Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1370 Everything is ready

The power of the secret ritual lasted only for a limited time, and the relationship between him and the seven sisters was a bit delicate. At this time, he didn't care about other people and polite greetings. He went straight to the point and asked the center directly.

To solve Solomon, it is not complicated at the moment.

There is nothing wrong with canceling the "Eternal Life Agreement Ceremony" and crushing it to death in the "anti-magic field" environment so that it can't even cast spells.

But this solution is only a temporary solution. It is different to completely solve it so that there is no possibility of its resurrection.

Xinbu understood what he meant, and even recognized his identity.

The "Seven Sisters" have their own unique way of communicating with each other.

Even if they haven't seen each other for a long time, the exchange of information between them will not be interrupted.

Therefore, although Xinbu has been away from the main plane for some time, he is not totally ignorant of the fateful relationship between his only sister and the green dragon.

I have heard about the magical power of this green dragon for a long time.

However, hearing is not as good as seeing. At this moment, I saw that this person was casting spells at will in the "anti-magic field", and controlled Solomon until there was no room for struggle.

Even Xinbu was secretly shocked.

She has already seen that this is the real power of magic, and it is what Solomon is trying to transform and sublimate in this ceremony!

This green dragon somehow mastered such extraordinary power in advance!

However, this is not the time to explore this point.

Getting rid of Solomon is the most important thing at the moment.

Moreover, she knew that the green dragon took the initiative to greet her and ask for advice. This was not really a request for advice, it was just a gesture.

She naturally understood why she had such a posture.

As soon as the thoughts in his mind flashed, the lightning arc also turned, and a silver-haired figure appeared in the sky.

The seven sisters all have the same beautiful silver hair.

However, Xinbu's silver hair is "unique" and different from others.

Her silver hair was completely disheveled and messy, and she hadn't combed it for an unknown amount of time.

The body is wrapped in a black robe that does not look dirty. I don't know if it is due to the battle. The hem of this black robe has already been broken a lot, and a pair of...feet are exposed!

The queen of Aglalon doesn't even bother to wear shoes!

The "Seven Sisters" are born with good foundation. No matter how sloppy they are, their beauty and charm are still difficult to cover up.

Otherwise, if a normal person looks like this, it would really mean that he is mentally disturbed!

The moment Xinbu released his lightning form, this thought passed through Isaac's mind.

Immediately afterwards, Xinbu's voice sounded: "I'm afraid it's not easy to find out where his life box is. However, we can imprison him first, and then find out slowly. 'Confinement Technique' or 'Soul Binding Technique' Technique'."

Imprisonment and Soul Binding, these are both level nine spells.

The former is the life essence that can imprison the target, causing it to fall into a state of absolute stasis like "eternal stagnation".

But it is different from "eternal stasis".

"Eternal Stasis" is a "Fortitude" directed at the target, and because the Lich is an undead creature and is not affected by any spells targeting Fortitude, "Eternal Stasis" is ineffective against the Lich.

"Confinement Technique" is different. "Confinement Technique" targets the target's "will".

As long as the "will" cannot resist, its life essence will be sealed in the ball and buried deep underground.

Unless the location of the seal can be found through certain means, and the "Unbinding Technique", which is also a ninth-level spell, can be cast nearby.

Otherwise, even "Prayer" and "Miracle" cannot directly resurrect the target. However, these two spells can know the location where the target is sealed.

"Confinement" is the most effective spell to prevent resurrection.

But the disadvantage is that with the seal of "Confinement Technique", the ball cannot be carried with you. Once the seal position is determined, the position of the ball is fixed.

"Soul Binding Technique" is different.

Although the target of the "soul binding technique" can only be a person who has just died, and the target's soul must be imprisoned, a deep sapphire is also required as a casting instrument.

The quality, or value, of this deep sapphire must also match the target's life energy level.

Based on Solomon's life energy level, this deep sapphire must be worth at least 30,000+ gold coins in order to be able to accommodate it without directly shattering it.

In this way, as long as the target's will resistance can be broken through, the target's soul can be directly imprisoned in the gem.

Unless the gem is destroyed or the magic effect on the gem is removed, all resurrection techniques will be unable to resurrect the target.

Moreover, unlike the fixed sealing location of the "Confinement Technique", such sealing gems can be carried with you or moved at any time.

However, the "Soul Binding Technique" is not without its flaws.

First of all, this requires deep sapphires of sufficient value to function as instruments and containers.

Moreover, unlike the "Confinement Technique", even if the seal point is found, the ninth-level spell "Unlocking Technique" is required to release the seal.

The deep sapphire seal of the "Soul Binding Technique" can easily release the imprisoned soul simply by destroying the gem.

Moreover, being imprisoned by the "Soul Binding Technique" has a completely different nature from being imprisoned by the "Confinement Technique".

"Confinement Technique" is a suspended animation like "Eternal Stasis". Once the confinement is completed, the subject will have no reaction at all, and it is impossible for him to struggle.

"Soul Binding Technique" is different. The soul is sealed in the gem, but the consciousness of the soul itself is still there.

Ordinary people, even if their souls have consciousness, are unable to struggle.

But a destiny lich like Solomon is absolutely different.

Even Isaac couldn't guarantee that the "Soul Binding Technique" could imprison him for longer.

Comparing the two, he quickly favored the "Confinement Technique"!

Looking at Xinbu, Isaac nodded slightly: "Does the queen have a suitable place? Or should I take him away now?"

The right place!

Xinbu naturally understood that the other side was preparing to use the "Confinement Technique" to seal it.

Although the sealing location of the "Confinement Technique" can be found with the eighth-level spell "Perception Location", and can also be found with the "Miracle Technique" and "Prayer Technique", as long as the sealing place itself is under high security, The ground itself is difficult to approach, which naturally greatly increases the difficulty of releasing the target.

At that moment, she did not hesitate: "If your Majesty has any idea, you can take this person away."

At other times, she might have had the idea of ​​retaining Solomon. This lich, who was already trying to carry out the ritual of conferring gods, was of great research significance.

But today is no different than in the past.

Whether Minnis or the Seven Sisters, they all face complex challenges.

And now, because of the star elves, Aglalon is also threatened by strange monsters in the spiritual world.

At this time, Xinbu could not guarantee how long her seal on Solomon could be maintained stably.

There is no guarantee that during this sealing period, she will be able to trace the location of Solomon's life box.

In this case, letting the green dragon take Solomon away is the most appropriate choice at the moment.

"In this case, I will no longer stay here."

"We will formally pay a formal visit to the Queen someday!"

Isaac nodded and then turned his eyes: "Let's go!"

Although he had been interested in Xinbu for a long time, it was really not the right time now.

The power of the secret ritual only lasts for a short minute, and it is impossible for him to stay here.

An order was sent to the tanar'ri.

The teleportation light flashed on him.

After a "transportation to another world", the figure disappeared in Fente City.

Immediately, the six-headed Tanari demons no longer paid attention to the battlefield, and started teleporting one after another.

In the blink of an eye, these tanar'ri demons were teleported back to the plane gate and quickly disappeared.

"Why did he snipe Solomon?"

Behind him, Xinbu frowned slightly.

As soon as she returned from Baator, she immediately became busy with Nilsha's strange things, but she didn't have a deep understanding of recent events.

"It seems that it is necessary to have some communication with Laila and Kui Lu."

As soon as the thought flashed, Xinbu didn't stop here.

With a flash of arc, she immediately flew towards the Governor's Castle, which was being attacked by the most undead.

At the same time, Isaac was already in the "Dragon Castle Demiplane" at this time.

Nothing slow.

Using the "Corrupted Techira Stone", combined with the "remaining magic power", and the understanding of Solomon, Solomon has already been deprived of all his equipment, and the "anti-magic field" has been continuing...

The "imprisonment technique" came out.

On his own, Isaac pushed the spell intensity to the normal limit.

For Solomon, he restricted it to its worst state.

It is impossible for Solomon in such a state to withstand the seal of this "imprisonment technique".

In the blink of an eye, all the life essence of this lich was sealed into a small ball. Immediately afterwards, the small ball was buried deep into the "Dragon Castle Demiplane".

"Let's see who can come here and release you!"

The "anti-magic field" on Isaac was also being lifted.

This trip went smoothly, but it was even better than he expected.

Mainly, Xinbu's restraint on Solomon and the others was much stronger than he expected.

Moreover, Solomon's own "immortality ritual", in turn, became his trump card against the lich.

Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to capture this lich alive.

But no matter what, now that Solomon has been sealed here by him...

"It's time for the first ceremony!"

Although at this time, the whereabouts of "Frost Seal" have not been captured.

Balagas has not yet taken the bait.

But Isaac was no longer prepared to wait any longer.

Throw out a ritual first to test the waters.

If it is completed successfully, that would be the best.

Even if it doesn't work...

For this first ceremony, he had a budget that was blocked.

Just to see who would jump out and try to become his enemy!

Of course, he must be more prepared.

After all, now there is the mysterious Gisverik.

Being able to destroy the entire Skull Port by himself, Gisverik has the qualifications to do so, and he must treat it seriously!

The next few days.

Isaac has entered a real state of preparation.

Planning and construction of ritual circles.

All the resources are in place.

Relevant troop movements.

Another transit demiplane base, specially created to mobilize all Tanar'ri demons!

The creation of another demiplane base integrated the power of his alliance with Ivey Kelan and the others!

This is not over yet.

He even contacted Kui Lu.

Chosen by the Goddess of Magic, although this relationship with him is very subtle, one thing cannot be denied. He got the promise from the Goddess of Magic, and then he fought with Solomon under the pressure of the God of Storms. Competition occurs head-on.

Therefore, as long as he is not directly hostile to these voters, these voters will not actively oppose him.

Under this premise, the relationship between Kui Lu and him is naturally based on mutual help.

And with the power of Kui Lu, Laila, and even Kelben, this can also be borrowed.

After all, not to mention the sisterly love between Laila and Kuilu, Kelben has always been borrowing from him for his urgent desire to eradicate the "Frost Mark"!

Moreover, there is one more important point.

Even for Nagisvirik, this is not his biggest target.

Even for the Dragon Goddess of Magic, when he positioned the ritual in the material world, this was not the primary threat.

His real greatest threat lies in the City of Shadows!

As for the City of Shadows, it is also the natural enemy of the chosen ones like the Goddess of Magic!

Kelben and the others don’t want to see the City of Shadows take away the Myser energy core, right?

Just like at that time, Kelben used the secret energy core to promote a direct conflict between him and the City of Shadows!

In this way, the time will soon arrive five days later.

"Everything is ready, all that's left is the last step!"

Dungeon, private mage tower.

Isaac, who revealed his true form as a dragon, had the Green Dragon Crown suspended in front of him, which was also returning to its true form.

It’s time to ask the Dragon Queen for help, and at the same time, it’s time to express your pursuit to the Dragon Queen!

On the road to becoming a god, if you can get help from a god, this would be extremely important.

If the Dragon Queen is willing to help him, this can prevent the Dragon Goddess of Magic from directly interfering with him!

And his pursuit of the dragon magic field showed to the Dragon Queen that he would not try to divide his authority!

This is actually a much easier road than those divine dragons suppressed by the Dragon Queen!

Of course, he would not be less on guard against the Dragon Queen.

No matter how much the Dragon Queen dotes on him, what he controls is the priesthood of greed after all!

However, for now, his pursuit is only to transform into a magical dragon, which has not yet reached the point where the dragon queen is truly greedy to devour him.

His real first step lies in the "Evil Magic Priesthood"!

With the direct promise of the Goddess of Magic, this priestly authority is the path to promotion that he can best control smoothly.

Once this step is completed, no matter how greedy the Dragon Queen is, her rationality will be indispensable.

The thought flashed.

The green dragon crown flew right over Isaac's head.

The emerald green divine light then appeared in this hall.

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