Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 859 The Legendary Green Dragon


"This great opportunity, I'm afraid it will be wasted!"

In the depths of the High Forest.

With the green dragon's natural ability to blend into the forest, combined with the harmony between the druid and nature, and at the same time the concealment and stealth of the rogue.

Claudia Mata's huge body completely merged with the shade of the surrounding giant trees without showing any signs, and without any abnormal breath.

At this time, the ancient green dragon's eyes were also closed.

She didn't use eyes or crystal balls, she was integrated with the natural environment of the forest, and then through the natural mourning, she had a supernatural response to the distant battlefield.

On that battlefield, although there are many strong people, there are quite a few who are at her level, or even better than her.

In normal times, with her supernatural induction, I'm afraid it's really difficult to sense the existence of everyone, and it's even possible that some people will be traced backwards.

However, that's just normal time.

at this time.

The intensity of the war was undoubtedly the only time she had ever seen in her life...


"Laila - Silverhand!"

"Kelben Orosan!"

"Turang, the great tree man!"

"Mist Master!"

"Unknown Elven High Mage!"

"And Kuilu-Villajo!"

"This way."

"The Tanar'ri Triumvirate of Hell's Gate Castle, and two adamantine golems!"

"'Immortal' Owo and his Lich Squad!"

"An unknown mysterious lich. However, judging from the 'Ancient God' card LS Nogus who came out last, this mysterious lich is most likely from the Viper Mountain Range!"

Under such a level of war, no one can hide their aura.

Crowgilia Marta caught the breath of these people one by one.

Originally, he was as calm as a mountain, ready to cooperate with that person to harvest the final victory.

In particular, she has always had ambitions for Waterdeep City and Neverwinter City. If she can take this opportunity to get rid of Lila Silverhand and Kelben Orosan together, it will undoubtedly be her foray into Deep Water. The best opportunity in the city, she doesn't mind cooperating with that one.

However, when the mysterious Lich blocked the Elven High Mage, and when the "Old God" card LS Nogus also rushed in and came out...

At the bottom of her heart, Claudia Mata shook her head secretly.

As one of the most influential five-color evil dragons in the Northland, although she was rejected by most of the dragons because of an old and immortal guy, she once refused to be drawn by the Dragon Worship Cult and the Dragon Witch Cult, but No matter whether it is strength or seniority, she still knows a lot of secrets about dragons.

The "Ancient God" Karl Nogus, and the "Ancient One" tribe he led, are rare, and even the only one. It is the five-color evil dragon tribe of the sworn enemy.

This kind of absolute repulsion, even more complete hostility, is even for an arrogant and violent old man like "Flying Flame" Balagos, even for "Sharp Tooth" Ivy Ke LS Gran, even for "Scar" Klaus However, even the legendary dragons like "Blue Wizard" Emulis, who also maintain independence between the two sects, have never achieved such a degree.

Precisely because of this, when this old and immortal black dragon lich suddenly came out...

In her heart, Crowgilia Mata has made a judgment, I'm afraid...

"I'm afraid that there is no mutual trust between Aowo and that person, and it should even be completely unknown to that person's identity!"

"Otherwise, even if the black dragon lich will still be invited, it will never be killed now!"

Green Dragon couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

At this point, she has no way of judging whether that person will finally target Laila and others first, or deal with this ancient black dragon lich first!

after all.

If the target is Laila and the others, once the ancient black dragon lich realizes the identity of that person, it may not be able to backstab.

As for dealing with the ancient black dragon lich, Laila may be welcoming such infighting, and is more willing to watch and profit.

So, no matter how that person chooses, this is not a good choice.


Although she was shaking her head in her heart, she also had some regrets, but Claugilia Marta did not show any impatience.

For one thing, a typical green dragon, she is born with enough patience, even if she can't take down Laila and others this time, at most she will continue, step by step, to infiltrate into Waterdeep City and Neverwinter City through her followers. that is.

Of course, more importantly...

Even the one who wants to clean up the ancient black dragon lich, she will also cooperate.

If we can get rid of this old and immortal black dragon lich here...

"The Viper Mountain Range is also a good place!"

"Moreover, this is the first time I've really cooperated with him..."

"Baragas is old and immortal, if you want to continue to be unscrupulous, you have to think more about it!"

"The rejection due to this old immortality will also be restricted!"

Although most of the time, Claugilia Marta, who is used to being alone, doesn't care too much about the exclusion among the dragons, but if there are fewer enemies, especially because of these enemies, it is possible to directly She obviously still welcomes the old man's words.

This is also the root cause of her secret cooperation with Dragon Worship Cult, and most importantly, the one behind Dragon Worship Cult, in recent years.


In the mind, it is the supernatural induction that is going on, and it is also meditating at the same time.

Suddenly, the green dragon's heart moved again, and its giant eyes opened suddenly.

Xuan, she has the characteristics of a giant snake, with strands of black borders in the dark green, showing an endlessly gloomy face, a smiley expression just moved.

"King of Red, His Majesty Isaac?!"

What caught her vertical eyes seemed to be a green dragon.

The body shape is to be inferior to her.

She is an ancient green dragon, of gigantic size.

The one in front of him is just a super-sized green dragon in his prime.

However, although her age group is two levels behind her, but...

Not only did Crowgilia Marta not show any contempt, but she even showed some respect faintly.


Perhaps it may not be the strongest in the history of the green dragon clan. After all, in ancient times, in the age of giant dragons, there were legends of divine green dragons.

However, Crowgilia Mata is sure that in the history of the Green Dragon Clan, there has never been anyone who can increase the speed as much as the one in front of him.

And excluding the divine green dragon, there should be no one with the influence of the one in front of him.

Of course, what really made her willing to show respect, put aside her usual neutral stance, and be willing to cooperate with the Dragon Worship Cult, and then cooperate with this...

It's not like those old guys from the Dragon Witch Cult.

It's not like those purple robes, or shadow mages.

Although this guy also initiated an extensive alliance of five-color evil dragons, it was more of an alliance of win-win cooperation, and he never actually controlled, let alone enslaved anyone.

It is precisely because of this that he has never thought of turning to anyone, let alone transforming a dracolich, and being controlled by someone with a phylactery, and needs a strong enough alliance to contain the pressure brought by Balagos' immortality. It is because of Claudia Marta that in recent years, they have gradually approached the Dragon Worship Cult, but they have only approached, only cooperated, and the fundamental reason why they still maintain mutual independence.

"It's my scumbag."

"Before I masked my face, Ms. Lao came all the way to help me. I will always remember her friendship."

Isaac also smiled back.

And the same, looking at this person.

Five-colored dragon.

The strength of the red dragon family is enduring. Not only are there several legendary dragons, but they are generally stronger than other legendary dragons. The one in Chesenta, if it weren't for the dragon queen who firmly grasped all the five-color evil dragons. His racial priesthood will not leak the slightest word, and even has the real qualifications for conferring gods.

The blue dragon clan is also strong, the blue dragon queen of Unser, "Sharp Tooth" Ivy Ke LS Gran, "Blue" Saphirekta, "Blue Wizard" Emulis, Dragon Queen Chosen " "Purgatory Blue Dragon" Gustanius, these are all legendary dragons, and even the great dragon king who is qualified to chase the gods.

Even the black dragon clan has given birth to several real powerhouses, whether it is the "Ancient God" Karl Nogus or the "Great Bone Dragon" Alexelles, these are also true legendary dragons, and even There is one, even if it is the Blue Dragon Queen, even if it is "Hellfire", it is hard to say that it can win, even if it is just a suppressed pervert.

Compared to these, the green dragon clan, which was supposed to be on par with blue dragons, or at most slightly inferior, but definitely stronger than black dragons, has been somewhat mediocre in the past hundreds or thousands of years.

However, this is also understandable.

The green dragon is most suitable for the forest environment, but the forest is also the habitat of elves and druids.

After the "War of Weeping", the Comanthor Elf King's Court was considered to have completely declined. The Elf Clan has really entered the "Great Retreat", and most of them have migrated to Yongju Island. Otherwise, I am afraid that the Green Dragon Clan The living environment is even worse.

But even with these hundreds of years of "rest and recuperation".

If Isaac hadn't been born out of nowhere, among the green dragons, apart from the "Purgatory Green Dragon" Skossosin, the Dragon Queen's voter, the only one in front of him would be the one who is qualified to take the lead!

"Old Bonebiter" Claugilia Marta, an ancient green dragon with advanced "Wanderer" and "Druid", the actual combat power is definitely beyond the ancient green dragon.

According to Isaac's previous understanding and judgment, the powerful dragons he has dealt with directly should be the same as the golden dragon druid in the highest forest, whether it is combat ability or magic ability. on an approximate level.

At this moment, he observed with a glance, and he was nodding in his heart.

There is no deviation in his judgment, this ancient green dragon indeed has the ability to surpass the ancient green dragon.


"The old guy Balagos's words are accurate, 'Old Bonebiter', this is really 'old' and ugly."

On this ancient green dragon, on the dark green dragon scales, the black edges appearing from time to time, just like wrinkles.

As a result, the dragon's already strong vitality should be even more vigorous after he has clearly advanced to the "Druid".

But this "Old Bonebiter" revealed a gloomy, even unhealthy aging.

However, Isaac was not surprised by this.

After all, in his understanding, this person's greatest enemy is the original red dragon "Flying Flame" Balagos.

Because of Balagos, an unknown number of giant dragons, especially black dragons, and green dragons of the same family are greedy for her territory and wealth.

As a result, there have been many attacks on her by forming a group.

Crowgilia Mata is indeed powerful, but it is not enough to be able to single-handedly challenge dragons many times without being damaged in the slightest.

What's more, she is not only repelled and hostile by the dragon.

Other things Isaac learned, she was in Waterdeep City and Neverwinter City, which also had a lot of enemies.

From time to time, targeted assassinations would happen, which was nothing more than normal for her.

How can it not be premature aging if it goes on like this for a long time?

Besides, at her age, although she is aging, it is not considered "early".

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be polite. After all these years of cooperation, I have been close to Your Majesty for a long time."

"With His Majesty's rise in the south, and the spread of the 'Thousand Dragons Covenant', Balagos is shrinking his arrogance."

"But I don't hide it from Your Majesty. Because of this, I can really breathe a sigh of relief these years."

"Because of this, how could I refuse His Majesty's invitation?"

The huge body of Crowgilia Mata was swimming out from the continuous canopy.

While nodding to Isaac, not only was he not self-confident, but also showed some sincere gratitude.

Green Dragon is a born performer, not to mention, what she said was not made up at will.

The strong rise of the Red King in the south, in fact, has indeed affected the arrogance of the original red dragon.

Furthermore, her situation is indeed much better than in her early years.


They are all green dragons, and they are all used to plotting and calculating. Isaac doesn't think that she is really just flattering and showing favor.

Quite the opposite.

This is hidden under the favor...

In Isaac's eyes, a pensive look emerged, and he nodded slowly: "Lady's police, I have counted. The year of dragon madness is approaching, and Balagos's forbearance is indeed true." It is necessary to pay attention and beware!"

Balagos has the name of "Flying Meteor", which not only describes his violent temper, but also describes his destructive power.

This extremely ancient and original red dragon is not as low-key as the equally ancient "Hellfire". From Dragon Lake, to Sword Coast, to the entire Northland, this is traditionally the area where Balagos roams, even if it is Even the "Seven Sisters" and Kelben and others couldn't really stop him.

Such a person, but because of the rise of the Red Kingdom, has shrunk his arrogance and put away his arrogance, this...

In the words of Claudia Marta, there is a hint, is this person preparing for something?

In particular, the Year of Dragon Madness is approaching!

Once the dragon madness erupts and is affected and loses its mind, the giant dragon will become berserk and berserk in all aspects, but it will also lose its ability to cast spells.

And the King of Red is the most powerful, isn't it just the ability to cast spells?

"Your Majesty has already figured it out. It's too much for me."

"However, if Balagos does something strange, I will do my best to help His Majesty without any conditions!"

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