Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 803 Good impression

It was in response to Isaac's thought.

The flaming twin swords of Kugosi are unparalleled in power.


Roaring with hatred again.

In the hands of the angry lord, "Frostfire Roar" finally swung up.

And just swung this legendary war hammer...

The sky is endlessly cracking, the forest, and even the earth are also completely shattered. Even the elements, even the magic, even the space, everything is shattered endlessly with the swing of this legendary war hammer.

This is……

Pure power!

It is the state of "hating and berserk" by the angry lord, even Enser's second-generation god king, even this true god who holds the priesthood of "war", must have inferior pure power!

Such infinite power...

Even the Primordial Golden Dragon and the Primordial Red Dragon are a whole level behind.

It is the original dragon, or the original dragon advanced by the ancient red dragon and the ancient golden dragon. If it does not have four or five times, or even more age-level advancements, it may be difficult to fight against it.

Such a level of pure power... Only the king of the frost giants, the lord of the abyss, and the domains of "strength", "war", and "fury" can be possessed.

For so many years, Isaac has never seen such a pure power. There is no strong person, or even a god, that can compare with this berserk form of Kostchurch.


Seeing the other side of the battlefield, even he, only in Enser's last battle, is the power of "destruction" that he had seen before, coming again...

"Kostchurch, a savage, is not the kind of guy who 'follows the public and disobeys the other'."

Isaac narrowed his eyes slightly.

Those evils in the lower planes are best at "rebellion".

Therefore, many demons and devils who accept summoning, even though they are strongly restricted by "summoning" and "sworn binding", cannot directly disobey the order of the summoner, but...

Finding a loophole at any time, and then killing the summoner, is nothing more than a normal thing for the evil in the lower plane.

Compared to these guys, the "King of Frost Giants" is undoubtedly one of them.

"Devil's Chronicle" has said that the "King of Frost Giants" is far more than just brute force and invincibility. He actually has quite powerful magic-like abilities, but... almost no one can see him use it!

It's not that he can't use it, but when the true gods use "divine power" to cast spells, how can it be possible that the "King of Frost Giants" can't use it at all?

This is……

According to the introduction of "Devil Chronicles", once Kostchurch enters the fighting state, all he has in his mind is the words "put your head down and do it"!

What spell or not, what breath or breath, it has nothing to do with him.

Unther once, and this time again.

In the two contacts, Isaac has quite agreed with the "image" portrayal of Him on top of the "Devil Chronicle".

This is really a "barbarian"!


It's better to be a "barbarian"!

This kind of "barbarian" who "rushes to the top" and "puts his head down" when he fights is the angry lord he likes!

"I have summoned him twice with the 'Roar of Frostfire', and it will not be so easy to continue to use this channel next time."

"However... it's not that there is no way to persuade him!"

"The environment of the extremely cold place, and even the big glacier itself, are attractive enough for him..."

Looking at the battlefield, the destruction hammer of the King of Frost Giants, and the legendary flaming giant sword strengthened by the "Son of Hell" with the evil energy of purgatory, merged in a short period of time, directly smashing the sky and shattering the sky. earth.

What's more, even the "Son of Hell", before the unparalleled power of the destroying hammer, can only fight and retreat, taking advantage of his "sensitivity".

The thought flickering in Isaac's eyes has already turned from that side to the cold place.

The so-called extremely cold land is a piece of frozen land, because it is adjacent to the "Great Glacier", even in summer, it is covered with frost and cold, and the frozen land world is sparsely populated.

However, although the population is sparsely populated, the various resources of the permafrost, especially various mineral deposits, are extremely rich, which naturally attracts many adventurers, and even more... such as giant dragons, or Habitat for creatures that prefer freezing environments.

And among the creatures that love the freezing environment...

The extremely cold place, not to mention the "Great Glacier", is where the frost giants live in their original plane, the most important place to live. The frost giants over there are even more powerful than those hidden deep in the "Spine of the World". is to be larger.

And the frost giants...

According to Isaac's understanding, the "Lord of Wrath" has been seeking for the "God of Frost Giants" in the giant pantheon to control the priesthood of "Frost Giants".

And His main means of seeking...

This is not a "brain eater" who conspires and tricks. This person's methods have always been straightforward.

Find the tribe of frost giants, conquer the tribe of frost giants, hammer all those who disobey to death, those who obey can take the "steel ice field", take it away directly, and those who can't take it away directly, you must also erect your faith in him!

And the reason why it can be done like this...

It is said that this person is in possession of a sacred artifact called "Arched Gate". With this sacred artifact, if certain conditions are met, he will be able to directly create a "Plane Portal".

More, from certain legendary deeds.

For example, he personally led the army of frost giants to invade the tribe of frost giants in the material world, and even the kingdom of frost giants.

From the fact that he also led the army to attack other abyss levels, it is said that he once destroyed some "little lords".

It is even said that he led an army to directly attack the kingdom of the "God of the Frost Giants"...

From these legendary deeds, it is obvious that the "Plane Portal" created by this holy artifact can not only lead to the kingdoms, but even allow the "King of Frost Giants" to descend into the material world!

Such a holy artifact, according to legend, countless abyss lords covet it.

Not to mention these demons, even Isaac is also deeply curious about its essence.

Of course, if you are curious, you are curious, and if you want to study, you want to study. For the time being, he has no more intentions about it.

The reason why I paid attention to it...

"The frost giants in the extremely cold land and the great glacier are said to believe in the 'God of Frost Giants' and the 'Goddess of Winter'. This influence has not really formed there yet."

"If you can help him to shape the 'arched gate' on the great glacier..."

Ten miles away, there was a fierce battle of ice and fire.

Looking from a distance, Isaac looked calm, but from time to time, a thoughtful look flashed in the depths of his eyes.

To convince this "barbarian", there shouldn't be any major problems.

On the contrary, if you want to "strongly bind" the "barbarian" body, you need to think carefully.

Fortunately, "Great Glacier" is either somewhere else, or he has really messed up...

"This is also a good thing!"

A strange color flickered in Isaac's eyes.

The extremely cold place is the base camp of the metal dragon, and the Golden Dragon King's Court is over there.

And the "Great Glacier"...

Legend has it that the largest glacier in the material world may not have formed naturally!

There is suspicion that this may have something to do with the former "King of Justice" of the Golden Dragon Court!

The King of Justice is the leader of the Golden Dragon Court, that is, the King of Golden Dragons.

And the Jinlong clan has a tradition of advanced "warlocks".

Therefore, every king of justice is undoubtedly the ancient golden dragon with legendary spellcasting ability, or even the original dragon that goes further.

Of course, Isaac is very familiar with the current "King of Justice".

The current "King of Justice" is a powerful ancient golden dragon named "Lares"!

However, to be strong is to be strong, but some information shows that this person who was able to become the "King of Justice" was not captured by strength, nor was he chosen by prestige, more...

It is a concession from the predecessor!

The former "King of Justice" Protarnes was undoubtedly the primordial dragon, and there is no doubt that this man's attainments in the field of magic, even the entire Golden Dragon Clan, should only have "Dragon Magic" Goddess" is the ancient golden dragon chosen who can be compared with him.

After stepping down as the "King of Justice", the current title of this ancient golden dragon is exactly the "King of the Great Glacier"!

Far from being a little bit of clues, a lot of suspicion points to the fact that the formation of the "Great Glacier" is related to the legendary spell of the former "King of Justice"!

It is worth mentioning that……

During the long period of the leader Golden Dragon King Ting, the relationship between Golden Dragon King Ting and elves was quite cold.

If it weren't for this man who also hates all evil, especially the five-color dragon, even in the present era, he is still driving away and destroying all kinds of evil in the "Great Glacier"...

Isaac actually had a good impression of his indifferent attitude towards the elves.

The creator of "Dragon Madness Lock", the terminator of the age of giant dragons, how could the dragon clan go after those sharp-eared spirits?

In this regard, the current "King of Justice" obviously lacks the courage of his predecessor!

Of course, favors belong to favors, and it creates some troubles for him. Even if there is a chance to clean up this one, Isaac will not show mercy.

"King of the Frost Giants!"

"The Great Glacier King!"

"King of Justice!"

"Also, those two from the Dragon Witch Cult!"

Looking at the distant battlefield, with a thoughtful look on his face, countless thoughts flashed in Isaac's mind.

However, after all, he did not keep watching.

In just a short period of time, there were dozens of full-strength mergers there. Whether it was Kostchurch or Kugas-Child of Hell, they all burst out with various abilities, but they never were able to tell the real winner.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, or received some message.

Isaac, who had been watching from a distance like an "outsider", flashed his eyes, and a smile that seemed to be not a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"It really started!"

"It really is the usual style of those two!"

"Since this is the case, it should be over here, and it is in line with their wishes!"

With a flash of thought, another thought in the heart, a voice of "ready" was transmitted directly to the hearts of all the loyal servants.

The loyal servants adjusted their minds one after another, needless to say, entering a state of readiness.

However, Isaac threw another "short message technique" to the other side of the battlefield: "Are you still doing it? Are you waiting for me?"

This "short message" is sent out one by one.

In one corner of the battlefield, on the one hand, they were far away from the aftermath of the devastating battle between the "Angry Lord" and "Son of Hell", and on the other hand, there were Cambion and the witch who couldn't restrain their distracting thoughts. Immediately, his complexion tensed up.

For a time, the strength of the half-purgatory fire giant gave them a little hope of getting out of trouble.

However, with the summoning of the "Wrathful Lord", it is more likely that the infernal fire giant is so powerful, but not only failed to suppress the "Angry Lord", but gradually began to show a little disadvantage.

And at this time, the "King of Demon Flame" who summoned the "Angry Lord" hasn't even shown up yet!

At this moment, they could only pray secretly that Kugas, the Son of Hell, had any hidden means that were useless, preferably specially prepared means for the "King of Demon Flame".

Otherwise... I'm afraid they won't even be able to "betray".

And the more "powerless" and "helpless"...

The order of the "King of Demon Flame" has just arrived!

The premise of mastering their "life essence" and using it to execute the "venomous erosion" punishment...

As long as the "King of Demon Flame" doesn't show up, no matter how unwilling they are, they can only obey orders.

Especially, in the situation where the "children of hell" are still completely restrained and even gradually suppressed by the "angry lord", it is even more difficult for them to have any room to disobey.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

With a pair of eyes, both of them saw what the other was thinking.

Kenil Walker and Tanta Haggs, even though they were not sure whether the "King of the Demon Flame" was looking at them, both bowed in a gesture of complete surrender and obedience.

And this response, after the mind link of the "short message technique" was disconnected.

Kenil Walker said: "Help Salien and the others first, and continue to contain those fire giants. Your Majesty has ordered them not to escape."

He acted as the "King of Demonic Flame" and was watching.

After all, the "son of hell" has already happened, even if it came secretly, but obviously, the "King of Demon Flame" is well aware of all this.

At such a critical juncture, if there is no absolute opportunity, how can he go one step further and really offend this person?

"As it should."

"Your Majesty's demon god-like power, even the abyss lord will be subdued. These fire giants dare to offend, so we can't let any of them escape."

The ghost hag is also "awe-inspiring".

In fact, compared to Cambion's ambition and unwillingness to let others down, if she hadn't had an urgent desire for the "Book of Dirty Darkness", she, who was once attached to Greensac, would not mind submitting to the current "Book of Magic Flame" at all. under the command of the king.

Nowadays, if the "Book of Dirty Darkness" is really impossible to succeed...

The "private" communication between the two of them, both of them flew towards the six-armed snake demon.

And the other side.

This is the place shrouded in the "elven magic barrier".

Control with absolute magic, more shaping control.

The direct manifestation of pure evil and despair, but also the most primitive evil and misfortune.

Darker than darkness, swallowing all light.

A dark scene is forming and spreading.

However, as if the forest was directly swallowed, the entire space became pure darkness.

"The domain of blasphemy!"

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