Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1310 Lies

In the deepest part of the shark's ancestral court, there is a huge lake. The lake water is as viscous as silver and mercury. From a distance, it looks like a huge mirror, reflecting the skylight. The skylight converges and turns into an almost illusory palace. , this is Jinghu Palace, where the raging Disheartened River has somewhat restrained its ferocious power.

When I came here, I used my magical powers, and my strong and pure spiritual power burst out, reflecting a palace in my heart. I stepped out, Jinghu Palace is not here, not there, but in my heart. Ordinary people can't come here. When you set foot here, you can only watch from the outside.

"Little Lingyue, you really did not disappoint me!"

There was joy in the gentle words. Looking at Lingyou walking into Jinghu Palace, Mo Yu, the only great sage of the Shark tribe, spoke. At this time, he was transformed into a mud body and could not move, but his consciousness did not completely return to silence. , with the help of the magic of Jinghu Palace, he finally blocked part of the power of the Lost Heart River, preventing it from turning into mud. All the actions of Lingyou were secretly guided by him.

"Lingyou pays homage to the great elder."

The ground was as smooth as a mirror, reflecting Lingyou's figure. Facing Mo Yu, Lingyou bowed. She had great respect for this great elder. This great elder was the most outstanding genius of the Shark Race in the last era. , is the being most likely to become the Demon Emperor and reshape the glory of the Sharman race.

"Lingyou lived up to his trust. After many twists and turns, he finally brought back his true tears and asked the great elder to see them."

Raising her head and looking at Mo Yu, who had turned into a clay fetus, Lingyou offered two true tears and placed one on her body, so that she could not be affected by the river of heartbreak.

Seeing such a scene, my mind moved, and two true tears immediately fell in front of Mo Yu.

"With this thing here, I can break free."

As soon as the thought fell, Mo Yu began to absorb the power of true tears. At this moment, the true tears like pearls bloomed with hazy brilliance, pure and beautiful, without any impurities.

As time passed, washed away by true tears, Mo Yu's heart, which had turned into stone, resumed beating again.

There was a crackle, the mud body cracked, and Mo Yu's true body began to appear. He had the head of a human and the body of a fish. His hair was snow-white and slightly curly. His face looked obviously old, and his dark eyes were full of calmness, as if After seeing everything in the world, nothing can make his heart waver.

Seeing such a scene, her heart was agitated, and the joy on Lingyou's face could no longer be suppressed. As long as Mo Yu was out of trouble and had sincere tears in his hands, the remaining clan members would surely be saved as well.

"Great Elder, let's save the other clan members quickly."

The words were full of excitement, and Lingyou spoke, but at this time, Mo Yu, who had just escaped from trouble, had a solemn face.

"It's too late, and with the remaining power of these two true tears, even if you add the one on your body, it is impossible to save all the people."

Looking outside Jinghu Palace, his words were full of calmness, and Mo Yu told Lingyou a cruel fact.

Although True Tears are miraculous, they are only at the eleventh level after all. It is impossible to completely resolve the power of Lost Heart River. One True Tear can actually only save one person, and it may not even be enough. He told Lingyou Three True Tears could save everyone, but he just wanted to secretly guide her to make such a wish, so that he could ensure that he would be rescued. As expected, Lingyou did not disappoint him and successfully brought back three True Tears from the Corner of the Sea. .

After hearing this, looking at Mo Yu who had a calm face, Lingyou's face instantly turned pale as if he had been hit hard.

But at this time, the Lost Heart River roared, the world was turbulent, and the originally peaceful Jinghu Palace was shaking, and it felt like it was on the verge of collapse.

"Are you going to destroy the ancestral palace of the Mermaids directly if you notice some clues? You are quite decisive."

Reflecting in his mind's eye, Mo Yu saw Ao Quan with a cold face, and even followed the feeling in the dark to see the blue flag covering the sky and the sun. There were strands of heavenly aura hanging down from it, which was unpredictable. Power.

In order to completely annihilate the Sharks without giving them any chance, and at all costs, Nanhai Dragon Palace once again activated the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag. Under its influence, Wuxinhe went berserk again.


Also aware of such a change, an inexplicable fear arose in Lingyou's heart. At this time, she really didn't know what to do. Almost instinctively, she turned her attention to Mo Yu, even though Mo Yu had lied to her before. , but Mo Yu is still the most trustworthy existence in her heart.

At the same time, Mo Yu also turned his attention to her.

Looking at each other, feeling the indifference in Mo Yu's eyes, Lingyou felt a chill in her heart. She had a premonition of danger, and it was at this moment that Mo Yu spoke.

"The Dragon Clan has taken action. They want to completely destroy our Shark Clan."

"They are strong, but we are weak. Even if we all revive today, we, the Shark Race, will not be able to get out of this river of despair and will have no choice but to be slaughtered by them."

The danger of overthrow was imminent, but Mo Yu remained calm.

"But we have a clear mind. As long as the tribe recovers, we can use the power of this imperial weapon..."

With a moved expression, Lingyou retorted almost instinctively, but in the face of Mo Yu's calm gaze, her voice finally dropped. She knew that Mo Yu was right. Although the Shark Clan has an imperial weapon passed down, Shark The human race has not had a demon emperor for a long time. There is no demon emperor in charge. In order to prevent this imperial weapon from being damaged, the Shark race had to find a way to seal this imperial weapon and take it out when necessary. This is how the Mirror Lake came about.

It is almost impossible to use this banned imperial weapon in a hurry, and given the current situation of the Sharks, even if the imperial weapon is summoned, the power it can display is probably quite limited, and the possibility of breaking the confinement of the Lost Heart River is extremely low. , and finally it was one wrong step, one wrong step after another.

"Great Elder, what do you want to do?"

The words were full of dryness, and Lingyou spoke again. By this time, she had understood something.

"I need you and the blood of my tribe to help me break through the Demon Emperor, and then all crises will be resolved."

Calm as always, Mo Yu revealed his plan.

Hearing this, the soul felt as if it had fallen into an ice cave.

"We, the aliens, are the descendants of the innate sacred blood, and we are born extraordinary. However, we bear the original sin and suffer the jealousy of the sky. Every step is bound to be catastrophic, and the Demon Emperor's level is even more fatal. It is almost impossible to survive, precisely because Only in this way will the imperial inheritance of our shark clan be cut off."

"Ancestor Xuanyu is astonishingly talented and has a sincere heart to revitalize the Sharman race, so she found the corner of the sea, made a wish in front of the Star of Hope at the expense of herself, and changed the method of the Sharman to break through the Demon Emperor, and finally Its ashes disappeared, leaving only a true heart that will remain forever, which is the so-called wishing heart. This should be what you want, ancestor, right?"

Death was right in front of her, but Lingyou calmed down. At this moment, she gained insight into the past.

Reaching out her palm, Lingyou dug out the wishing heart from her body.

The heart of a wish is special in nature and needs qualified people to use themselves as a container to nourish it. She is a qualified person of this generation.

"Ancestor, you want to use the power of hope to seize the bloodline of the entire clan, pursue the return to your ancestors, and become the Demon Emperor."

Holding the wishing heart in her hand, Lingyou turned her gaze to Mo Yu.

At this moment, looking at Lingyou, Mo Yu's old face showed a hint of admiration.

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