Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 870 Greatly Enhanced Magic Circle

It really has another purpose!

Isaac's words were filled with righteous indignation a moment ago, but Salien immediately calmed down.

She just said, although the "King of Demon Flame" has a tradition of reusing his confidants, but with his wisdom, how could he really weaken the power of Hell Gate Fortress, and even planted a lead for the split of Hell Gate Fortress? thing?

Will do this, it will never be for nothing!

Although for a while, Saleen still couldn't figure out what this "reason" meant.


She has shown her attitude.

The "King of Demon Flame" also gave her this response.

Naturally, Salion also knew that this was the "King of Demon Flame" who had really accepted her refuge, just like the Fly Demon and Ail Demon before!

As for the last single mission order...

This should not only depend on her loyalty, but also on her ability!

In terms of loyalty, she already regarded herself as a close servant. Before she mastered the power to turn herself around, Salion would not think that her loyalty was not as good as that of the Fly Demon and the Alma Demon.

Not to mention ability, the six-armed snake demon family is born to be the most elite general and commander of the bottomless abyss. As a consultant and lover, it is normal to serve the demon lord. She doesn't think that when she puts down her body At that time, the mere Fly Demon and Ailum could be compared with her in this aspect.

"Please give orders, Your Majesty!"

"No matter what, I will do it with all my heart. Even if I am torn to pieces, I will never hesitate to be reborn here again."

In the naturally cold voice of the six-armed snake demon, there was a sense of enthusiasm.

"Get up!"

"Although the matter is not simple, it is not enough for you to sacrifice your life."

With a wave of his hand, Isaac finally made the six-armed snake demon stand up, and said again: "The next period of time.

Muwasis and Pan Luonuo will not be here, and Samuel will also leave with them.

There are other missions on Alisa's side, and they will not be in Hell's Gate Castle and Amarinda.

So, I want you to..."

Well, it was a while to explain.

Some of the secrets among them made Salien's cold face change color from time to time.

However, from the beginning to the end, the six-armed snake demon only nodded, completely obeying orders.

Even if there are occasional things that I don't understand, I will answer first while nodding, and then ask for instructions.

It's almost the same when everything is explained.

"The matter will be left to you, don't let me down."

"In addition, Wilder will become your deputy. If there is any urgent news, you can ask him to send a message to me!"

"His phylactery is in my hands, so he can still be trusted for now!"

Isaac also entrusted the lich servant to the six-armed snake demon.

In fact, if you really want to say it, the current Saleen is actually not as good as Wilder's level.

As a level 19 lich, Wilde has the power close to that of a level 21 mage. Of course, this may be to exclude the factors of legendary spells, at least to exclude some too perverted legendary spells.

However, who made Sallyen have the identity of a hexapod, and he was still among the former "Seven Giants of Tanari". It has a huge influence!

For many things, including future prospects, Saleen is much easier to use than Lich Wilder.

In particular, since Wilder's background is related to the one in the Ferocious Forest, we still need to be a little wary of it, provided that the influence from that side has not been ruled out.

"Your Majesty, I understand!"

"Never let you down!"

Sallyn made another statement.

"Then let's go!"

"On the day this is done, I will endow you with an essence stronger than that of Muwasis and Amasiri!"

Just essence, not direct force!


To a certain extent, at least in the long run, for Salien, the enhancement of the body may be more important than the recovery of the professional level.

After all, at the professional level, she has the background and experience of "previous life", and there will always be a day of recovery.

But the nature of the six-armed snake demon... this may mean that the race's life energy level has a higher development speed!

"Your Majesty sees my performance."

"I'll get ready to go now, and when those people leave, I'll start right away!"

Saying that, the six-armed snake demon saluted again and left the demiplane base.

But at this time, Isaac's eyes turned back to the skeleton of the ancient black dragon lich.

"Let's take a break today!"

"Stay until late at night, and the number of daily legendary spells has all been restored, and then we will deal with him!"

Although Isaac still has a legendary spell that has always been kept, and now he has returned to this half-plane base, but... still, he has no intention of completely using it up.

However, it is not exhausted, this is the reservation of the bottom line.

However, apart from the bottom line, Isaac was not prepared for any delay.

The resurrection of the dragon lich is different from the lich after all.

Although they all come from the phylactery.

However, the resurrection of the Lich is to reconstruct the body out of thin air, so in terms of time, it is inevitable that it will be a little longer.

However, the resurrection of the dracolich requires, in addition to the phylactery, the presence of a giant dragon or the corpse of a reptile-like creature nearby.

In this way, once the soul returns to the phylactery, it doesn't take much time for the dracolich to complete its resurrection.

Of course, the resurrection is fast, but it doesn't mean that the dracolich will directly recover its full power.

Often, they still need a certain amount of time to further transform the resurrected body into the original body through the connection with the phylactery, and only then can they completely restore their full strength.

The length of this time is related to the quality of the "dragon bones" that the dracolich prepares to place around the phylactery.

If it is a real dragon, then it is naturally the best, especially if it is a dragon skeleton of the same family, the closer the age group is, the faster the recovery will be.

And if it's not a giant dragon, but some half-dragons and dragon beasts, or even reptiles like lizards, the recovery time required will be extended accordingly.

Isaac has a judgment. What KaLS Nogus prepared for the old man will never be a reptile, or even the corpse of a five-color dragon of other races. Basically, this old black dragon lich must be The corpses of his descendants will be used as the carrier of resurrection.

After all, there are records of the Dragon Worship Sect. The previous dragon madness, the descendants of this old man, died a lot!

And with such a black dragon corpse as a carrier...

Naturally, Isaac wouldn't wait for the old guy to return to his full glory.

If you miss today, as long as the legendary spell of the night is restored, it's time to start.

Of course, before that...

"Walker removes Amalinda."

"Alissa's mission should also be in the Northland."

"Since Samuel is going to the Eternal Wilderness, let Alisa cooperate with Barrett."

"Then bring him and Samuel back here along with the mage group."

"In addition, there is also this plane of magic gate... Recently, it is also necessary to reset it!"

The demiplane base is just a start-up, and many settings are far from mature.

Normally, Isaac must add a "repulsion effect" to this half-plane base. Once the revived Tanari recovers to a certain level of life energy, it will be forcibly repelled. The door teleports out.

Originally, this setting was not urgent.

But now, most of the high-level Tanari have already entered here, and the location of the Might and Magic Gate is no secret.

Naturally, the change of the position of Might and Magic and the addition of the "repulsion effect" must be completed as soon as possible.

At least, this change and addition must be completed before he goes north!

As soon as the thought flashed, Isaac's figure disappeared into the demiplane.

After another period of time.

The kobolds and dragon vein warlocks of the mage group turned around one after another.

But Isaac's figure never appeared at the same time.

It was not until after the night fell that he finally returned from the gate of the plane.

It is indispensable to take a meditation break again to prepare and restore the spells of various professions.

The loyal servants of the kobolds are also recharging their energy.

In this way, until midnight and dawn...

"Come with me!"

Isaac finally stood up.

With a wave of the scepter in his hand, the dark crystal in front of his forehead is also surging with evil power, and circles of dark mist are spreading out, soon completely covering the huge body of the ancient black dragon lich.

The black mist swept across, and in just a moment, the huge black dragon skeleton was abruptly shrunk down to a length of twenty or thirty feet, as if it were in adolescence.

With such a body shape, for Isaac who still maintains the form of Barlow's demon, it is natural that he can be dragged and carried away.

With an order, he carried the black dragon skeleton directly on his shoulders, and led a group of loyal servants into the castle in the center of the demiplane.

From the plane of Might and Magic, it returned to the "Dragon Castle Half-Plane"!

"Get ready first!"

While putting the black dragon's skeleton in place, Isaac gestured to the loyal servants.

The half-plane of Dragon Fort is created by drawing energy from the "Origin of Dragon" endlessly through the principle of permanent continuity of legendary spells, through closeness to the essence of magic, and combined with the authority of "Dragon of Conferred God". Yes, it is the most suitable demiplane for giant dragons to survive.

At this time, Isaac did not have a second copy of the "Shards of Stars", so it was temporarily impossible to develop them on a large scale. Otherwise, the importance of this half-plane base would never be inferior to that of the "Gate of Hell Fortress". How many demiplanes.

The great master gave an order.

The third brigade of the Mage Corps had been prepared for a long time. On the one hand, they cleared the field and set up half-plane personnel, and on the other hand, they surrounded the skeleton of the black dragon and started the construction of the magic circle of heaven.

Isaac, on the other hand, continued to think.

Although it is difficult to accurately judge, at this time, the extent to which Card LS Nogues has recovered.

However, Isaac still knows two things.

"The land of the phylactery, this old immortal will not rest assured that anyone will know, and there must be many anti-prophecy and anti-detection barriers. To make corresponding breakthroughs, this requires additional investment in magic knowledge!"

"Using the black dragon bones as the carrier, if these bones are all his descendants..."

"One more thing to consider. If their technology is still the earliest dracolich ceremony, if there is no improvement..."

"The current him should not be able to return to the 'immemorial black dragon lich'!"

This also means that there is a great possibility that, at least at this time, this old immortal may not be able to restore his legendary spellcasting ability!

Quite the opposite.

Isaac and their side...

"The 'Dragon Castle Half-Plane' is closely related to the 'Dragon Origin', which has an additional enhancement to the 'Heavenly Array'!"

This is also the fundamental reason why Isaac will perform the ceremony on this plane.

"It's a pity that the power bestowed by the great Dragon Father has not had time to study, otherwise, this enhancement will be even greater!"

"However, 'Corruption - Stone of Tekira' can be invested accordingly!"

"If I add the 'correctable' element to the creation of the 'Wheel of Eternity', this can also apply the 'Energy Storage Dragon Ball'!"

The life energy of the energy-storing dragon ball, although it was completely exhausted when dispelling the big explosion caused by the "shadow energy core".

However, for the casualties on the Blackwater River front, this is the best place to recharge.

Isaac had already recharged the two Dragon Balls.

In this way...

"The elite composition of the third brigade of the Mage Corps!"

"Environmental increase in the half-plane of Dragon's Castle!"

"The spell enhancement of the dark crystal!"

"Another two 'Energy Storage Dragon Balls'!"

"Extreme state, this should be based on the original 'Sky Array', with an increase in the strength of magic knowledge of nearly 100 levels!"

So much intensity.

Combined with the real dragon skeleton of Shangka LS Nogus, the "Scepter of the Legendary Spellcaster" that he left behind, and a "Fire Immunity Ring" that is integrated into his body and is specially equipped with his resistance... …

"This is enough to weaken the blocking effect of those protective barriers to a considerable extent when the 'Eternal Wheel' is detecting and detecting!"

This side is greatly enhanced, but the other side is still weakened...

But Isaac didn't believe it. There must be no old man with someone to assist him. What's more, he lost the "Legendary Scepter of Spellcaster" before he recovered to his full power, so he could resist the scepter he brought out alone. "Wheel of Eternity", the air lock carried out!

And as soon as the lock is done...

The corresponding calculations and corresponding judgments were quickly known in Isaac's mind.


Taking the "difficulty level" as the unit, he assigned and corrected it to the creation of the "Eternal Wheel", and also adjusted the "Soul Devouring Poison" accordingly.

Although all these creations are temporary constructions, the difficulty of making corresponding adjustments in them is undoubtedly far beyond the normal research of legendary spells.

However, Isaac's extraordinary intelligence, as well as his research on legendary spells, scientific digitization, and related adjustments have already become modules one by one in this digitization. It is easy to use, but it is simple to make related calls and related additions and subtractions.

At this time, it was just a little pondering in my heart.

Over there, the loyal servants of the third brigade just built the magic circle and adjusted their status again.

Here, the figure flickered, and Isaac, who had changed from the form of Balor to the true body of the green dragon, spread his wings and flew into the sky.

(It's not so painful today, just pull the wrench)

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