Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1409 Giving birth to Jianmu

Time flows like a river and can never be returned.

In the endless void, the chaotic energy around the small world of chaos became weaker and weaker, as if it had reached a certain limit, and several people who had understood the path of fate woke up one after another.

"Ten years of practice led to a dream, and today you know that I am me. Has the teacher already gone out to travel?"

When he glanced around, there was no trace of Zhang Chunyi, and Zhuang Yuan realized something in his heart.

"It's time for me to leave too."

After taking a look at the few people who were not yet fully awake, Zhuang Yuan took the lead to leave without disturbing them.

"The word fate is really elusive to the dragon. Apart from the Lord, there are probably very few people in this world who can understand it."

After opening his eyes and comprehending it for ten years, he was still seeing flowers in the fog. Daochu couldn't help but let out a sigh. There was no sense of decadence in it, but more of a sigh, sighing at the mystery of fate.

Although it is said that it only brings a little consciousness this time, it is connected with the main body and does not have much impact on the effect of understanding the path of life. If you cannot understand it, you cannot understand it, even if its main body comes.

"Time is destiny!"

Shaking his head, Daochu felt that he was gifted, but he did not enter the gate of destiny. He was really jealous of talents. Unlike Hongyun's lack of confidence, he was overconfident. Of course, it was not wrong to think so. After all, it was born with I have a high-grade immortal bone, and now I am in Nanshan. My understanding of the Tao of the Universe is advancing by leaps and bounds. I have silently cultivated the sixth-level magical power of the sixth heaven - the past and the present, and the sixth-level magical power of the sacred banquet. I have become a great sage. It is real. evildoer.

The dragon's tail waved, and he suppressed the sigh in his heart. Dao Chu was about to leave here. At this time, the small world of chaos was already empty. Everyone left quietly after waking up. But at this time, the small world of chaos was turbulent, and a trace of A strange aura came out.


Looking back in astonishment, Daochu saw a figure in the boundless chaos, it was Hongyun. At this time, Hongyun had a colorful canopy above his head, with good luck in the sky, as if he was sleeping soundly.

"It actually became enlightened?"

Looking at such a scene, Daochu couldn't believe his eyes. He thought about Black Mountain, Liu Er, Chi Yan, and Wu Sheng, but he didn't think about Hong Yun. He admitted that Hong Yun's cultivation was not weak. I was lucky enough to suppress it for a while, but in terms of qualifications alone, especially in terms of understanding, Hongyun was really at the bottom among them.

"Yes, fate, fate, fate comes first, then luck, the two are naturally connected."

After having some enlightenment and roughly guessing the reason why Hongyun was able to successfully touch the fate path, Daochu's heart still couldn't calm down.

"Sure enough, with luck you can do whatever you want."

Shaking his head and sighing, Daochu quietly left the small world of chaos, as if he was afraid of waking up Hongyun.

"Next time I see you, I will never lose to you again."

Looking back at the small world of chaos, Daochu felt a surge of pride in his heart, and his face was full of determination. Hongyun's understanding of destiny was indeed beyond its expectation, but as a companion, it was also sincerely happy for Hongyun, but it thought it was not It will be weaker than Yun. Although it did not understand the destiny this time, it also got a glimpse of creation through the opportunity of Zhang Chunyi's sun entering its destiny and the lunar sun coming together.

With thoughts stirring in my heart, with three points of urgency and seven points of expectation, Dao Chu returned to the long river of time.

Shortly after Daochu left, the small world of chaos reached its limit, collapsed, and everything returned to nothingness. This small world was opened by Zhang Chunyi when he was preaching. Although it was mysterious, it had insufficient foundation and was destined to be short-lived.

It was at this time that the colorful canopy above the head, and all kinds of disasters were not imposed on the body, the red cloud walked out of it, with the collapse of a world as a foil. At this time, the red cloud showed calmness and extraordinary, and its power could be seen at a glance. If Ignore its confused words.

Awakened by the collapse of the small world of chaos, Hongyun was a little confused at this time. He was sleeping soundly, no, he was practicing just fine, but as a result, the sky collapsed and the ground sank, which really made him feel a little bit at a loss. It's like a person fell asleep and his bed suddenly collapsed.

Fortunately, apart from being a little confused, this has no bad impact on it. The collapse of the small world of chaos is illusory. It is just a process of evolution and does not have real power. Its practice is actually Already completed.

Due to luck and fate, it successfully touched the mystery of fate. In the first half, it was really practicing and comprehending the mystery of fate. However, the farther it went, the more obscure it became. Even with the help of luck, it was difficult to peek, and it was strong. As a result, it could only make itself dizzy, and finally fell asleep. If the small world of chaos hadn't collapsed, it might have stayed asleep for a long time.

"Are they all gone? I am indeed the last one."

The void is endless, there is no trace of people, and after getting rid of the confusion, Hongyun has a guess in his heart, but it doesn't care much about it. In any case, it has successfully understood the way of life. In fact, even if it cannot understand it, there will not be too much in its heart. Lost, after all, it never expected to create a myth and survive the second five declines of heaven and humans. If one day it could survive the first five declines of heaven and humans, become the Demon Emperor, and always be by Zhang Chunyi's side, it would be satisfied.

As the red cloud left, the void completely fell into silence. No one knew that ten saints had gathered here.


East China Sea, Zhang Chunyi stopped here.

After leaving Longhu Mountain for a full ten years, Zhang Chunyi wandered aimlessly in the Taixuan Realm, following his heart. He once saw thousands of Buddhas in the Western Wilderness, boundless peach forests in the Southern Wilderness, and thousands of thousands of people in the Northern Wilderness. Demons are hidden in the abyss, and ghosts have been seen raging everywhere in the world, but Zhang Chunyi never stopped from beginning to end. He had unanswered questions in his heart and needed an answer. He didn't change until he reached the East China Sea.

At this time, Yin is in power and ghosts are flourishing. Except for the Middle Earth, even the Western Desert suppressed by Buddhism, the Haiyang suppressed by the Dragon Clan, and the Eastern Wasteland suppressed by the Shenxiao Dao can hardly change the general trend of Yin's prosperity and Yang's decline. But in the East China Sea, Zhang Chunyi But I saw a different scene.

"Is that Jianmu?"

Standing on the back of a black turtle, with the sun and moon rising in his eyes, Zhang Chunyi saw a sacred tree in the endless void. It was rooted in the deep sea, crowned into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, showing its majesty.

"Using wood as a bridge to connect heaven and earth, absorb yin and exhale yang, and balance heaven and earth, Shanhai Xianzong is quite a masterstroke."

After getting a glimpse of reality, some waves arose in Zhang Chunyi's quiet inner lake. With Jianmu as the foundation, Shanhai Xianzong single-handedly changed the environment of the entire East China Sea. Although the laws of yin and yang are still out of balance here, their impact on living beings has been reduced to the lowest level.

"Turn harm into benefit. Does Shanhaixian Sect want to take this opportunity to promote Jianmu and cultivate a Celestial Dao Fruit?"

Seeing the whole picture at a glance, Zhang Chunyi vaguely guessed the Shanhaixian Sect's plan. In today's world, his understanding of the way of yin and yang is probably beyond the reach of few people. The two qi of yin and yang are the mother qi of heaven and earth, and all things are born from it. When they coincide, there will naturally be creation. Shanhaixianzong took advantage of this, turned harm into benefit, and successfully seized the great opportunity of this era. After all, in a normal era, when Yin and Yang are balanced, there will never be such a mighty Yin Qi. It is not easy to grasp externally. Only when Yin and Yang are out of balance will the two manifest externally.

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