"Dirty bastard! Despicable bastard! Shameless bastard!"

"Sister, how could you be deceived by this evil drow?"

"He's a drow elf!"

Under Jarlaxle's repeated blows, Sonas was already on the verge of having a fit, jumping up.

"Young man is right, but you can't use your mouth, your fist is what a man talks about!"

"Hurry up, the big guy will help you block the Golden Cup Knights, and use your fists to take back your boss lady!"

"The little guy can't do it, can he?"

"No wonder the proprietress doesn't like it!"

"The proprietress is a powerful beauty who beat the frost giant to death with her bare hands. She has no blood at all. How can the proprietress take her fancy?"


The crowd of onlookers around were all chattering, provoking one after another.

The men in this extreme northern place have to fight all kinds of monsters all year round, but they couldn't be more bold and unrestrained.

Fist is their first choice to resolve conflicts.

In addition, although they themselves don't dare to think about the beautiful shopkeepers and sisters, but when someone gets their hands, they still hug left and right, and... Just like Sonas' hostility to the drow elves, they But it's also been a long time since I saw this drow elf who is hooked and confused!

At this time, this provocation is naturally full of enthusiasm.

"Eh! Eh! Eh!"

"It's enough for you guys, it's enough for you guys to say that this brat is fine, he is indeed still young and tender."

"But my lady boss, isn't it just you superficial guys who can talk nonsense!"

"The proprietress is both beautiful and intelligent, sexy and sassy, ​​to match the proprietress, what's the use of a little blood and courage?"

"It's not that I hit you, I'm not as handsome, I'm not as tough, I'm not as witty, I'm not as physically fit, it's better to know something in my heart..."

"Little ghost, don't look around at others, I'm talking about you."

"Do you know what painting a tiger is not an anti-dog?"

"You say I'm dirty, despicable and shameless, but you still want to learn from me, why? Are you yearning for my dirty, despicable and shameless?"

Jarlaxle took no pleasure in anyone.

A mouthful of gunfire sprayed from the surrounding onlookers all the way to Sonas, and at the same time, not only dazzled himself, but also praised the ancient bronze dragon sisters.

However, he just didn't intend to do anything, and his hands were still hugging the sisters and the proprietress from left to right.

Just kidding, although I have enough confidence in my sword skills, but...he is a big winner!

As a big winner, why does he need to use his fists to fight against a negative dog?

Especially... this is the domain of the Dragon Nightmare King!

Although he had contributed a lot in the war to destroy the Witch King Zhengyi back then, and because of this, the Dragon Nightmare King and the Yellow Rose Monastery acquiesced that he could exist in Damara openly and above board.

But...heliogabalus now is not the usual time!

With a keen enough sense of smell, Jarlaxle has already noticed that the recent atmosphere in this royal city of Damara is quite wrong.

At this time, he didn't want to have a so-called "men's duel" with this bronze dragon whose sperm was on his head!

That's right, he already knew that this brat was transformed from an adult bronze dragon.

However, this is not what he saw directly.

The "shape change" of the metal dragon is much more advanced than the usual "transfiguration", and even he cannot easily see through it.

However, he knew too much about Sister Tazmira.

Let the ancient red copper dragon sisters actively join his game with great interest, and then learn the details of the bronze dragon from it. To him, this is just a normal operation!

It doesn't mean "men vs. men" at all.

On the one hand, Jarlaxle was counting in his heart. He would directly serve the Dragon Nightmare King and be responsible for the security of the entire royal city. Moreover, all of them were the "Golden Cup Knights" formed by the paladins of the "God of Suffering". will arrive at the time.

On the one hand, without any trace at all, his ostentatious gaze naturally swept across the crowd around him.

Even with just one glance, the images of most people are reflected in his mind.

He pondered again calmly.

Although today, the matter with this bronze dragon is just a normal coincidence.

However, since there are rumors, the Witch King Zhengyi has been resurrected again...

Jarlaxle was not ignorant of any risk.

Back then, he and his teammates put in a lot of effort in the battle to capture Fort Perelles.

At that time, the Witch King Zhengyi also had the idea of ​​Tazmikala and Irnizara, trying to lure them into dracolich in order to obtain eternal life.

Therefore, Wu Wang Zhengyi knew about this sister shop, and also knew the true identities of the proprietress and sisters.

If it really has been resurrected today...

However, Jarlaxle had already prepared to be on guard secretly, including the arrangement!

"Depend on!"

"Isn't it? Brat, we can't help it anymore, but you can still bear it?"

"Could it be that you were really caught by his cheap mouth, that you are small and tender?"

"Not necessarily, maybe he likes this kind of tone, not to mention, look at his hat, how many colors are there?"

There was another burst of ridicule and encouragement all around.

Sonas' expression changed again and again, and finally, he couldn't take it anymore!

He took off his hat and threw it on the ground fiercely. He looked at the red copper dragon sister and growled: "Sister, get out of the way. Today I must expose this guy's true colors. Drows have always been None of them are good things!"

The map cannon is on again!

Above the attic, Isaac sneered.

The bronze reptile is actually a cheap mouth, as it was when dealing with him back then.

It's just that today, it's just bickering, but it's the second outlier of the Banrui family!

Although the Baenre family is the first family in Menzoberranzan, in fact, it can also be regarded as the most favored family of the vicious spider queen in this material world.

At one time, who lived for two thousand years, was undoubtedly the most powerful priest of the Spider Queen, Yvonnell-Bain Rui, and was even generally regarded by drow society as the will of the Spider Queen in this substance. Symbol of the world!

However, it is not to be said that this great mistress has fallen during the turbulent years.

Even when she was still there, Menzoberranzan, or even her Baenre family, were already not so stable!

And even she couldn't hold back...

Her daughter, who succeeded the Great Mistress, was also favored by the Spider Queen, so could she do better than her?

The reason for this...

On the one hand, this is undoubtedly related to the spider queen's capriciousness and even "silence", and it is also related to the open and secret struggles in drow society.

But it is undeniable that this is related to another aspect, the male power, influence, and status changes in Menzoberranzan City.

The two sons of Yvonnell and the brothers of the current Matron Tril-Baenre.

The Archmage Grove was even considered to be the most intelligent Archmage in the history of the drow elves. Even when Yvonnell was still there, he was jealous of her son.

Jarlaxle Baenre is also very capable. The "Bregan Dayet" mercenary group he created, not to mention in Menzoberranzan, not to mention in the Underdark, is even Luskan. , Even Neverwinter City, even Waterdeep City, also has his spies.

In fact, the current Mistress Banrui can no longer control her two brothers.

This is why Grove's daughter, Lirael Baenre, even though she was once a chosen one of the Spider Queen, turned her back on the Spider Queen, rebelled against Menzoberranzan City, and completely devoted herself to the camp of goodness. The reality of being able to roam freely on the surface!

Before that, there was another drow who rebelled against Menzoberranzan even earlier than Lirael, and also devoted himself to the good camp. Now he has become the most famous drow in the North. Well-known legendary ranger!

And as far as Isaac knows something...

There are quite a few clues, the reason why this drow ranger was able to escape from the pursuit of the Spider Queen's minions for many times, and even in the end, it was in the turbulent years that directly led to the fall of the great mistress Yvonnell ,this……

"Is it related to this guy?"

Looking at Jarlaxle, Isaac once again looked at Jarlaxle.

This is the second alien of the Banrui family, and it is said that he is also a guy who likes to wander on the surface!

Moreover, although it is absolutely different from Lirael's kind camp, it is undeniable that this guy is not the traditional cold bloodthirsty nature of drow.

In particular, there seems to be a very deep relationship between this guy and the drow ranger.

But that's it...

Isaac never thought that this guy would abandon Menzoberranzan!

His "Bregan-Dayet" mercenary group is deeply rooted in Menzoberranzan!

That being the case...

"Why are you still here at this time, instead of returning to Menzoberranzan?"

Seeing the anger of the bronze reptile and before declaring war, Jarlaxle did not panic at all, as if he had taken advantage of the fact that the bronze dragon would not cause damage at will, and would not even directly show the weakness of the dragon's real body here. He is continuing his "plot" interpretation.

The Red Copper Dragon Sisters are also admiring and even enjoying it with their racial nature.

Only Sonas, this is being hit by a "rival in love", at least his unilateral "rival in love", and he is surrounded by passers-by, ridiculed and instigated. What's more, the two "goddess" sisters have not cared at all he……

Such a misery, Isaac couldn't help shaking his head, even more snickering.

However, he still has a conscience, after all, he is not so gloating.

More, he still focused on Jarlaxle, the Copper Dragon Sisters, and even...

Temporarily put away, Isaac's eyes turned to the surroundings again, wondering why Jarlaxle was still staying in this bloodstone land.

The surrounding crowd of onlookers has become denser.

Obviously, Dragon Nightmare King's heroic posture of throwing money is indeed "handsome". At least, many adventurers who are attracted by his "handsomeness" take it seriously.

Isaac observed with just one glance, and soon saw a considerable number of professionals from the crowd of onlookers. Especially, with his "true vision", among these professionals, there were magic equipment, exuding the power of the naked eye. Visible magical aura, this is a huge proportion!



The focus of his gaze passed over a dwarf and a veiled woman again.


Furthermore, among the crowd, I spotted a few guys, who were supposed to have good concealment skills.

Then it turned around again, but it was thrown out of the crowd, a... cold guy!

This is a human race, but the aura emanating from the magic equipment on its body is only slightly dimmer than that of Jarlaxle.


"Although it is not like Jarlaxle's rapier, it is also a blood sword!"

"A high-level assassin!"

"Could it be..."

Although a mere assassin, for Isaac whose damage reduction has reached the level of "40/+10", this is already not enough.

However, this cold guy still gave him some strange feelings.

He shouldn't be a legendary assassin, but... Even Barrett may not be able to absolutely suppress this guy!

"The chief assassin of 'Bregan Dayet'?"

While having doubts and guesses, suddenly, Isaac's heart moved again, and his eyes continued to turn outward.

A tremor!

It was the tremor of the horseshoes of the heavy cavalry team!

And it's coming fast!

Not only that.

What caught Isaac's attention even more...

"Aura of kindness!"

"Aura of courage!"

"The aura of the group overlaps!"

"This is... the Holy Knights of the 'God of Suffering'!"

The most common belief in Damara is the belief in the "God of Suffering".

It is said that this is the main branch of the "Sect of the God of Suffering", and the "Church of the God of Suffering" in Tethel's "Church of the Three Gods" will not have much objection.

After all, the "Yellow Rose Monastery" led by "St. Solas" is in Damara.

The Dragon Nightmare King is also the most powerful paladin of the "God of Suffering".

In Damara, the monks following "Saint Solas" and the paladins following the Dragon Nightmare King have always been the main force in the front line of fighting monsters and evil.

As the royal city of Damara, Heliogabalus has a pure holy knight order, which is quite normal.

When Isaac noticed this.

Soon, among the crowd below, someone also felt it.

Look again...

That cold fellow had also squeezed into the crowd from the periphery.

Moreover, Isaac also saw another dwarf, who was also squeezing among the crowd, and also looked quite extraordinary in strength.

most important……

"It seems to be cooperating with Jarlaxle, and this cold face!"

"Not only the copper dragon sisters, but even the shield dwarves can join forces with the drow elves?"

The thoughts in his heart flickered, and Isaac's eyes flickered a little again.

Jarlaxle and the others could sense the strangeness, and it was even possible that they had already been prepared for it.

Naturally, it is impossible for him not to see some people's small movements!


"Which side will it be from?"

It was just this thought.

The hoofbeats of the Holy Knights also approached quickly.

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