Dr. Jiang’s Daily Adversities

Chapter 952: Father's letter

Thinking of this, Xie Zhiming became even more worried.

As any person, knowing that you are being watched for a long time will cause panic in your heart.

It was not until he returned to the private room that Xie Zhiming calmed down, and took out a few very old envelopes from his pocket:

"It's all here."

Jiang listened to Xu Ning and walked forward:

"Uncle Xie, let me watch it."

Xie Zhiming nodded:

"Look, your father originally wrote it."

The next few letters are really the only things left before the sacrifice.

The two were once comrades-in-arms, so every letter basically contains words of memory of the past and yearning for future life.

Jiang Guoyu mentioned Wen Jie and Gu Ranzhi’s names in the letter. They talked about how well a woman is, and how close she is to her daughter. She is very grateful to her. She is most in need of her mother. Appear in age.

When it comes to Gu Ranzhi, it is this little boy who is very clever. He will definitely be able to read his head in the future. I don’t know whether his biological father was covered with lard or his head was covered with pants. son!

He also told Xie Zhiming about his marriage to Wen Jie, saying that the marriage report had been submitted, and he was waiting for the approval of the leader.

Between the lines, there is full of joy.

I am afraid, when writing these letters, Jiang Guoyu never expected that all his beautiful fantasies would soon be cruelly and permanently broken!

The dozen or so letters should be all the letters that Xie Zhiming had kept. Jiang Tingxu read them one by one.

Until the last letter was read, tears were already dripping uncontrollably.

Mo Boyuan patted the woman's back silently, apparently comforting.

It's useless to say anything at this time, so it's better to say nothing.

Sad people don’t necessarily need language. Sometimes they just need a way to vent, or silent company is enough.

There is only so much Xie Zhiming can do. Seeing his little wife crying more and more, Mo Boyuan directly hugged the person in his arms, and then bowed gratefully to Xie Zhiming:

"Uncle Xie, today, and everything before, thank you!"

"You child, it's too much to see, that girl is not very emotional, please coax her more."

"Well, then we'll leave first, and then come back to see you."

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

"You too, take care."

Mo Boyuan left the teahouse with his little wife all the way, then found the car, stuffed the person into the car, and then started the car and left.

Jiang Tingxu was crying silently along the way. He missed his father so much, especially when he saw the letters written by his father.

"Mo Boyuan~"

"Well, I'm here."

"I miss Dad so much."

"I know that father-in-law will look at you from the sky. If we have time later, we can go and see him."

"Well, I'm going."

How can you not visit your father when you come to Jincheng?

Of course I want to go!

"it is good!"

When she arrived at the hotel, the woman finally stopped her voice. Those eyes were red because they had cried. They were very pitiful and tight at first sight. She wanted to hold the person in her arms to give comfort.

This time, the two went directly to the top-level presidential suite from the underground parking lot. Fortunately, they did not meet other guests who needed to take the elevator.

After returning to the room, Mo Boyuan went to the bathroom, and then found a disposable towel, soaked it thoroughly with warm water, then took it out:


Crying like a little cat.

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