Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1390 I’ll teach you

In Pianyan Village, after joining the Supreme Sword Sect founded by several children in the village, Dugu Ming stayed here as a foreigner. At the beginning, Dugu Ming was afraid that he would be rejected, but the people who greeted him But it was the kindness of the villagers.

Not only did they not exclude or guard against him because of his status as a foreigner, they also personally helped him build a small courtyard surrounded by mountains and rivers, allowing him to settle here. Its shape was very similar to the villagers' houses, and he completely integrated into it. After entering the village, there was nothing unusual.

It was only then that Dugu Ming discovered that this village was not only rich, but also had many monks. Even if they were not monks, they had extraordinary qualities, with strength comparable to that of ferocious beasts and strong bodies.

At the same time, he truly realized the difference between Middle-earth and Sinful Wasteland. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the products are abundant, people live and work in peace and contentment, and they don’t have to run around all day long to make a living. Naturally, they treat people and things with more kindness. But in Sinful Wasteland, once a stranger rashly When people get close, they will be alert immediately and may even take action directly.

This gap made it difficult for Dugu Ming to adapt for a while.

"Is this the so-called crop handle style?"

Standing on the ridge of the field, Dugu Ming watched intently as the village uncle used himself as an ox and crisscrossed the fields with an iron plow.

Compared to Immortal Dao, which has a certain threshold, Martial Dao is undoubtedly more popular. In this village, except for young children who have not yet grown up, basically everyone can use two hands, which is the so-called crop handle style.

Observing the mystery of martial arts, Dugu Ming's first thought was to apply it in battle. Compared with the immortal way, this martial arts focuses more on killing. If ordinary people can learn it, their ability to survive will be greatly enhanced.

"Compared to Middle-earth, martial arts is actually more suitable for Sinful Wasteland. The resources there are poor and the people are strong, but it is fertile ground for the growth of martial arts. Middle-earth is beautiful, but it is too stable. Martial arts should come from killing."

At a certain moment, Dugu Ming couldn't help but sigh like this. His voice was very low and disappeared with the wind as soon as he came out. But at this moment, another voice quietly sounded in his ears.

"Martial arts is indeed a way of killing. When the teacher taught martial arts to the Middle Earth, it was because of the monster disaster sweeping through the Southern Wilderness. The Middle Earth was in danger. Only by cultivating martial arts can ordinary people be able to fight monsters."

"At that time, the overall conditions in Middle-earth were much worse than they are now, but martial arts developed extremely rapidly. On the contrary, now, the development of martial arts has stagnated. In these years, no one who can break the vacuum comparable to a true immortal has appeared."

With a tall and straight figure, a face like a crown of jade, and a red mark between his eyebrows, Zhang Chengfa's figure quietly walked out of nothingness.

Hearing this, the hair on his body stood up, almost instinctively, and Dugu Ming wanted to strike out with a sword. In the desert, when a person approaches you silently, he is your enemy, but at this moment, With a mental warning, Dugu Ming forced himself to give up the idea of ​​drawing the sword, because his heart told him that the person coming was very scary, and if he drew the sword, he would really die.

The next moment, Zhang Chengfa stood side by side with him.

"The real strong man!"

The heart of the sword beat wildly. Although Zhang Chengfa restrained his pressure, Dugu Ming still smelled the pungent smell of blood from his body. It was formed after killing countless creatures. It was engraved in his bones and could not be washed away no matter what.

"Do you want to learn martial arts?"

Turning his head, Zhang Chengfa suddenly asked.

Their eyes met, and following his heart, Dugu Ming nodded without too much hesitation.


His words were full of determination, and Dugu Ming gave his own answer.

Looking at Dugu Ming like this, Zhang Chengfa smiled.

"Okay, I'll teach you. How much you can learn depends on your own understanding."

As he spoke, the martial arts divine will burst out, and the three-pointed and two-edged sword condensed. Zhang Chengfa slashed out at the sky. The sword's light was bright and spread infinitely. At this moment, the sky was separated.

Seeing such a scene, Lonely Ming's mind couldn't help but be affected, and he was completely immersed in it. Of course, this was just the scene in his eyes. In the outside world, everything was normal, and there was no abnormality manifested.

Looking at Dugu Ming who was selfless and enlightened, Zhang Chengfa showed a trace of satisfaction on his face. He was not very interested in teaching mediocre people.

According to the normal process, an outsider like Dugu Ming does not need to be dealt with personally. After all, although Dugu Ming is somewhat special, his own strength is not high and he is only at the level of a Yin God.

After his whereabouts were discovered, Dugu Ming had actually been targeted by the Changsheng Taoist Alliance. He would have initially suppressed him after a period of observation, or registered him in a register and inquired about his purpose before dealing with it. However, Zhang Chengfa, who was nearby, suddenly had a whim and personally Take a walk.

"Practice swordsmanship, the sword heart is natural, the sword bones are clanking, and there is a protective means left by a great sage on his body, but I don't know which family's genius. His sword intention is powerful, but it doesn't look like it belongs to the Taibai Sword Sect."

Looking at Dugu Ming again, Zhang Chengfa disappeared.

The barriers between the four seas and the eight wastelands are constantly disappearing. Soon, Middle-earth will truly be integrated with the four seas and eight wastelands. With the suppression of Longhu Mountain, it has its own confidence. Middle-earth is not so repulsive to outsiders. As long as it is willing to obey the Central-earth They follow the rules and do not violate laws and disciplines, and they will not shout and kill indiscriminately.

In the eyes of many senior officials of the Immortal Taoist Alliance, although the disappearance of the Gangfeng Barrier is a test for Middle-earth, it is also a rare opportunity. In today's chaotic overall environment, the yin and yang of Middle-earth have turned into chaos and order. It is undoubtedly a paradise that all souls yearn for. If we can take the opportunity to absorb geniuses from all over the world, Middle-earth will surely reach an unprecedented peak, and may once again become the center of this world.

It is precisely because of this that the Changsheng Taoist Alliance finally formulated a plan that is relatively friendly to outsiders to help these outsiders better integrate into China and set an example for those who come after them.

Of course, friendship does not mean laissez-faire. The premise of all this is that outsiders abide by the rules, otherwise what awaits them will be brutal suppression. The Changsheng Taoist Alliance will never show mercy to its enemies.

After a long time, Dugu Ming woke up, and by this time Zhang Chengfa had left.

"Is it the martial saint from Longhu Mountain?"

Thoughts swirling in his mind, Dugu Ming guessed something.

The water in Middle-earth is actually deeper than he expected. He has the blessing of escape. As long as he doesn't bump into someone much stronger than him, everyone will unconsciously ignore his existence. This is why he dares to enter Pianyan Village. rely.

Of course, this is also related to his stereotype. Most of the villages are closed, and most of the villagers are ignorant. Even if what happens here, it is difficult for the outside world to know, but the villages in Middle-earth are indeed very different from the sinless ones. .

Not long after, the old village chief of Pianyan Village approached Dugu Ming and left his name in the yellow book to make it easier for him to travel outside.

At this moment, Dugu Ming suddenly felt that the barrier between himself and China had disappeared a lot.

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