Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 977 The Level of Underestimation

Just outside the door of the underground tomb, Isaac was instructing Danilo calmly, even at length.

Within the war fortress composed of the huge stone fortress of Efrascana.

"The Holy Sword has finally returned!"

"Next, it depends on whether Galeron can inherit Obrik's ambition and carry forward the name of Nehemedu again!"

The return of the Elven Holy Sword.

Lord Dursa, the leader of the Ephraim Council of Elders, was both pleased and slightly sad.

The things are still there, but the people are gone.

There was the Sword Master Lord in front of him. He used his holy sword to assassinate the Demon Flame King in Hell Gate Castle.

Now, driven by mission, the younger generation must hold this holy sword again and attack the city of ghosts.

The glory of the Nehmedu family depends on that brat!

From my old friend, I thought of that kid...

Lord Dursa secretly shook his head again.

All along, he actually didn't have many positive views on Galeron.

Whether it was his past disobedience or the destruction of the Saron Wall, not to mention the sacrifices made by his old friends for this, the heir of the Nehemedu family actually did not have much respect in the heart of Lord Dursa. positive image.

However, as he got rid of the erosion of the shadow, top-secret information about the City of Shadows was transmitted, and he gained the attention of Kelben, Laila and others. He was even designated as the Lord of the Holy Sword by the goddess, and he also had the power to control The ability of "Shadow Shield"...

Lord Dursa had to admit that he had indeed made a mistake.

The heir to the Nehemedu family is destined to have an extraordinary life after all!

"The Holy Sword has returned, and action is imminent."

"Next, I would like to ask the great lord not to hesitate!"

"It should be noted that although the City of Shadows has the reputation of saving Efraska,..."

The previous meeting was already over.

At this time, the only people still staying on the top of the tower, apart from the five electors of the Goddess of Magic, are Lord Dursa and Lord Imsford, as well as Kelben's sister, High Priest Far-Haw Loose.

It was Kelben who spoke at this time.

Looking at the high lord, Kelben's expression was dignified and solemn: "Many clues point out that the destruction of the Wall of Saron must be related to the City of Ghosts, and even that it was destroyed in Efraska East. This is probably not a coincidence either.

The fall of Minnis was also related to this.

There is even a possibility that the conspiracy of the dark lady is involved behind this.

For more specific information, the High Lord can conduct further research after Galeron returns.

But this time, I want to invite the great lord, so there must be no hesitation because of the so-called 'saving grace'.

No matter the Felin Demon Sunflower or the City of Shadows, no one can easily solve it.

We have to face both sides at the same time, but if we make the slightest mistake, we may encounter huge setbacks. "

Although the relevant resolutions had been reached at the previous meeting, Kelben still did not make any mistakes.

He has a deep connection with the elves. Whether it is Efraska or the Elf Royal Court, he has a deep and close relationship.

Precisely because of this, he understands the traditions of elves very well.

In the past, because he almost sacrificed his own life to rescue several Efraska elves from the hands of Felin Demon Kui, he became the first human being accepted by the Efraska elves. .

Today, the City of Shadows has saved the entire Efraska. Does this mean that you can fall out with it if you fall out with it?

Although Lord Dursa and Lord Imsford promised to cooperate with their actions,...

Elves have never been a race that blindly follows orders!

Even with the authority of Lord Dursa, it would be difficult to order Efraska to turn against the City of Ghosts as a whole.

Not to mention, this action requires absolute secrecy.

If Lord Dursa hesitates even a little bit... I am afraid that not only will it be difficult to "cooperate", but it may even cause the news to spread!

At this time, Minnis and Xinbu have not returned yet, and Teacher Silinxi also wants to focus most of his attention on Baator Hell.

If this news is known to the City of Shadows in advance...

Even if four of the "Seven Sisters" came here, it was difficult for Kelben to be sure that they could forcefully break through the City of Ghosts and destroy the sacred object that was extremely closely related to the supreme magical power.


He needs Lord Dursa to really do his best!

"I will carefully investigate the destruction of the Wall of Saron. Before that, I will not declare the City of Ghosts to be the enemy of Efraska."

"However, I will not have any ambiguity about how to cooperate with you, Goddess's Oracle."

Lord Dursa actually agreed with Kelben's words.

However, I personally agree that this does not mean that he can make a public announcement to all the people of the kingdom without clear evidence.


"I have three considerations."

"On the one hand, Korbasin will mobilize the most elite Tomb Guards to directly cooperate with your actions. The Tomb Guards' principle of keeping secrets, and Korbasin is personally leading the team, there is no fear that there will be any leaks! "

Korbasin, the leader of all Tomb Guards in Efraska.

Galeron was his subordinate in the past.

At the beginning of the destruction of the Wall of Saron, he was the first one to have a conflict with the Phayling Demon Sunflower, but he was able to return safely.

Kelben naturally understood this person and nodded immediately.

"On the other hand, since the Holy Sword has its owner again, it is time for the 'Sword of Efraska' to be reorganized."

"In the name of the Holy Sword, I will ask Obrik's confidants to lead a team to secretly welcome back the sword master."

"When it comes to the Holy Sword, they will not have any possibility of leaking the secret!"

"When the time comes, we can ask Galeron to come and command them directly!"

In the name of the "Elven Holy Sword", the "Sword of Efraska" drives the firm belief!

This is naturally a good idea.

"As for Felin Demon Kui..."

"I will personally mobilize the army and launch a full-scale offensive against their desperate struggle."

"In this way, since it can confuse the city of ghosts, it will not give Felin Mokui a chance to escape..."

Because there was no declaration of war on the City of Shadows, the launch of this large army seemed to be in response to the plans of the City of Shadows, and they would engage in a decisive battle with Felin Mokui that would hurt both sides.

This is naturally the best cooperation with Kelben and others' plan!

However, such cooperation is good for Kelben and the others, but...

Considering that all five people in Kelben have left, the most elite Tomb Guards and the Sword of Efraska are also going to be taken away...

Such a "decisive battle" is actually extremely dangerous for Efraska.

Therefore, Lord Dursa decided to personally direct this decisive battle!

Such a decision for him...

Kelben breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the Great Lord has his own insistence and will not directly declare hostility to the City of Shadows without any basis, but...with this modification, it is enough.

Then he nodded and said: "The great lord is interested, I will try my best to compress the real action time to the limit. Once there is success, I will immediately come back with support.

In addition, I have also found a powerful helper for the great lord.

With him assisting the great lord, even if Felin Mokui launched a full-scale counterattack, he would not be able to escape easily! "

A powerful boost?

With a thought in their hearts, the expressions on the faces of Lord Dursa, Lord Imsford, and Fal Hosong were all changed.

Having just gotten back the Elven Holy Sword, this "powerful help" that Kelben said...

"The one from the south?"


Lord Imsford finally intervened,

His relationship with Kelben is much closer than that with Lord Dursa.

So, without any hesitation, I started asking questions directly.

"It's him."

"I invited him with the secret of 'knowing gems through photography'. Thinking about it, this credibility is still enough."

Kelburn made no secret.

High Lord Dursa, this is the leader of Efraska.

Lord Imsford, not only the High Wizard, but also his close friend for many years.

Farr-Hosson is his sister.

Of course there is no need to avoid anything.

However, he said this...

That's it for others. Alustriel, who had just arrived here not long ago, had a frown in his eyes.

She has an extremely deep relationship with the Black Stick Tower.

In the past, she had faced several life-and-death crises, but Kelben and Laila spent a lot of effort to locate her from a long distance and then provided rescue, so that they could survive safely.

Therefore, the Silver Moon City Spell Guard she led has maintained close knowledge exchange with the Black Staff Tower for a long time.

Others didn't know about this shadow knowledge gem, but she knew it very well. It was a universal creation made by Kelben based on the "Stone of Tekila".

Furthermore, no longer only elves can control the power of such high-level knowledge gems!

In Kelben's plan, this "Shadow Knowledge Gem", like his black staff, will become the iconic token of every "Black Staff" in the Black Staff Tower!

And with the continuous integration of the knowledge and power of the previous "Black Staff", all the "Gemstones of Shadow Knowledge" will inevitably become the foundation of the Black Staff Tower.

In this way, even if Kelben will eventually leave in the future, the Black Staff Tower will never decline.

But at this time, Kelben was actually planning to hand over this secret, which had just been studied not long ago, directly to that person...

His thoughts turned around quickly, his eyes wrinkled slightly, and Alustriel finally spoke out: "Did that person come alone, or will he mobilize some power?

The changes in the cold land are coming, and the Year of Dragon Madness is coming. To what extent can he devote himself to this place?

In addition, facing the Phayling Demon Kui, he still has to counterattack in an all-out way and fight desperately... Even if he agrees to take action, how much force can he use? "

Ordinarily, she shouldn't object.

However, if that person clearly agreed, but in the middle of the war, because he didn't want to risk his life, he had some energy left...

So, should Kelben give this "Gem of Shadow Knowledge" or not?

Anyway, Alustriel believes that there is almost no doubt that the possibility of that person not wanting to fight desperately is almost beyond doubt.

After all, just as she has been unable to come here for a long time, she has too many things to face.

During this period, that person was involved in more things than she was, and even more serious.

Such involvement, and the other side is Felin Demon Kui...

Is it possible for that person to just try his best, even if he just tries his best?

"The lady has a revelation that after Efraska is restored, he will be given the right to visit all libraries."

"I thought that since he returned the holy sword so quickly, I think he paid enough attention to this matter."

Fal Hosong's voice suddenly sounded.

I had planned to inform Lord Dursa and Lord Imsford of the revelation of "Sehanni-Moonbow" after the meeting, so this was the right time.

The ancient libraries that were sealed before the fall of Efraska.

Again, Kelben’s “Gem of Film Knowledge”.

The most important thing about the person who takes action is that the level of force he exerts should not be too light!


In response to Fal-Hosson's words, Dursa and Imsford pondered for a moment, and then nodded slightly, without any objection or question.

Even now, Efraska is still falling.

If they could be completely restored, they wouldn't mind opening up the libraries passed down from ancient times.

"Three reasons why we can trust him and we need to trust him."


As if he had thought of something, a strange look appeared on Kelben's face: "You have never had direct contact with him, but you don't know him well. In terms of magic and knowledge, In terms of pursuit, he is the most sincere person I have ever seen.

Efraska's library is my gem of cinematography, and he is also interested in researching the pharynx...

He will not fail to contribute to all these! "

A green dragon, but he has what Kelben would call the "most" sincerity towards magic and knowledge...

With such a comment, even though Alustriel didn't understand that person, there was something strange in his eyes.

Moreover, are you also interested in researching the Felin Demon Sunflower?

Kelben's voice did not stop: "Secondly, we have always underestimated the power he possesses, a lot!

For this plan, I had an exchange with Teacher Silinxi.

Although she had to deal with Minnis' side, and she also had to contain two people related to the Magic Dynasty, so she couldn't take action directly.

However, she specifically mentioned that the power this person possesses is even inferior to that of the one in the City of Shadows.

Only the King of Arcane during the Magic Dynasty can be compared with him.

This person truly has the potential qualifications to move towards the ‘Heart of Mantras’.

If it weren't for some members of the dragon god family, the lady would have considered granting him the qualifications of a chosen one! "

What this lady is referring to is, of course, the goddess of magic.

The goddess of magic's considerations are certainly not known to ordinary people, but since these words were spoken by Ms. Silinxi... they do not appear to be abrupt or unusual.

Comparable to the King of Arcane Arts!

And it's not the one from the City of Shadows, because of the dual nature of the chosen people and the shadow creatures, he possesses a level of power that is close to that of the King of Arcane Arts.

This is comparable to the arcane kings who existed during the Magic Dynasty!

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