Dr. Jiang’s Daily Adversities

Chapter 1142: How much is 50 grams?

After Jiang heard Xu came in, he saw that Gu Yueshu had opened his eyes on the hospital bed and blinked his brows from time to time.

"Uncle Gu!" shouted.

After Gu Yueshu heard it, he wanted to look sideways. Jiang Tingxu had already stepped forward at this time, holding down Gu Yueshu's head:

"Uncle Gu, don't move, you can't move casually now."

When he was sent to the hospital last night, Gu Yueshu was covered with blood all over his face. Basically, it was blood spurted out of his body after being shot, and it may be mixed with other people.

But at this time, it was already cleaned up.

"Uncle Gu, do you still recognize me?"

Gu Yueshu obviously wanted to say something, because he was wearing a ventilator and couldn't make a sound at all.

"Needless to say, just blink."

The next moment, Gu Yueshu blinked three times in a row.

Jiang heard Xu suddenly laughed:

"You know me, that's good, Uncle Gu, come and see me here."

Extend a finger on the top of Gu Yueshu, slowly from left to right.

In human nature, the eyeballs will follow the direction of the finger movement, and both can show that there is no problem with the brain.

At this moment, Gu Yichen had changed into sterile clothes, and saw Jiang Tingxu beckoning to him:

"What are you doing?"

There was no anger in the mouth, but the feet were obedient enough, and a few strokes passed.

Jiang listened to what Xu hadn't said, and directly started to pull Gu Yichen closer to Gu Yueshu:

"Uncle Gu, do you recognize him?" asked.

A second later, Gu Yueshu blinked again.

Then Gu Yichen was mercilessly pushed away.

After careful inspection, he took off the ventilator by himself and told the nurse:

"Get on the oxygen tube."

"Good Doctor Jiang."

After the ventilator was removed, Gu Yueshu could make a sound. Although it was very quiet, he could still hear clearly if he listened closely. This would really make Gu Yichen next to his uncle:

"Uncle, what are you talking about?"

"He...he...they...what about?"

Gu Yichen had difficulty hearing clearly, but could not understand:

"They? Who?"

On the other hand, Jiang listened to Xu, some seconds to understand:

"Uncle Gu asked about the person who was sent to the hospital together?"

"Yes, it is."

If you can speak, naturally you don't need to blink.

"They are in better condition than Uncle Gu's. They have had an operation and there should be no problem."

Hearing this, the expression on Gu Yueshu's face was obviously lighter.

"Uncle Gu, you just woke up, you can't talk too much, take a lot of rest."


It's not the first time I was injured, these things are still very clear.

Jiang Tingxu recruited a nurse:

"Director Wen explained that the medicine to be fed can be brought over."

"Okay, Doctor Jiang."

Jiang Tingxu started to pull Gu Yichen up again:

"Family, prepare some liquid food, can't feed the patient more than 50 grams, understand?"

"50 grams, how much is it?"


"You didn't learn math in elementary school?"

Gu Yichen scratched the back of his head:

"That's how many years have passed, I forgot it!" said embarrassedly.

Don't say, how much is 50 grams, I really don't know.

Jiang heard Xu's mouth curled several times:

"When you are ready, show me the spoon."

According to the size of the spoon, it can basically be estimated.

"Okay, then I will get someone to prepare."

Gu Yichen naturally ordered the two younger brothers outside to prepare, but they didn't even know what liquid food was.

Probably it is: Let’s gather people and divide them into groups!

"I don't even know about liquid food, do you have tofu residue in your mind?

Stupid, just plain porridge or something! "

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