Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 917 Talfir’s Song (Part 2)

"Snake man!"

It is a dark force, not to mention that it has been at war with the ancient tribe for a long time. Naturally, the mages of the Dragon Worship Sect cannot be inexperienced or alert.

In fact, they are always wary of the situation behind them.

Someone released the demon pet venomous snake and followed the team in a lurking manner.

Someone is controlling the demonic pet crow, hiding in the darkness at the top of the cave.

However, at this moment, almost no one could foresee the attack from the rear.

It's not how stealthy and subtle this attack is.

It’s true…

The half-black dragon Hydra that suddenly rushed out in front was too terrifying!

Even a lich like Wilder, who was not affected by psychic effects, was attracted all of his attention by this Hydra, not to mention other mages?

It was after Mousis revealed the essence of the shadow summoning technique of the half-black dragon Hydra, and cooperated with the six-armed snake demon on the other end, and they both attacked.

Two whooshing sounds.

The two black lights also hit the two mages directly from behind.

I saw that the "mage shield" that had been opened long ago dented in an instant. Although it was not directly broken, the black light had already forced its way through.

They finally reacted, but it was too late to dodge. It was extremely reluctant. The two mages just turned slightly and were already shot in the back by poisonous arrows.

At this time, the other mages, including the Tanaroks who were treading in the mud, finally reacted.

Tanarok roared and rushed back.

The mages either cast spells to counterattack or guarded the surroundings, which was indispensable. The two people shot by the poisonous arrows immediately cast spells to "slow down the poison" and also used "healing holy water". ".

These mages of the Snake Man and the Dragon Worship Cult have had a lot of dealings with each other, so they naturally know how to deal with the poison of the Snake Man.

"Shadow Curse!"

"Sure enough, there are some tricks!"

Seeing this from front to back, in the blink of an eye, the entire team was in chaos.

Isaac didn't look strange at all.

In fact, whether it was the "half-black dragon Hydra" or the two dragon-born snake-men crawling up from the underground river behind, he was aware of them all.

However, he did not interfere in any way.

Even though there should be many Lich servants, he has been lurking in the dark, but he also did not warn the Lich servants.

Nothing else.

Only if you don't know it, the people on the other side can't see through it!

As for whether this will cause any losses or sacrifices...

He doesn't think that if he wants to take down the "Ancient Tribe", he can really do it without any damage.

In fact, in the process of breaking through the ancient tribe's nest in the valley, the sacrifices made by the coalition forces were quite heavy.

He ignored the chaos and the attack from behind.

With his eyes, Isaac was just observing the battle between the six-armed snake demon and the half-black dragon Hydra with great interest.

The limitations of the "Shadow Curse".

As long as the creatures summoned or shaped are seen to be unreal.

Then, all the damage this creature can cause will be weakened to a corresponding degree.

The most basic "Shadow Curse", to the greatest extent, will be weakened to only one-fifth of the original damage, including various defenses.

"Advanced Shadow Curse" can retain about 60% of the damage and defense.

As for the "Shadow Spell", which is a ninth-level spell, it can be retained up to 80%!

Of course, all this is just about the "Shadow Curse" spell itself, and does not include any professional abilities or enhancements to expertise.

Just like in front of you.

With his discernment, he could naturally see that this half of the Black Dragon Hydra was not purely summoned by the monster summoning technique imitated by the "Shadow Curse".

It’s even better to…

"This is a 'special creature' that is further shaped by the shadow material summoned directly through the essence of the shadow world using 'shadow magic'!"

"The shadow realm essence of 'Shadow Spell' inherently enhances this process."

"Incorporated into the shadow material, the realism is improved, and the intensity of this unique spell is also better than the 'Shadow Curse'."

"Now, although this spell is only at the eighth level, which is only one level higher than the 'Advanced Shadow Curse', the power of the 'Half-Black Dragon Hydra' is already higher than the ninth level without any enhancement." Shadow Magic', even more than some!"

It is this total transcendence.

Over there, although the two six-armed snake demons are attacking the half-black dragon Hydra, they have already seen through it that it is not a normal creature, and its damage and defense have been weakened to a certain extent.

But still, the evil long sword of the six-armed snake demon that has been strengthened by "Abyss Infusion", especially Muisis's weapon that is close to the "Legendary Grade", is crushing the Hydra's body with incomparable violence. The dragon scales tore apart its snake head crazily, but...

In the end, even Mouisses was unable to directly crush the heads of these snakes, let alone behead them.

On the contrary, in Hydra's crazy counterattack, it sprayed hard and acidic breath onto them.

Even though the six-armed snake demon has good resistance to strong acid, large areas of its scales were corroded by such a breath.

"It's not just the nature of the 'Shadow Spell', nor the reason why it's a unique spell. This half-black dragon Hydra can still be so strong even when it's seen through..."

"No surprise, there will be professional abilities or additional enhancements to special abilities!"

Isaac's eyes flickered slightly.

As far as he knew, some special professions or special races had additional enhancements to "Shadow Evocation" and "Shadow Curse".

With such an additional increase, they can even use the ninth-level "Shadow Spell" to do more damage than the "Prototype" if it is seen through!

The half-black dragon hydra in front of me has some signs of this.

"The last magic emperor of Talfir was titled the 'King of Shadows'!"

"Legend has it that he used powerful shadow magic to kill the first king of the Kingdom of Nagara."

"Come to think of it, one of the achievements of his 'Talfel Magic' is that he has an additional enhancement of shadow magic!"

"The creator of this half-black dragon Hydra is probably the result of absorbing the 'Talfield Magic'!"

On the one hand, there are these judgments.

On the other hand, Isaac also thought of the Battle of Blackwater River.

In that final battle.

The lich archmage from the ancient tribe was able to compete head-on evenly with the elf high mage from Efraska.

Looking back now, this is completely normal.

Having inherited the legacy of the Magic Dynasty and absorbing the magical achievements of the Talfir people, the Lich Archmage is naturally extraordinary!

But even so...

Looking at the half-black dragon Hydra who was making a crazy counterattack, and on the assault group's side, not only were the magicians bombarding them with their spells, but the Flo Demons and Dragonborn were also teleporting and flying to surround and kill them.

"it's time!"

In the depths of Isaac's eyes, an arc of light flashed past.

It was in response to his thought.

It was frantically strangling the half-black dragon Hydra, and suddenly, even more abruptly, the arc of teleportation flashed across Moisis' body.

The figure, this six-armed snake demon disappeared directly on the battlefield!

"Sure enough, I had a premonition!"

There was no surprise in Isaac's heart, and he even smiled faintly.

Integrated into the shadow material, the creation of "Shadow Curse", although to the extreme extent, can damage and defend, which is better than the "prototype" and stronger than the "Monster Summoning Technique", and is also flexible, but it also has Its inherent shortcomings!

"Not enough vitality!"

Regardless of whether the shadow creature created in this way has been seen through or not, its vitality is only about one-fifth of the prototype.

A normal "half-black dragon hydra" would have difficulty resisting such an attack, let alone this shadow version of the "anemic type"!

And seeing this anemic Hydra, he was about to be surrounded and killed...

Obviously, whether they are cooperating with spells or simply retreating, it is probably time for some people hiding in the dark to move.

On Moisis' side, he left with an abrupt, yet perfectly reasonable "Instant-Advanced Teleportation Technique".

Shielded by the range of "Legendary Hidden", Isaac also had a flash of teleportation.

"Isaac's continuous flashes!"

In the dark cave, his figure flashed again and again without any signs of appearing.

Soon, the new battlefield opened by Muisis came into his sight.

This is a half-black dragon snake man with two wings on his back and obvious black dragon characteristics on his body.

He was holding magic scimitars in both hands, and was still spitting out magic incantations rapidly from his mouth. While resisting the violent attack of the six-armed snake demon, the magic aura was also rapidly growing on him.

However, being able to resist Mouisses' attack and cast spells at the same time is not that he is so powerful.

At this time, except for this half-black dragon snake man.

In the mud, there were dozens of ferocious snake monsters, which were also frantically attacking Muisis.

It's different from ordinary deformed snakes and pythons.

These basilisks have the outlines of snake-men, but they are too ugly and deformed.

Just like being exposed to chaotic radiation, the snake-men were deformed and uglier than demons.

It is these deformed basilisks that have no regard for life and death, and are not affected by the "dark air of despair" and attack madly.

At this time, even Mousis could not immediately deal with the half-black dragon snake man who should be the inaugurated spell caster.

However, Isaac teleported over and saw the teleportation light flashing on the snake man...

"It wasn't the spell he performed!"

"It must be a magic scroll!"

In his heart, he immediately made a judgment.

What the snake man does is just "fixed hair-any door". Not to mention the level of the spell itself, his caster level is only around level 9.

Although such a caster level, combined with the strength of the half-black dragon snake man, is already quite good, most of the mages from the Dragon Worship Sect are not as good as him.

However, this cannot match the creative intensity of the "Half Black Dragon Hydra".

At the same time as he made this judgment, Isaac glanced directly above the cave.

Xuan smiled coldly again.

It's the snake people who are about to complete the "arbitrary door" with "magic fixation".

There was no stopping him, only when Muvasis' evil long sword opened several bone-breaking wounds on the snake man.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Isaac took a few drops of the snake man's poisonous blood out of thin air.

The teleportation arc flashed immediately.

Breathing, the snake man immediately teleported to another section of the mud cave.

Immediately, not only his own aura was rapidly fading, but also within the larger area, the Nize Cave also "swelled" again.

See this.

A wave of sword light storm swept through, dismembering all the deformed basilisks in the mud.

Mouisses had a cold face, and the cold color in his snake eyes flickered for a moment, but in the end, he still did not continue to teleport and pursue him.

Originally thinking that a high-level mage from the ancient tribe was ambushing her here, she used the "Instant-Advanced Teleportation Technique".

Unexpectedly, there was a misjudgment!

Since there is a misjudgment, we cannot rule out whether it is a design or whether there is a trap behind it.

Naturally, she could not continue to waste the "Instant-Advanced Teleportation Technique".

"Progress step by step!"

"Since His Majesty asked me to lead this raid group, I don't think he wants to directly bulldoze that place. More... This is to let me explore and locate the environment of the underground tunnel, so that when he comes, I can carry out a real raid at any time. Behead!”

With a flash of his eyes, he turned around in the air and flew towards the way he came from, while at the same time, Mouisses gave himself a "Cure Moderate Injury".

It was she who quickly turned back over there.

Not surprisingly, the half-black dragon Hydra was also under siege, and was completely killed by the six-armed snake demon she summoned with a wave of crazy sword strikes.

Subsequently, its shadow nature was completely revealed.

With its huge body, this half-black dragon Hydra melted and quickly merged into the surrounding darkness. In just a moment, it disappeared from everyone's eyes.

And just as this behemoth disappeared.

The trolls and dragonborn that were crushed under it and devoured by it also struggled to get up in the mud.

Not only are all of this elite team true elites, except for a few mages, they all have very strong vitality.

Moreover, they have been prepared for a long time. The vast majority of people either have the ability of poison resistance and poison immunity, or they have additional protection such as "acid resistance".

Under such a response.

Although the half-black dragon Hydra's wave of impact was very fierce, and the mixed breath was also very damaging, in the end, it only lasted for one or two waves.

In a short period of time, the damage was large enough, and quite a few people were seriously injured, especially the trolls.

However, the only ones that were completely killed by it were only a few trolls in single digits.

This is still enough "strong acid damage". After breaking through the "acid resistance" and suppressing the troll's regeneration ability, the killing is completed.

However, although the half-black dragon Hydra failed to cause too much damage, at this time, the tide of snakes surged again in the muddy area.

Seeing that only Mouisses' "dark energy of despair" could not cover the entire team.

"Fossils to mud!"

Wilder had already prepared the relevant spells.

The staff pointed at one of the bifurcated tunnels.

At the top of the tunnel, the rocky geology was instantly transformed into soil.

It crashed down again, and in the blink of an eye, a large section of the bifurcated tunnel was blocked to a height of more than ten feet.

"Let's take some rest and medical treatment first."

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