Dr. Jiang’s Daily Adversities

Chapter 944: Dog food is too supportive

"Who is this big show?"

"I do not know!"

"Which son and wife of Jincheng are we?"

"Miansheng, it should not be."

Those who said this should not be unexpectedly from the Jincheng aristocratic circle.

On the other side, a group of very young girls and boys don’t think so:

"How do I feel like the King of Ink? The figure is really alike!"

"I think so!"

"I haven't heard of the ink emperor coming to Jincheng?"

"If so, is the one next to you the princess?"

"Quick, hurry into the group and ask."

The group of people entered the elevator under the leadership of the hotel manager, and didn't care about the heavy discussions in the lobby.

The top floor, the presidential suite.

"Master, grandma, here it is."

At the same time, with a ‘ding’, the manager swiped his card to open the door.

Mo Boyuan didn't want to leave a light bulb here:

"Go busy with you."

"Yes, master."

The manager left with a wink.

Jiang Tingxu opened the door and walked into the room. The man followed close behind and closed the door as soon as he entered.

Suddenly, I felt a strong pulling sensation, and my body was instantly bound into a strong embrace. When I recovered my mind, I was already pressed against the door and kissed fiercely by someone domineeringly. The unfinished voice was drowned out. Inside the fierce kiss.

After finally speaking:

"Wait...wait...Mo Boyuan...you let me go!"


How is that possible?

"Don't make trouble."

The man coaxed softly in the woman's ear.


Who is making trouble?

It's a pity, how can a woman resist a man who got a certain caterpillar on the brain?

I didn't have much thoughts, I just thought about mouth addiction.

But who knows?

Once encountered, the taste of the marrow is more uncontrollable, and in the end, it is completely out of control and looting frantically.

If it weren’t for someone’s hand to touch something, his sanity would finally recover a little bit, letting go of the imprisoned woman, still not forgetting her disgust:

"Why are there such annoying menstrual periods?

How long will it take to end? "


Jiang Tingxu's cheeks were reddened again by someone's fierce kiss, and his legs were still soft.

I want to stare, but my eyes are full of wintry.

It's not like staring at people, it's more like a fairy trying to capture men.


After cursing with a blushing face, he went directly to the bathroom.

But the scolded person murmured to himself:

"Rogue shit, which man has no idea about his own woman?"

Fortunately, after a wave of hooliganism, someone still had a conscience and called for dinner.

Jiang Tingxu came out after taking a shower. When he came out, the food delivery person also arrived, which was quite timely.

"My wife, come to eat."

Jiang Tingxu finally stared at the man, staring several times before coming over.

The curvature of the corner of the man's mouth was never let down, and he leaned close to his wife's ear:

"I'm going to take a bath, you eat first, don't wait for me."

Oh, who should wait for you?

The two waiters who delivered the food blushed after seeing this scene. After putting the food in, they also hurriedly left.

This dog food is too supportive.

I'm afraid that those people outside would never have imagined that King Mo was such a sticky wife in private!

Moreover, the prince is really gentle and very temperamental!

Although it's not amazing, the more you look at it, the better it looks.

No wonder it can be subdued by Mo Da Movie Emperor.

In the room, Jiang Tingxu sat at the dining table and did not move first, saying that he was not waiting, but he still waited.

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