Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1349 Second Target

(The modification has been completed, something unexpected happened this morning, so it is a bit late)

"In that case, we will stay here for half a day."

"Then you continue your pursuit, while I go explore the ruins beneath the city of Memnon."

"Lagon should also have a lair there, but there is some kind of power there, which can cause strong interference to my legendary detection technique."

"After I discover something, I will summon you and come over to explore together."

Since the three dragons all agreed, Isaac then turned to the next target.

Of course, before that, he left enough time for these three people to read and master the most important information here, and thus dispel any potential suspicions they may have. .


This half-day was enough for him to recover enough magic power, especially the number of daily legendary spells!

He has doubts.

The ruins under the city of Mannon were able to interfere with his legendary prophecy. Not surprisingly, this must be the power of a powerful holy weapon.

Regarding this sacred weapon, if his suspicions are correct, it is most likely related to the famous Brass City on the Fire Elemental Plane, or even directly related to the Great Sultan of the Fire Giant Clan!

According to the legend, the Great Sultan should not be the true god.

If it is not a true god, but only a quasi-divine power, it should not be affected by the evolution of the laws of world operation. Furthermore, it is possible for it to directly descend into the material world!

Just like those lords of the abyss and those lords of hell, this is the same!

Not to mention the distant one, Mephistopheles, the "King of Hellfire", came directly in recent times!

Although he felt that the possibility of the Fire Giant Sultan coming directly was quite small, Isaac would not be careless.

This was precisely the reason why, even though he had been to Mannon City before, he was never in a hurry to explore the ruins immediately.

"That's fine!"

"The previous pursuit was not discussed in advance, so it was inevitable that there were some shortcomings."

"This time we are going to discuss everything in advance and see if we can attract some people!"

"However, even if you are lured out, you don't have to join forces with us immediately. We will trap and kill you in the future."

"Our ultimate goal lies first and foremost in that red dragon..."

It was still Aiwei Kelan who spoke first.

The previous words were in agreement with Isaac.

And when she got to the back, while saying this, she looked at Saphirekta again.

Can we lure out Balagas? After we lure out Balagas, how can we trap and kill the original red dragon? The most important thing is this blue dragon lich!

That red dragon?

Saphirekta was suspicious.

His contact with Isaac was actually very short. In this operation, he had no previous contact with Ivy Cogland and Claude Maria Mata. Naturally, he didn't know that they had more secrets. Important goals, even more important than Lagon!

However, after hearing that it was "Red Dragon", he felt a little confused.

Let the King of Red and Ivy Colan both have taboos, and pull Claudia Marta into the action plan. This is the only one who is old and not dead, and even getting older. The more energetic original red dragon, in addition to that, is Amn's ancient red dragon, all of which are not qualified!

He has always been displeased and even hostile towards the old and immortal red dragon, who was hated and feared by all dragons in the dragon world.

In addition, the King of Red also brought him into the alliance to share the spoils and even future benefits...

"If the target is him, we will indeed have to discuss it carefully later."

Under the gaze of Eweko LS Gran, Saphirekta nodded slightly.

Then he looked at Isaac again, and continued in a nonchalant voice: "However, there has never been any contact between me and him. Even if he was intentional, this connection should not be made. It will happen now, so if nothing else happens, the exploration of the ruins of the Efreet Dynasty will happen earlier.

I had secretly manipulated some people to secretly explore the ruins. Although I never went there due to some reasons, I had some doubts about some of the circumstances.

There should be a plane door leading to the fire elemental plane there.

Moreover, it is extremely possible that the mysterious power that affects prophecy detection must also be related to this gate to the plane.

Think about it again, the Kingdom of Menonna is the kingdom of the efreeti...

I wonder if you have ever heard of the ‘Brass Gate’? "

Saphirekta's words were still progressing in an orderly manner.

But at the end, the meaning of these words suddenly changed.

"The Brass Door?"

Aiwei Kelan's expression first changed.

Although she was born in the Aino Oak Desert, she broke away from the blue dragon tribe there early. Calinsey is her real territory.

In Karinsey, she may not pay attention to other things, but she will naturally not understand the unique mythology of Karinsey.

Among the myths of Kalinsei, those related to elements and giant spirits account for more than half.

Even the belief in the God of Storms in Calinsay requires a special appearance of a djinn to spread smoothly. This shows how popular the djinn myths are, especially the myths of the fire djinn and the air djinn.

Ivey Kelan has been entrenched in Calinsay for more than a thousand years. Coupled with her level, she naturally has a considerable grasp of many deep secrets of the Djinn myth.

This "brass door" that Saphirekta spoke of...

"You mean, in the ruins of the Kingdom of Manona, there is the legendary 'Brass Gate' in the hands of the great sultan?"

Efreets all have extraordinary creativity.

According to legend, any efreet, even if he is not a noble, but just an ordinary elf, has the ability to perform the "Prayer Technique" three times in his life.

This extraordinary creativity, legend has it, in the "City of Brass", there are countless gates to the planes, and there are even some special ones among them that can be opened and closed at will, and they are far from fixed. There is a special portal that can only connect to one plane.

Among them, in myths and legends, is the "Brass Gate" directly in the hands of the Fire Giant Sultan. It is a real special portal with the reality of a holy weapon!

Hearing Saphirekta's words, among the ruins of Manona, there is actually the Great Sultan's "Brass Gate"?

Or is the "Brass Gate" connected to the portal here?

After the subconscious reaction, Aiweikelan was slightly more conservative in his thoughts.

It should be impossible for the "Brass Gate" to be erected directly in Manona, otherwise, thousands of years later, the great sultan will come to take it back.

However, if Mannona's fire elemental army was able to continuously enter Karinsay because the Great Sultan personally took action and opened a portal here with the "Brass Gate", this would not be a big deal. Nothing is possible.

After all, the fire giant lord with the title of "Pasha" is most likely one of the six deputies of the Great Sultan!

"However, if it is really the 'Brass Gate'..."

"So, the Skyfire War in Karinsei, the war between the Kingdom of the Wind Djinn and the Kingdom of the Fire Djinn, is not a coincidence, but the eternal war between the Wind Djinn and the Fire Djinn. From the elemental plane Is it an extension?"

Isaac's heart was also moved.

However, if it is really the legendary "Brass Gate", this may not necessarily be a bad thing.

"It's possible, but I can't say it's definitely the case."

Saferekta shook his head slowly: "From what the Talisman Council knows, the legendary Fire Giant Lord Manon must be one of the Great Sultan's deputies, and the Wind Giant who is his enemy. Spirit Lord Karin should be a great caliph from the elemental plane of wind.

Lagon and I once discussed the war between them. Lagon believed that these two extremes may be old enemies in the elemental plane. Therefore, Manon will come to Calinsay, which should be considered as running. Carlin is here.

If Lagon's judgment was correct, then the plane gate they came to here should not have been formed naturally.

The possibility of direct creation by the Great Sultan using the 'Brass Gate' is not small.

At the same time, as one of the six deputies of the Great Sultan, if Manon holds a sacred instrument similar to the 'Brass Gate', or he can also perform certain operations on the 'Brass Gate' Manipulation, this is certainly possible..."

Saphirekta didn't hide anything, so he told everything about his discussion with Lagon.

Isaac nodded slightly, pondered for a moment, and then smiled: "Don't rush to judge yet.

Judging from the fact that the efreets have stopped entering Karinsei in large numbers, this is a plane gate related to the sacred weapon, so there must be something wrong with it.

Similarly, from my exploration and observation, Lagon has a secret lair there, which shows that the situation there is generally stable.

What exactly it is, we will wait until we capture Lagon’s lair first, and then explore and discover it slowly.

It would be a good thing if there was a plane gate directly connected to the 'City of Brass'.

According to legend, the 'City of Brass' is not only prosperous and powerful, but also has a gate to countless worlds. However, such a place also has extraordinary significance to us! "

The four of them, especially him and Ivey Keglan, were in a head-on collision with the Great Sultan, and no one would be afraid.

Besides, they were not going to war with the Great Sultan.

If there is really a plane gate connecting the fire elemental plane, especially the "City of Brass", then it is natural to master this channel, and then not only trade with the "City of Brass", but also Having relationships with many worlds at the same time is the best use!

"Your Majesty is right."

"Since it has been determined that Lagon has a secret lair there, or he has discovered it or even explored it."

"After a good show tomorrow, we will go explore this ruins together!"

Aiweikelan quickly agreed.

There was no way she would give up on a place of wealth like the City of Brass.

Although it is a bit difficult to attack and plunder directly.

But the business power under her command is quite good.

Especially, after the alliance cooperation with Isaac, it has developed rapidly.

If we can really pass through the ruins and develop plane trade from then on, this will naturally be a great thing!

Among the Four Dragons Alliance, the two of them are the undoubted core.

Since the two of them had reached a consensus, Saphirekta and Claudia Mata quickly nodded and confirmed.

Then, the four people quickly devoted themselves to reading and even transcribing the most important materials in the library.

Especially for those powerful spell casters who have advanced, this is Ivyco LS Gran. After reading it for a while, I was surprised and started copying and backing it up directly.

The prerequisites for the advancement of "King of Arcane Arts" are certainly astonishing. Even Saphirekta has some shortcomings, not to mention that the advanced profession is incompatible with arcane spellcasting. Claudia Marta.

However, such prerequisites are no problem for the original dragon of Ivy Keglan's age.

On her side, she was beaming with joy and quickly transcribing.

"The mana is surging!"

"Measure weakness!"

"Spell recognition!"

"Lord of the Arcane!"

While Isaac was flipping through the book in his hand, his mind was wandering.

The many abilities of the "King of Arcane Arts" are also of great significance to him.

Such as "mana surge", which can directly double the power of an arcane spell. Although this doubling is ultimately restricted by the upper limit of the caster's level, such as a "delayed explosion fireball", the original caster level reaches Level 20 can achieve the strongest damage, but with the "surging mana", if the effective caster level reaches level 30, this can increase the power of "Delayed Explosion Fireball" to a level close to that of "Meteor Explosion" , and if the caster level reaches level 40, this can even be equivalent to the maximum damage of "Dissociation"!

Such an ability is naturally powerful. Even if Isaac has mastered the ability of "unlimited casting", he still won't mind integrating this ability into the "Wheel of Heaven".

In addition, the "measure of weakness" that measures the weakness of a target's immunity attribute!

Within that field of vision, even if you can't see or hear, you can perform spell recognition, which in turn helps with spell countermeasures!

There is also the "Lord of Arcana" who can even interfere with the spell that has been cast again, which is directly involved in the field of "magic control"!

This is Isaac, who also has quite a heartbeat.

And to integrate such abilities one by one into the "Wheel of Heaven"...

"The key lies in the 'magic field'!"

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