Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 952 The Protagonist of the Ghost Incident

It was Isaac who was observing the situation of the shadow shield from a distance, keeping it secret enough.

The western part of Efraska was once covered by forests, but at this time the land seemed to have dried up, and almost no vegetation could be seen on the ground under a mountain range.

It's not too far away from the Shadow Shield.

The huge stone fortresses, backed by mountains, are combined into a war fortress like a dwarf city.

And it was in the center of the fortress, on the top floor of a stone tower, in the meeting hall shrouded by a magic shield.

Both men and women were very energetic, and there were more than ten people, who were having intense discussions in the meeting.

The center of these people.

"Under normal circumstances, the shadow shield can be maintained for no more than 15 days!"

"If Felin Mo Kui fights back with all his strength, this time will be further shortened to 10 to 12 days."

"Telamante is forcing us, and he is also forcing the Phailin Demon Kui, and we must have the fiercest battle to the death!"

Kelben, holding the black staff in his hand, made no secret of his deeply malicious judgment of the City of Shadows.

Beside him, although she had completed the regeneration of her broken arm, she still looked haggard. But at the same time, Laila, whose eyes were firm and resolute enough, followed up with some additions: "Cormyr's side. According to the news, the regent princess Yalusel has rejected the request of the City of Shadows and rescued Galeron and his party.

Subsequently, during the war conflict between the City of Ghosts and Cormyr, Vongeldahast released the power of a powerful holy weapon. Although he accidentally destroyed the city of Tifantun, he also injured Revalan and attacked Retired the ghost army! "

Cormyr is the kingdom with the largest population base, the most stable and the most enlightened among the kingdoms.

Its purple dragon army and war mages are also the most elite and powerful armies in the kingdoms.

However, in recent years, first the coalition forces were called to fight against the invasion of nomads in the endless wilderness, and then the evil disaster revealed by the prophet's prophecy occurred in the country.

Under these successive wars, not only was there chaos in the country and the military strength was damaged, but even the hero king died together with the dragon in the decisive battle.

As a result, the eldest princess, known as the "tomboy", is now even asked to serve as regent.

However, "tomboy" is a "tomboy", and Princess Yarousel's neck is hard enough.

During the period when the City of Shadows was at its peak, they managed to withstand the pressure of the Shadow Prince Revalan and save Galeron Nehemedou and his party.

You must know that Prince Revalan is the one with the greatest influence and power among the twelve princes in the City of Shadows.

This prince is not only a legendary mage, but also serves as the supreme priest of the Lady of the Night!

In the City of Shadows, Telamante Tanshur is the king, the supreme city lord, and the ruler of the secular world.

Prince Narivalan is the spiritual leader of all the people of the City of Shadows!

Earlier, during the Alliance's war against Felin Demon Kui, Laila and the others also had some contact with this ghost prince.

But they all know it. Among the seven sisters, Xinbu is probably the only one who can definitely beat this prince.


However, Laila knew that whether she or Kelben, if they were to fight this man one-on-one under a fair environment... they would really be slightly inferior to this man.

Unexpectedly, Cormyr's war mage leader accidentally wounded him.

Moreover, the magical disaster caused by the holy weapon, this injury, even Revalan's magical ability is close to the level of legendary magical ability.

But in the end it was only close.

Not surprisingly, because of this injury, Revalan will not appear on the battlefield on Efraska's side.

And without this most powerful prince of ghosts...

Their plan for the City of Ghosts is now more certain of success!

For this plan...

There are more than ten people present.

The number of voters of the Magic Goddess has reached five!




Alustriel came in a hurry from the Silver Moon Alliance!

And Dove-Hawkhand who returned from Evermeet Island!

The others are either the lords and elders of Efraska, or the elf leaders from Yeerlan.

Judu is the core of elf society and a person who can be absolutely trusted.

Hearing what Kelben and Laila said, and what happened to Prince Revalan being injured...

Zidu understands what they mean.

These elven lords discussed among themselves for a while.

The golden lord, Lord Eamesford, who was also a high mage, asked in a deep voice: "I have two questions."

"First, we have to go deep into the City of Shadows to destroy its ability to travel between planes at will. How can we sneak in without Telamante noticing?"

"Secondly, once we really fall out with the City of Shadows, without the imprisonment and weakening of the shadow shield, how can we eliminate the Felin Demon Sun?"

Although Laila and the others spared no effort to help Efraska, as long as Laila and the others persisted, Lord Imsford could "repay kindness with hatred" and fall out with the City of Ghosts.

But... rationally, both the Golden Lord and the leader of Efraska, Lord Dursa, who is right next to him, actually still have a lot of hesitations.

This hesitation is not due to their own safety, or even their own honor.

In this situation where Efraska has been almost completely destroyed, the only thing they care about is the recovery, reconstruction and revival of Efraska!


Storm-Silverhand came out, looking around at the elven lords, she said solemnly: "I saved Galeron and the others once in the Eno Oak Desert, and therefore, I have some connections with him.

Because he absorbed the essence of Melegant, Galeron fell into the shadows for a time, almost inheriting the position of prince of Melegant, and being respected by Telamante.

However, due to some encounters, he found himself again from the shadows.

He is familiar with the City of Ghosts, and he was the one who sent the Stone of Karsus to the City of Ghosts. He also has sufficient understanding of this holy object.

This time, it was him who led us directly into the City of Shadows to find and destroy the Stone of Karthus..."

Hearing that Galeron has found himself again.

Among the elven lords, Mrs. Mu from Ye'erlan always had a solemn expression, but finally a ray of joy passed over her.

Galeron is her son with "Juggernaut Lord" Obrik-Nehemedu.

However, because of Galeron's many faults, even if these faults may not be Galeron's original intention, faults are faults, and the consequences have been caused after all.

In order to save and make amends for his son as much as possible, Obrik led the "Sword of Efraska" and always fought on the front line, and... sacrificed on the front line!

His heroic sacrifice was also an important reason why the Hill Council of Elders in Efraska did not pursue the faults of Galeron in the end.

And now, Galeron is finally back to himself!

Obrick can also be in the Arab-German capital and watch all this happily!

Mrs. Mu had no objection at all to the plan of "Galeron leading a team to sneak into the City of Ghosts".

The elves have a tradition of dedication.

And Galeron also needs this redemption!

Only in this way can he take over the glory of the Nehmedu family and regain a foothold in Efraska and the entire elf society!

Not just her either.

The elven lords of the Hill Council of Elders, including high priests like Fal Hosong, all nodded in agreement with Storm Silverhand's explanation.

A tiger father cannot have a dog son!

Obrik's son needs such redemption!

Seeing this, Storm Silverhand continued: "As for the shadow shield and the Felin Demon Sunflower, this is also related to Galeron.

Although he recovered himself from the shadows, he absorbed the essence of Melegant, and now he is still a master of shadow magic like those ghost princes.

In other words, he also has the ability to manipulate, repair, and even modify the 'shadow shield'!

As long as Telamant's conspiracy is foiled and there is no further reaction from the ghost crowd, Galeron's repair of the 'Shadow Shield' will naturally not be interfered with!

With his cooperation, our attack on Felin Demon Kui will only be smoother than now! "

That's the storm - said Silverhand.

At the same time, Laila's heart suddenly moved again.

When Storm-Silverhand's words fell, she continued, "There is one more thing. Under the inspiration of Ms. Moonbow, the man from Hell Gate Castle has agreed to return the Holy Sword!"

The Elf Holy Sword is a great creation that combines high magic and divine power.

Once, Obrik used all his strength to kill a demon king like Greensack with a sword, and even completely erased his life essence from the seal of high magic.

Now, although Obrik is no longer here, this holy sword is related to the revelation of "Sehanni-Moonbow"...

Not doubting whether Laila's words were true, all the elven lords were overjoyed and looked towards Fal Hoson.

This sister of Kelben is the senior priest of the "Daughter of the Night Sky".

Naturally, she knows the revelations related to the "Daughter of the Night Sky" best.

Fal-Huosong then nodded slightly and said: "Galeron should be the master of the holy sword!"

This member of the Nehemedu family was closely related to the escape of the Phayling Demon Kui, and also found the "Stone of Karthus", which directly led to the return of the "City of Shadows".

Even during this process, even Minnis's fall into hell was somewhat related to his various deeds.

It begins with him and ends with him.

In the revelation of Sehanni-Moonbow, since the Elven Holy Sword will be wielded by Galeron...

Faintly, this kid from the Nehmedou family seems a bit like the protagonist in the biography and legend!

Fal-Huosong gave the elf lords confirmation, but at the same time... he also had reservations.

She was not prepared to tell people directly about the fact that the person from Hell Gate Castle, or rather the person from Red Kingdom, visited all the libraries in Efraska for seven days. .

She knew that if Lord Dursa and Lord Imsford knew about such things, that would be enough!

See her say this.

Lord Dursa also nodded: "Since the lady has given you the inspiration, we will fully cooperate with you."

At the moment, they discussed with Kelben and others the specific action plan and how the elves needed to cooperate.

And the other side.

Isaac has already descended from high altitude.

Although he was still flying in the air, his figure had remained within a height range of no more than thirty feet above the ground.

He knew it well.

Although his "Legend Hidden", the effect is quite extraordinary.

However, people like Laila and Kelben, as well as certain people in the City of Shadows, undoubtedly have the ability to see through his "hiding".

As for the Felin Demon Sunflower...

It is said that Felin Demon Kui has the innate ability to detect all magical effects.

Even if this "everything" statement is an exaggeration.

However, considering the close connection these ancient evils have with the nature of magic...

Isaac didn't dare to say that his "legendary concealment" would be able to hide it from the eyes of some ancient philim demons.

Since then, there will be no collision.

Of course, except for this level...

"That's interesting!"

"He actually dominated the beholder!"


Instead of rushing to the shadow shield, Isaac's perception spread in all directions.

The first thing I noticed was a cave in the remote mountains where a fierce battle was taking place.

Both sides of the battle.

On one side, there is a beholder controlling several hobgoblins and a group of lizardmen.

On the other side is a fighting team composed mainly of elves and humans, with several dwarf warriors and a dwarf illusionist among them. Obviously, this team, at least a large part of its members, should be from Waterdeep City. , or the reinforcement team coming from the Silver Moon Alliance.

Being able to travel thousands of miles to come for help, these team members are naturally elite adventurers.

However, he saw that there was a defense line of lizard people outside, and well-trained hobgoblins guarding it inside. The beholder's ten eye stalks were "biubiubiu" rays that were constantly shooting out.

There are already many people who are either "charmed" or "slowed", and there are even two people whose bodies are petrified.

Isaac's attention, of course, also fell on it.

And after this observation...

No wonder this beholder has not left even at this time.

This is, Felin Demon Kui's control over it is still continuing!

And, if Isaac’s analysis is correct…

"It is not the permanent control of the 'Legendary Slavery Technique'!"

"This should be the unique mind control spell of Felin Demon Kui."

"And being able to control beholders and illithids, and it's long-term control..."

There was something strange in Isaac's eyes.

"No wonder there are rumors that the unique 'Felin Magic' of the Felin Demon Sunflower can control all creatures, even giant dragons!"

"Such a spell, at least in terms of 'mind control', is infinitely more powerful than the charm and control of beholders and illithids!"

"As for the duration...it also reflects the close connection between 'Felin Magic' and the essence of magic!"

Very curiously, he paid attention to every move of the beholder.

But it was only ten to twenty minutes.


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