Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 865: The End


"That's not right!?"

Look, this "deep sphere" composed of shadow matter and shadow energy has a light and floating feeling, and it falls in the air like a balloon.

But when Isaac tried to capture the "balloon" with negative energy...

In the first moment, the "balloon" was as heavy as a star, and he was pulling it with negative energy, but it was completely unable to move it!

More, not only heavy.

When the negative energy extended from Isaac's giant claws, it wound around this "deep sphere".

The moment before, it was still smooth and steady, but this moment, through this negative energy link...

Isaac's gaze suddenly changed. At the first moment, the giant claw retracted and forcibly cut off the link.

What's more, even though he had finished cutting off, his eyes were still flickering uncertainly.

A weird feeling that even he couldn't describe.

This weirdness is not just because of the powerful shadow energy directly projected by this "deep sphere" through the link of negative energy.

It's also not because, in the induction and judgment, such shadow energy projection seems to have a kind of weirdness that can change the essence of life and transform normal creatures into shadow creatures.

even more……

"The 'Wheel of the Numbers' seems to be fluctuating because of it, especially the projection endowment from the 'Dark Sky'!"

"This thing... seems to contain something that can affect the secret of the 'Wheel of the Numbers' destiny advancement!"

"And that's not all."

"It seems...'Corruption-Tekira's Stone' is also sensitive to its contact!"

"What's more...there's a 'mysterious lock'!"

There are so many judgments in my heart.

The gaze, Isaac also changed again and again.

What's more, he didn't directly touch this "deep sphere", the figure, he stepped back a little.

And just his retreat...

"Your Majesty, how about ending this battle?"

"If you and I are really fighting to the point where we both lose, I think it's not just one or two who are waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

Lyra's voice came.

When the shadow energy of the "deep sphere" was projected, Isaac's "advanced invisibility" was also broken.

At this time, his figure fell into the eyes of everyone.

"Ma'am please!"

"However, if the people of Yeerlan really want peace, you should first persuade that person!"

Isaac's gaze finally moved away from the "deep sphere".

Glancing at Laila, he didn't reveal it, but Laila had actually reached a secret agreement with him.

On the contrary, seeing Lila nodding, he turned his gaze to the main battlefield, where Ailum, who had been commanding the legion, said, "Alysa, retreat!"

"is teacher!"

Ai Lumo didn't have any predictions about this, and he didn't feel any shock or hesitation, and immediately sent an order to withdraw troops to all parties in the legion.

Seeing this, Laila also wouldn't procrastinate, and decisively sent an urgent message to the three major camps of the coalition forces.

Not to mention the news from everyone there, he nodded to Isaac and said, "Your Majesty, I understand. The matter between Hellgate Fort and Yeerlan will be decided by Emperor Turan and Ms. Mogweiss." Negotiate and negotiate with you."

Laila is not like a storm. Although she has already made a secret agreement with Isaac, but for such a real truce agreement, she can at most promote and exert some pressure, and she will not "overstep the bounds" to provoke others Suspect!

"Since that's the case, I'll wait for them, and I won't leave you guys behind!"

Isaac's gaze retracted from the sky, from Kui Lu's side.

The reason why the chaotic explosion of the magical disaster was just the first wave came out, and he reacted faster than Kelben and others to dispel the legend.

Of course, this is true, no matter the four giants of Tanari or the "sons of hell", these are all generals under his command. Tanar'ri giant.

However, more importantly, the reality is that Kui Lu is also within the envelope of the explosion.

Whether it is the Dark Sisters or the future "New Maierita Queen", this is much more important than the Tanari Big Four.

His eyes flicked.

At this time, Kui Lu had already stood together with the storm, and they both retreated in the direction of Laila, faintly confronting this side.

However, it is only relative.

Although at this time, there were three "Seven Sisters", Kelben and Imsford, as well as the Mist Master and the Treant.

But on the Hellgate Fort, the four giants of the Tanari, the Sons of Hell, the "Old Bonebiter", two adamantine golems, and Isaac are still there, giving them the legion advantage to go to Hellgate Fort.

In particular, whether it is Isaac or Laila, they are also aware that there are some people who are secretly paying attention to this side.

Naturally, even the Storm-Silver Hands and the Wood Elf Combat Brigade on the side of the Yeerlan Allied Forces, which consumed a lot of spells, would not dare to take any risky actions.

Come on, it's very simple.

When the two sides on the battlefield were on guard against each other and completed their separation.

Ye Erlan's allied forces, including those treants, were very decisive. The main force quickly retreated into the depths of the forest, and then separated some teams to clean up their own battlefield.

Laila and the others even ignored the "deep sphere".

The same is true for Hellgate Fort. After the main forces of the Tanarok Legion and the Flomo army retreated to the direction of the fortress, there were also some teams cleaning up the battlefield.

Of course, the leaders of the legion were indispensable, and they moved closer to Isaac.

Isaac fed them full of chicken soup again, and added some hints of strength and power, which made these demons and demon descendants all satisfied.

The doubts and dissatisfaction of the high-level legion were quickly dismissed, and Isaac did not keep these people here, but sent them back to the army, and still ordered Alisa to continue the command of the legion.

Not much time.

The battlefield that has been emptied in no time, there are only a few high-level Tanari left, and Kenil Walker and "Children of Hell", even Crowgilia Mata has hidden again up.

Then, Isaac's attention was shifted back to the "deep sphere".

When he no longer directly touches the "deep sphere" in any way, in the end, the slowly falling shadow sphere is suspended in the sky at a height of about twenty feet above the ground, and a stable balance is reached, without any falling and fluttering.

However, the stability is stable, but the observation of this sphere, guessing, and pondering...

In Isaac's heart, he was shaking his head slowly again.

There is no doubt that this "deep sphere" has an essence closely related to the Shadow Realm!

What's more, although Isaac can't be absolutely sure, he also has some vague judgments...

"Should, its essence is also somewhat similar to the 'Mystery Barrier'."

"Mystic enchantment, which is closely related to the essence of magic, can absorb energy through the essence of magic in an endless stream, so as to exist permanently."

"And it is closely related to the Shadow Realm, and it seems to also be able to project the shadow energy of the Shadow Realm in an endless stream!"

Of course, this is only a certain similarity, not a true agreement.


Isaac's ambiguity, but it is precisely here.

The influence of this "deep sphere" on the "Wheel of Heaven" and the influence on "Corruption-Tekira's Stone" is even fainter. What he can perceive is the influence on the "Mystery Barrier", even is a threat...

Then combine all of these with his speculation about the origin of the "magic disaster" of the chaotic big bang at the beginning...

"'Wheel of Heaven', for me now, is the advancement of destiny in the direction of the caster!"

"It can affect the 'wheel of the number of days'. Is this related to the destiny direction of the caster?"

"The 'Stone of Tekira' and the 'Mystery Barrier' are vaguely related to the power of the elven magic priesthood."

"The priesthood of elf magic is naturally part of the priesthood of magic."

"Since it can affect these things, it also means that it has something to do with 'magic authority'!"

"In this way, it can correspond to the completely incompatible big explosion produced by it and Kuilu's 'Silver Fire' magical authority at the beginning!"

That is to say...

"Is this shadow essence interfering with, or even opposed to, the destiny of magic, and even the priesthood and power of magic?"

This thought flashed.

Another thing came to Isaac's mind.

The great dragon father once "chat" with him. The birth of the goddess of magic originated from the eternal battle between the two goddesses of creation, "Lady of the Night" and "Lady of Silver". Born together.

However, after the goddess of magic was born, she has always been on the side of "Lady Silver", and has always been hostile to "Lady of the Night".

If there is any shadow essence, and why the shadow essence is opposed to "Magic Destiny" and "Magic Priesthood"...

In his heart, Isaac thought of this lady!

And if this "deep sphere" is really related to this lady...

"Do you want Eugene to come and take it away?"

"Or through Barrett, have some cooperation with the Night Sect?"

In his heart, Isaac hesitated a little.

He certainly has a lot of interest in this "deep sphere", but at least for now, he doesn't have much time or energy to be distracted by it.

However, considering the danger of this "deep sphere", especially the conflict with the "mysterious barrier", he felt that it was better to conduct research on professionals who specialize in shadows, and even related to Ms. Dark Night , is the most appropriate.

The first choice is naturally Eugene and State.

However, considering that Starter was busy rescuing Satan, and there were still some unstable factors hidden in Eugene's side, it might not be a suitable choice for a while.

On the contrary, if this "deep sphere" is really directly related to Lady Dark Night, it would be an option to use it to achieve some cooperation with the Dark Night Sect.

"If you choose the Night Sect, is it Estherville-Greycastle, or..."

Just as this thought was going on, suddenly, Isaac's eyes flashed again, and soon, as if he was communicating with someone, his lips were silently opened.

After a while.

Still maintaining the "Legendary Concealment" and blocking detection from all sides, he waved his hand suddenly again, and activated the spell enhancement of the "Dark Crystal", and quickly opened a dark sky, covering the "Deep Sphere" is shrouded in it.

"Salien, take Moises and the others to the demiplane base and wait for me!"

"Walker, you go to the Eastern Front, take over from Samuel, and lead the army to withdraw Amalinda!"

He also sent away all the Tanari, together with Emperor Cambion.

Only the "Son of Hell" was left behind, as well as the ancient green dragon who walked alone and hid by itself. Of course, the two adamantine golems were still there.


Isaac didn't study the "deep sphere" anymore, just quietly waiting for something.

Not too long.

With the opening of a portal, under the entourage of a group of liches, Owo's fat figure appeared again.

"The information you want!"

There is no "harmony" when they first met, but they can still suppress their anger. Obviously, this is an agreement that has been reached with Isaac. Aowo, who walked out of the portal, had bloody eyes. Looking around, he directly met Isaac's Eye of Fire.

Another cold snort, and with a wave of his hand, a dimensional bag was thrown to Isaac.

There are not many things in the dimensional bag, just some books and scrolls.

Isaac took them out one by one, and after flipping through them for a while, he put them away again.

Then, facing the cold and angry gaze of the fat lich, he smiled faintly: "The archmage doesn't need to look at me like that, I don't want to disobey that lady's order easily, and I can win such a long time for the archmage!" , I have done enough.

Besides, if you really want to say it, you are also the archmage, you are always not in a hurry, otherwise, even those two, it is impossible to be so calm! "

There was a trace of sarcasm in the voice.

Aowo didn't even think about working hard, nor did he think about making some sacrifices, so how could he blame others?

You know, desperately, this is Isaac's legion.

If those liches in Ovo were desperate, Isaac didn't think that Lila and Kyle could have firmly controlled the situation.

After all... the fat man is still counting on, Isaac finished the "Grandfather Tree" battle, and then returned to this side, continue to work hard!

While speaking, Isaac's flaming eyes showed a little indifference, and his voice became cold: "Besides, since you invited Karl Nogus over, how can you blame me for not taking care of him first... ..."


"There is no need to say anything more about the previous matter."

"Since the information is all right, let's continue the transaction!"

Ovo snorted, interrupting Isaac's words.

He had to admit that it was indeed a mistake to invite the two members of the "Ancient Clan".

However, before inviting these two, how did he know that the "King of Magic Flame" would be changed by "King of Red"?

What's more, I just knew it, but...he didn't have spies lurking in the upper echelons of the Dragon Worship Cult, so how did he know that the Dragon Worship Cult was so hostile to the "ancient tribe"?

At this time, I can only suffer from this dumb loss!

What's more, for this "shadow energy core", even after suffering from being dumb, he took the initiative to bow his head again!

How can I have any more good temper?

"The Archmage is invited!"

Isaac didn't care about being interrupted.

As soon as the anti-psychic thought moved, the adamantine golem guarding the left and right in the dark sky retreated to the back.

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