Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1314 It’s getting dark

Rumbling, the soaring sea currents collided with the overturning sea, and a terrifying collision was derived from this. One was strong, the other was vast. These were two different manifestations of the same magical power.

At this moment, the void was shattered, and the destructive aura filled the air.

"Did you recreate my power?"

Seeing such a scene, Ao Quan's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When other beings saw such a scene, they were also in disbelief. It would be fine if their faces and breaths were similar. There are many methods in the Taixuan Realm that can be done, but this great magical power cannot be faked.

"It can't be true, and it can't be true. I want to see how many times you can stop me."

His eyes were slightly narrowed, a cold light flickered, and Ao Quan used his magical power again.

At this moment, twelve Sunken Sea Pearls surrounded him, blooming with azure fairy light, like stars circling the moon.

Locking on the fake dragon shadow, Ao Quan waved his hand.

The next moment, the river roared like an angry dragon, holding Shen Haizhu in its mouth and smashing into the void with absolute power, pointing directly at the illusory dragon shadow.

And this is not the end. As the fingertips continue to slide, under the control of Ao Quan, the twelve Sunken Sea Pearls all manifest the appearance of an angry dragon. They are like roaring rivers, coercing the general trend and attacking Longying and Long Ying from different directions. Mo Yu transformed into a blood fetus.

"I want to see what you plan to do."

Looking down at the world, Ao Quan's face was filled with coldness.

At this moment, the strange dragon shadow pointed to the sky and quietly drew a circle.

The next moment, a huge whirlpool emerged, sweeping across the world, enveloping the strange dragon shadow and Mo Yu.

It withstood the impact of twelve Sunken Sea Pearls. Although it wavered from time to time, it was always undefeated. As time went by, its appearance became more and more extraordinary, and it had a tendency to sweep the world. On the contrary, the brilliance of the twelve Sunken Sea Pearls became more and more powerful. The darker.

Seeing such a scene, Ao Quan's eyes completely turned cold.

Wanchuanguihai is another great magical power he has practiced. He is good at borrowing the power of heaven and earth. He can draw the power of the water veins of heaven and earth to bless his body, and he is good at defense and weariness.

Of course, after accumulating to a certain level, this defensive magical power will also burst out with terrifying killing power.

Compared with the commonly used power of Ao Quan, this magical power is rarely used outside. Basically, those who have seen it have perished. Now that this weird dragon shadow can use this magical power, it means that the other party has really completely replicated him. everything, rather than simply what he showed.

At this moment, the maelstrom sweeping the world exploded, and terrifying power burst out. Twenty-four angry dragons bared their teeth and claws, and attacked Ao Quan together. Twelve of these angry dragons were transformed by Ao Quan's Shen Haizhu. The other twelve items were reproduced by Mo Yu. He not only reproduced Ao Quan's magical powers, but also the earthly immortal artifacts owned by Ao Quan.

Hum, the twenty-four Sunken Sea Pearls shined, boundless force gathered, the void was overwhelmed, and naturally collapsed. At this moment, the dragon roar shocked the world, and the brilliance of the twenty-four Sunken Sea Pearls occupied the world. Even the imperial soldiers ·The mirror of a clear mind is not as good as it is.

Each of the twelve Sunken Sea Pearls is an earthly immortal weapon. After being put into a set, the power is doubled. When the twenty-four are turned into a whole, the power can be imagined, and it is not inferior to the heavenly immortal weapon. At least in This is how it works in the hands of earth immortals, and it is even easier to use than ordinary heavenly immortal weapons, because there is not such a big burden.

Seeing such a scene, the expressions of the saints in the South China Sea Dragon Palace changed. The combined force of the twenty-four Sunken Sea Pearls was unstoppable and wanted to blow everything up. Just a trace of power revealed inadvertently caused the void to collapse, creating a large vacuum. realm.

"If you can't hide, let's attack together, otherwise everyone will die!"

The remaining six demon saints in the Dragon Palace took action one after another, showing their magical powers, while the rest of the dragon clan fled one after another. It was not that they were timid, but that in such a collision, their existences that had not yet transcended into saints could not play any role at all.

"The tide is really turning!"

With an angry roar, Ao Quan manifested the body of a true dragon. In this state, his defense is the strongest.

Regarding the scene in front of him, he had expected it the moment the strange dragon shadow used Wanchuanguihai, but in the end it was too late, and by the time he noticed it, it was already too late.

Roaring, stretching out the true dragon's body, Ao Quan also used his great supernatural power, Wanchuan Guihai, but the combined power of the twenty-four Sunken Sea Pearls was still too terrifying. The moment they really fell, the vacuum was shattered, Everything becomes empty, everything is destroyed.

The figures of the saints in the South China Sea Dragon Palace were submerged one after another. Those dragonmen who escaped slowly were only slightly affected before they exploded into a ball of blood mist, and their souls were scattered. This was absolute power, simple and rough.

Seeing such a scene, Ao Quan roared repeatedly, but he was powerless and could only hate his own negligence.

Not long ago, the Sharman clan made a careless move, which caused the River of Heart to flow into the Shark clan's ancestral court, and the Shark clan was almost wiped out. But now, he also made a careless move, directly hitting Mo Yu's path, allowing Mo Yu to complete the borrowing. The good situation of Nanhai Dragon Palace was ruined in one fell swoop.

After becoming a Dragon Man, he was born with a kind of innate magical power called Heavenly Slave All Things. This magical power is truly a great magical power. If you practice the Slave Way and practice it to the extreme, you can not only enslave living beings, but also dead objects, such as Immortal weapons and rare treasures.

The dragon shadow reflected by Mo Yu just now with the help of the Ming Xin Mirror used this great magical power to temporarily seize control of the twelve Sunken Sea Pearls by surprise.

"Damn it!"

The power of the twenty-four Sinking Pearls is unstoppable. The vortex created by Wanchuan Guihai has been destroyed before it can grow. In the face of overwhelming power, no matter how good it is, there is no point in killing it.

Hum, the divine light shines, and the sunken sea beads continue to hit Ao Quan's dragon body, causing his originally majestic dragon body to burst into clouds of blood mist, and it is instantly dyed red. Not only are the scales flying, the muscles and bones are broken, and Even one of the dragon's horns was broken.

"Slave all things, come back to me."

With the help of magical powers, Ao Quan wants to regain control of Shen Haizhu.

Previously, the strange dragon shadow used Wanchuan Guihai to kill the twelve Sunken Sea Pearls and temporarily seized control of the Sunken Sea Pearls. Now Ao Quan uses his body of the Demon Saint as a buffer to achieve this step.

However, the power of the twenty-four Chenhai Pearls was still too powerful. In an instant, Ao Quan's tough demon saint body became riddled with holes. He could no longer hold on, but in his demon saint body At the moment of complete collapse, he still held the twelve streamers in his hands. He failed to enslave the twenty-four Shen Haizhu, but he still regained control of his own Shen Haizhu.

However, this does not change the overall situation. Under the bombardment of the twenty-four Sunken Sea Pearls, the South China Sea Dragon Palace has suffered heavy losses, and this is not the end yet. When Ao Quan barely blocked the twenty-four Sunken Sea Pearls at the cost of his own heavy damage. , the crisp bell sounded.

"He is your enemy, kill him quickly!"

The strange whisper sounded, and all the dragons couldn't help but freeze. After transforming into dragons, although their hearts were tough and they were not easily fascinated by illusions, at this moment, under the whisper, their eyes couldn't help but show a blank look, and then He turned into a fierce man and looked at Ao Quan, who had just blocked a fatal blow for them, with a look of hatred.


The sound of killing was everywhere, and except for a few struggling demon saints, the remaining dragon-men rushed towards Ao Quan one after another, regardless of the strength gap between them, like moths to the flame.

"Stop it!"

Everything in Tiannu is moving, and Ao Quan wants to stop these dragon people, but it is of no use.

"Mo Yu!"

Reluctantly, he killed several of the dragon figures that came from the attack. Looking at the blood fetus transformed by Mo Yu, Ao Quan's eyes were full of anger. The person he fought with before was the strange dragon shadow, or rather himself, but his real The enemy has always been Mo Yu, and it has never changed. It was Mo Yu who took action just now, and his transformation is about to be completed.

"Today's revenge will be avenged tomorrow!"

Knowing that the situation was over, he had no intention of staying any longer. With the six demon saints in his arms, Ao Quan was about to escape. At the same time, Tianwai Tian finally took action and began to cover Ao Quan. Everything that just happened happened so suddenly that Tian Wai Tian was unable to escape. No effective response can be made.

But at this moment, the bright mirror light reflected, as sharp as a sword, directly cut off the connection between Tianwaitian and the sea of ​​suffering. Fortunately, taking advantage of this opportunity, Ao Quan and the six demon saints who suffered heavy losses were in danger. He fled into the vast sea of ​​misery.

"so close!"

Ao Quan couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart after being far away from the ancestral court of the sharks. He knew that after the transformation, Mo Yu's strength had once again increased to a higher level. Otherwise, he would not have been able to easily block the power of Xuanyuan's water control flag.

But before the joy in his heart dissipated, he suddenly realized that it was getting dark.


The angry shout has not yet been issued, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and everything has fallen silent.

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