Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 954 Elf Moon Blade (make up for yesterday)

"That's it!"

“Bite off more than you can chew!”

"With Sehanni-Moonbow's promise, as long as Efraska can be recovered, and I can visit this elven kingdom in the future, or have thousands of years of magical heritage, this will be a big enough harvest. "

"If we really can't catch up with the decisive battle between these three parties..."

"As long as we can take away a Felin Demon Sunflower, the purpose of this trip can be considered accomplished."

The Felin Demon Kui and the Shadow Souls are the two main purposes of Isaac's trip.

Felin Demon Kui is closely related to the essence of magic, at least, in his speculation, so it needs experiments to verify.

If something useful can be discovered from Felin Demon Sunflower, it may not be impossible to apply it to the dragon's innate spellcasting ability!

Even further, it will not fail to promote his future research and mastery of the power in the field of magic.

Therefore, it is necessary to win at least one of the Felin Demon Sunflowers.

This is especially necessary now that Efraska and the City of Shadows are both besieging and killing Felin Demon Kui.

Compared to Felin Mokui, the Yinhuns were not so anxious.

First, based on the "Shadow Shield", he has basically determined that the Yinhuns are the masters of the "Shadow Magic System", and he not only has a lot of understanding of this aspect, but also no longer knows how to use it. It is known that some experiments are being carried out.

Secondly, with the existence of the City of Shadows, the Shadow Souls are not in the same situation as Felin Mokui. If he misses today, he will have plenty of opportunities to capture the corresponding research objects when needed.

"Well, let's be straightforward."

"Thinking about it, people like Laila also hope that I can return the holy sword and leave here as soon as possible, or even as soon as possible!"

When the goddess of magic changed from neutral, she gradually moved towards the good camp.

These chosen ones of His have too many things to do, and are even more biased than the goddess of magic herself.

Of course, this is not a bad thing, at least, not entirely.

Regardless of whether he is an enemy or an ally, Isaac hopes that those who have anything to do with him will have a bottom line.

If his enemies were all lunatics, unreasonable and incomprehensible... even he would be in trouble.

As for the alliance camp being lunatic...he will not form any alliance with a real lunatic!

His thoughts were diverging like this. Suddenly, Isaac's heart moved and his eyes turned again.

Several figures leaping rapidly among the mountains fell into his eyes.

And judging the direction of travel of these people...

"Sure enough, support has arrived."

"The beholder's timing of retreat is quite accurate."

After just a few glances, Isaac had a rough grasp of the identity and strength level of this team of only four people.

These four people are all second-level elites.

Another woman and three men.

The woman seemed to be a half-elf warrior. Her black shawl hair was simply tied back, highlighting her snow-white skin. She was also dressed in a neat combat uniform and wore a crimson-colored hair. The cloak gives people a sassy appearance and an outstanding visual impact.

This small team seemed to be led by her. At least, she was the one leading the charge.

The reason why Isaac judged that she was the leader of this elite team...

Although this half-elf woman charged with a sense of wind and fire, as if she was born with a kind of wild nature, at the same time, Isaac was able to experience a kind of "self-sacrifice" from her charging. Who" momentum!

Even though she is clearly not the strongest in the four-person team, she still has the feeling of being the "boss"!

"It should be the blood of the moon elves, but it is so powerful..."

"It's quite interesting!"

Isaac's eyes looked at this woman a few more times, then turned to other people.

There are three remaining people, one is a human, one is a moon elf, and one is a sun elf.

The human race should be a mage, and he looks very young, but he is undoubtedly a high-level spell caster.

From this alone, it can be seen that this person not only has a strong talent as a spell caster, but also... also has a very deep background, which can provide him with the magic knowledge needed for improvement, including magic resources!

But at this time, appearing here...

Come to think of it, this background is either the Silver Moon Alliance or Waterdeep City!

Sun elves and moon elves should be the traditional sword dancers of the elven clan. They possess both elegant and agile powerful sword skills, as well as the ability to cast spells.

And, if Isaac’s judgment is not wrong.

These two elves should be from noble families.

Especially that Moon Elf, with his clothes, temperament, and especially the obvious aloofness, he must be the Moon Elf noble who directly holds the power.

Of this four-person team, he should be the most powerful.

Isaac's first instinct was that such a person could not cooperate tacitly with his teammates, especially those with half-elves and even humans.

But unfortunately, among this team, he is actually "following" the half of the elves!

"Perhaps this is the reason for the disaster in Efraska?"

In his heart, Isaac could only attribute this strange feeling to the disaster of Efraska, and these people came to support and help the elves.

And he was observing and analyzing the situation of these people with interest.

Pointing directly at the destination, the four people quickly approached him at a very fast speed.



"Who's there?"

It was beyond Isaac's expectations.

The half-elf woman seemed to be sensitive to something unusual. She was running fast a moment ago. At this moment, she heard a low cry and her figure stopped suddenly.

He put one hand on the long sword at his waist, and his whole body was arching. The extremely powerful fighting momentum condensed in an instant and became increasingly intense.

In such an instant, he entered a combat state.

Her blue eyes also raised slightly.

The sight was actually looking towards Isaac!

This change in her.

The expressions of the three people behind also changed.

They have fought together too many times, and they are too clear about women's fighting instincts, especially the power of the moon blade.

Only this time...

Whether it is normal senses or magic detection, at this time, the surroundings are...


She had no idea, but she still believed in the judgment of half-elf Arilyn.

On one side of the moon elf Eles was the long sword unsheathed, and with the momentum of its horns, it moved closer to Arilyn's side.

On the other hand, he seemed to be reciting something silently.

Immediately, from his long silver blade that shone like moonlight, a faint light quickly circulated between the four people and connected.

Connected by such silver light...

Coincidentally, the three of them looked up.

He was looking at the same place as Aililin.

"Moon Elf's Moon Blade!"


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