Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 808 Alliance with the Abyss Lord

"Stop. Tell those fire giants to stand still and wait for Kugas' order."

Isaac quickly finished convincing the "King of the Frost Giants."

After all, the "Legendary Summoning" is mandatory, and since the "Wrathful Lord" has accepted the summoning, he can't disobey his order at all.

What's more, he also took the initiative to "offer" the conditions.

Since it is necessary to build faith worship for him in the gate of hell, it is also necessary to create a corresponding "arched gate" for him on the other side of the "great glacier".

Moreover, the premise of these things, he is also prepared to completely discard it after using the value of "Dark Son of Darkness".

In this way, Koschurch has the refreshingness of revenge, and also has faith to provide, and even provides a portal for His army to descend on the material world...

Under such conditions, how could Koschurch, who was not in a state of berserk and could not defy the constraints of the "Legendary Summoning", fail to feel the "sincerity" in it?

Of course he was persuaded.

At least, on the surface, the king of the frost giants had no intention of objecting.

At this time, the half-purgatory fire giant below finally climbed up.

With the essence of "Lord of the Abyss", Kostchurch's unique ability "crushing attack" explodes, which of course has the effect of ignoring all armor and ignoring all damage reduction, and also has a powerful deterrent effect.

However, Kugas, the son of hell, whether it is vitality or the attribute of "toughness", is also extraordinary.

Kostchurch's "Frostfire Roar" was the strongest attack.

The hammer fell...

The Flo demon, who was forcibly manipulated by Isaac, and then entangled the son of hell, even if it was only affected, was killed in an instant because of too heavy damage.

But Kugas itself.

Even the dark battle armor was directly smashed to pieces in a large area.

Even that strong and thick body, which is also a "purgatory creature", and also the essence of a giant lord, was blasted to pieces from the back to the heart.

Even the dark magic wing was crippled from the root.

However, this half-purgatory fire giant still survived this "fatal blow" that even the "God King Chosen" failed to withstand during the Enser period.

What's more, it was in the short time that Isaac persuaded Kostchurch.

First, with the magical ability of the "Dark Guardian", he gave himself a "cure serious injury".

Even if the heart of this half-purgatory fire giant is damaged, countless blood, like magma, is gushing out from the huge hole-like wound.

However, the ability to "walk in the air" is crawling up.

There is also a pair of eyes of fire, with endless rage and hatred, staring at the "King of Frost Giants".

"Absolute domination after darkness", with the "legendary force", "absolute domination" over "all creatures", and "20 units of magic power increase", coupled with Isaac's own extraordinary intelligence increase, this He completely suppressed Kugas' will to resist.

However, being "absolutely dominated" does not mean that Kugas has been erased from memory.

The hatred for the "Wrathful Lord", even though he is subject to Isaac's will and unable to attack directly, is deeply rooted in the soul.

In fact...

From the "absolute dominance" to the mastery of Kugas' emotions, Isaac can even feel that this half-purgatory fire giant also has endless humiliation and hatred for the reality of being enslaved by him.

Now that he couldn't resist, he could only cast the flames of anger on Koschurch.

However, if you feel this way, you have this feeling, but Isaac doesn't care.

For the fire giant lord, he used it as long as he could, and when it was really useless, he planned to deal with it simply, and naturally he didn't care what he thought.

The one below is flying in the air.

Isaac waved his hand casually first, and a "Regeneration Technique" fell on him. Immediately, from the heart, to the flesh and bones, and even the dark magic wings, the damage to the body of the fire giant lord quickly regenerated.

Another "short message technique" was sent out.

In the distant battlefield, Kenil Walker, who has completely abandoned the "Sons of Hell" camp and is teaming up with Saleen and others to violently attack the burning giant team, was stunned for a moment, and immediately called everyone to stop , and ordered to stop those fire giants.

"Order your people to act in unison with Saleen and the others, and be ready to attack the 'Grandfather Tree' at any time."

With another movement of Isaac's mind and will, the voice of command, through "absolute domination", was directly transmitted to the soul of the "son of hell".


The effect of the regeneration technique, the "heavy injury" state was immediately erased, and the rapid recovery of the body, Kugas could clearly grasp that the lost power was recovering rapidly.

Isaac's order came.

Even if the soul is resisting instinctively, it is still unable to resist after all.

In the end, he could only keep a cold face, snorted again, and flew in the direction of the tribe as if he had no choice but to acquiesce.

"Don't be fooled by him!"

Seeing that the half-purgatory fire giant quickly flew away.

Even if he restrained his "furious state", he was still the "King of Frost Giants" with a natural violent aura, but at this moment he snorted again.


Isaac's heart skipped a beat.

The summoning of the "King of Frost Giants" lasted for nearly an hour and a half.

The enslavement of the "children of hell" can last for twenty hours.

Although the time is not abundant, it is enough for his plan.

Naturally, he was not in a hurry, and immediately launched a fierce attack on the "Grandfather Tree".

Thinking about the meaning of Koschurch's words in his mind, Isaac looked at this person: "The Lord means, is it the 'Master Wu'an', or the 'God of the Fire Giant'?"

"The absolute dominance after the darkness", he doesn't think that the "son of hell" can get rid of it by himself. In such a state of enslavement, if the "son of hell" wants to "deceive" him, he must rely on the people behind him. These two are gone.

"How about Sirte, I'm not familiar with it."

"But Graz'zt's cunning is exactly the same as those hell lords in the Nine Prisons."

"One of the secrets I know is that Graz'zt was once imprisoned by a witch queen, but in the end he deceived the witch queen, and in turn imprisoned her in the abyss, and it was almost impossible to escape."

"The witch queen, whether it is a sacred artifact, or a legendary witchcraft, or a dark and evil ritual, this will never be inferior to anyone. Her imprisonment, no matter how you look at it, there will be no omissions, but it happens that Grazte Be deceived."

"This fire giant has not only the blood of Graz'zt, but also the power of Graz'zt. If you really underestimate him, you may not be deceived by him, or even Graz'zt!"

The rough tone in Kostchurch's voice remained the same, but in the words, there was a rare hint of hatred and rationality.

Even, faintly, Isaac felt a little bit of...



"Or... admiration, or love?"

There was no expression on his face, but Isaac felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Based on his understanding, Koschurch should have two deep-rooted hatreds in his life, not counting individuals like the "Lord of Dark Darkness" and "King of Frost Giants".

I hate giants, although he has gradually become the king of frost giants, and has the essence of protecting frost giants.

Second, he hates women. When the enemy is a woman, his violent state will be more powerful than usual, and even more brutal than usual.

Even if it is not an enemy, even if it is a woman of the frost giant tribe, in his eyes, it is only meaningful to reproduce offspring.

He will never allow women to be among the believers, and it is even more impossible for him to bestow divine spells on any woman.

But such deep-rooted hatred...

If Isaac's feeling is correct, when this "angry lord" mentioned the "witch queen", there was clearly a change in tone, and even the "roughness" was softening.

"Is this the reason why he hates Lord Wu An?"

A thought of reverie and gossip flashed in Isaac's mind.

Rumor has it that Lord Wu'an's heroic appearance and charm are unique in the bottomless abyss.

The witch queen imprisoned the abyss lord, and was imprisoned by this in turn...

With the name of Lord Wu'an, the lust demon king who is famous in the entire outer plane, without any association, one can understand what will happen during the period.

If the angry lord who has always been known as "hating women" has a special attitude towards this witch queen, then it is not difficult to understand why she hates Graz'zt so much...

These thoughts flashed by, and Isaac quickly put away the gossip.

However, he did not ignore other information.

Witch Queen!

She can imprison Graz'zt, and is considered by Kostchurch to be an evil witch queen who will never be inferior to anyone in the field of magic!

Such a...

Isaac's eyes flickered slightly, but for a while, he couldn't completely match this image with the "witch queens" he knew.

However, this isn't anything out of the ordinary.

"The legend of the rise of the angry lord did not originate in this world."

"Since the 'Witch Queen' is related to him, it probably doesn't come from the real plane."

"With the infinite vastness of the multiple planes, there will be no surprises at all in the existence of such a powerful witch queen."

"On the contrary, Graz'zt, who is as cunning as the 'Lord of Hell', was able to escape from her captivity, and imprisoned her in turn..."

After weighing this in his mind, Isaac understood what the "angry lord" meant.

The same "cunning" as the "Lord of Hell"!

This should, somewhat imply that the power of the "field" held by the "Master Wu'an" may have the possibility of changing the "coercion", "oath", and "contract" to some extent!

If this is the case, if he wants to enslave the "son of hell" for a long time, there is a risk of being "deceived"!

Of course, all of this is what Kostchurch said. How authentic and credible the words of this abyss lord can be, it is hard to be sure.

Who can be sure that this abyss lord, who has an incomparable hatred with Lord Wu'an, is not misleading?

Isaac didn't really think that if he had mastered the field of "Rage" and had the name of "Barbarian", he wouldn't cheat.

Of course, although you can't believe it all, you can't believe it completely.

It is true that Kostchurch hates Grazte, but Lord Wuan's cunning is indeed a "hell lord".

The lord of hell is an expert in playing with "contracts" and changing "oaths".

Since Lord Wu'an is similar to them, it cannot be completely ruled out, and he also has such abilities.

With such a thought in his heart, Isaac nodded slightly: "I understand the meaning of the lord. After the 'grandfather tree' is taken down, these fire giants will have no meaning left behind.

A 'devil lord' like Grazte is not what I want to meet.

Although the bottomless abyss has infinite levels, only the lord can not care about the Tanari, and can make my "Hell Gate Fortress" stronger.

For this reason, at least on this plane, the 'Gate of Hell' will also become the lord, a loyal ally who conquers all frost giant tribes. "

"Angry Lord", this is the true abyss lord of the Tanari essence.

However, in a more sense, Kostchurch regarded himself as the "King of the Frost Giants" more than the "Lord Tanar'ri".

Under Kostchurch's command, there are almost no pure Tanar'ri demons, but frost giants, white dragons, and at most some troll-like creatures.

This is another point that Isaac convinced him.

Kostchurch doesn't care about Tanar'ri Demons, and has no intention of directly ruling "Hell's Gate Castle".

As the ruler of "Gate of Hell", if he doesn't get close to such an abyss lord, can he still be close to Lord Tanari like "Lord Wu'an", who may seize the ruling power of "Gate of Hell" at any time?

"The next call, I want to see the construction of the 'Arched Gate'."

"Wait until I lead the army and conquer all the frost giant tribes. In this plane, all the frost giants will also become your allies in this 'Gate of Hell'."

Although Koschurch was not satisfied with the "King of Demon Flame" who neither recognized the identity of "Green Dragon" nor denied it, he did not show any more hostility.

At least, until the construction of the "Arched Gate" is completed, and before he invades this plane with an army of frost giants, there is no need to show any more hostility.

Especially, for this, the legendary spellcasting ability that is comparable to "Tasha"...

Even if he really invaded this plane, he might not turn his face directly.

The old hag transformed him into a frost giant.

Tasha gave him the Hallows hammer.

But neither of them gave him more magic help.

Whether it is the "King of Demon Flame" or the "Green Dragon", if he really intends to form an alliance with him, and is also in a state of hostility with "Grazt"... He really needs such an ally.

At least, it was much more reliable than the ancient demon prince who kept sending envoys to try to contact him, but was always completely ignored, and all the envoys were swallowed up in one bite.

"As it should be."

"After the 'Grandfather Tree' is won, the construction of the 'Arched Gate' will be listed as the top priority of the 'Gate of Hell'."

In this regard, Isaac nodded in agreement.

In this regard, after a short exchange between the two.

I can feel that the fire giant and Tanar'ri have stopped fighting.

At that moment, Isaac sent a message from his heart to his loyal servant. After giving instructions, he spread his magic wings and flew over there hand in hand with Kostchurch.

Soon, it was visible again that Cambion and the witch were bowing and waiting in the sky respectfully, as if pleading guilty.

"Say it."

"Besides the 'Golden Scroll', is there something that makes you, and Kugas, even if you are my enemy, you can't suppress your greed for it?"

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