, they will continue to stay in this eastern region, instead of going to some unknown place and starting from scratch.

on this...

Isaac didn't care.

Just like, for those demons in Hellgate Castle, he never brought them directly back to the kingdom, but rather left them in the Underdark.

The same is true for these Tanari.

After all, he doesn't like these guys from the chaotic evil camp!

Of course, such indulgence, this is just a normal time.

At this juncture when he was planning a big move, it was naturally impossible to let these guys mess around!

"First of all, most of the time, I don't interfere with all of your affairs. You can choose to follow me, or you can choose to stay in Imbutu, stay in the Eastern Region, and, no matter what you do in this Eastern Region, it is wrong In special circumstances, I will not interfere."

His words came out.

The Wolf Snake Demon Governor, the Six-Armed Snake Demon Queen and the others not only did not show any joy, on the contrary they all frowned secretly.

This condition is getting more and more relaxed!

It's so loose... Even they are a little bit uncertain!

Fortunately, Isaac's words didn't stop, and the second point came out right after the ground.

"However, this is only in most cases. I can give you enough freedom, but corresponding to this, I hope that when I need it, you can also fully abide by the terms of the contract, work for me, and serve me Serve!"

"Of course, this effectiveness and service is not without limit. Just like in the contract, the guarantee I give you, I will have control over time and difficulty. And, if it is really that kind The risk is extremely high, but the action is imperative, and I will personally lead you to take action together!"

Leading them personally means that there is no intention of sacrificing them wantonly.

The same can also be interpreted as, if there is such a difficult or even a high-risk mission, these Tanari can completely refuse to act alone, unless he also personally dispatches it!

With such sincerity...

The Wolf Snake Demon Warlord's telepathic thoughts came into contact with the other two for a while, and there was no doubt at the moment: "Everything is as your Excellency said, and we agree to this contract!"

However, he responded readily.

On the other hand, Isaac was not in a hurry, and said again: "Don't worry, since we are talking about actions and tasks, I have an additional request."

Additional requirements?

The six-armed snake demon queen, who had always been skeptical about the contract on the other side, although her icy face remained motionless, she suddenly had a warning in her heart: "Please tell me!"

"It's very simple."

"Currently, the overall situation in the outside world is not right, so, at least for the last year, I want you to keep a low profile as much as possible."

"You can contact your former subordinates, and you can even investigate the situation in Al Taba, but the fault is not my direct order, otherwise, in the next year, I want you not to initiate any complaints against Imbutu and the Church of the Three Gods. Battle of Vengeance!"

"And, in the first two months, I want you to provide full assistance for an important operation!"

His words...

The six-armed snake demon queen was surprised and amazed.

Not only did this person not prevent her from investigating the situation of Al Taba, but he even allowed them to contact the demons outside to quickly grow their power! !

Is this... conceit? So conceited that he doesn't care even if Al Taba returns?

Or... is this intentional, to sacrifice them directly within a year, or even within the first two months?

But no matter what, even if it is really like her suspicion, it is the second point... Now that this person has said so, it is still worth fighting for her!

"I have no objection!"

Angelina was the first to confirm.

Just then, the Wolf Snake Demon Governor and the others nodded their heads one after another.

"That being the case, let's officially begin."

Amidst the voice, in Isaac's pupils, the mysterious and bright, evil and more magical purple aura immediately bloomed.

The power of the mystery!

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