Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1261 Innate Sacredness

In an unknown land, a great river flows across the sky, its momentum is mighty, its color is green, its meaning is azure, its source is nowhere to be seen, its destination is nowhere to be seen, it seems to never stop.

At a certain moment, I felt something in my heart. A spiritual thought spread out from the depths of the river. I saw a simple temple standing at the bottom of the unfathomable river. The innate energy was permeated inside, as if chaos had not yet begun. There is a divine fetus being gestated in it. It is shaped like an egg and is green all over. There are scriptures inscribed on the outside, and the shadows of gods and demons are manifested inside. The whole body is filled with chaotic energy, exuding a supreme and noble aura.

"Has the God-beating Treasure finally been born? It seems that the era of gods is coming."

The vicissitudes of life and lively thoughts are intertwined, and the chaotic energy lingering around the divine fetus continues to dissipate, making the originally blurry shadows of gods and demons in the divine fetus become clear. It has a body with a snake tail, a green lin between its eyebrows, green hair, and a slight The scrolls are like small snakes, with obscure breath, divine and holy, unfathomable.

When he opened his eyes, the entire green Milky Way was rolling up with waves, exuding a breath of joy. This ancient river was venting a breath called joy. It seemed ruthless, but it also had Affection.

At the same time, the sound of rushing water sounded, and another figure appeared in the temple. Its figure was human-like and its breath was gentle. It was Miaojun who was transformed into Miaojun by a little bit of his divine thoughts.

"Did you really succeed?"

Turning his gaze to the divine fetus, Miaojun's eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty as he looked at Sang Qi, whose aura and appearance had undergone great changes.

As the divine mind of the Miaoshui God, her knowledge is naturally extraordinary. Although Sang Qi's aura is very obscure due to the obstruction of the divine fetus, she still sees incredible things from it. The most obvious one is the expression Sang Qi showed at this time. The form, whose traces of the Tao are self-generated, coexist with the Tao, are neither human nor demon, but divine.

Hearing this, Sang Qi shifted his gaze and looked at Miao Jun.

"That's right. My foundation has been completely transformed. I have rebelled against my innate nature and become like a god or a saint. But now is not the time for me to be truly born. I still need some time to warm up."

The vicissitudes in his words continued to fade away, and the liveliness became stronger. Sang Qi did not hide anything and gave the answer directly.

After hearing this, Miao Jun stood on the spot, speechless for a long time.

According to Sang Qi's own statement, although she was not yet born at this time, she was actually a young innate divine being. This is so incredible.

The innate saints are born with the Tao. Each of them is the darling of heaven and the proud son of the Tao. After their birth, as long as they grow smoothly, their strength can at least be comparable to that of the gods. The best among them can completely master one or several Tao. It is not inferior to immortality at all.

He controls the power of heaven and earth, runs the avenues of heaven and earth, and has incredible abilities. In other words, Sang Qi is guaranteed to be a god comparable to an immortal in the future, and it is not impossible that he is even comparable to immortality.

Of course, although the innate saints are comparable to immortals in terms of strength, their power comes from heaven and earth, and they are also limited by heaven and earth. They are far from the freedom and ease of immortal existences, and they cannot truly live forever.

But even so, the transformation of innate sanctity is still the pursuit of countless practitioners, especially the White Lotus Sect. The acquired Shinto seems not weak, but they thrive on incense and are also limited by incense. There is always a risk of falling into the divine. Comparatively speaking, innate holiness is much nobler, and it is really enviable by acquired gods.

"How is it possible? How is this possible? I have been pursuing the White Lotus Sect of Innate Shinto for many years, but there has been no breakthrough. How could you take this step so quickly? Why?"

"Even if you master a corner of the Immortal Status Map, it won't work. The main body of the Immortal Status Map has always been in the hands of the White Lotus Sect, and you are just a true god. There is a huge difference between you and my mother. Why do you step forward to the White Lotus Sect? After taking this step, will the body of the Divine Dao rebel against the innate sanctity in the future? This is impossible, impossible."

With his mind agitated and somewhat arrogant, Miaojun couldn't help but express his doubts.

Hearing this, Sang Qi smiled and said nothing, just looked at Miao Jun quietly.

After a long time, Miaojun, who had lost his mind, finally regained his composure.

"Are you really Sang Qi?"

Looking at Sang Qi, Miaojun's seemingly calm eyes contained unspeakable complexity.

She could be said to have watched Sang Qi grow up. When Sang Qi was still a little girl, she was born from the power that accidentally triggered the immortal status map. She watched Sang Qi grow up slowly and taught her Cultivation has helped her survive all kinds of disasters. Logically speaking, she should be familiar with everything about Sang Qi, but now looking at Sang Qi in front of her, she feels stranger than ever.

Through Sang Qi's face, she seemed to see a completely strange soul.

Hearing this and looking at Miaojun like this, Sang Qi shook his head and let out a sigh. At this moment, his aura naturally carried a touch of vicissitudes that had withstood the baptism of time.

"You don't have to doubt that I am indeed the Sang Qi you know, but I have another identity besides Sang Qi."

Sang Qi spoke calmly and faced Miaojun's gaze, giving his answer.

When their eyes met, Miaojun felt the sincerity in Sang Qi's green eyes and captured the familiarity. Miaojun breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good!"

Looking back, Miao Jun did not ask about Sang Qi's other identity. She knew that that identity most likely had some unspeakable secrets. Sang Qi didn't want to say it, otherwise he would have told her directly just now.

Hearing this, Sang Qi smiled, and the aura of vicissitudes of life on her body was completely covered up. She was indeed Sang Qi, and she was the one who got along with Miao Jun day and night. However, during this transformation process, she remembered some things that had been forgotten. In other words, sealed memories.

In fact, after she and Zhang Chunyi joined forces to kill the True God of the White Lotus Sect, destroyed her body, destroyed her soul, and escaped by feigning death, the memories that had been dormant in the depths of her true soul had already begun to revive, and this was how she could become the body of the God of Heaven in the future. Go against nature and become the root cause of the divine.

"A special Shinto treasure has been born. Under the influence of luck, the era of gods will come soon, but before that, I need you to do something for me."

As he spoke, Sang Qi penetrated a spiritual thought into the depths of Miaojun's soul.

What Sang Qi said flashed away in the depths of his soul, leaving no trace. Miao Jun's expression suddenly changed, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

"***, how is this possible? Not to mention other things, Mother Bai Lian can't pass the test alone."

Her mind was agitated, and Miaojun couldn't help but refute, but the real core could not be expressed. This remark only reached her ears, and no one else could know it. Even she herself could not express it anymore. It was unknowable and unspeakable. Only in this way could she not express it. Cause the induction of certain existence.

So who is Sang Qi?

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