Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 833 I don't know how to advance or retreat, I am selfish

Golden scroll!

Book of Dirty Darkness!

Isaac's demands and threats did not change Melster's color.

From Storm-Silver Hand's description of the green dragon, he already had doubts about this green dragon's purpose.

At this time, the request is consistent with his suspicion.

However, while there was no accident, his eyes met the green dragon's head-on, and under that unyielding firm will, he was also not in a hurry to make a move.

The anti-magic field is extremely difficult for all spellcasters.

Legendary mages are no exception.

Facing a giant dragon covered by an "anti-magic field", if he simply wants to defend, he has many means, but if he wants to counterattack, especially magic counterattack...

I'm afraid that only legendary spells can have a decisive effect!


Melster has not forgotten that he only has the last legendary spell left that is useless, while the Green Dragon still has at least two reserves in reserve!

In such a situation, how could he perform legendary spells again at will?

at the same time……

"I used the 'anti-magic field', but I got here and didn't rush in..."

"This is probably because he has learned about the threat of the elder from the 'Tree of the Stone Platform', and has also judged the reach of the elder!"

In this way...

"He won't come in easily!"

"Continue to order those evil legions to attack to consume our strength, while he stays behind and continues to use magic to achieve his goal, which is his most likely approach!"

Facing the green dragon for a moment, Melster already had a rough judgment of the possible direction of the green dragon's next move in his mind.

It's just that judgments can be made, but you have to deal with...

"Sacrifice is inevitable!"

"However, for survival, for responsibility, for protection, this sacrifice is by no means meaningless!"

Facing the threat of the green dragon, Melster had no intention of bowing his head at all.

However, I have judged that my own magic ability is far away from the green dragon.

Therefore, at this moment of emergency retreat, he never showed his toughness directly.

It is certainly acceptable to sacrifice for protection.

However, if this sacrifice can be reduced to the minimum, it is obviously better!

Facing the coldness of the green dragon, there was an undisguised threat.

After a few breaths of time, Melster's deep voice sounded slowly: "I don't know where you got the news from, but there is no 'Book of Dirty Darkness' here!"

Different from "Golden Scroll".

During the period of the Elven King's Court and the period of the Magic Dynasty, the "Golden Scroll" in the Misty Hall was lost several times. Even if it is returned, there are still some lost.

Therefore, since the "King of Red" has come to kill him, there is a "Golden Scroll" here, which is by no means a secret to him.

But "Book of Darkness" is different.

For more than 10,000 years, the "Book of Dirty Darkness", which is closely related to darkness and evil, has never been leaked from the seal.

Even if the "King of Red" may have guessed about it from some relics, but...

Melster doesn't think that the green dragon is absolutely sure of this matter!

He will never admit it!

On the contrary, with this matter, it is not impossible to discuss further with the green dragon, and then... to achieve the goal of delaying time!

"Is it!"

Isaac narrowed his eyes for a moment, and then, a cold smile emerged from his vertical eyes. After a slight pause, he said calmly: "The storm Since the lady has come here, I think she understands from Ms. Leila and Ms. Kuilu. Whether the 'Golden Scroll' or the 'Book of Darkness' is related to magic, I also Here they come, this means... I must take them away!"

The voice in the front is gentle, but when it comes to the back, the tone keeps getting tougher.

What's more, without waiting for Melster's reply.

In a heavy and cold voice: "Of course, this does not prevent you from having the right to choose."

"You can choose to give up their lives for these two things, ignore the life and death of the Yeerlan elves, and be indifferent to Evraska's desperate situation, and then fight my army to the death. We will see what happens in the end."

"You can also choose to bow your head to me and offer them in exchange for me ending this war, which not only saves you a life, but also gives the Yeerlan people a chance to continue to breathe. Then, you can think about it, How to support Efraska!"

"You have ten breaths of time to consider and make a decision!"

"Is the treasure more important to you, or is life and the kingdom more meaningful!"

Isaac's voice was as loud as a bell.

Far from being heard only by the Lich of Belem, the elves and barbarians below, even if they were fleeing and retreating, also heard clearly.

This is not only a threat, but also a malicious provocation...

Even at this time, Storm-Silver Hand's high-pitched battle song still penetrates everything, giving "fearlessness" and "excitement" to all people in the natural camp.

Quite a number of people, at this time, still had a sudden change in expression.

Even Melster himself, and Storm-Silver Hand, knew well that the "King of Red" was provoking, and both of them changed their expressions in the same way.

Not only here!

Not only are they individual anymore!

When the "King of Red" linked this matter with the Yellan elves, and even Efraska's side...

This is related to the overall interests of the elves and the elves kingdom, and it is also related to prosperity, and even survival, the vital overall interests!

Such "righteousness" is suppressed...

No matter how upright and stubborn Melster and Storm-Silver Hand are, they cannot directly deny the choice given by the "King of Red" at this time!

"He's bluffing!"

"The eastern battlefield is the key. As long as Ms. Leila can win the eastern battlefield, he will not be able to threaten Yeerlan and Efraska!"

It was when Melster's eyes flickered.

From the will of the "Grandfather Tree", a voice directly rang in the soul of the Beren Lich.

Suddenly, Melster's mind immediately moved.

The reminder from the elders is timely.

The green dragon, without making a fuss, used his words and tone, and his unobtrusive posture, to create an atmosphere that everything is in its claws, whether it is this side or the eastern battlefield. environment.

So much so that, subconsciously, even he fell into this atmosphere, and seriously considered whether Yeerlan and Efraska would really be implicated if the treasure was not presented.

On the contrary, it is ignored, they are not necessarily losers, even on the contrary, they have a considerable chance of winning!

"As Lady Storm said, intrigues are comparable to magical abilities!"

"However, this is a good reason to procrastinate!"

No longer concealing the change of expression.

In my heart, I silently counted the "consideration time" given by the "King of Red".

His eyes flickered for a while, thinking again, and then hesitating.

Seeing that the count had passed, and the eyes of the green dragon were getting colder, Melster looked at the vertical eyes of the green dragon again with deeply wrinkled eyes: "Two things! "

Raising a bone finger: "First, after the things are given to you, how can you guarantee that the war between the two sides will end?"

Whether it is the "King of Red" or the "King of Demon Flame", one is a five-color evil dragon, and the other is a Barlow flame demon. How can the promises made by such evil demon kings be credible?

At least, from Melster's standpoint, I don't think there is any credibility in it.

Debate on this point can obviously be debated for a while.


He didn't think too badly, but...

Isaac remained calm, and said calmly: "You can pass Ms. Storm and find Ms. Leila for authentication!"

Although Laila is definitely on the side of the elf, Isaac doesn't think she will deny his promise at this time.

Of course, if you really can get the "Golden Scroll" and "Book of Darkness" without going in, Isaac does not rule out that he can indeed keep this promise.

This word...

Melster, who did not hide the change in expression, moved his eyes again unconsciously.

Can Ms. Leila act as the go-between?

In this way... It's not easy for him to delay on purpose.

He couldn't say that he didn't trust Laila-Silverhand, otherwise, where would this put Storm-Silverhand?

His eyes flickered for a few times, and his thoughts fluctuated again, as if he was communicating with the "Grandfather Tree". After a while, Melster continued to say in a deep voice: "Since your Excellency can find Ms. Leila For certification, I also believe in your promise.

The second thing, I can give you the 'Golden Scroll', but I can't take out the 'Book of Dirty Darkness'..."

During the conversation, I could see that the green dragon's eyes had turned cold, and Melster's voice kept saying, "I don't know where you heard the rumors, but if you don't believe me, I can personally lead you Visit the 'Hall of the Mist'!"

The Fog Hall is within the High Magic Barrier, not only directly protected by the "Grandfather Tree", but also arranged by the ancient witches of the "Isto Sefifer Empire". Of course, there are also them. 10,000 years of layout.

If the "King of Red" wanted to visit the "Hall of Fog", Melster wouldn't mind personally guiding him to accompany him!


"It seems that your Excellency has already made a decision, and you have enough confidence in Laila."

"in this way……"

The gloomy eyes were facing the Lich of Belem.

Suddenly, a sneer twitched at the corner of Isaac's mouth.

The "anti-magic field" was covered, and he didn't care whether the Beren Lich would take the opportunity to cast spells to attack. His eyes turned back to the direction of the storm-silver hand, and said in a cold voice: "I have given you a chance to choose, I also respect your choices, so, what happened in the end, Kui Lu and Him, can’t be blamed on me.”

As the "Dragon of the Conferred Gods" promoted by the Green Dragon, Isaac has always been a typical Green Dragon. No matter what happens, even if he has a decision in his heart, he also habitually finds a good reason first.

The reason at this time...

Regardless of whether Kuilu and Eilistraee were angry or hated, he had already given these people enough ideal choices to advance and retreat for their sake!

No matter how miserable the final situation is, this is why the Lich of Belem, and even the Storm-Silver Hand, ignored his "good intentions" and ignored the survival of Yeerlan and Evraska!

Glancing at it from a distance, he led the "Angry Lord" and kept flashing among the evil legion. Almost by himself, he separated the evil legion from the natural coalition, and prevented the evil legion from chasing after him. The battle song was so loud that all the natural coalition forces were so excited that they were immune to the shock of his "majestic aura", and there was also a lady with silver hair hanging down her knees that he was very familiar with.

For the sake of Kuilu, Eilistraee, and the goddess of magic, he has already given her enough preferential treatment.

Now, since the Lich of Belem has made a choice...

"It's time to end!"

Look back at once.

The "anti-magic field" was also lifted.

The "Legendary Scepter of the Spellcaster" in the claw instantly regained a strong magic aura, and at the same time, the scepter was lifted.

Suddenly, the sky was reddening.

Endless flame energy, as if the channel of the fire elemental plane was opened, was quickly summoned.

It was roaring violently again, as if a destructive storm was brewing.


Fire storm, the eighth-level priest magic, is also the seventh-level druid magic, and the seventh-level fire domain magic.

Of course, Isaac cast this spell at this time, but not through these methods.

He is, a spell-like ability!

Balor Balrog's once-daily spell-like ability "Fire Storm"!

Although the shape change is directly eliminated because of the anti-magic field.

However, the spell-like ability he grabbed, at least today, still exists.

Also, although "Flame Storm" is in the middle range, the distance between him and the Belem Lich at this time is within this range.

Not only that, but if necessary, he can also throw it to the ground, killing and wounding in a large area, and at the same time block the retreat of those natural coalition forces.


It's too late to think about what "Kuilu and Him" ​​refers to.

The "anti-magic field" of "King of Red" is lifted.

Almost without hesitation, at about the same time as the "Fire Storm", Melster's bone claws were also raised, and the dazzling magical aura suddenly manifested into countless shining stars in front of his claws.

"Time-lapse - time stands still!"

Time stands still, and "Super Magic-Spell Delay" is performed, which has double the duration.

It is the powerful spell that the Beren Lich is preparing for the tenth-level spell slot!

He hadn't used it before, because the "King of Red" was too far away, and he was also invisible due to the addition of "Legendary Hide".

But at this time, not only was it approaching, but it was no longer invisible, and the "anti-magic field" was lifted.

He will not miss this opportunity!

"With the 'Legendary Spellcaster Scepter', his life energy level, and the intelligence increase of the giant dragon, he must have the 'Instant-Legendary Dispel Technique'!"

"Still can't cooperate with the 'Eternal Silence Starry Sky'!"

"In the case of not using legendary spells, he must be reversed to force out his legendary spells, so that he can steadily delay until the end of the eastern battlefield!"

At the same time, "time delay-time stillness" is being carried out.

At the same time, Melster's mind was also thinking about how to make a key blow to the green dragon, and it would be best to hit consecutively.

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