Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 888 Passion Sect (make up for yesterday)

(This chapter makes up for yesterday’s chapter)

God of suffering.

This may not be understood by many ruling classes.

However, from the perspective of the entire world, this man's faith is growing year by year.

The teachings of the God of Suffering are to help the poor, the weak, the injured, and bear the suffering for others, which is the most sacred act.

If you endure suffering for others, the God of Suffering will provide you with the courage and strength to endure.

Regardless of any pain or danger, we must stick to our principles and remain unwavering.

It is an honorable thing to die for what you believe in.

We should stand up and stop all unjust atrocities.

We should focus on improving our spirituality rather than clinging to physical feelings.

It is this teaching.

Believers of the God of suffering will share everything they have with the poor, stand up for the oppressed, point the way to the lost, relieve and shelter the hungry and homeless, collect herbs, make potions, and provide free medicine to the sick Diagnosis and treatment...

Often, when a war breaks out, the priests of the God of Suffering will spontaneously gather on the front lines, and try their best to prepare all medical supplies, and voluntarily rescue those who have suffered a large number of casualties due to the war.

But at the same time, they will not force others to accept their beliefs, let alone condemn the beliefs chosen by others.

For them, life is sacred, and to endure suffering for the sake of the lives of others is the holy act of the highest good.

Such teachings...

Such pursuit...

As far as Isaac knew, there was no doubt that the sect of the God of Suffering was so pure that it could not be more pure.

No heretics can lurk in such a sect for a long time.

If so...maybe when will this cease to be "heresy"!

A priest who can become the God of Suffering, a paladin who can become a God of Suffering, and a monk who can become the God of Suffering must each have firm and pure beliefs.

Most of the time, they are the most selfless and benevolent people.

But when they need to stand up to stop evil and atrocities, they are the most fearless and devout people who will never look back even if they sacrifice their lives.

Cult of the Passion of the God.

The "Good Spirit Order", the "Holy Martyrdom Chapter", the "Knights of the Golden Cup", the "Knights of the Gentle Rose", these are all the evil forces, including any tyrants, that they least want to provoke. "Madman"!

And such as "Saint Thoras' Double Martyrdom Gate", such as "Yellow Rose Warrior Monk Order", such as "Unobstructed Path Believers", such as "St. Morgan's Silent Gate", such as "Saint Jasper's Rock Sisters". Ordinary monks and monks may not be able to see their influence at ordinary times, but once the time comes and they are needed to stand up...

There is no sect that is more suitable for "Warrior Monks" to practice than the Sect of the God of Suffering!

Even the God of Passion himself is an ascetic figure!

There is no doubt, there is no doubt that the group of monks of the Sect of the God of Passion is the most powerful group of monks in the entire continent!

Especially the two monk groups directly related to "Saint Thoras", the "Double Martyrdom Gate of Saint Thoras" and the "Yellow Rose Monk Group". These are all evil forces, even dragons. The Witch Cult and the Dragon Worship Cult both try to avoid them if they can, and avoid provoking them first.

As the main religious parish of the Sect of the Passion God, Damara is the main area of ​​influence of the "Knights of the Golden Cup" and the "Yellow Rose Monk Order".

Needless to say, the "Yellow Rose Monk Group". The "Yellow Rose Monastery" that is blocked in the White Worm Glacier and blocks countless evil monsters in the mountains, making it insurmountable, is the most traditional mission of this group of monks. A place of practice.

The "Knights of the Gold Cup" are slightly different.

In fact, before Garros-Dragon Nightmare defeated the Witch King and was elected as the King of Damara, the Knights of the Gold Cup were actually more active in the eastern and northern regions of the Moon Sea.

It was Gallows-Dragon Nightmare who called them!

Gallows-Dragon Nightmare is not only one of the leaders of the Gold Cup Knights, but he is also the most powerful paladin in the entire Sect of the God of Suffering.

In addition, resisting the Witch King's conquest of aliens and resisting brutal monsters is completely consistent with the teachings of the Suffering God.

Naturally, the call launched by Gallows-Dragon Nightmare received the full support of the entire "Knights of the Gold Cup"!

Although in the war with the Witch King, the "Knights of the Golden Cup" suffered huge sacrifices for this reason.

But with the victory of the war, as Garros-Dragon Nightmare became the king of Damara, he still insisted on his own beliefs, with the mission of bringing peace and happiness to the people, and forced the dwarves, halflings, and even half-orcs and the underground dwarves, all united in one homeland, and in a short period of time, he was regarded as the greatest mythical king in the history of Damara.

Naturally, the belief in the God of Suffering has become Damara’s main belief.

And because they have long been fighting monsters, they are paladins of the God of Suffering, which is quite common in Damara.

And once paladins become common...

They suffered huge losses for Damara, and because of this, the "Knights of the Gold Cup", which has a high reputation, has become the most desirable place for all paladins!

Today's "Golden Cup Knights" have completely surpassed the peak of the Moon Sea period.

What's more, whether it is the main battle legion, such as the "Bloodstone Legion" that has been stationed on the "Bloodstone Trail" for a long time, or the Royal City Guard Army, the army with the mission of guarding Heliogabalus, among them, the ace knights are all They are all composed of the "Golden Cup Knights" as the core!

at this time.

When the sound of horseshoes approached from a distance.

In the tremor of the earth.

Obviously, no knights appeared yet.

However, on the street, all the people have produced steel-like waves, and they are slapped on the face. The individual is so small that he can't feel himself in it.

Before this unbearable pressure, not to mention ordinary people, those professionals, who said before that they wanted to block the Golden Cup Knights, at this time...

The body follows the heart.

No one, even Jarlaxle's two companions, one retreated to the shop, and the other directly hid in a dark corner, and disappeared from people's sight in a blink of an eye.

At the end of the street, the figure of the Knights finally appeared.

As if, on the main road, except for a few corpses and those assassins who were paralyzed by the poison and couldn't move, there was no one else standing in front of the charge of the knights.

"Sixteen riders!"

"But there are thousands of horses charging at the same time!"

"This has faith, and the Paladins trained by the Dragon Nightmare King really deserves its reputation!"

Isaac's gaze was also looking over.

The momentum is monstrous, but the real appearance is actually a small team of sixteen knights.

However, although there are only sixteen riders...

Even people and horses, these are all steel cans!

more at the same time.

That dragon spear nearly twenty feet long!

That huge steel shield like a door panel!

And that consistent divine light!

In the end, Isaac can also see their firm belief in going forward from everyone in this Paladin squad!

Such a Holy Knight Order...

"If it is scaled up, the troll army may not be able to catch up!"

It's his fully armed troll army, not a random group of trolls!

"It is impossible for the Whiplash Legion to be as durable as them. In terms of willpower, they are much inferior to them!"

Although the demon-born orcs are bloodthirsty and brutal, they are not like this after all. They have faith and go to death without hesitation. The paladins!

"I'm afraid, it is the Flomo's army, with the advantage of flying, that it is possible to finally defeat them!"

The Golden Cup Knights are charging.

In Isaac's eyes, some admiration could not help but flow out.

Although there is only one leaf, it can be seen in late autumn.

The Golden Cup Knights not only lived up to their reputation, but even exceeded expectations. It can be seen that the Dragon Nightmare King can be as famous as the Hero King in Cormyr in a short period of time. This is by no means a fluke!


"No mistake!"

"Sammaster is running after him!"

"As long as he is dealt with before everyone reacts... Damara will lose his core cohesion!"

"Such attacks and assassinations... should be foreshadowing and layout!"

Substituting himself and others into it, in Isaac's mind, the actions against Sammaster and the Assassin's Fortress quickly became clear about the purpose and goal.

And to finally achieve such a goal...

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