Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 801 Slavery and Domination (Part 1)

"King of Frost Giants!"

When the call from far away has not really started, Isaac only used the name of "Lord of Darkness" to arouse the primitive hatred of "Lord of Angry" and the will of destruction of "Lord of Angry", through "Frost Fire" The channel "Roaring" suddenly poured into the main material plane...

It is precisely to crush the disobedient one by one with endless magical power. On the one hand, it is to intimidate and conquer these high tanari. On the other hand, it is also to lure the "King of Demonic Flame" to appear. Kugas, the son of hell, suddenly trembled in the Demon King's bloodline. He turned his eyes to the east for an instant, and for the first time, a solemn look was revealed in his eyes.

Not only him, but also the Flor Demon Advisor who wanted to cooperate with his magical power and continue to threaten and persuade the high-level Tanari to surrender, his expression suddenly changed.

If you say "son of hell", this is the instinctive hostile reaction of the Demon King's bloodline to that other side, and they have not yet reacted to everything there immediately.

This is not the case with Advisor Flo.

Skrox had experienced the war initiated by the "Steel Ice Field" against "Azgrat".

As a general under the "Lord of Darkness", the Flo Demon army he led also had a real bloody battle with the frost giant army of the "Steel Ice Field".

Therefore, he not only witnessed, but also personally participated in the battle in which the demon army of "Azgrat" easily defeated the huge army composed of frost giants and white dragons.

He was even lucky enough to see with his own eyes that the lord of the "Iron Ice Field" was also driven out of "Azgrat" by the "Lord of Dark An" without any effort!

And precisely because I have seen it with my own eyes...

At this time, the will filled with endless destruction and hatred broke through the forest sky in an instant.

Almost immediately after, from that direction, the vast abyss of magical energy caused the color of the world to change.

Skrox's expression changed drastically in an instant, and with the Tanar'ri Demon's natural telepathy ability, his voice was directly transmitted to the heart of the half-purgatory fire giant: "It seems to be the 'King of Frost Giants' Kostchichi!

Your Majesty, you must be vigilant. Although this 'King of Frost Giants' is irrational and is not worth mentioning among the Lord's enemies, as the sole ruler of the 'Steel Ice Field', this is the true Lord of the Abyss after all. Far from being comparable to those demon lords and inferior abyss lords.

Also, this 'King of Frost Giants' is extremely hostile to the Lord. If he comes, I am afraid that he will stand on the opposite side of you, the king, without any surprise. "

As a senior warrior of "Azgrat", he has a deep enough understanding of the bottomless abyss. Advisor Flo's warning at this time is to divide the "demon lord" into three levels.

One type is a demon lord who has not completed his rule over the abyss level, but has authority similar to that of an "abyss lord", such as the "Barlow Fire Demon Lord" or the "Six-Armed Snake Demon Lord".

And because they do not truly rule a level, the demon lords at this level are the lowest level considered by Skullocks as "demon lords".

For example, in the three major levels of "Azkatra", there are several "Demon Lords" of this level under the "Lord of Darkness", who have been serving him!

The second type is those who have mastered the power at the abyss level, but cannot completely master it. Regardless of whether this "inability" is due to lack of ability or because there are terrible evils that cannot be conquered in some dangerous places. There is no complete Authority means that there is no complete authority. This level is regarded as a "secondary abyss lord" by Advisor Flo.

The third type is like the "King of Frost Giants" who truly rules the entire abyss level. In its realm, it is a great existence like a true god and a true lord of the abyss.

Such an abyss lord is the real ruler of the bottomless abyss. Even if there are vaguely "three giants of the abyss" who have qualifications beyond this level, fundamentally speaking, they are only "faintly" and only "have" Qualifications", he is still regarded as an "Abyss Lord".

Such a true lord of the abyss...

No matter how weak the "King of Frost Giants" is when facing the "Lord of Dark Darkness".

Just look at it, "Lord of Darkness" has not been able to completely destroy it, and the "Steel Ice Field" is still the mortal enemy of "Azgrat". It can be seen that the power of this "King of Frost Giants" is absolutely matched. It’s true that he is the “Lord of the Abyss”!


"It's the 'King of Demonic Flames'!"

"To be able to rule the 'Hell Gate Castle' and make these guys dare not betray them even to death, this person's evil and power are indeed worthy of his reputation!"

Advisor Flo was in fear of the "King of Frost Giants", but Kugas, the Son of Hell, quickly suppressed the surge of blood and looked into the distance at the thing that had always broken through all levels and made the world change color. The vast and infinite magical energy is like an abyss or an ocean...

At this moment, what floated in his mind was the name of Angus, the "King of Demonic Flames"!

There is no need for any association. At this time, he has the ability to forcibly summon an existence like the "King of Frost Giants" to the main material world. Apart from the person from "Hell Gate Castle", no one else should There will be no one else.

He is familiar with the bottomless abyss, no stranger to the demon lord, and he is confident enough in his own power.

"King of Frost Giants", if this was in the environment of the bottomless abyss, he would naturally stay out of the way and have no intention of direct confrontation.

But this is the main material plane!

No matter how powerful this abyss lord is, in the main material plane, he does not have the essence of "divine-like power" after all.


Kugas even doubted that this "Frost Giant King" who accepted the summons was basically impossible to be the true body of his demon lord!

It's not the body, but the incarnation...

As the son of the "Lord of Darkness", as the Fire Giant Lord, and as the dark guard that the "Fire Giant God" pays the most attention to, how could he cower and fear in front of the incarnation of this "brainless barbarian"?

Compared with the "King of Frost Giants", Kugas is more concerned about the fact that he can forcibly summon him, and there is probably the "King of Demonic Flame" who can suppress his will and resistance, as well as What means are waiting for him?

"We can't really get entangled with this barbarian!"

"If you are really entangled by him, and a guy like the 'King of Demonic Flame', who has the ability of 'legendary spellcasting', is watching in the dark..."

Looking into the distance, the infinite magical energy has completely penetrated the material world and the abyss level. Endless evil, endless destruction, and endless hatred and coldness are spreading endlessly in the sky like an explosion shock wave.

Almost immediately, a giant shadow like a demon god appeared with boundless destructive power in the mind, will, and soul perception level even though it was far away and not very noticeable in the material field of view...

Kugas, the Son of Hell, did not even look at the surrounding high-level tanaris, and grasped the void with his dark-gloved hands.


It sounded like an explosion.

Incomparably blazing flames rose up in his dark hands.

The terrifying high temperature also exudes a strong evil aura, but it is not as depraved and destructive as the "fire of purgatory". It is more like... the one he had activated before, which directly interrupted all "magic detection". A blazing red fire!

This blazing red flame rises up...

The space of more than ten feet around the semi-purgatory fire giant actually seemed to have formed a field of flames, in which red and even more intense high temperatures accumulated endlessly.

This is……

"Legendary Flame Warrior!"

"There is even...evil holy power!"

Huddled aside, it was for the distance, no need to guess, it must be the legendary summoning technique performed by the "King of Demonic Flames", and the change of color made him even more fearful and vaguely regretful.

At this moment, in the hands of the "son of hell", these two flaming giant swords were summoned...

Kenil Walker and Tanta Haggas' eyes couldn't help but shine with strange colors.

It has to be said that the power of this "son of hell" really exceeded their expectations.

However, the current situation, the more powerful this person is, the happier they will be.


And it was Kugoth who summoned his legendary flaming swords.

In a distant place, a roaring sound that shook the earth and revealed the will of destruction and hatred was also heard.

Together with the roar, even ten miles away, one could still clearly see that a bolt of lightning filled with a strong chaotic essence was shining.

Tanar'ri's "Advanced Teleportation"!

coming soon!

Be it Kenil Walker, Kugas, Son of Hell, or even the fire giants, six-armed snake demons and others below who were slowed down due to the mutation, encirclement and resistance, they also looked at each other. Tight, he involuntarily turned his attention away.


"It's the 'King of Frost Giants' Kostchichi!"

"The Abyss Lord who rules the 23rd layer of the Abyss, the 'Steel Ice Field'!"

"It was the 'King of Demon Flame', no, it was the 'King of Red' who took action!"

The location of the Grandfather Tree.

The Lich of Beren and others would not be unaware of such drastic changes.

However, with awareness, I can also judge that it is probably related to the "Lord of the Abyss", but... it has been dormant for too long, and the rise of the "Lord of Anger" in the Abyss has only been in the past few hundred years, or What happened in the past thousands of years, whether it is the two Beren Liches or the Grandfather Tree, there is no way to judge the origin of this person.

On the contrary, when the "High Magic Detection" turned that way, Storm-Silverhand was sure with just one glance.

More, while this is confirmed...

His expression was far more solemn than when Nakugoth, the Son of the Abyss, appeared and showed terrifying power.

Summoning Costchurch!

This not only means that the incarnation of the "Lord of the Abyss" is coming, but more importantly...

The Harper's secret information, this "legendary summons", corresponds to the "King of Red"!

At this time, the "King of Demonic Flames" began to summon "Costchich"... This was no longer deliberately hiding his identity. In other words, this legendary dragon could take him with him at any time. All the power is unleashed!

Although Storm-Silverhand has an upright character and cannot tolerate sand in his eyes, but...

Summon Kostchurch and join in the battle of gods!

The group annihilation includes the great devils, including two legendary archmages, and the legendary achievements of a group of pit demons and horned demons!

What's more, Laila's intention revealed that both she and Kelben were very taboo about this person!

Also... if this person really no longer hides his identity as the "King of Red", this means that this person will invest the legions of the Red Kingdom and even the five-color evil dragons with him as their leader. It’s possible here!

Compared to this, just the fact that "Costchurch" accepted the call is not even that important and critical.

It is precisely with this clear understanding that no matter how determined Storm-Silverhand is, he still cannot suppress the solemn feeling in his heart.

There is only one way to deal with such pressure!

However, what Laila said yesterday was right in her ears!

There is no possibility of keeping this person! ?

"King Red?"

"The one between Tethyr and Amn?"

Storm-Silverhand's words, the two Beren Liches were still considering the will of the "King of Frost Giants" and "Grandfather Tree", but suddenly there was a wave.

Different from the slumber of the Beren Lich, although most of the time, his consciousness is integrated into the group consciousness of the Supreme Forest, he still has a certain understanding of emerging forces like the Red Kingdom that have directly reached the national level. .

In particular, the "Crying of Wells Forest" incident caused by the green dragon was closely related to the wood elves, so he would not have failed to understand it.

"It's this green dragon!"

"We need to be more prepared."

"in addition……"

Storm Silverhand nodded slightly. As he spoke, he saw the teleportation lightning shining within the "magic light curtain"...

"King Red has summoned the King of Frost Giants!"

First, she whispered the names "Lila" and "Kelben", and then, instead of using the name "King of Demon Flame", she directly said the name "King of Red".

Combine this with "Summoning the Frost Giant King"...

Laila and Kelben would not understand what she meant!

"King Red?"

"Green Dragon?"

"Who is he?"

Some doubts emerged in the eyes of the two Beren Liches.

At the same time, Oswell raised his paw slightly and pointed it at the light screen.

It was the figure of the King of Frost Giants. The moment he was teleported away, the picture in the light curtain fell again.

Suddenly, under the forest, the figures of the group of kobold dragon warlocks were reflected.




Almost at the same time, the two Beren Liches were asking for information about the "King of Red", but before Storm-Silverhand could respond, both of them looked suspicious and startled again.

Through "High Magic Detection", although they were penetrated by them, the magical environment of that forest was clearly the most authentic "elf magic"!

What's more, except for these kobold warlocks, their "high magic detection" was actually unable to capture the existence of the elves, Balor Balrog, or the green dragon that Storm-Silverhand said!

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