Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1250 Fire Qilin

In Middle-earth, the sky is full of flowers, the aura of pure spirit is permeating the air, and the gloomy atmosphere is washed away. At this moment, the entire Middle-earth seems to be glowing. Some monks make up for the wounds of the path and continue the path, and some beasts are born as a result. Spiritual wisdom, transformed into a demon, there are spiritual plants to eliminate bad luck, seek survival in death, there are broken earth veins to gain a little fortune, and the broken veins can be restored.

Under the baptism of this heaven and earth creation, the entire Middle Earth is changing. Although it is very weak, it cannot be ignored. It is nothing more than a person who has attained the Tao, a chicken or a dog, and ascended to heaven.

Looking at such a scene in the sky, Zhang Chun nodded. With this fate falling, although it will not be apparent for a while, more cultivation seeds will appear in the Middle Earth in the future.

"Since I have become an Earth Immortal, the gate of Longhu Mountain should also be upgraded. Otherwise, Liu Er and the others will have trouble becoming Demon Saints."

Looking away, Zhang Chunyi looked at Longhu Mountain.

Although he has given blessings to all spirits in the Middle Earth, as the leader of Longhu Mountain, he undoubtedly prefers Longhu Mountain.

With his Dharma Eye, Zhang Chunyi saw ninety-nine true dragon veins through the appearance of Longhu Mountain's oven. They held dragon beads in their mouths and were entrenched in the depths of the earth. They looked the same as real dragons. The only flaw was their There is no spirit in the dragon's eyes, lacking the sparkle of a wise creature.

"If you are a dragon, you should soar into the sky. How can you stay underground for a long time? This time is a rare opportunity. If you miss this time, you don't know when the next one will be!"

Ninety-nine earth dragons were reflected in his eyes, and Zhang Chun pointed them out one by one.

Hum, the lunar moon wheel vibrates and shines brightly, just like the lunar coming into the world. As Zhang Chun points one by one, the lunar law lingers, and endless moonlight gathers at his fingertips, deriving a bit of the purest creation.

The power of Taiyin is magical and can open up the spiritual intelligence of living beings. When Zhang Chunyi was weak, he used this to enlighten various monsters. It is said to be magical and extraordinary. Now what he has to do is to open up some spirituality for these ninety-nine earth dragons.

"The laws of heaven and earth!"

"Taiyin enlightens me!"

Using magical powers and secret techniques to connect heaven and earth, mysterious and mysterious, ignoring all obstacles, Zhang Chun pointed at the Longhu Mountain veins one by one.

The next moment, ninety-nine earth-line true dragons turned over at the same time, the heaven and the earth roared, and the entire Longhu Mountain shook endlessly. Fortunately, with the protection of the sect's formation, the creatures inside were not affected.

Boom, the second heavenly change has arrived. At this time, when the Taixuan Realm is upgrading, the whole world is in turmoil, and the veins of heaven and earth are more active than ever. When the ninety-nine earth-line true dragons of Longhu Mountain turn over at the same time, in Under Zhang Chunyi's deliberate guidance, his power was transmitted to the center of the earth, causing the sea of ​​​​fire to burst out.

Roar, as if an ancient giant beast was roaring, and when it found a gap, a terrifying power suddenly vented out from the sea of ​​​​fire in the center of the earth, and it was full of violence.

The earth's crust is solid and immortal gods cannot be shaken. Under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult for monks to activate the power of the sea of ​​​​fire in the center of the earth, even for earth immortals. However, Zhang Chunyi accurately grasped this golden opportunity of upgrading the world.

Gurulu, the hot magma rolled and spewed out, turning into the shape of a unicorn. It went up along the earth veins and pointed directly at Longhu Mountain. It was like a running ancient ferocious beast. It was unstoppable. Wherever it passed, it left traces of flames and countless earth veins. They are all assimilated into fire veins. If they want to evolve into a flaming land, even if the gods fall into it, they will be destroyed physically and mentally.

Roar, the fire unicorn roars, it comes with a sea of ​​magma and fire, trying to overturn Longhu Mountain.

At this moment, the mountain of Longhu Mountain was dyed red by the fire, shaking endlessly, just like a pill furnace that was completely reddened by the pill fire. It was so hot that the surrounding void was distorted.

But just when the Fire Qilin was about to continue to use its strength to completely overturn the pill furnace in Longhu Mountain, the real dragon roared angrily, and the ninety-nine earth-line real dragons simultaneously turned their attention to the Fire Qilin. At this moment, there was something in their eyes. A look that I didn't have before.

With the help of Zhang Chunyi's Taiyin Spirit, these ninety-nine earth-line true dragons have developed some spirituality. Although they have not yet truly transformed into demons, they are no longer simple dead creatures.

Roar, the ninety-nine true dragons roared in unison, shaking the world. The life and death crisis was imminent. The ninety-nine earth-line true dragons that had just given birth to some spirituality rushed towards the fire unicorn one after another.

Hum, the flames intertwined with the earth's energy, and the real dragon collided with the unicorn. Without any temptation, the two sides with only a little spirituality directly launched a life-and-death fight. Although there were ninety-nine real dragons, they were not as powerful as a single body. But it was much weaker than the Fire Qilin, and the Earthline True Dragons were constantly being torn apart by the Fire Qilin.

Seeing such a scene, listening to the roar of the unicorn and the mournful cry of the real dragon, Zhang Chunyi was indifferent and only dropped some power to protect all the spirits in Longhu Mountain.

"It is really a fire unicorn. It seems that many of the things I saw with my eyes are true, especially these treasures that were born and raised."

With the Dharma Eyes reflecting, Zhang Chunyi saw through the nature of this fire unicorn.

Although it was transformed by a force released from the sea of ​​​​fire in the center of the earth, its core essence is an innate divine fire. Its name is the Earth's Core Ember Flame. A unicorn that rebelled against the innate body died in the center of the earth, and its corpse eventually gave birth to This divine fire was born with an innate portion, ranked eleventh level, and its essence was extremely high.

In the future that Zhang Chunyi sees, this divine fire will also be born due to changes in the earth's veins during this heavenly change. However, the time of birth is not now, but ten years later, and the place of birth is not Longhu Mountain, but Zhengbei Road. .

When he was born, the power of the sea of ​​fire in the center of the earth swept across the world. Unprepared, the True North Road was directly transformed into a flaming land. All souls perished in it, and no one survived. Even the true immortals fell into it.

"This fire is so ferocious that all the souls in Zhengbei Road will die because of it. Since I knew it in advance, I will not let it go. However, there are too many ninety-nine true dragons, and the heaven and earth will not allow it, so it is difficult to truly transform into a demon."

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Zhang Chunyi allowed the fire unicorn to rage, killing the earth-line true dragons one after another.

As time goes by, more and more real dragons die tragically, and their corpses pile up in mountains. The fierce and powerful Fire Qilin also has many scars on its body. Although its strength and Dao marks are greater than that of many demon saints. , but after all, it is not a real living being, it has no clear spiritual intelligence, and it has not developed powerful supernatural powers. Everything is just following instinct. It comes from the fire accumulated in the sea of ​​​​fire in the center of the earth. It is the most violent and destined to Bring destruction to all souls in the world.

After an unknown amount of time, the turmoil in the underground finally began to calm down. At this time, only nine of the ninety-nine earth-line true dragons were left, and the fire unicorn was scarred and dying, and no longer had the fierce power it had before.

Buzz, the dragon body wandered around without any hesitation, following instinct, and nine true dragons surrounded him.

Roar, the unicorn screamed. Its originally majestic body was torn apart by the nine earth-line true dragons, and they were divided and eaten. As the power of the fire unicorn poured in, it gained a little energy from the dark, and the originally dim light of spiritual wisdom appeared in the eyes of the nine earth-line true dragons. It suddenly became intense, and they really turned into monsters. Even tempered by the embers of the earth's core, they all gave birth to innate bodies, born to be extraordinary.

Hum, gaining new life, the nine dragons roared up to the sky, carrying the earth's fire and earth energy and soared into the sky. At this moment, as the nine dragons took off, Longhu Mountain, which was shaped like an alchemy furnace, seemed to have succeeded in alchemy, with billowing alchemy energy rising inside and evolving in the sky. The red sea of ​​clouds has an extraordinary atmosphere. As the sea of ​​clouds takes shape, the power of heaven and earth converges to create creation. The essence of Longhu Mountain changes and it truly becomes a holy land.

But at this moment, the fire surged up, and the violence gradually took over his eyes. The nine earth-fire embers dragons that were originally swimming in the sea of ​​clouds and rotating creation actually breathed out dragon breath, trying to kill the creatures in Longhu Mountain.

Seeing such a scene, although he had expected it, Zhang Chunyi couldn't help but sigh.

"Success is a fire unicorn, failure is a fire unicorn."

As soon as the thought came to mind, Zhang Chunyi stretched out his palm. These nine earth-line true dragons were able to transform into monsters because the power and energy of the fire unicorn made up for their final deficiencies. However, they also inherited the tyranny of the fire unicorn. They were born to be ferocious beasts and could not be destroyed. tame.

With five fingers like mountains and palms holding the sky and the earth, the nine true dragons kept shrinking and were directly captured by Zhang Chunyi. Although these nine true dragons were extraordinary and were born as demon kings, the power contained in their bodies even touched the threshold of demon saints. Compared with Zhang Chunyi, Still too much difference.

"Let me use you to refine a treasure, so that I can live up to this good fortune."

The laws of the sky and the earth were moving, connecting Longhu Mountain. Zhang Chunyi used it as a furnace to refine these nine evil dragons. They were born here. This is the best place to refine them. It just happened to take advantage of the transformation of Longhu Mountain to make up for their last shortcomings.

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