Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 805 Fatty who loves and hates

"The Angry Lord Kostchurch!"

"The one who can summon him... Could it be that one?"

The darkest depths of the Endless Cavern.

In an ancient underground palace hidden in the darkness.

Wearing a gorgeous robe of a great mage, a fat lich, with blood-red eyes, looked at the picture that appeared in the two magic crystal balls in front of him.

A frown that could be directly felt clearly appeared in his bloody eyes.

In the past few hundred years, he was destroyed by Silvermoon City and Yeerlan Kingdom jointly because of the "Dark Hand Brotherhood", but he lost a lot of minions.

And because of the hostility with Kelben and Laila, he also put away a lot of tentacles.

However, life is long enough.

Regardless of the early years, there are still many apprentices he taught in this underground palace, and they still exist in the form of liches.

It was after the coastal development of the Sword Coast that he secretly set foot there, especially on Baldur's Gate, where he even established a secret academy of magic.

And these all have their own extensions and expansions.

Today's him, even though he hasn't stepped out of the Supreme Forest for some years, is no stranger to the changes in the outside world.

If his judgment is not wrong...

"King of Red?!"

Staring at one of the two magic crystal balls, he saw that the "King of Frost Giants" was attacking again and again, and although most of the time, even he could not "detect" the target clearly, but from time to time, the face Facing the berserk attack of the "King of the Frost Giants", after all, there was still a situation where the figure flashed and disappeared...

Naturally, Aowo would not fail to understand the essence of this.

This should be, under the destructive attack of the "King of Frost Giants", the ability to obstruct "detection" was broken from time to time, so it appeared, but it was quickly reshaped, so it disappeared again The phenomenon.

Undoubtedly, this fire giant lord, who seems to be of the blood of the demon king, is so powerful that even he will undoubtedly look sideways.

However, at this moment, Aowo's attention is only on the "King of Frost Giants" and the mysterious spellcaster who forcibly summoned this abyss lord before.

Summon the King of the Frost Giants!

According to the information he has, the entire continent should have only appeared twice in the past two thousand years, excluding the present.

The first time, it should have happened almost 1500 years ago. In the final battle between the Nafeel Empire and the Lomansa Empire, among the number of demon lords summoned was this "Frost Giant" "King of the Fire Element", who was summoned at the same time was also an incarnation of the "God of the Fire Element".

This battle ultimately destroyed everything. The Nafeel Empire and the Lomansa Empire were both defeated, and both were destroyed here.

Based on Owo's judgment, this place should have nothing to do with ancient Nafeel and ancient Lomansa.

And since it has nothing to do with them...

There is only one possibility.

Twelve years ago, during the decisive battle between the Demon Dragon Queen and the God King Enser, the green dragon in the Red Kingdom also made such a compulsory summoning!

But, if it's really this...

Puzzled slightly, Aowo quickly sorted out the relevant information in his mind.

First of all, the attack on the "Grandfather Tree" was launched, and even for this reason, the progress of the decisive battle at the Heishui River was delayed to a certain extent. Especially the idea of ​​the "Mist Hall" guarded by the "Grandfather Tree" in the legend.

Then, the fire giant lord and his fire giant followers should want to take advantage of the fisherman, and want to grab the maximum benefit after the "Gate of Hell" and the "Grandfather Tree" are both defeated.

After this was noticed, it obviously aroused the anger of the "Gate of Hell" again, so there was a fierce battle between the high-level Tanari and the fire giant team.

However, after the fire giant lord walked out uncontrollably, the "King of Demon Flame" did not show up. Instead, the suspected "King of Red" summoned the "Lord of Wrath" to contain and even suppress him. Lord of Fire Giants...

"Then the green dragon should not be idle and have nothing to do."

"It's his goal, and it's also the 'Mist Hall', so it shouldn't be possible to make a move now."


"Two possibilities!"

"It could be that the 'King of Demonic Flames' has reached a joint agreement with him, and he is also convinced that the 'King of Demonic Flames' will keep the agreement."

"Or, the two of them..."

The formation of this latter thought.

In Aowo's bloody eyes, the evil light flickered.

Judging from the equally legendary spellcasting abilities of the "King of Demon Flame" and "King of Red", this possibility really exists.

And if so...

"It doesn't matter!"

Countless thoughts flashed by in an instant, and Aowo shook his head slowly.

Of course, judging from the information he has, the relationship between the one from Red Kingdom and the Black Rod Tower is not really hostile, and they even had some exchanges.

However, the King of Red is still in charge of the "Five-Color Temple" and only worships the position of the Dragon Cult, so Kelben and Lila are naturally vigilant at all times.

Not to mention, even if the "King of Demon Flame" was really transformed by this green dragon, now, whether it is the battle of the Blackwater River or the attack on the "Grandfather Tree", could it be that Kelben and Laila, this kind of Under such circumstances, dare to collude with him?

So, even if it is the second possibility, even if it is true that the green dragon came here...

Ovo was convinced that this one couldn't possibly be on the same side as Laila.

In particular, since this person is interested in the "Hall of Fog", then, with the knowledge of "Efraska's Change", how can it still be possible for this legendary fanatical pursuit of magic and knowledge? Can't I ignore "Efraska"?

Therefore, whether it is the "King of Demon Flame" or the "King of Red", this person's position is naturally very consistent with his!

Putting this line of thought in order...

"It's a pity for this guy!"

Aowo's eyes looked at the fire giant lord who disappeared again in the crystal ball, and there was a slight regret, and more... a slight irony.

The fire giant lord is born extraordinary, and the blood of the devil king is also extremely powerful, not to mention he has taken up the post of "Dark Guard". Even he has to pay attention to the power of this half-purgatory fire giant.

But... it's just something!

The pride of a great arcanist is not a spellcaster, not a legendary spellcaster, no matter how powerful he is, he is just a barbarian!

A barbarian, thinking that he has some hidden means, wants to design a legendary archmage like the "King of Red"...

Do you really think that the intelligence of the legendary archmage is on the same level as that of a barbarian?

With just one glance, Aowo is quite sure about the situation on the other side of the crystal ball.

The half-purgatory fire giant wanted to design it, and he thought it was the "King of Red", but unexpectedly, or "can no longer predict", at this time, the "King of Red" is definitely waiting for him!

And a legendary archmage "waited" premeditated... A barbarian who is only worthy of hard work, what can he use to resist?

Owo's only regret is that a barbarian of this strength has not caused any damage, and has not restrained Laila and others at any point, so he will be cleaned up by the "King of Red". This is a bit too wasteful .

"No matter what, since he took action himself and summoned the 'Wrathful Lord', presumably, after this barbarian is dealt with, it's time to launch an all-out attack on the 'Grandfather Tree'..."

"So, when necessary, I can help him!"

Once King Red took down the "Grandfather Tree", it was undoubtedly time to turn around and start a pincer attack on those wood elves.

And once the wood elves are defeated...

Kelben and the others, no matter how much power they mobilized in Waterdeep City, it is still impossible, not only to fight Felin Mokui, but also to face the joint persecution of him and "Gate of Hell".

Until then……

In Aowo's eyes, in the blood-red light of the soul, the deep-rooted jealousy shot out.

He naturally hated Felin Mokui, the former sworn enemy of the Magic Kingdom.

However, if it is said that he is the most jealous, even if it is Felin Mokui, it is definitely not as good as the Black Rod Master Wanyi!

This time, it is foreseeable that whether it is Kelben or Laila, they will definitely reinforce Efraska.

Therefore, this time, it is also for him to completely resolve the resentment and hatred, and more...


Thinking of someone, the bloody light in Aowo's eyes also changed, with resentment and anticipation intertwined in it.

And it was he who thought of this certain person...

In another magical waterscape ball, there was a strange magic fluctuation, and the picture of the crystal ball immediately locked itself, and after zooming in...

In Aowo's eyes, a brilliance suddenly bloomed.

Before seeing and feeling, it was resentment, hatred and complicated.

But one has a feeling...


"It won't be such a coincidence!"

"She should have arrived early!"

"However, I have arrived a long time ago, but I dare not show up for a long time. It is not until the 'King of Demon Flame' and the half-purgatory fire giant really fight fiercely that I will make a move..."

After all, it was a lich, no matter how emotional he was, Aowo quickly regained his senses.

His eyes flickered again and again, and suddenly, a magical aura flashed in his eyes, and a "short message technique" was directly sent out: "Is there any change in the Black Rod Tower? How are those people doing?"

"Black Rod came forward in person, with the support of the parliament and various temples, and is urgently preparing an expeditionary force."

"Also, Hei Zhang and Malcho have shown up, but Madam has not shown up for many days."

First came the "response message", followed by a "short message technique". Obviously, the "secret agent" over there was probably also a high-level spellcaster.

This is very normal.

The former Grand Arcanist, in order to reshape the glorious civilization of the Magic Kingdom, Owoburn had many apprentices, not to mention, he secretly formed a magic academy later.

His subordinates are naturally indispensable to high-level mages.

This report...

Aowo pondered for a moment, but nodded.

Kelben should indeed still be in Waterdeep.

This can be judged from the fact that he resolved the dispute with the "Lord of Talismans", broke up the "Harper" organization, and set up another expeditionary force.

Similarly, if Kyle wasn't in Waterdeep City, Laila wouldn't be here, but she could only watch the elven coalition army sacrifice, still hiding their tracks, and dare not show up directly, let alone make a move.

It wasn't until the "King of Demon Flame" fought against the half-purgatory fire giant, and clearly pointed to the "Grandfather Tree", that he finally couldn't help it.

"Continue to watch all the actions of the 'Black Rod Tower', and report to me immediately if there is any change."

Following this reply, the link to the "Short Message Technique" was also disconnected.

Aowo's eyes, on the other side of the crystal ball, glanced deeply and greedily.

As soon as he raised his hand, the "Legendary Spellcaster's Scepter" with a strong aura and even more magical majesty fell into his hands.

The "Ion Stones" one after another, flashing different colors, also flew up from the static "adsorption" state on the magic crown above the head, and circled the crown in their own orbits, The rotation works up.


"Wake up everyone, prepare for war!"

After a "message" was issued.

After pondering for a while, with the scepter, Aowo made a little more emptiness in front of him.

Void, a strange "Phase Gate" with mysterious runes flowing on it, gradually emerged.

Even if Kyle wasn't there, even if it was only Lyla, it was Lyla!

For more than a thousand years, the only lady who can make his heart move is not those so-called legendary mages who can be solved casually.

The previous time, she had already lost the "Crown of Horns" on her body, and this time there must be no mistakes!

It's time to take out all those treasures!

Aowo's eyes flashed with blood, and with a strong spiritual force directly shot out from the soul, those mysterious runes quickly also shone with blood.

Just then, the fat lich walked over one step at a time, and his figure disappeared into the "Phase Gate".

And that is, he walked into this most private personal dimension treasure house...

Almost the next moment.

Inside another magic crystal ball.


It was three or four miles away from the "black curtain of evil energy" that was so weird that even his eyes of flames could not see through it. .

Even if the subconscious mind is "guided by hints" and is constantly "repulsed", Kugas-Child of Hell is still born with instinctive vigilance.

The most critical moment has arrived!

It's time to get rid of this barbarian!

The King of the Frost Giants "flashed" again, destroying Hammer again.

Kugas roared, and the two swords fought fiercely to block, and the "Dark Blessing" worked simultaneously, and the powerful "Fortitude Immunity" increase took effect immediately...


Once again, that endlessly powerful hammer was blocked by Ge.

What's more, with the help of the heavy hammer's slamming force, he no longer pretended to be "repulsed", his wings fluttered sharply, and he flew at full speed, like a flaming meteor, Kugos's huge body hit the "shady evil energy" in the sky where.

Although he is not a spellcaster, but at the level of Kugas's power, he naturally knows that even if it is the "King of Demon Flame", the summoning of the "Wrath Lord" is unlikely to be done by himself.

Nine out of ten, it should be a ritual spell!

Only ritual spells can make it possible. With his "dark blood" and furthermore, he has the spell resistance that surpasses the ancient dragon, and he really has a taboo!

However, ritual spells take time!

As long as he can activate the "Dark Emblem" before the ceremony is completed...

answered his growl.

Fly at full speed in response to him.

The figure of Flo's advisor flashed out.

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