Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 931 Meilan Family

Underground in Waterdeep.

At the same depth as Skull Port, it is adjacent to Leyline Maze City.

It blends in with the surrounding dark environment, but there is no gloomy or depressing atmosphere. It is a temple that is full of art, mystery and beauty.

"It's not the Spider Queen. There are reports from the Supreme Forest that it is the assassins of the Masked Sect who launched this sudden attack."

"And judging from the person who was stabbed...their target should be the lady's pastor."

"It has been discovered that among all the people who were stabbed, the two whose souls disappeared were both the lady's priests."

Yililin was introducing the latest situation.

In front of her, there were two more figures.

The one with long silver hair, extraordinary temperament, and stunning beauty is naturally Kui Lu.

But the clothes she wore were different from those in the past. What the dark lady was wearing now was a loose dress, and the abnormal outline of her waist was clearly visible.

The other one is also a drow, but he is tall, strong and slender. In addition, his sexy and revealing clothes, his long ivory hair, and the strong lines on his face not only show his wild temperament, but also his temperament. There is also a fierce and unruly attitude.

During Yililin's introduction, the white-haired drow glared: "These guys are hiding their heads and showing their tails again. I will go to the High Forest myself. The Lady's Holy Land of Leap cannot be violated by these guys."

"Cavatina, don't be impulsive yet."

At this time, Kui Lu stopped the drow for a moment, looked at Yililin again, and asked: "Do you know whether the disappeared souls were imprisoned by them, or what? They are like this What’s the purpose of doing it?”

In recent times, Kui Lu has been fading away from the leadership of the Dark Maiden Corridor. Therefore, she is not too familiar with the recent situation.

Correspondingly, Yililin's hosting of the temple was largely due to her support.

Otherwise, although Irilyn is a high-level sword dancer and an elite captain among the Dark Maiden Gallery, the Dark Maiden Gallery is the core temple of Eilistraee!

Although this place was destroyed a few years ago due to the Spider Queen's conspiracy, after the reconstruction was completed, elites still gathered here.

Apart from anything else, the white-haired drow who was juxtaposed with Kui Lu at this time had a power that Irilin could only dream of.

The legendary Darksong warrior Cavatina Shallan is the most powerful champion fighter in Eilistraee, at least one of them. She is active all year round in fighting against the Spider Queen sect, especially the demons and demons in the Spider Queen sect. In terms of prestige and strength, among Eilistraee's followers, she is almost second only to Kui Lu.

The reason why she was not the leader of the Dark Maiden Corridor when Kui Lu was away... There was only one reason. This person was too reckless, even more reckless than the Dark Maiden she believed in!

She can charge into battle as a champion fighter, but it would be a bit inappropriate for her to lead the Dark Maiden Gallery.

Moreover, this is not her usual pursuit.

Just like now.

Hearing that the sacred land where the Dark Maiden came in the Year of Turmoil was invaded by masked sect assassins, Cavatilan did not hesitate and prepared to launch a counterattack.

But Kui Lu felt that something was wrong.

The mysterious disappearance of the souls of the dead, and only the soul of the priest disappeared!

Is this probably a deeper purpose besides the attack?

But at this time, the Masked Sect, instead of engaging in a life-and-death battle with Menzoberranzan, turned around and attacked them...

"It has not been found out yet. Although Ms. Elena is pursuing it personally, but..."

Yililin shook her head and looked a little solemn: "I had some bad premonitions. In order to prevent Ms. Elena from being set up, I invited you back as soon as possible."

Lady Elaina, the high priest of Eilistraee, leads the sacred place known as "Dark Maiden's Leap".

It was precisely because of her existence that she was able to discover the mysterious disappearance of the soul of the assassinated priest.

"Your caution is not wrong."

"Velan's followers must have a conspiracy to attack us at this time."

Kui Lu nodded slightly, approving of Yi Lilin's caution and decisiveness. After thinking for a moment, her eyes turned to the white-haired Drow: "Cavatina, it's up to you to go, but bring a team of sword dancers with you first. The rendezvous with Elena was completed immediately.

During this period, I will stay on the promenade. "

Now that the Masked Sect has launched an attack on the "Dark Maiden's Leap", under the same unstable situation in Waterdeep City, they may not attack the "Dark Maiden Corridor" again.

Although Kui Lu has physical inconveniences, as the chosen one of the Dark Maiden and the most powerful priest, no matter how inconvenient she is, as long as she is in the temple, she is the greatest deterrent to all attackers.

"Leave it to me!"

"It depends on whether these followers of Velen and Rose's demons are strong enough!"

Cavatina smiled proudly.

The Darksong Warrior is an advancement based on the priest profession.

The Legendary Darksong Warrior not only has the magical abilities of the Legendary Priest, but also has the combat abilities of the Eilistraee Champion Fighter.

For many years, she had killed the wax-melting demons and spider-shaped drow from the Spider Queen's sect to the point of being terrified.

This time, she was about to experience how outstanding the followers of the Masked King were compared to the evil and filthy power of the Spider Queen sect!

"Don't be careless!"

"Also, gather Elena as soon as possible, don't let her fall into the opponent's plan!"

Kui Lu knows Cavatina's character very well.

The Dark Maiden Corridor was created by her.

Cavatina's parents were also former priests and sword dancers of the Dark Maiden Gallery.

Although she was born on the surface, Cavatina grew up in the Dark Maiden Corridor.

Moreover, whether he is an inaugurated priest or advanced as a dark song warrior, it all has her guidance.

It can be said that having watched Cavatina grow up, Kui Lu naturally knows her impulsive character all too well.

Therefore, Cavatina was asked to remain restrained without much exhortation.

She was handed over to Cavatina to meet and pick up Ms. Elena to prevent her from being designed by the masked sect and causing any unexpected tasks.

Cavatina is impulsive and arrogant, but at the same time, she has the most sincere enthusiasm for the followers of the dark girl. Naturally, she does not want to see Ms. Elena being set up. .

And when she met Elena, with the help of the high priest, everything was much safer.

"I know."

"Let's meet up with Ms. Elena first, and then go and kill her."

Cavatina pursed her lips and shook her head, looking helpless.

Of course she also knew what Kui Lu meant.


Kui Lu seemed to want to say something more, but her voice paused, as if she was listening to something.

A moment later, under the gaze of Cavatina and Ililin, he continued slowly: "Also, you, forget it, when you meet Elena, you will explain to her personally.

The descendants of the lady who was once God's chosen fighter should be living in the Supreme Forest in the near future.

Please find and identify Elena, and provide appropriate guidance. "

God's chosen fighter?

Involuntarily, the expressions of Cavatina and Yililin changed.

Champion fighter, this is already the most elite fighter under the gods.

Replace "Champion" with "Divine Choice"...

Often, this even means voters, right?

Descendants of the Dark Maiden's former chosen ones?

For a moment, both of them were unable to determine the origin of the object.

At least in recent hundreds, or even thousands of years, Kui Lu should be the only one chosen by the goddess.

And going forward, it is too long ago and has long been forgotten by people.

Cavatina then asked: "Is there any certain information?"


"She is a descendant of Matila Meilan. The Meilan family is a family of followers of the lady in the Maiyelita era!"

"In addition to her, Irilin, you also send spies to secretly monitor Shamas City to see if there are any mages with the surname of 'Meilan' wandering there."

Kui Lu explained the tasks to both of them respectively.

The Meilan family is an ancient family inherited from the Mayelita era.

Moreover, if one is a mage...

According to drow tradition, mages are often male.

Moreover, in most cases, drow mages can only have a powerful position in the wizard city "Shamas".

Think for a moment.

Both Cavatina and Yililin nodded in agreement and came down.

After a brief discussion, they quickly left and started their own actions.

And then they all left.

"Why is he here at this time?"

Kui Lu walked a few steps with her hands on her hips, and it could be seen that her brows were slightly furrowed.

The previous pause was not just some hints from Eilistraee, but also a message, an unexpected message.

At this time, shouldn't he be either in the Viper Mountains or in a cold place?

It’s impossible, he made a special trip to see her, right?

Five-color dragons have no tradition of raising offspring.

Even if it is a female dragon, it will only be raised until adolescence and adolescence at most, and then the offspring will be kicked out of the house.

Not to mention the male dragon, it is impossible to pay any attention to the offspring.

If he comes here now, is he going to go against tradition?

Compared to this "anti-tradition"...

The reason why Kui Lu frowned was because she was thinking about whether she came here for some purpose?

After all, although the power of the current Deepwater City is not hollow, it is indeed far from its peak.

If he came with a purpose, it would be difficult for anyone to actually stop him.

After a brief consideration, the teleportation aura gradually began to flow around Kui Lu.

No matter what, since he had arrived and it was time to see him, she still had to see him.

"Sorry, there is something going on at the temple. By the time the explanation is over, it will be a bit late. I kept you waiting for a long time."

A forest outside Waterdeep.

Kui Lu soon met Isaac.

In front of the bright eyes on the other side, the dark lady showed a little embarrassment and explained again.

We don’t have much feelings for each other, and after not seeing each other for a while, we naturally feel unfamiliar.

But Isaac didn't care about that.

He had already felt it.

This sister is a drow.

But it is as romantic as the moon elves, or in other words, it is the romance of the ancient dark elves before it was subsided.

At the same time, there is also a reality, probably due to experience and responsibility.

Since romance isn't enough, let's get some reality!

"It doesn't matter if you wait, but..."

As Isaac walked forward, his eyes fell on the dark lady's abdomen. Then, there was a hint of blame on his face: "You should have given me a beacon. At this time, you should pay more attention to it. Pay more attention, I will go find you."

"There is teleportation interference in the temple, and the nearby place is under the influence of the Lost City of Earth. Even if there is a beacon teleporting to you, it will be difficult for you to teleport there easily."

Kui Lu briefly explained that although the barrier of the "Dark Maiden Corridor" means that as long as you have a token, you will not be disturbed, but naturally she will not give such a token to outsiders easily.

However, she also knew that the Green Dragon's magical attainments must be aware of this, so before the Green Dragon could say anything more, she changed the subject again: "On the other hand, why did you come to Deepwater City at this time? In the Year of Dragon Madness It’s coming soon, don’t you need to make some preparations in advance?”

"What? You don't welcome my arrival?"

Isaac raised his eyes, smiled half-heartedly, and held it with both hands, and said at the same time: "The ancient tribe has been captured, and the snake people of the Nagara Kingdom have also made an appointment with me. In the future, the new Maiyeli On the eastern front of the tower, I have secured peace for our daughters, and of course I want to come and see you.”

The Black Dragon Clan has been captured!

Even the Snake Kingdom surrendered?

This amount of information...

Kui Lu tried to break away from Azshara's frontal hug, but in the end she still didn't break away and could only give him a helpless look.

Feel the warmth close to your abdomen, and the warmth of your breath at a closer distance.

A little shyness appeared on his face unconsciously.

Lowering her gaze, Kui Lu exhaled: "Just look at her, don't just look at her every time we meet, that's it."

"She wants to see it, and so do you."

"We haven't seen each other for so long, why don't we hug you more, smell you more,..."

Amid the voice, Isaac slowly lowered his head.

Kui Lu turned her face away in a hurry.

But the drow is much lighter in color than the ordinary drow. Perhaps it has long been cleared of the corruption and corruption in its bloodline, and its beautiful face is as beautiful as that of the ancient dark elves. The patches of red are all visible. See you.

"Dragon madness is coming."

"The dragon madness this time is even more extraordinary."

"Even I have to prepare in advance."

"So as soon as the matter with the ancient tribe is over, I will teleport here immediately to spend as much time with you as possible."

"After this...when our baby is born, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to come here."

Isaac's lips were gently touching the dark girl's ear, exhaling hot breath.

Ears, this is one of the most sensitive parts of Kui Lu.

And in this kind of atmosphere...

It can be seen that in the slight trembling of the smooth pointed ears of the drow elf, the fine fluff on the body is exploding.

"do not do that."

"Not here."

"First, let's go to the city."

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