Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 841 Solve (seven)

One removes the "change form", the reveal of Isaac's green dragon's real body, and the rippling of the mysterious aura on the dragon scales...

As it swooped ferociously, the celestial roc suddenly seemed to have collided with an ancient dragon. The disparity in the biological aura was too great, and the fear that could not be suppressed at all filled its small brain and wings. Doomed, the giant claws like pure gold can't grab it at all.

Don't talk about it, Isaac's "majestic aura" radiated out.

With the fall of the Radiant Dragon, the recoil of his dragon power was lost.

Nor is there a storm-call to warsong of the silver hand.

At this moment, the servant from the other world, who missed the "Strike of Justice" and immediately tried to re-cast the magic spell, all his movements suddenly became chaotic, and the expression of fear emerged on his face.

The Angel God Attendant is born with a "protective aura". This aura can not only provide the defensive effect of the "deflecting force field", but also has the effect of increasing the resistance to all immunity.

However, even with the enhanced resistance of the "protective aura", the summoned servant from another world is only the "initial version" and "normal version".

With a life energy level of only 14, under the high-intensity shock of Isaac's "majestic aura", how can his soul and will have much resistance?

On the dragon scales, the mysterious and majestic aura fluttered.

Both the Celestial Pengniao and the Alien Servant fell into extreme fear and panic. Not to mention continuing to attack Isaac, they couldn't even reach out, and they all flinched and retreated.

The wings fluttered again.

With a slap, the celestial Pengniao, which couldn't stop flying and could only pull up with all its strength, was swept away.

Amidst the howling wind, Isaac's giant claws did not rush towards the storm-silver hand, but chased after the alien servant who was cowering and retreating.

Storm-Silver Hand's will, even in the face of the real abyss lord, has never been intimidated.

Although Isaac's "Majestic Aura" is a destiny ability, at least for now, it is impossible to deter the "Seven Sisters".

Not being deterred, but with the Lich of Beren and the servants of the otherworldly gods on the sidelines, this is definitely not something that can be easily taken down, even if it is just cleaned up!

Compared with the Storm-Silver Hand, it is natural that this alien servant who cannot resist the awe of the "majestic aura" is more suitable for casual use, so get rid of it first!

And the highly auxiliary high-level magic of the foreigner's servant also has the value of being targeted by him!

"Exceeding limit - fixed delivery - extreme effect - ball of dissociation!"

With a flutter of wings, he hurriedly caught up with the servant from another world.

The giant claws are grabbing the past.

But again.

Naturally speaking silently, no verbal actions are required.

The overrun fixed shot does not require a casting action.

"Extreme Limit Effect" was added.

The instant sacrifice of vitality, the terrifying magical energy, immediately called for endless destruction and destruction.

As a warlock profession, the seventh-level spell "Ball of Disintegration"!

"Ball of Disintegration", Isaac's unique spell was created based on the principle of "Dissociation" and combined with the principle of "Conjuration".

However, even though it was a unique spell, he had already used it once before when he destroyed the Beren Lich.

He had observed and identified that time, and at this time, he was performing it again, just now...

"Not good!"

While Melster was performing "flying high fives", at the same time, his eyes, which had been sunken due to the fall of the shining dragon, became cold again.

The "flying palm" is constructed from force field energy, and has a powerful and continuous impact and blocking effect, but it cannot resist the "disintegration technique".

There is no need for any spell confrontation, any "dissociation technique" can directly destroy this giant palm of power.

And if his previous identification is correct, "King of Red", a powerful spell that also has the effect of "dissociation", although it was changed from "dissociation", but...

"Twice the effect!"

"After destroying the 'Flying Five', you can still attack the Servant of the Otherworld!"

"Frightened by that 'majestic aura', it may be difficult for the servant of the other world to escape the lock of his spell!"

With this judgment...

Regardless of whether the "King of Red" has really calculated everything, Melster knows that if his "flying high-five" is aimed at the "King of Red", it is not only completely useless, but also must be Crucial time wasted!

And if the target is not the "King of Red", it is pointing to the "Wrathful Lord"...

The power of the "Angry Lord" is too strong, and the size is too large. If the impact of "flying high fives" wants to hinder this abyss lord, it is as straight as a mantis' arm!

This flash of thought...

"Senior citizens!"

Squinting his eyes, the "flying high five" was instantly canceled, and there was a wave of thoughts in his mind, which connected with the consciousness of "grandfather tree".

Time is too tight, too late to elaborate more.

But also, no need to say more.

With just this moment of connection, "Grandfather Tree" has already understood what he meant... the "majestic aura" of "King Red"!

"Back to me!"

Another wave of Melster's mind.

With the connection of "summoning", the voice went directly to the servant of the other world.

At the same time.

"Great cracking technique!"

Although the Great Disintegration is a powerful ninth-level spell that was only researched in modern times, none of the elf high mages could master it during the Arivanda period.

However, Melster had also mastered this spell, having had close and in-depth magical communication with the human sage from the "Tower of Windsong" of the Elven King's court.

While the thoughts of the mind are sending orders to the servants of other worlds, they still use the "mirror projection" as the source point, and the terrifying power that disintegrates all magical effects is rapidly generated with the lifting of the projection's claws.

And it was at the same moment as the Beren Lich's sudden spell change.


In the sound of gnashing of teeth.

The Storm-Silver Hand was no longer entangled with the "Angry Lord". With the rapid vibration of the fairy light wings, she chased after Isaac from behind.

The Dragon of Glory has died, and Isaac's "majestic aura" has radiated in all directions. At this time, it is meaningless to pester the "Wrathful Lord".

However, while chasing, the "magic-like ability - anti-magic field" did not stop at all.

And just as she chased after...

The hammer fell to the ground, and the furious Koschurch also roared to the ground, brandishing the legendary giant hammer, and chased after her.

Although the "Wrathful Lord" was summoned by Isaac and was subject to the compulsory restraint from the "Legendary Summoning", but... during the battle, no matter how "compulsive restraint" is, it is impossible for an abyss lord to easily Be gentle and deliberately avoid hurting the "innocent"!

Even on the contrary, most of the time, not to mention the abyss lords, but ordinary Tanar'ri, including Baatezu, if there is a chance, they will hurt innocent people by the way. This is the true normality of evil creatures in the lower planes!

Not to mention, at this time, Kostchurch was seduced into a rage again amid another "taunt" by Storm-Silver Hand!

The frightening power that suddenly frowns at Isaac, who is chasing after him and wielding the legendary giant hammer...


Once again, there was a trace of hesitation in Isaac's heart.

Not hesitating how to respond.

Yes... He is hesitating, whether this not only corresponds to the description in "Devil Chronicles", but also seems to be a lot more barbarian than that description, whether it is really worth his huge effort and resources to design , to slavery!

However, this thought was only a flash.

At this time, it is not the time to think about this matter.

There was a twinkle in his eyes.

The casting of the "Ball of Disintegration" was immediately cancelled.

Whether it's the storm-Silver Hand chasing after him, or the Belem Lich that he will encounter ahead if he wants to solve the Servant of the Otherworld.

Before the "Anti-Magic Field" at the back and the "Great Disintegration Technique" at the front, his "Ball of Disintegration" will not have much potential.

However, the "Ball of Dissociation" is canceled...

"Exceeding the limit-fixed hair-anti-magic field!"

It is also from the Warlock profession, and does not require verbal actions and spell casting actions, so it does not affect the rapid pounce.

Isaac's dragon wings fluttered, and he didn't give Storm-Silver Hand any chance to get closer. With the strong wind and his huge body, he quickly pressed towards the Servant of the Otherworld.

"Anti-magic field", this is even the caster level of Belem Lich, with the "Great Disintegration Technique", there is only about a 30% chance of destroying it.

And it was the Beren Lich who, with a small probability, completed the destruction of this "anti-magic field", and then the spell directly acted on him...

Isaac's constant "Legendary Spell" effects are not afraid of fighting against the "Great Disintegration".

And the legendary scepter he holds, the pseudo-legendary talisman integrated into his body, and the "Stone of Tekira" and "Green Dragon Crown"...

Either it has been worn on his body, and he can resist the destruction of it by the "Great Disintegration Technique" with his own will, or it is the real holy weapon!

No matter what kind, he was not afraid, and after the "anti-magic field" was broken through, he had another confrontation with the Belén Lich.

It's his instant magic transformation...

Once again, Melster frowned again, but he didn't change the casting of the spell anymore.

Any spellcaster, encountering an "anti-magic field", especially an anti-magic field cast by a dragon, can effectively counteract it, which is very limited.

At this moment, under the circumstances that the "Legendary Dispel" will definitely not be used, the "Great Disintegration" is already effective enough, at least, it has the possibility of posing an actual threat to the "King of Red"!

However, he hasn't changed, but Storm-Silver Hand...

"Anti-magic field!"

One recognized that after Isaac canceled the "Disintegration Ball", what she cast was the "anti-magic field" she was extremely familiar with.

At the same time, it was flying at full speed, trying to get rid of her.

Storm-Silver Hand's eyes suddenly moved.

Since the green dragon is conducting an "anti-magic field", her "anti-magic field" is not so necessary.

Especially, if she can't chase the "King of Red" before the "Anti-Magic Field" is completed...

The suppression of all magical effects by the "anti-magic field" is legendary equipment, and it cannot be violated.

The Fairy Light Wing is a special effect of the "Elf King's Cloak". If the effect of the "Fairy King's Cloak" is suppressed, and the Fairy Light Wing disappears, how can she continue to pursue the "King of Red"?

A thought flashed in my heart.

The same is subject to change.

The casting of the "anti-magic field" is canceled, and instead, it is also a magic-like ability...

"Any door!"

Still chasing the front while deftly dodging the rear, but...

Fairy Light Wing obviously couldn't catch up to the real giant dragon.

Furthermore, as long as the front does not continue to change.

Storm-Silver Hand is confident that she will not fall into the "anti-magic field" of the green dragon before her "any door" is completed.

In this way, no matter what the Green Dragon's "anti-magic field" or Melster's "Great Disintegration Technique" will produce, she is confident in advancing and retreating freely.

On the contrary, if the front continued to change, and turned directly to her...

She has always kept the "legendary dodge" that has never been carried out no matter how Kostchurch pursues, she also has the assurance of coordinating and cooperating with Melster!

This judgment, this certainty...

The "Anywhere Door" was being casted, and the storm-silver hand's body, wisps of blue streamer, suddenly appeared continuously, and then flashed again quickly.

This is, send aura!

With the teleportation distance of "any door", as long as it can be successfully completed, it is enough to ensure that the storm-silver hand will return directly to the "high magic barrier"!

It is the progress of her magic ability...

Although most of the attention is focused on the "King of Red".

In Melster's heart, however, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he agrees with Lady Storm's rescue of the Servant of the Otherworld and the Shining Dragon, he also has the move to further restrain the "King of Red" and the "Lord of Wrath" to give the natural coalition forces more time to retreat.

However, considering the overall situation, he still hopes that Ms. Storm can withdraw into the "Inner Ring" area as soon as possible.

At this time, it is not too late.

Moreover, although the Guangyaolong fell, Lady Storm also took away the Balrog.

Considering the previous situation, the result of Lady Storm's move is actually in favor of the natural camp.

However, his eyes did not turn to Storm-Silver Hand because of this, and Melster's attention was still focused on the "King of Red".

The servant from the other world flew back in panic.

It was approached rapidly by the green dragon.

While performing the "Great Disintegration Technique", Melster still had to calculate the distance between them, and even calculated the time for the "King of Red" to catch up and capture the servant of the alien...

"Less than two seconds!"

"Before everyone's spells are completed!"


The lightning-like gaze of the Beren Lich was always cold and calm.

In less than two seconds, although the spells of the three of them were too late to complete, the King of Red was about to catch up with the Servant of the Otherworld.



Even at this distance, it has not really entered the "inner ring".


"It's up to you!"

In response to the thought of the Beren Lich.

The stalwart giant tree that has never been directly seen by ordinary people seems to be blowing by a breeze.

On the high magic enchantment that is one with him, dots of fluorescence are gently fluttering.

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