Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 856: Unbearable Compromise

To the Red King, not only did he not give in to the appearance of the "Old God", but on the contrary, he became more and more aggressive.

Also, in the discourse, the saying of "guessing and ambush".

Storm-Silver Hand couldn't help frowning secretly.

With the forces controlled by the "King of Red", if he no longer cares about the issue of identity exposure, there are too many ways to arrange hidden ambushes.

Although they are in different and hostile camps, Storm-Silver Hand fully believes that, with the extraordinary reputation and appeal of this green dragon, whether it is Dragon Worship, or Red Kingdom, there is also a collusion with him The "Place of Eternal Life" and "Dark Night Sect", as long as the green dragon calls, they will definitely respond.

But at this moment, the green dragon obviously didn't care about the exposure of his identity.

Therefore, this ambush statement is probably true!

And since there was an ambush in advance...

Storm-Silver Hand has judgment again, this is still lurking, and he is definitely a real strong man!

There are such strong men lurking in the dark.

If the King of Reid can really destroy this enchantment, and then, whether it is the evil that was sealed in ancient times, or the "child of hell" that was just sealed by Melster, if all of them are released because of this ...

"I'm afraid..."

"It's really irreparable!"

Of course, with this bad judgment, Storm-Silver Hand didn't ignore it. The "King of Red" didn't do it directly, but instead used "Leila" and "Kuilu" as the excuse of "Goddess of Magic" , both threatening and also...


"Could it be..."

Suddenly, a flash of spiritual light flashed through the mind of Storm-Silver Hand.

The reason why there is staying power is because the identity has been exposed, is it because of the consideration of the Red Kingdom?

However, with this suspicion, there is this suspicion, and the storm-silver hand is not reckless. The thought fluctuated in her heart for a few times, and then she slowly said in a deep voice: "The one who is sealed may not Listen to you, the power of the Hell Gate Fortress will actually arouse his covetousness, and it will be easy for him to repay his kindness with revenge.

The angry lord can't stay much longer, can he?

In such a situation, if the 'Immortal' and 'Ancient God' know your identity, they will no longer be able to cooperate with you, and it is even possible to backstab you as well.

Also, once the existence of the 'Book of Dirty Darkness' is revealed, you are not the only one who covets it...

King of Red, maybe we can't stop you from destroying this sealing barrier, but if you want to take down the 'Book of Darkness' and retreat smoothly, you need not further implicate your Kingdom of Red..."

Ignoring Isaac's statement of "given by the lady", what's more, Storm-Silver Hand also linked the "Book of Darkness" with the Red Kingdom.

This is……

Once the news of an evil magical sacred artifact such as the "Book of Darkness" spreads, the current King of Red is not in its prime at all.

Storm-Silver Hand doesn't believe it, and some people will not be moved by it.

Because of this, she has doubts. The reason why the King of Red did not forcibly destroy the sealing barrier is also because she has concerns about whether someone will take advantage of it, or even directly implicate the Kingdom of Red.


"It seems that I am a high-profile lady!"

"You are you, Laila is Laila, Kuilu is Kuilu, you are not the same after all."

Isaac sneered, and without waiting for the other party's reaction, he said lightly: "Madam, and the high mage, this is to fight to the death with me rather than broken jade?

I just don't know, after this battle, how many people are left in the tree spirit tribe, Yeerlan elves, Turang's tree people, and tall tree's druids?

And after that, Efraska, without reinforcements, didn't know how many more days he could survive under the siege of Felin Mokui?

If Efraska is gone, those magic sunflowers will continue to look north at Silver Moon, or south to Cormyr, or west to Sword Coast...

However, it doesn't matter, I think there are ladies and Master Gao who set an example, set an example for everyone, make decisions for everyone, and all their sacrifices must be willing.

Perhaps at some point in the future, not only the elves, but also the human race in the Northland will set up for the two pioneers those who are unyielding and set an example in the war of resistance..."


Storm-Silver Hand let out a deep drink, interrupting Isaac's sneer.

Melster's cold eyes were filled with hatred, and it was difficult to hide his shock and anger, and he even felt helpless.

Everything Lord Red said, it's...not impossible at all!

And once it gets to that point...

This is a catastrophe worse than the "War of Weeping" and the five "Crown Wars"!

"Your Excellency should be less sarcastic."

"Although what you said seems very possible, but..."

Melster's cold voice finally sounded again: "Don't you think that if such a disaster happens, the gods will ignore it indifferently, and Yongju Island and the kingdoms will be ruthless on the sidelines?"

"So, Master Gao still has to set an example and make a decision for everyone. Come and bet with me, will the disaster come, and will the dark gods and dark forces also intervene?"

While speaking, a faint sneer floated on Isaac's face, but his voice didn't stop: "If Master Gao wants to gamble, I can certainly accompany you.

Even throwing the entire Hellgate castle into this battle, and making a wedding dress for Felin Mokui, why not?

Anyway, the Northland was broken, and the Alliance of Lords took the lead.

The Alliance of Lords is dead, with Cormyr and Amn ahead.

I also want to see how far those felin magic sunflowers were able to destroy the magic dynasty back then, and what they can do today? "

This speech...

Whether Storm-Silver Hand or Melster, they all looked extremely ugly.

Personally, they don't mind sacrificing themselves as long as they can save this disaster.

However, let them "lead by example" and "make decisions for everyone"... King Red's words are too hurtful.

How could they bet on the extent of the "disaster" with such an "example"?

For a while, even though the Belem Lich didn't need to breathe, Melster breathed in the air several times in a row.

Then, following a cloud of green air, he said in a deep voice: "That's enough, since your Excellency has kept his hand, you must not want to harm yourself and benefit others, and contribute to others while leaving nothing.

State your terms!

And... how can you give us the corresponding guarantee so that we can trust you? "

From the two "Dragon Balls" on the head of the Red King, the Beren Lich has actually determined that he can't stop the King Red from destroying the seal barrier, and the will of the "Grandfather Tree" can't stop it either.

No matter how threatened the King of Red is...he couldn't bear such a heavy weight, so heavy that even back then, when he transformed into the Lich of Belem without hesitation, sleeping here forever, and guarding the seal forever, Totally incomparable responsibility!

And this can't be stopped, and it's unbearable...

No matter how unwilling he is, at this moment, he has no choice but to give in!

"First of all, the 'Book of Dirty Darkness' is mine!"

"At this point, don't think that I'm still deceiving you. The 'Book of Dirty Darkness' will be sealed here. This book has a corresponding mission."

"At the end of the day, I'm also serving the ladies!"

While Isaac was speaking, the "advanced invisibility" was lifted, and the figure appeared in front of Storm-Silver Hand.

Looking at the storm-silver hand, in the form of the white slaa toad, in the eyes of evil and violent will, some kind of deep meaning flashed across.

The mission of "Book of Dirty Darkness"!

More, serve that lady! !

At this moment, Storm-Silver Hand and Melster don't think that the King of Red still needs to cheat much in this regard.

But, to say so...

Before that, the coming of the Goddess of Magic's will did not directly interfere here...

In their hearts, the two couldn't help but read like lightning.

"Secondly, I heard that there are seven golden scrolls recorded here."

"Using these seven golden scrolls, I can order all legions to withdraw from the war immediately, and I will no longer interfere with Evraska."

"As for how to guarantee..."

Isaac's eyes still turned to Storm-Silver Hand: "I think Laila and Kuilu will believe my promise, but I don't know what Ms. Storm thinks?"

Lord of Red's credit!

Although the Storm-Silver Hand is hostile to it, after decades, as long as the promises made publicly by this man, this has really never happened.

It is precisely because of this that the Nared Kingdom has also been unanimously recognized by many forces.

Even the Harper organization, although there are many spies lurking there, there is no chaos.

Therefore, to a large extent, King Red's reputation can still be trusted.

Although Storm-Silver Hand always had doubts in his heart, one day, the true colors of these five-colored evil dragons would be completely exposed in front of huge interests.

And everything in front of him has reached such a "huge" level.


After all, Storm-Silver Hand nodded slowly.

Although it is true that she has doubts, but under the current situation, she can only choose to trust this person's reputation one more time.

Of course, she wasn't really blind either.

Indistinctly, whether it is some of the previous references of Lila, or the deeds of Kui Lu and the dark girl in the Red Kingdom, there are also things about the goddess of magic and the "Book of Dirty Darkness"...

Storm-Silver Hand has a lot of suspicions, I'm afraid that this green dragon really has a deep relationship with them and happened!

And this is exactly the same as what the goddess of magic had hinted to them, not to take the initiative to conflict with the green dragon, and it can also correspond.

Seeing Storm-Silver Hand nodding, Melster's eyes flashed, and he nodded and said, "Since Ma'am agrees, I agree to discuss with Your Excellency, but should Your Excellency also stop the war above?"

Above, after receiving the warning from the "Goddess of Magic", Storm-Silver Hand and him used the legendary war bow and high-level spells to bombard the "Angry Lord" and others, slightly slowing down the "Stone Terrace". wood" pressure.

Furthermore, with the ability of "regeneration", the "wood of the stone platform" that has been absorbing natural energy and performing the "advanced rejuvenation technique" can last for a longer period of time.

At this time, the siege over there should not be over yet.

Here, since Melster was ready to compromise, he didn't forget to save "Stone Tree" immediately.

Isaac didn't care about that.

Whether it is the "grandfather tree" or the "wood of the stone platform", although they are naturally born legendary spirits of nature, or even natural holy spirits, the restriction of not being able to move at will is no real threat after all.

First, make a gesture to the "Grandfather Tree".

A "message" was projected without interference.

Soon, the consciousness of the "Grandfather Tree" was linked with the Belén Lich and the Storm-Silver Hand, and it was natural to confirm the other side and stop the hand.

This is...

Melster went on to say: "I have received your sincerity, but I will not hide it from you. I can give you the 'Golden Scroll', but there are no seven volumes in the 'Mist Hall'. About three Ten years ago, there were three 'golden scrolls', but they were taken away by someone."

Three volumes were taken away?

Isaac has noticed that what the Lich of Belem said was "take away"!

Such a statement, he can still believe it.


Without any color or gaze, Isaac just faced the Lich of Belem lightly, waiting for this further statement.

Melster also understood what he meant, pondered for a while, and said: "These seven golden scrolls were transferred from the 'Windsong Tower' by Aikmana-True Silver seven hundred years ago. Come, and on each volume, the corresponding cipher text was sealed. Thirty years ago, the legendary bard Mintip Moon Silver took away three of the volumes with the corresponding cipher text."

Although they have been sleeping all this time, when the sealed ciphertext of the "Golden Scroll" was revealed, Melster and Oswell still had a feeling.

Although he hadn't walked out of the vertical coffin of slumber, he still used the projection to communicate with the legendary bard a little bit.

Seven hundred years ago, it was transferred from the Tower of Windsong by Aikmana-True Silver!

This is the high-level mages of the Tower of Windsong, who have a hunch about the "Battle of Weeping", have they prepared in advance?

Isaac's heart moved a little, but he didn't think too much about it, and turned to...

"Mintip-Moon Silver!"

With a flash of light, his gaze turned to Storm-Silver Hand.

Of course, he certainly didn't know about this legendary bard.

This is not just a senior member of the Harper organization.

If some of his understandings are correct...

The surname "Yueyin" seems to come from a branch of the "Silver Hand" family!

And the most famous member of the "Silver Hand" family... Except for Kui Lu and the married Dove, the other five members of the "Seven Sisters" all have "Silver Hand" as their surname!

"Don't look at me!"

"Since he took away the golden scroll with the agreed cipher text of the 'Tower of Windsong', it will naturally not be placed in the Harper's treasury."

"And he, since the end of his adventures in the Supreme Forest and Hell Gate Fortress, has also disappeared for the time being."

"I think, you don't need me to tell you this news, you know it."

Storm-Silver Hand snorted softly.

The intelligence agency controlled by the King of Red is not inferior to the Harper Organization.

For a legendary harp player like Mintip-Yueyin, she didn't believe that the Red King would not understand.

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