Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1316 Target

(An elder has passed away, so updates may be unstable in the past two days)

In the next few days, the research progress of the ritual continued in an orderly manner, and it was seen that it was approaching completion.

At the same time, Isaac was also thinking about the most suitable place to launch the ceremony, as well as the first target to attack and other matters.

The demiplane base is inappropriate!

If he is really targeted by the Dragon Goddess, it is equally difficult to say that his underground cities are safe.

After all, when the ceremony begins, it will be difficult for him to take his hands out to deal with certain levels of enemies!

"However, if we can use this as bait..."

Isaac's eyes suddenly moved.

He only had some doubts as to whether he was really being targeted by the Dragon Goddess of Magic.

If this suspicion is true...he is carrying out the ritual in the dungeon, which should lead to some people!

This is also an opportunity!

"It's better to be more prepared."

"The ritual will be carried out normally here, but be prepared to be interrupted in advance. If you encounter a sniper, turn this ritual into a trap!"

"In this case, it would be best if the ceremony is successfully completed."

"But if we are really sure that the Dragon Goddess has noticed it in advance...then we can jointly deal with it on both sides!"

"On the one hand, you can ask the dragon to directly intervene to influence him later!"

Isaac is still confident about this.

Although the Dragon Queen is selfish and greedy, not to mention that she has always been particularly fond of him, the most important thing is...

Whether it is the current Dragon Madness incident, or the annexation of belief in the Dragon Witch Cult after the end of Dragon Madness, or even the war on Enser's side, the Dragon Queen's "face after death" and "face after darkness", these They all require his strength!

The Dragon Queen will make the right decision if he interferes.

"On the other hand, choose a backup location in advance and prepare for the second ceremony in advance. Once you crush that sniper, don't give him more time to react and start the second ceremony as quickly as possible!"

As for this location...

Eliminate the Kingdom side first.

The side of Hell Gate Castle is also not suitable.


"The High Wasteland!"


"Five Color Temple!"

"Even...the demon palace in Eltaba!"

One place after another kept popping up in Isaac's mind.

It must be kept secret, so that other than the Dragon Goddess, his other enemies will not be able to detect it quickly.

It also needs to be disruptive, and it is best to be able to interfere with the intervention and influence of the Dragon Goddess on him through the "Dragon Magic Domain".

Slowly pondering in my heart...

"As long as we can convince the Dragon Queen, the Five-Color Temple will be our first choice!"

The Five-Color Temple is the territory of the Dragon Queen. If the Dragon Goddess wants to intervene directly, it will be more difficult for the Dragon Queen to have an impact on her home field advantage.

At the same time, the Five-Color Temple is also his territory. It is very convenient for him to prepare everything secretly there.

As for whether there is a possibility that the Five Color Temple will be completely exposed after this ceremony...

It doesn't matter anymore.

Once he completes the transformation into the "Magic Dragon", the certainty of finally annexing the Dragon Witch Cult will be high enough.

At that time, whether you continue to use this temple as the center of the Dragon Queen's faith, or rebuild a core temple for the Dragon Queen, there will be no need to hide left and right, and cannot see people!

Moreover, he has set his goal on the transformation of the "Magic Dragon". Isn't this also a statement towards the Dragon Queen?

This prevents the Dragon Queen from becoming wary of, or even taboo against, him in the future, and eventually develops to the point of falling out with him!

"Compared to the Five-Color Temple, the side of the Conjurer's Castle is more secretive, but the sacred seal barrier corresponds to the three gods. It's hard to say whether those three will do anything unwise at the critical moment."

As for Efraska and the Highmoor...

After thinking about it, Isaac still couldn't trust the elves, even if he was very kind to those elves.

Similarly, although the Black Dragon clan in the Supreme Wasteland was conquered by him, and the Supreme Wasteland itself is desolate enough, but... this Black Dragon clan actually has many connections with the City of Shadows!

“Not only can’t I choose the High Wasteland, but if Maiyeli Tower is rebuilt in the future and Anasia becomes the queen of the dark elves, given the relationship between these black dragons and the City of Shadows, we may have to reconsider the question of whether to keep them or not. Got it!"

After thinking about it in this way, Isaac was certain about the location.

Then it was time to set up the "killing stick" so that some people would not dare to raise their heads even if they were attacked in the dungeon during the ceremony.

In the surrounding area, there are still people who dare to take advantage of him. Of course, the first of them is Baragas and the Lord of Symbols!

Pushing forward, that might also include the City of Ghosts and the former Witch King!

The former Witch King is involved, and the Church of Storms is also a target!

On the contrary, the Dragon Witch Sect can be ignored for the time being. Whether it is Sammaster or those members of the Dragon Witch Sect, their focus is on the cold place.

"Then hit the Witch King Solomon first!"

"Even the Church of Storms is involved!"

"If the Lord of Talisman, or Baragas, sticks out his head at this time, then we will take care of them too!"

Isaac soon thought about it.

In fact, apart from directly attacking the Witch King, this consideration is not just a temporary thought.

He had already discussed with Ivy Coglan, and Claudia Marta also joined this circle.

This time, they used this dragon madness to lay a trap.

However, the Church of Storms was involved because of his selfish motives.

Whether it was the deal with Zehir or the hostility with the former Witch King, the Church of Storms was on his hit list, and it was still at the forefront!

As for the former Witch King...

That person must have already noticed the acquisition of the "power of the secret ritual"!

Sazastan restrained him, but this restraint was not up to Isaac's expectations because of the conflicts and competition among the factions within the Red Robe Mage Association, as well as the relationship with Altaba.

In this way, after he was aware of it, Isaac naturally included him as a direct target!

Although Isaac was not absolutely sure of where Solomon was, he paid enough attention to the sect and belief he established.

If this person wants to become a god, this foundation of faith is indispensable!

As long as you grasp this...

"In the name of the red-robed mage, in the name of Sazastan, we will destroy this."

"If he shrinks, his belief base will be destroyed, and all progress will be interrupted."

"If he sticks his head out..."

Isaac's eyes flashed.

"Support from the Storm God!"

"It depends, what level is he at now?"

at last……

And that shadow dragon!

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