Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1367 Contact War

(I'm a little late, sorry)

Although Isaac was confident enough about his own power, even if he was single-handed, he was still confident that he could destroy Solomon's god-consecration ceremony.

But, of course, he wouldn't really kill them all alone.

If he can secretly push Xinbu to confront Solomon, how could he be so pedantic that he doesn't use any of the powerful forces under his command?

It has been two days since we arrived here.

In the past two days, he has already created a temporary plane door directly from the "Hell Gate Fort Demiplane" through magic rituals, connecting it to this side.

Considering that when Solomon's ceremony to confer gods was launched, it would inevitably affect the stability of the environment within the city, he even positioned this plane gate directly in a secret place outside the city.

At this time, Xinbu was about to directly confront Solomon and the fallen servant of the Blazing Heaven, so his preparations should naturally be in place.


The voice that came back was none other than Mouisses.

Sesk borders Tolei in the east and Imbutu in the west. The giant valley in the north is the birthplace of the Narfeo Empire.

Therefore, whether it was the era of the Narfeo Empire or the later period of the Demon War, Cesc was also deeply influenced by the power of demons.

There are quite a few rumors on Cesk's side about the Six-Armed Snake Demon Queen.

Isaac is not yet ready to expose his relationship with these demons in the Hidden Layer. Therefore, the situation must not be necessary. Otherwise, before the matter over there in the cold place comes to an end, he will use the six-armed snake demon queen and others. But he was as conservative as possible.

This time, after launching Xinbu, he was the first to mobilize the forces, ready to go into battle at any time, and it was the tanar'ri giants from Hell Gate Castle.

Of course, the target is Solomon. It is hard to say whether the former Witch King has any deeper back-ups. The six-armed snake demon queen and others are actually on standby.

Once needed, these people from the hidden layer can pass through the "Hell Gate Fort Demiplane" at any time and fight directly out of the gate of the plane!

And on his side, preparations were being made in an orderly manner.

In the sky on the other side, the war had just broken out and then suddenly reached its peak.

Xinbu is not the kind of person who, when facing a battle, would like to shrink temporarily to test the reality of the opponent.

Even on Solomon's side, in addition to him and the fallen blazing god, there were also two hell demons teleported out, and there should be a few shadow assassins faintly.

But Xinbu not only did not shrink in any way, but also directly launched an active attack.

The silver fire struck the dark six-pointed star with one blow, and the blazing sacred power, even though Solomon was manipulating this evil instrument and releasing the extremely powerful domain source energy, suddenly, the "Eternal Life Agreement" covering the entire sky "The ceremony was a violent shock.

It seems that even though this dark hexagram is bound to the "immortal realm", Xinbu's depth of control over the power of silver fire is even greater than it.

As this blow continued, a silver-colored sacred flame burned directly onto the dark crystal.

The attack on this evil instrument was reflected in the ritual itself.

For a time, the entire city's sky was shaken by the "Eternal Life Agreement Ceremony" and suddenly trembled. The constant alternation of light and darkness was distorted at this moment.

And just at this moment.

"Automatic spell prompting - Luzian's frequent leaps!"

The lightning transformed by Xinbu suddenly flashed across the ground with another arc of light.

In an instant, the "killing arrow" of the fallen blazing god's servant was shot, and the lightning arc jumped to the top of the sky out of thin air.

The next moment.


Instead of attacking the Dark Hexagram, the lightning swept directly towards the Fallen Blazing God and the others.

At the same time, the sacred flame whip, which directly showed the power of silver fire, also exploded with power and swept across.

Seraphs are immune to strong acid and cold.

A pit fiend is immune to fire and poison.

Both of these attacks cannot be ignored.

However, the Lich is immune to lightning damage and cold damage. The lightning beam formed by Xinbu has no effect on Solomon.

But even so, when the silver fire whip swept with blazing sacred power, it swept across.

At the soul level, that feeling of intense oppression and burning.

No matter it was Solomon or Ebris, not to mention the two hell fiends and those shadow assassins, all of them had expressions of concentration.

"Divine power!"

Moreover, it is not an ordinary divine power, this is the divine power derived from the goddess of magic!

Even Ebris' eyes changed slightly at this moment.

Before his fall, he also served a powerful flame god.

But even that one, compared with the magic goddess in this world, there is still a clear gap.

Even though it was impossible for Xinbu to completely reveal the divine power of the goddess of magic, what he saw in front of him already revealed the divine essence, which posed a threat to the essence of his life.

Being able to completely destroy Nergal in Avernus, this man really deserves his reputation!



With a cold snort, the composite longbow disappeared in Ebris's hand, but a more powerful dark magic flame suddenly rose up.

In both of his hands, a huge magic flame sword appeared.

Like the black flame long bow and the killing arrow, this flame giant sword is also the companion weapon of the Blazing God.

In fact, Mokan Chitian Divine Attendants are born with the qualifications to study legendary magic, but in fact, compared to spells, their combat capabilities are even more powerful.

Every Blazing God's Attendant and the accompanying giant sword are weapons with at least +5 levels and also have the characteristics of dancing in the air. Even the damage reduction of the ancient dragon can be easily broken by them.

Even if they don't have magical abilities, the Balor Fire Demon and the Hell Demon are still no match for them.

As the leader among the blazing gods, Ebris's two accompanying giant swords have already been promoted to truly legendary weapons.

At this time, it appeared.


No manipulation required.

Ebris simply enabled their features.

In pairs, these two giant swords showed their superb swordsmanship. They crossed and danced in the air, meeting the silver fire whip.

"No movement!"

At the same time, Ebris's voice, full of infinite majesty, also vibrated like thunder in the sky.

An indescribable force, just like a magical decree, surged out in the sky in an instant.

Isaac's eyes were frozen unconsciously at this moment.

"Prayer spell!"

"Spell-like ability!"

The Divine Attendant of the Blazing Sky is the first and most powerful creation of the good gods.

Having received the most favor from the gods and being endowed with the most powerful power, they can cast a "wishing spell" once a day in the form of a spell-like ability!

Even after the fall, the Blazing Gods lost the favor of the gods, but correspondingly, they were particularly welcomed by the "origin of hell", the "origin of the abyss", and even all evil and unfortunate forces in the multiverse.

Whether it is a spell-like ability or a divine ability, it has not been weakened at all.

What Ebris was performing at this time was the "Prayer Technique".

Moreover, he did not try to obliterate Xinbu, nor did he convert it into other magical arts. His prayer was directed to "imprisoning" Xinbu directly.

Even such "imprisonment" will never have much impact on people of Xinbu's level.

However, with Solomon and two Hell Fiends beside him, Ebris would naturally not think that they would not be able to seize such an opportunity!

"If you prevent me from being promoted, I will be the enemy of life and death!"

"I will use you as a sacrifice today!"

Next to him, the voice of Ebris praying was thundering.

Solomon was never slow.

Xinbu's silver fire power, even if it showed the power of divinity, could not intimidate him.

When I flipped through the magic book, I came to a blank page except for the six-pointed star array.

"Lock the spirit!"

Career accumulation comes from massive sacrifices!

The source energy of the evil realm and magic realm is surging directly!

At the same time, with his own magic knowledge, Solomon is still leveraging the original magic energy to the maximum extent!

Legendary spell!


Ebris's "wishing technique" is still making wishes.

On Solomon's side, the six-pointed star above the grimoire has already cast out shadows of star formations, covering the lightning formed by Xinbu.

Lock spirit!

The legendary spell created by Solomon when he was trapped in the Hell of Baator.

He was able to reach a contract with Ebris because this legendary spell captured and locked a little bit of Ebris's soul essence.

Originally, he had the intention to create this spell and combine it with the "Heart of Pillars" to achieve the purpose of the god-conferring ceremony.

But after the "Heart of Pillars" was lost to Sazastan, in the end, he could only accept the sponsorship of the Storm God.

And locked for this heavy six-pointed star array.

The sudden instability of the soul...

"A legendary spell created with the essence of destiny as its core!"

Even Xinbu's eyes shrank at this moment.

The figure never exited the lightning form, but reflexively.

"Composite Spell-Legendary Dispelling Technique!"

As long as the dispelling level is sufficient, there is no spell that cannot be dispelled by the legendary dispersing spell.

Not to mention that Solomon's "spirit lock" was just a combination of the essence of destiny.

Even if the true god himself casts the spell, as long as the dispelling level is enough, the legendary dispersing technique can still dispel it.

The lightning arc vibrated, accompanied by a ray of dark green light. In an instant, all the six-pointed star arrays released by the magic book dissipated.

"It does have 'compound casting'!"

But Solomon didn't change his color at all.

With Xinbu's level, no matter how many legendary expertise he masters, this is by no means an accident.

Rather than canceling out a legendary spell, the advantage was only on his side.

"Death Emblem!"

The bone claw was lifted again.

The "Tomb Binding Ceremony" is still in progress. In front of Conrad, who has not yet been completely resurrected, on the gem phylactery engraved with the Lich's skull and the Death Crown, countless death auras appear. Suddenly it erupted, and there was rapid operation. In the blink of an eye, an extremely powerful death emblem began to take shape.

The eighth-level spell "Death Emblem"!

But when this spell was cast in the hands of Solomon, it was surprisingly combined with the source energy of the "Death Realm" through the "Death Instrument".

Such a spell...

"Exceeding limit spell!"

"It's indeed interesting!"

Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly without realizing it.

Such spells are somewhat similar to the high magic of elves, and are fundamentally consistent with the Snow Queen and the "pseudo-level 10 magic" she masters.

After all, he was a lich seeking to become a god. Solomon's methods were indeed extraordinary.

But even so...

He was still in no hurry to get involved.

"Xinbu won't be so simple!"

The most important thing is that whether it is the "Prayer Technique" of the Fallen Blazing God's Attendant or Solomon's "Unlimited Spell", these are not instantaneous.

However, Xinbu's previous "instant-chain flash" had to precede their casting.

In other words, before their spellcasting was completed, Xinbu's first "instant cooldown" also ended.

She is not so simple and helpless!

As for the Hell Fiends, as for those shadow assassins, could they disrupt her response...

Xinbu in the form of lightning may suffer some damage, but it is not something that these bits can limit.

"The next round is the key!"

"Solomon has not yet taken action with all his strength, but he must still be on guard!"

This is also normal.

Xinbu is not only one of the "Seven Sisters", not only has good friends with Minnis, Kelben and others, but she is also the queen of Aglalon.

Even Solomon didn't dare to say that there must be no support behind her, or even an ambush!

Before exploding with all his strength, Solomon naturally wanted to do a little testing and observation to determine whether there was anyone behind Xinbu who was plotting to ambush him.

With this thought, Isaac took a step forward and his figure disappeared from the ground.

Almost at the same time.

There was an explosion of energy in the sky.

The silver fire whip and the magic flame sword merged.

What's more, there were two fireballs that flew out in an instant and suddenly exploded in the arc of lightning.

"Prompt spell-like ability - Fireball!"

Naturally, it came from the hands of the two hell-fiends.

With racial advancement, these two abyssal demons are both legendary level in strength. Both in terms of strength and spell-like abilities, they are much stronger than ordinary abyssal demons.

However, even if their "Fireball Technique" was instantaneous, Xinbu could not completely dodge it even if he turned into lightning.


"Immune to fireball!"

Seeing the intense fire explosion, the arc of lightning seemed to be completely unaffected, just like the explosion of the fireball technique, just a phantom.

In an instant, Solomon and the others realized this.

Right now.

The teleportation aura flashed again.

The "Frequent Appearance" that had not been used up, the lightning arc formed by Xinbu actually jumped directly to the side of the fallen blazing god.

"Mythical Spellcasting!"

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