Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1333 Arrogant


With an inexplicable intuition, Lagon stopped activating the "Arch Mage's Staff".

It is impossible for King Red to fail to recognize the "Archmage's Staff" in his hand, not to mention that half of his body is within the "Rainbow Sphere", and he can completely ignore it with just one step of retreat. The threat of dissociation.

This was also the reason why he had previously determined that King Red's "dissociation technique" was heading towards Saphirek Tower.

But at this moment, this spell is pointed at him!

If this was not a temporary change due to Saphirekta's temporary precautions, it probably means that his previous judgment was misled by this person!

If so, then this person's intention...

"Are you trying to lure me into using the Archmage's Staff?"

"Or should I use this method to end the instant cooldown, and at the same time consume my scepter times to perform instant counterattack?"

"Or... force me to retreat into the 'Rainbow Sphere'?"

The reaction in my heart at this moment was that the "dissociation ray" from the opposite side was already coming.

In the end, it was still too late to think more about it, let alone be sure.

After a moment of weighing, Lagon took a step back when it was already too late to activate the "Arch Mage's Staff".

"Rainbow Sphere" is the pinnacle of protective spells. Apart from "Great Disintegration", there are only legendary spells that can destroy this protection instantly.

If the King of Red is willing to use the "Instant-Great Disintegration" again, or even directly attack this side with legendary spells, Lagon will even welcome it.

Moreover, even if he used the "Archmage's Staff" to absorb it, or used the same "Dissociation Technique" to counterattack, if King Red's subsequent offensive is too fierce, he will still retreat. Enter the "Rainbow Light Sphere" to avoid it.

From this point of view, his straightforward step back is the safest choice at the moment.

With this step of retreating, his figure retreated into the colorful shield.

Almost at the same moment, the dissociation ray filled with terrifying and destructive energy also hit.

However, no matter how terrifyingly powerful the dissociation ray is, it is completely ineffective against the "Rainbow Sphere".

Just the colorful magic energy layer blocked the "dissociation ray" from the outside without any trouble.

La Gong's eyes did not pay any attention to this side at all.

He had already looked around, paying particular attention to the dense fog area where the "Tornado Technique" was already sweeping.

But it was almost at this moment.


My heart suddenly jumped again.

There is no need to see directly or hear with hearing. With the "spell recognition" ability, at this moment, behind him, approaching the "Rainbow Sphere", a "teleport" effect is pulsing. And out.

The King of Red is indeed coming to kill him!

His choice was not wrong.

If he uses the "Archmage's Staff" to absorb it, it will require a standard action to activate the staff. Although this time is short, King Red has already planned it, so he may not be able to be He took his chance.

Moreover, even if he successfully completed this absorption, when the King of Red approached directly like this at this moment, he would also withdraw into the "Rainbow Sphere".

It goes without saying about direct counterspells.

This not only consumes one of his "Dissociation Techniques", but also consumes one more use of the "Advanced Instant Scepter". More importantly, he still has to shrink into the "Rainbow Sphere" at this moment!

Although King Red is a spell caster with extraordinary spell ability, there is no difference between him and him, but he has never ignored that King Red is more than just a spell caster!

If it were just a pure spell duel, he would naturally not be afraid of this close approach, but this man was also a giant dragon!

He had the foresight. At this moment, even Saphirekta was attacked at close range by this person, and was beaten to the point of panic!

His "Rainbow Sphere" was created in advance to prevent this!

His thoughts flickered for a moment, but Lagon did not turn around.

His eyes were still scanning the direction of the "Tornado Technique", completely unaware of the situation behind him.

He is like this, not to mention the Blue Dragon Lich in the sky.

Hovering above the "Burning Cloud Technique", the Blue Dragon Lich was scanning the bottom, trying to find the trace of King Red.

"Since we are coming here, we must destroy the 'Rainbow Light Sphere'!"

"It depends on whether you want to continue to use the 'Great Disintegration Technique' to destroy it instantly, or whether you are going to attack directly with legendary spells!"

Although Lagon could not directly see through, or in other words, could not completely see through King Red's "legendary hiddenness", if King Red wanted to directly cast a ninth-level spell, or even a legendary spell, at this close distance , with the ability of "spell recognition", he is not unaware of it!

Unconsciously, he was waiting for King Red's spell!

Previously, he had shown that he could detect King Red's "invisibility" to a certain extent.

At this time, King Red was teleported directly behind him. Naturally, he had to be as fast as possible to destroy the "Rainbow Sphere" and attack him before he could react.

So...Lagon has enough confidence in his own judgment.

Either "Instant - Great Disintegration" or an instant legendary spell, King Red will not have a third choice.

And no matter which of these two choices it is...


Yes, opportunity!

King Red's attack was an opportunity for him to counterattack!

Even before he created this "Rainbow Sphere", this plan was already brewing. However, he was not required to actually design it. The King of Red had already hit it by himself.


"As long as he performs instant spell casting, then this round of time is exactly the time of his greatest weakness!"

"And, at this time, he was so close..."

There was a flash of coldness in Lagon's deep purple eyes.

When King Red consumed the instant spells in this round, on his side, using "compound casting" and the high-level metamagic scepter in his hand, he was able to instantly cast two powerful spells, even legendary Magical!

"Even if I can't kill you, I will skin you all!"

The second thought was a flash.


In the induction of "spell recognition", there is still no sign of spell casting!

Although all this was actually a relatively short period of time, Lagon's eyes were slightly wrinkled.

Something is wrong!

Ask yourself, if he and King Red are interchanged, everything should be solved as fast as lightning, how fast it should be.

But at this moment...


Just because he felt something was wrong, the King of Red was finally moving.


There was a flash of suspicion in Lagon's eyes.

Although there is a rapid surge of elemental energy, it is...not a spell!

"Dragon Breath?"

For this doubt, Lagon was not unsure of his perception, but...at least at this moment, he could no longer judge the purpose of King Red's actions.

Not to mention whether King Red wanted to destroy the "Rainbow Sphere" before attacking him with dragon's breath.

Just, the green dragon's breath, this is poison damage.

And he, the Lich, is immune to poisonous damage!

Even considering that King Red holds the "Green Dragon Crown" in his hands, and furthermore, the dragon's breath breath can be integrated with the magical power of the Demon Dragon Queen to provide immunity to puncture poison to a certain extent.

However, the essence of this puncture is that the characteristic of the green dragon's divine power is that it can radiate the soul and then affect the material body.

But for him, this is the real destiny level.

With this level of destiny, combined with his lich essence, even the "Green Dragon Divine Power" can hardly have much influence on him!

The King of Red can't even see this!

"has a problem!"

Ragon would not blindly believe that King Red had made a mistake.

But since it’s not a mistake…

Unable to grasp King Red's intentions, the black-robed Lich couldn't bear it any longer.

Although he wanted to take this opportunity to inflict strong damage to King Red, he never wanted the situation to be out of his control.

In the end, he turned his eyes away from the "Tornado Technique".

No longer hiding anything, Lagon turned around, his eyes...


Facing the face, the huge green figure was looming, but rushing toward him. Lagun's eyes suddenly jumped!

While the dragon's breath is brewing, the green dragon is still coming after all!

What is the purpose of the brewing of dragon's breath? He is temporarily unable to judge.

But this one comes right at me...

Although Lagon's eyes jumped instinctively, he knew in his heart that the opportunity he had been waiting for was about to arrive!

And as long as he can seriously injure this green dragon...

He was sure that neither Saphirekta nor the God of Storms would miss this opportunity!

"Even if you endure his dragon's breath attack, as long as it can have enough impact on him, it's worth it!"

In response to this thought, Lagon Soul Flame's expression showed some signs of panic, but in his heart, he had already considered everything and prepared everything.

In the next moment, the green dragon pounced.

At the same moment, La Gong's eyes, which were just showing panic, suddenly changed!

"How can it be?"

Surprised, panicked, and even a little frightened, at this moment, the black-robed Lich's soul flame suddenly began to vibrate.

In front of his eyes, the shadow of the green dragon, which was originally blurry, suddenly appeared clearly.

This is the state of "invisibility" disappearing.

This guy didn't cast the "Great Disintegration Technique", and he also didn't cast the legendary spell. He actually flew into the "Rainbow Sphere" directly.

No matter how mysterious the "Invisibility Technique" is, it won't work when faced with the "Rainbow Sphere"!

King Red recklessly crashed into the "Rainbow Sphere", and the "Invisibility Technique" that bore the brunt was directly destroyed.

However, the revelation of King Red's true form was certainly not the reason for Lagon's discoloration.

What made him feel unbalanced all of a sudden was even unbelievable...

Although the effect of the "invisibility technique" has dissipated, but... this actually came in!

The "Rainbow Sphere" has seven levels of effects.

Each layer has powerful characteristics, and at the same time, each layer also has targeted effects on intruders.

Those who forcefully break through this ninth-level protective spell will first be severely damaged by the four elemental energies of "fire", "acid", "lightning" and "poison".

At the same time, there are also the "Petrification" effect, the "Insanity" effect, and the "Alien Teleportation" effect, or rather, the "Alien Exile" effect.

King Red's forced intrusion naturally triggered the effect of all the energy light layers of the "Rainbow Sphere".


Seeing the lightning and fire explosions, the petrification and madness effects, the King of Red passed through the "Rainbow Sphere" without any feeling at all.

The ferocious fangs and huge mouth bit directly in front of him.

"Spell resistance!"

Finally, Lagun realized the key point.

Although it was incredible, with his insight, he still noticed the problem at this moment.

King Red's spell resistance is incredibly powerful!

Although the various protective abilities of "Rainbow Sphere" are superimposed and can be called the most powerful protective spell, "Rainbow Sphere" is affected by "magic resistance". However, the energy layer of each channel, The calculation of legal resistance must be done separately.

As for him, even if his actual caster level has reached level 33, and he also has enhanced expertise and professional abilities, his effective caster level in terms of piercing spell resistance is even close to around level 40. .


Seven energy light layers, seven separate magic resistance calculations, but none of them had an impact on the King of Red. All triggers were like a breeze to the green dragon...

Incredible level of legal resistance!

Realizing this in an instant, Lagon also realized that King Red's previous "dissociation technique" pointed to his intentions.

Force him to retreat into this "Rainbow Sphere"!

The last two layers of the "Rainbow Sphere" have the powerful properties of blocking and destroying all spell effects.

With this attribute, even if he wants to cast spells, he still has to lean out.

Without lifting this shield and destroying this shield, even he would not be able to teleport directly from here.

Originally, he was waiting for King Red to destroy the "Rainbow Sphere".

But now, the King of Red barged in arrogantly.

Facing the attack of this green dragon, at this moment, he was trapped here by the "Rainbow Sphere". Before it was released and before he could withdraw, he had to face this deliberate attack by King Red!

Especially... King Red at this moment seemed to be sufficiently prepared for him and did not attack him with spells at all!

"Not good!"

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