Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 980 Starting

(modification completed)

Everyone quickly completed preparations for the decisive battle.

In a short time, the main door of the Kronos family's mausoleum came into view.

The Kronos family is a traditional Sun Elf noble family. Naturally, this family cemetery, which has existed for a long time, also has the traditional style of the Sun Elf nobles.

Although most of the main body of the mausoleum is within the rock layer, it cannot be seen directly.

However, just from the outer buildings such as the mausoleum gate, it can be seen that it is not only magnificent in scale, but also full of artistic flavor with its corresponding architectural style.

However, at this time, everyone had no time to appreciate the artistic style of this mausoleum building.

We just got close to here...

"It seems to be an illusion again!"

"There's an ambush here too!"

Arilin, who was in charge of the moon blade and had already entered a fighting state, took the lead and frowned again.

With the triple extraordinary sense given by the moon blade, she could only look at the area illuminated by the torch light in front of the mausoleum gate, and she could clearly feel signs of something abnormal.

"I'll clean it up, you guys prepare to fight!"

Although Isaac had already sensed it, the undead were still lurking in the illusion.

However, just to cooperate with Felin Mokui's intention, he just waved the scepter without knowing it.

Quickly, blazing fire beads flew out one after another.

Another huge fireball followed one after another, and then continued to erupt in front.

The space in front of the mausoleum gate is not like the previous rotunda.

It was just a few rounds of fireball bombardment, and most of the space in front of the gate was enveloped by this blazing flame energy.


"Sure enough, it's the undead again!"

Seeing the constant bombardment of the fireball spell, the monsters covered by the illusion spell were dying and running away. In a short period of time, all the monsters appeared.

And, as expected, it is the same as before, all of them are undead lurking, or in other words, they were abandoned here...

Aililin and others had some judgments in their hearts, but they didn't even look at it.

Especially for Ai Lin, the Moon Blade has given her immunity to fire damage, but she doesn't need to worry about the fireball explosion in front of her. Every time an undead rushes towards her, the sacred power of her Moon Blade is instantly unstoppable. Harvest the souls of all undead creatures mercilessly.

Such a cleanup...

Within a moment, everything here fell silent again.

Then, Isaac and his party also walked towards the gate of the mausoleum.

There are several layers of triggering magic effects on this huge stone door that looks like a castle door.

However, this is naturally not a problem for Isaac.

In just a moment, all these magical effects were dispelled by him.

The door of the mausoleum was finally pushed open, and the group of people disappeared here.

And it was their figures that disappeared into the tomb...

"No problem!"

"No sign of the elector's infiltration has been found yet!"

"Everyone, please take your seats!"

In the secret hall at the deepest part of the tomb.

The old voice of the elder Mo Kui Arabella reached the hearts of all the members of the temporary war fortress through telepathy.

As the main creator of the hidden barrier in the mausoleum, he can sense extremely subtle phenomena in the area through the barrier.

Although this kind of induction is definitely not as good as Elder Mo Kui's innate "true vision".

However, on the one hand, I don’t want to alarm people in advance, and on the other hand, although the “Vision of True Knowledge” is indeed powerful, the scope of the “Vision of True Knowledge” is limited.

Arabella has not decided yet, and is not in a hurry. She will go ahead now and observe the targets in person!

And it was his telepathy that was spreading...

In the secret hall, the mysterious and extraordinary teleportation aura began to circulate again.

In the blink of an eye, the whirlpool-like teleportation gate opened again.

Since then.

One after another, at least all of them were large, and there was even a super-large wind bag figure flying out continuously.

Felin's magic sunflowers, up to large in size, are at least in their prime, and their old age is also in this range.

And when it comes to the super large size, this is the symbol of the Elder Demon Sunflower!

In a short period of time, three large magic sunflowers and one super large magic sunflower flew out of the void vortex.

In this secret hall, the Felin Demon Sunflowers gathered together already have three super large ones and four large ones.

This means that this Felin Demon Kui War Fortress, which was temporarily established in response to the crisis, has three legendary-level Demon Kui elders, and four high-level Demon Kui in varying stages of adulthood and old age!

With such power, coupled with the monster army in the hands of Sirs Wenzel, and this is still their territory, they have an absolute advantage...

This is not to mention the people outside, even people like Kelben and Laila. If only one person comes, they also have great ambitions and want to try to force them to stay!

to this end……

"Thors Wenzel, this is your lair, and you know the specific situation best. Therefore, how and when the plan will be launched is up to you."

"Hessandra and I will go to the entrance of the mausoleum first. Firstly, we will personally monitor it to prevent those elects from sneaking in. Secondly, if we want to fully activate the barrier, we must do it from there!"

Having just summoned all the Felin Demon Sunflowers, Arabella, one of the Elder Demon Sunflowers, handed over the temporary command to the Lord of the Tomb, Sirs Wenzel, himself, and others. An elder Mo Kui was preparing to teleport to the entrance of the mausoleum.

After all, I still wasn't sure whether a great mage like Kelben would use some powerful spell that was sufficiently secretive to sneak in without anyone noticing.

Therefore, before the action begins, and furthermore, before their double ban barrier is officially activated.

These two elders, Mo Kui, are preparing to take charge personally.

No matter how powerful Kelben's spells are, they are still the same legendary casters, and they also have innate "true vision".

But he doesn't believe that the chosen ones of the Magic Goddess can still sneak in forcefully under his nose?

"Thank you, two elders!"

"Before the operation begins, I will summon you in advance!"

Theswinzel was not humble at this time.

In fact, the phaerinn don't have any modesty in their nature.

Born with high intelligence, the Felin Demon Kui is also born with arrogance. The union between individuals only occurs in response to crises. Humility has never been their nature.

At this moment, the seven Felin Demon Sunflowers were divided into two groups and quickly went away.

And at the same time.

Isaac and others followed the signs left behind by the retreat of the monster army, and quickly pursued them inside the mausoleum.

At this time, it was finally no longer a cookie-cutter army of undead.

After entering the tomb, finally, those real monster armies, scattered in groups of three or five, sprang out from time to time.

For such a monster, Danilo would naturally not miss it and captured it quickly.

After another round of temptation and domination.

By a bugbear...

"They're evacuating through the magic door."

"However, this magic gate seems to have an upper limit."

"After teleporting away a group of people, it temporarily went on strike. It will take a certain amount of time to recover again."

"The Felin Demon Kui was the first batch to be withdrawn."

Danilo soon had the information confirmed.

This is also normal.

Any magic door, even if it has a permanent magic constant spell, cannot always operate and pass.

Within a period of time, the upper limit of the number of people who can pass is always related to the caster level of the person who created this magic door.

Once the upper limit of this unit time is reached, if there is still a forced passage, it is very likely to cause permanent damage to the magic door, or even direct destruction.

The monster army retreated at this time and encountered this situation.

The bugbear's explanation after being confused.

Felin Mokui led the most elite group among the army and left the fortress first.

But when it comes to those who are not important, the magic gate is unstable, so that they are stuck in the fortress and cannot continue to follow the master of Felin Demon Kui.

"It's credible, but not entirely trustworthy!"

"The illusion of Felin Demon Sunflower can completely make these bugbears accept anything that is credible."

"So, the pursuit must continue, but we must also be alert enough to keep an eye out for attacks coming from anywhere at any time!"

At this time, Isaac was also alert.

Naturally, when entering this fortress, if Felin Mokui wants to make a move, it is possible at any time.

And his "Legendary Hidden" or his "Physical Changes" may not be able to hide from the Elder Mo Kui's "True Vision", especially those, the oldest, have been promoted to the Elder Mo Kui's rank. At the second stage limit, the warlock level has reached level 27, a true elite elder devil!


It not only warned the eldest nephew, but also warned several people around him.

Isaac himself, the induction of true vision and the induction of spiritual will, are also extremely sensitive and spread to the surroundings.

Strike first and strike later to control others!

He would not wait until the green dragon's identity was exposed by those phaerim demons, and then react passively in anger.

Instead of doing this, it would be better for him to take a preemptive strike!

His True Vision has a caster level of level 33, which can compete with even the most powerful giant leader among the Felin Demon Sunflowers.

With such true vision and perception, would his perception be inferior to that of these Felin Demon Sunflowers?

Sui, he was highly alert, but he still followed the route "guided" by Felin Mokui.

In this mausoleum, which has a cathedral-like structure, while fighting, they passed through two areas and then a courtyard surrounded by corridors.


"Is it finally coming?"

It was when we walked into an area surrounded by stone castles on three sides.

Suddenly, a magical effect rippled through the space.

Isaac raised his eyes, and while he was sure of the magical effect, he was not surprised at all. He shouted directly: "There is an ambush! The barrier that blocks teleportation! Prepare to fight!"

His voice has not yet fallen.

Danilo and the others also had some sense that there was a magic barrier covering all areas of the mausoleum!

And if this barrier really has the effect of "blocking teleportation" as Mr. Lei said...

"Psychic Network!"

Iles did not hesitate to use the special ability of the moon blade for the second time. Seeing the activation of the magic barrier, he wanted to complete it completely.

The silver light also connected all four members of their team.

And at the same time.

Right in front of their eyes.

The scepter was waved, but the "instant metamagic" of the "higher metamagic scepter" was not used, and the spell was cast in a standard way.

"Rainbow Dharma Wall!"

An eighth-level spell from the sorcerer class.

A magic wall with flickering colorful lights quickly rose in front of the team.

Since he "pushed" this small team and forced their way to the tomb, Isaac would not seriously sacrifice and sacrifice them.

The rainbow light magic wall provides all-round protection against various attacks, various magics, and even various supernatural abilities, but it is still extremely strong.

In addition, this small team itself is also unusual, so we have more confidence in advancing or retreating!

And he is waving his scepter and casting spells...

The other hand, another scepter, also appeared as if it came out of thin air.

At this moment, even though this scepter showed no signs of use at all, the extremely blazing purple spiritual light that appeared directly in the normal field of vision clearly showed its quality, which was even better than that of a high-level super-demon. A big piece of instant scepter!

Naturally, it is the scepter of the legendary spellcaster!

It has already been judged that Felin Mokui's hidden magic barrier has the effect of sealing off space.

Naturally, he took out the legendary caster's scepter in advance!

At this time, the barrier was indeed activated, and it was just the right time to take out his legendary scepter in advance.

And it is this colorful wall that is being erected, and the telepathic network is linking everyone, and it is even linked to Isaac...

"The reaction speed is quite fast!"

"It's a pity...it's still too late!"

First there was a spiritual light from the "Teleportation Array", and on the stone castle in the front direction, lightning was shining.

Immediately, a total of five Felin Demon Sunflowers jumped out at the same time.

It seems that although the barrier activated by the Felin Demon Sunflower can prevent the teleportation effect, the depth of these ancient evils in magic still left a backdoor to themselves early on.

Regardless of whether this backdoor is a token, permission, or something else!

These Felin magic sunflowers can directly teleport and cast spells under the barrier, which is absolutely correct.

A teleportation arrived.

Seeing the opposite side, the rainbow light magic wall has been created.

Theswenzel sneered while waving his claws: "Kill them all out... huh??? This???"

Just to bring out the ambush.

Suddenly, from behind the rainbow magic wall, a figure waving a legendary scepter squeezed into his eyes.

"Legend Dispel!!"

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