Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1374 Peeping and Transformation

This is a tall figure wearing a crimson cloak.

His face is slightly blurry, but he possesses a powerful and iron-blooded aura.

At this moment, he was standing at the highest point of a castle.

But the strange thing is that with his conspicuous clothes and aura that is very different from ordinary people, it is obvious that the patrol guards coming and going in the natural green are without interruption, but no one notices his abnormality. It may even be, No one can directly see his existence.

Looking far away at the western sky.

It was as if he could directly see the war happening deep in the mountains and around the Dragon's Castle.

This man looked slightly thoughtful.

He and Tiamat have never dealt with each other, but if given the opportunity, he doesn't mind at all and creates some trouble for Tiamat.

However, there must be a chance, it must be the right opportunity!

This divine son of Tiamat has magical power that even he must be taboo on, especially now that he is manipulating magic rituals.

If someone could fight all the way underground, interrupt the ritual, and start a real melee, then He wouldn't mind adding insult to injury and taking action.

But if he were to take action himself and kill all the way...

This kind of thing has never been His style.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, this green dragon is obviously well prepared. I am afraid that in addition to this demonic power, which even he has to look at, there must be other methods hidden yet to be revealed.

For example, the spellcaster force originating from Lei Loren that has an alliance with this green dragon!

For example, just a few days ago, the two giant dragons had a battle with the God of Storms and the Lord of the Symbols!

Not to mention, this green dragon himself is the leader of the Dragon Worship Cult, with an organized five-color dragon forming an alliance with him!

Coupled with the huge army under his command...

Its possible back-end arrangements are just too many.

He has been secretly paying attention to this green dragon for a long time, but he is well aware of the power it can unleash.

At this time, seeing that a large number of demonic powers were being killed on the battlefield over there, which even he did not have control over, this man knew a lot about it, and the green dragon's preparations were probably even better than he had expected. more fully.

"Just watch."

"Let's first look at the purpose of these people in the City of Shadows. What are their purposes?"

"Let's also see... what is the purpose of this green dragon's magic ritual?"

In recent years, although He has mainly been active in the southern countries, he cannot fail to recognize his long-term influence in Sambia. Those who want to attack the Son of God Tiamat at this time are those from the Shadow Realm. The returning arcanist.

And to allow these arcane masters to travel across many countries and travel thousands of miles from the north to the south...

Even he was equally curious about their purpose. He was also curious about what the green dragon wanted to do by launching this magic ritual.

However, curiosity is curiosity, but considering some of the information just received, that guy Ebris was easily exiled for this green dragon, and Solomon was even suspected of imprisoning him. After all, he was bound to have taboos.

He has not yet reached an agreement with Asmodeus and is still in exile, but it is not yet time to return to Baator.

If even He was exiled at this time, this would affect His big plan.

In the final analysis, this incident happened too suddenly.

Otherwise, if he could prepare in advance and bring more people into it, the green dragon would never be able to pass easily today.

"Good things take a long time."

"It seems that the Dragon Witch Sect is not so easy to win after all!"

From the green dragon's side, the man quickly thought of another aspect.

This is the real reason why He appears in Nature's Green at this time.

Otherwise, the mere fact that Tiamat dislikes him and the things about the Shield Knight are not enough to make him stare at the green dragon.

But it was him who was remotely sensing the situation on the battlefield and making some inferences at the same time.

Suddenly, there was a soft "Hey", and his eyes moved again.

On the other side of the battlefield, something happened that even he didn't expect.

It is the demon army, joining forces with the kobold army, at the moment of the battle with the ghosts.

A huge shadow dragon suddenly entered the battlefield.

But the shadow dragon is not referring to the ghosts, nor the demons nor the kobolds.

Under the control of a bald man, the Shadow Dragon pointed out four slaads from the void!

Slaadi, these are probably the ones that caused some chaos in Sambia!

There is no need to doubt the bald man, he is the first chosen one of the God of Thieves!

At this moment, I felt remotely that the reason why this person was surprised and suspicious was precisely because of this bald man.

He has always had a deep influence in Sambia.

I have known about this chosen one of the God of Thieves for a long time.

But what he felt at this time, this bald man gave him a feeling that was definitely not understanding.

Faintly, from this bald man, he even sensed a feeling that might pose a direct threat even to him!

"It should be the power of shadow!"

"How much divine essence did Mask put into him?"

"Is there some plot to achieve something through him?"

For a moment, this man's expression changed continuously.

Although Mask has fallen to a weak level of divine power, the God of Thieves is not only in charge of the conspiracy priesthood, but also the most powerful assassin without a doubt. Not to mention that he has been exiled from Baator Hell, and he was once in charge of the Lord of Hell. When you are in authority, you should also be extremely taboo about this person.

The situation is getting more and more complicated.

But it's not over yet.

It was this chosen one of the God of Thieves who suddenly rode out on a dragon and swept away the slaadi.

In just a blink of an eye, the man in red robe's eyes narrowed again.

A figure in black robes walked out, and with a raised hand, he easily blocked the bald man and the shadow dragon.

It's not just that.

When his gaze was remotely sensed on this person, the person seemed to have a reaction at the same time, and his eyes suddenly turned to his side.

In the air, the two of them met each other's eyes in response to each other.

Another strong man who exceeds expectations and whose origin is unknown!

However, this person's attack was not able to crush the bald man at will.

It's not that it can't be done.


Almost as soon as this person appeared, along with another space fluctuation, another plane door appeared in the sky.

It was two silver-haired women who walked out of the plane gate.


Kui Lu-Vila Zhuo!

One of the Seven Sisters!

The most important thing is that, once again, it exceeded His expectations.

The appearance of these two people met the man in black robe.

It looked like it was coming with help from the green dragon.

At least, in this behavior, it helped the green dragon!

With this insertion of them.

The mysterious man in black robe, and even the city of ghosts, were all directly restrained.

"The two dragons of 'Sharp Teeth' have not yet appeared, and the power of the Dragon Worship Cult has not shown any signs of movement. In addition, Lei Loren's organization..."

With just a little thought in his mind, this person completely stopped thinking.

He will not ignore that the Red Kingdom itself is extremely powerful.

This is not the right time for Him to show up!

The men in black robes were fighting directly with Laila and Kui Lu.

Above the castle, this man's figure slowly disappeared.

Having been aware of its existence and judging that it could not stop the green dragon, he simply gave up completely.

In this way, at least no one knows that He has come, and there will be no direct wariness against Him!

And just above the surface, the mountains are shattering.


Isaac couldn't care less about that.

Although this ritual started, he was prepared to be blocked at any time.

But as the "Entanglement Talisman" has not appeared for a long time, Balagas has not seen any shadow. Moreover, according to the message from the surface, those slaadi and Najisvirik actually gave Erevis a message. First intercepted...

Isaac knew it in his heart, and if he continued like this, he would be sure to complete this ritual directly!

"Come out all of them, join forces with the Tanar'ri, and defeat the ghosts!"

When the Lich Archmage Du Bois came again, he issued the order to attack with all his strength.

Immediately, the Lich Archmage and the Ghost Archmage, who had been holding on in general, plus the two ancient black dragon lichs that had been lurking here for a long time, immediately broke out of the ground.

But it's not just them.

In the sky, once again, another plane door opened.

The huge figures of Aiweikelan and Claudia Marta also came out.

Although originally, they were prepared for Baragas, the Lord of Symbols.

But at this time, Saphirekta had received the message from "Frost Seal" and Balagas, and had gained an understanding. Each of them tried to contact him to form an alliance against Ai Sac's side.

Naturally, this is not the current thing!

Those two will basically not take action at this time!

And since they won’t take action...

There is no need for Ivy and I to ambush anything anymore!

When these two parties joined the battlefield one after another.

Especially the entry of Ivico LS Gran into the battle.

Even in this raid, Telamont personally led the team, Revalan and Yada were also involved, plus the brothers Martik and Vatik, plus Brenas, and the fellow Prince of Shadows. Lamourek, and Professor Hadj Horner, Teramonte's assistant.

This is more than half of the most high-end power in the City of Shadows!

But even so...

Facing the three giants led by the six-armed snake demon queen, the number even reached 20, the legendary demon team, the Lich Archmage and the Ghost Archmage, two ancient black dragon lichs, and the last one who was killed Ivica LS Gran and Claudia Marta…

The gap in high-end power is obvious!

Especially, after Ivico LS Gran's action directly restrained Terramont, this gap became more and more obvious.

Isaac then ignored the situation above the surface.

With the intention of simply completing the ritual and realizing the transformation of the magical dragon today, he was completely focused on the ritual itself.

at this time.

The power of the secret ritual has been activated.

However, with the parallel connection of the three magic arrays in just one minute, and with the control that exceeded the limit, he had already achieved the most difficult step, which was to connect the source energy of the "Dragon Realm" with the Myser Energy Core. The released magic source energy is integrated into one.

"Seed of Change!"

"Strengthening seeds!"

"Spell Seed!"

A series of legendary seeds, according to the design, gradually absorbed this "dragon magic source energy" into its own essence.

The mind and will are simultaneously integrated into this process.

The advancement of destiny is the sublimation of a concept, which lies in the mind and the soul.

The destiny of the magical dragon is exactly the concept of the dragon itself and the compatibility of the dragon's magic field!

Originally, to realize this destiny, it naturally depends on the "nature" of the soul itself.

If the dragon can completely transform its greedy nature for treasures into a pursuit of magical mysteries, it will naturally transform into a magical dragon step by step, corresponding to the dragon's magical realm.

But Isaac's current step is different.

He works from the outside in.

First, he forcibly summons the source energy of the "Dragon Magic Realm", and then through the design of the legendary ritual, he completely integrates himself with this source energy, first realizing the transformation of the body's essence, and then further referring to the soul's essence.

With such a change, he didn't need to give up his destiny of "Dragon of Conferred Gods".

Of course, being able to achieve this transformation has a crucial relationship with his own quality, which has already met the prerequisite for the transformation of the "Magic Dragon".

In this ritual, not just any dragon can be forcibly transformed.

Manipulating the ritual array with all his heart, he continuously absorbs the endless "dragon magic source energy" into himself through the corresponding legendary spell design.

The constant transformation of the body’s nature.

At the level of the soul, Isaac has been constantly feeling the conceptual aura given by the great Dragon Father within a few days of light. His connection with the "Dragon Magic Realm" has been deepening. , constantly close.



At some point, my heart suddenly moved.

A feeling that comes directly from the "Dragon Magic Realm", a kind of shock, a kind of repulsion, and even an offensive impact.

It was as if the realm itself was trying to throw away his active connection!

However, Isaac was already prepared for this.

Moreover, with the strength of his life, the strength of his will, and most importantly, the essence of his soul already has the nature of destiny.

Even though this impact happened suddenly, it didn't make him panic at all. With his mind and will, he completely withstood it all.

That's it.


It seems that from outside the "Dragon Magic Realm", but also within the broadest category of the "Dragon Realm", a strong and overbearing will is suppressing.

The repulsion of the domain itself, with the suppression and interference of this will, was suddenly blocked back.

In his mind, Isaac once again connected with the realm itself.

The Dragon Queen is taking action!

Although the Dragon Queen's recovery is still weak to divine power, it is still one step away from medium divine power.

But she is in charge of the power of the five-color evil dragon and is also the god of the great dragon father. At least at the moment, at the level corresponding to this world, she is completely worthy of the dragon magic goddess with medium divine power!

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