Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 822 Advanced Magic

"Consciousness is consistent with the forest, with the earth, with the air, and then with the entire natural environment. His every breath and every breath means that it is the natural environment of this tens of miles around that is carrying out energy intake and output. .”

"And because this natural environment is part of the overall environment of the Supreme Forest, in a sense, it naturally becomes a part of the Supreme Forest!"


Ahead, the roar of Kugas and the more intense energy confrontation continued in the blazing electric explosion.

Isaac was still walking unhurriedly, but stretched out a hand again.

As if touching, the tide caused by the mighty force of nature also seems to be touching that vast consciousness at the same time.

His expression remained the same as ever.

He naturally grasped that the natural tide caused by the vast consciousness of the "grandfather tree", because the unity of consciousness and natural energy, the most powerful effect is reflected in the blocking of prophecy spells.

At this moment, unless Cuo can forcibly penetrate the consciousness block of the "Grandfather Tree", otherwise everything here will not be detected by the outside world at all, and all communication will also be cut off.

This blocking, even if it is not as strong as the high magic barrier that he tried with the "day number ceremony" before, the strength of the high magic barrier integrated with the "grandfather tree" is by no means comparable to that of the previous "natural domain" .

However, with such a range and such intensity, this blocking effect due to natural tides...

"Its essence is neither a spell nor a spell-like ability!"

"Not even supernatural abilities."

"If you must define the nature of this 'blocking effect'..."

Just like breathing, like swallowing and breathing, it may be more accurate to describe it with its own ability and special ability.


Isaac's eyes fell on the "wood on the stone platform" again.

The release of the lightning light chain failed to completely stop the "son of hell".

However, the "Son of Hell"'s "Purgatory Destruction Strike" did not damage the "Tree of the Stone Platform" to an unbearable level.

At this moment when the brightness of that brilliance has dimmed somewhat.

It can be seen that from the torso of the "wood on the stone platform", wave after wave of energy tides are rushing out intensively.

Regardless of whether it is the lightning chain or the energy shock, the powerful spell resistance of the "child of hell" is completely ineffective against them.


"Although the nature of the released energy is different, in essence, this lightning chain and energy shock are similar to the 'swallowing' of the grandfather tree, which belongs to the category of special abilities!"

The special ability is not affected by the "anti-magic field", just like the regenerative ability of the troll.

Of course, a creature like a troll is naturally not qualified to compare with the "wood of the stone platform" and the "tree of the grandfather".

It is really necessary to find out among similar abilities that can correspond to "Stone Terrace Tree" and "Grandfather Tree"...

"Perhaps... the divine power of the gods!"

During Unser's final battle, some of the power of the father of victory appeared, and in Isaac's heart, he floated up again.

Although there is still a clear gap between the "wood of the stone platform" and the "tree of the grandfather" from that kind of divine power, but...

"Perhaps, even without the 'High Magic Barrier', these two still have the essence similar to the 'Natural Holy Spirit'!"

"Don't look at the combat ability, just look at the level of the essence of life, even Turang's tree elder status is inferior to them!"

Of course, at the level of the essence of life, Turang may not be as good as these two "natural spirits".

But, if you only look at combat ability...

"Integrate with the natural environment to process energy. Their existence should be more about 'trees' than 'tree people'."

"It's just a 'tree', no matter how strong and powerful the natural ability is, after all..."

Isaac's thought flashed.

On the "Tree of the Stone Terrace", Storm-Silver Hand and Kostchurch also came one after the other.

Of course, it is impossible for Kostchurch, who hates the violent and irrational Kostchurch, to actively cooperate with the "Children of Hell".

Of course, "Son of Hell" also hated Kostchurch, and it meant that he had nothing to do with it.

However, a "wood on a stone platform" that cannot move means that it can release a variety of energies, but it still cannot move after all.

Unable to move, and his body is too tall, this...

Even with the full support of Storm-Silver Hand.

The sacred and blazing "silver fire" is being released without reservation.

The rapid vibration of the fairy wings, like the body turning into flames, hit the "Angry Lord" on the left, and the "Son of Hell" on the right.

All her powers are mobilized, and her whole body has entered a state of frantic fighting that she has never experienced in her life.

But, still, no matter whether it is her or the "Tree of the Stone Platform", facing the berserk and destruction of the "Angry Lord" and "Son of Hell", they are not only constantly suppressed, but also suffer from injuries. .

That is to say, both she and the "wood of the stone platform" have enough vitality to survive.

Of course, they were gradually suppressed and sustained injuries.

However, it is equally impossible for the "Wrathful Lord" and "Son of Hell" to be intact.

Whether it is the "silver fire" and long sword of the storm-silver hand, or the "tree of the stone platform", the energy release that seems to be endless, whether it is the "child of hell" or the "lord of anger", the sufferings suffered The damage was lighter than that of the "Tree of the Stone Platform", and even heavier than that of the Storm-Silver Hand, who had the specialty of "Legendary Dodge".

The life-and-death battle between these four strong men in mid-air inevitably caused endless shock waves of destruction.

However, at this moment, the continuous shock waves failed to cause too heavy damage to the two camps below, which were also fighting fiercely for life and death.

It's not like Tana Roc and the barbarians below can forcibly resist such an impact.


From the forest of steles, from the numerous emblems of the gods, surrounded by the sacred brilliance, the magnificent runes connected and constructed around the "wood of the stone platform", at this time, a barrier of light curtains was unfolded in all directions.

The shock waves above are, of course, wave after wave, more destructive and violent.

But the sacred nature of the gods of the nine "nature" and "forest" camps in this episode also incorporates the enchantment of infinite natural power.

Even in the shock wave of destruction, it is constantly trembling and may collapse at any time, but in the end, at least at this time, it still protects all life below.

Walking forward unhurriedly, after having a sufficient grasp of the essence of the "Tree of the Stone Terrace" and then the essence of the "Grandfather Tree", Isaac glanced over again, and the general outline of the battlefield was also Basic income in the eyes.

At the same time, one from the south and the other from the north, two eyes are closely watching this side.

What's more, since the location of the "Grandfather Tree" is approaching, and the unique fluctuation of the "Tekira Stone" is also appearing.

The right claw is the "Legendary Scepter of Spellcasters", and Isaac's left claw grabbed the void again. Since the key breakthrough of "Over-limit Casting", it has been the "Advanced Instant Casting Scepter" that has not been used for a long time. The ground appeared in his claws.

"Plastic control!"

"Exceeding Limit - Strong - Extremely Effective!"

"Instant - Wither!"

The high-level instant scepter pointed at the "Tree of the Stone Platform" from afar.

Prepare for the "withering spell" in the eighth-level spell slot.

Perform "instant metamagic" with a scepter.

Then use "Over-limit Casting II" to perform "strong" and "extremely effective" instant super magic.

In the end, through the "advanced arcane ability-shaping control", within the scope of the spell, a safe space is left for the "Wrathful Lord" and "Hell's Son".

The scepter was only raised once.

Judah is even more terrifying than the "Purgatory Destruction Strike" of "Son of Hell".

If the "Negative Energy Plane" is forcibly pulled into this natural domain, endless death energy will surge up like a tsunami in an instant.


Whether it was the Storm-Silver Hand or the "Children of Hell", they had already flown to the edge of the "High Magic Barrier", and the expressions of the two Beren Liches all changed drastically.

The eighth-level spell - death, not only has a huge range, but also does damage.

In particular, this spell is restrained against "water element" and "plant type" targets, and thus has an additional damage increase.

Obviously, the spell of "King of Red" was specially prepared for "Grandfather Tree" and "Tree of Stone".

But that's not all.

Withering technique, for the "wood of the stone platform", it has already done a lot of damage.

But they can clearly see that the "King of Red" casts the spell, and at the same time, it also performs "instant cast", "strong" and "extremely effective" super magic!

If this is placed in a pure spell slot... this is a level 17 spell slot, and it is the spell that can be prepared!

Such a level of terrifying damage...

Whether it's the Storm-Silver Hand or the "Wood of the Stone Platform", even if it can be forcibly supported, the strength of its vitality may suddenly be exhausted to the point of serious injury.

"I come!"

Without the slightest hesitation.

Sensing the "King of Red" casting such a spell, Oswell's claws immediately pointed in the direction of "Stone Tree".

"Legendary Dispel!"

Apart from legendary dispersal, he has no other means to instantly resolve the "King of Red" spell.

With a little bone claw, the emerald green streamer suddenly flashed.

It was the endless death energy that turned into a huge black cloud and descended from the top of the hood.

The emerald green streamer also shot at almost the same moment.

As an incomparably experienced and legendary mage, Oswell naturally would not have any deviations from "counter-spell".

His "Legendary Dispel" was aimed at "Wither", not anything else.

The emerald green streamer just disappeared into the dark dead cloud, the huge black cloud, and the endless death energy disappeared in the sky in an instant.

"Nature's Wrath!"

Oswell performed an instant-legendary dispel.

Melster also raised his paw.

The soul of the elves, with the essence of a high mage, blends into the spirit of the group, and maintains the independence of the individual, thus calling for the resonance of the group...

The elf high magic is being cast.

But it's not just his individuality, the front of his forehead has been consistent with his soul, and the "Tekira Stone" also has a bright magical aura circulating.

The combination of the two...

Just entering the state of casting spells, it is extremely extraordinary, even if it is "casting beyond the limit" with Isaac, it is no less magical energy, and it immediately condenses into an incomparably radiant primitive around Melster. magical energy.

However, it is different from Isaac's "over-limit casting".

When Melster casts this high-level magic, not only the casting action and the incantation must be carried out all the time, but also...

"Advanced magic!"

"Unique Ritual!"

"If so!"

Isaac is still leading a group of loyal servants forward.

The dispelling of the "Death Art" did not move him in any way, but he was only welcomed.

No matter how powerful the display of "Elf High Magic" was, no matter how powerful it was, he only had a little "unexpected" look in his eyes.

It is indeed no surprise.

It was indeed as he understood.

In his understanding, elf high magic, whether it is performing legendary spells or ordinary spells, is all of the same essence.

All "elven high magic" is to call for the resonance and assistance of the "spirit of the whole", all of which are "ritual casting"!

It is "ritual casting", so there is absolutely no possibility of instant casting!

Obviously, although the number of the two over there exceeded expectations, but...

"Legendary Dispel" has no sign of the help of "Tekira Stone", so it was completed instantly.

Now this high-level magic is obviously performing "full-round casting".

The combination of the two just verified the correctness of his understanding of elves' high magic.

"Conjuration, energy shaping!"

"Lightning energy!"

"A cloud similar to a thunderstorm!"

"Nine-level spells, and 'high magic', super magic similar to 'extended', 'strong', and 'extremely effective'!"

In an instant, Isaac's "True Sight" had a rough analysis of this elf high magic.

The conjuration system-energy shaping type, although this is a damage spell, it is different from the evocation system, which has the essence of ignoring spell resistance.

Furthermore, if the target of this spell was the "Wrathful Lord" and "Son of Hell", their powerful spell resistance was obviously completely ignored.

However, considering the lightning spell, it is definitely ineffective against the "Wrath Lord" who has the essence of Tanar'ri and is immune to lightning damage.

At the same time, around and below the "Wrathful Lord" and "Son of Hell", there are "Stone Trees" and the army that is fighting fiercely...

The most important target of this Beren Lich is probably...here!

Isaac waved the scepter in his right hand without haste.

Although that person cast the spell a little earlier than him, the "unique ritual" requires a full round of casting, which means that he can not only keep up with the spell, but even finish it there in time, Stack another instant spell!

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