Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1414 The Wordless Heavenly Book

In the middle earth, dragon energy is boiling, and a real dragon comes to the world.

After ascending to heaven with a dragon, he was baptized by the Emperor's Heaven. Looking down at the heaven and earth, watching the lights of thousands of houses, Ji Xian felt a surge of pride in his heart. He was born in a war-torn year, and saw the suffering of all living beings, so he determined to defeat the unjust, punish the unruly ministers, and unify the world. , create peace for all eternity.

Times have changed, and many things have changed, including himself, but his original intention has never changed. With his own efforts and the support of Longhu Mountain, he successfully ended the turmoil that lasted for a long time in Middle-earth and established the successor empire. After the Ying Dynasty, the second dynasty that unified the Middle Earth was Great Yan, and he also took advantage of the situation to achieve the position of Human Emperor.

Being the Human Emperor and the Lord of the People is a supreme honor, but it is also a heavy responsibility. Ji Xian has never slacked off for a day since he ascended to the position of Human Emperor. He only hopes that the people of the Middle-earth can live and work in peace and contentment and no longer suffer from the chaos. It is a pity that this It is destined to be a chaotic era. Even if he tried his best and was suppressed by Longhu Mountain, the Middle Earth was still in turmoil. Demonic disasters and ghost disasters appeared one after another. This was God's will and was beyond the reach of manpower. If it weren't for Zhang Chunyi's own efforts, In the blink of an eye, Middle-earth has long since become a land of chaos, but even so, the lives of ordinary people are still very difficult, because in such an era, they are too fragile, and a sudden evil wind may kill them. took their lives.

It was not until later that Zhang Chunyi used heaven and earth as a furnace to bring order to the chaos and reestablish Yin and Yang, and Middle-earth truly settled down. Then, with the dual blessings of the Taixu Illusion and the array of outstanding people and spirits, the Middle-earth human race, which had been dormant for a long time, began to burst out with unprecedented vitality. This opens a new chapter, but this is only the beginning, not the end. The devil is still peeping in the dark, ghosts are still in power, and there is still a long way to go before the world is truly peaceful.

Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, Ji Xian has a bright light in his heart. Whether he is an unknown person or the emperor of the world, his original intention has never changed.

"I am Emperor Yan. Today I become a saint and I will bring peace to all generations."

With Tianxian in his mouth, Ji Xian declared his true heart to heaven and earth and gave his promise. At this moment, his strong and powerful voice spread throughout the two rivers and five mountains, reaching the eight paths of China and Earth. The human emperor's promise is as heavy as a sacred mountain. , Emperor Tian felt the blessing and sent blessings, and all the people responded and shouted the name of Emperor Yan.

At this moment, as if adding fuel to the fire, the already boiling dragon energy in Middle-earth rose further and turned into a blazing flame, igniting the entire Middle-earth. From a distance, Middle-earth at this time had turned into a sea of ​​red fire. Its color is gleaming and fiery.

Roar, the roar of the True Dragon of Red Virtue won the favor of the emperor and the response of all the people. The dragon's energy turned into fire and tempered their bodies. Ji Xian and the True Dragon of Huode began to transform at the same time and truly achieved the holy path.

The Fire Virtue True Dragon symbolizes the national destiny of the Dayan Dynasty. It shares weal and woe with Ji Xian, the first human emperor. The breakthroughs of the two happened at the same time. Once achieved, the Dayan Dynasty will immediately have two more saints. .

Seeing such a scene, Xi Jing and Wang Yanzhi, who both came from Confucian schools in Yanjing City and were both important ministers of Great Yan, couldn't help but smile. They were deeply entangled with the Great Yan Dynasty and had reached a stage where it was difficult to break up. The stronger the Great Yan Dynasty is, the happier they will be. Once Ji Xian, the Lord of Great Yan, achieves the holy path, the national destiny of the Great Yan Dynasty will suddenly undergo a qualitative change, and they will also receive great benefits.

It has to be said that people in the dynasty are good at spiritual practice. With the help of the dynasty's luck, Xi Jing and Wang Yanzhi have both become true immortals over the years. They have also gone a long way on this road. Wang Yanzhi was born in the Wang family. , and later practiced in Jixia Academy. He is indeed a genius, and it is normal to practice quickly. But the reason why he is where he is today is more because he made the right bet, and he has the power of following the dragon, and he has gained great benefits.

"When Emperor Yan becomes a saint, the fortune of the country will greatly increase, and the possibility of us surviving the three disasters will greatly increase."

Feeling that the aura of the holy way in the sky was getting thicker and thicker, Xi Jing spoke with a smile on his face. He had already survived two disasters of wind and fire, and was only left with the last thunder disaster to complete the three disasters and become the ultimate true immortal.

Hearing this, Wang Yanzhi couldn't help but nodded. Although he was considered a little genius, he still had to hesitate in the face of the three disasters. In fact, his cultivation was even better than that of washing a mirror, and he had already begun to comprehend the third heaven. He has true magical powers, but because he is not sure of surviving the thunder tribulation, he has not taken another step forward.

In fact, there is only one person like Zhang Chunyi. Each of the three disasters is extremely dangerous for ordinary true immortals. For example, Wang Zhengchuan, the ancestor of the Wang family, overcame the three disasters by force, leaving Dao injuries, so that the way forward was cut off and he could only remain silent. Waiting to die.

However, if the fate of the country protects him and reduces the calamity, Wang Yanzhi will have great confidence to survive the third disaster, and then he will truly have hope of becoming an Earth Immortal.

"With the favor of the emperor and heaven, and the worship of all the people, I have just emerged from the disaster, and my heart is the purest. With the right time, the right place, and the right people, the possibility of Emperor Yan becoming the Holy Emperor this time is extremely high. What I am more worried about now is actually The situation of Confucianism.”

His words were low. Thinking of the news he had received not long ago, a look of worry appeared on Wang Yanzhi's resolute face.

As Zhang Chunyi refines heaven and earth and redefines yin and yang, the barriers between Middle Earth and the four seas and wastelands are constantly dissipating. It is precisely because of this that the relationship between Wang Yanzhi and other Confucian disciples in Middle Earth and the Confucian sect has changed. We need to get closer and closer, and we no longer have to pay a huge price just to deliver a message like before.

Not long ago, Wang Yanzhi learned a piece of bad news. An extremely ferocious ghost crawled out of Guixu. The wild land where the Confucian Sect was located was extremely close to Guixu, and it bore the brunt of the attack. Invasion, this kind of ghost is very strange and difficult to kill. Although the Confucian sect tried many times, it was always difficult to achieve results. On the contrary, it suffered a lot of losses. In the end, in desperation, the Confucian sect could only invite the immortal weapon, the Wordless Book. Evolve the book mountain, suppress the ruins, and prevent the ghosts of the past from crawling out, so that you can gain temporary stability.

But not long ago, a terrifying vision manifested in Guixu, shaking the mountain of books and causing loopholes in the original defense. Caught off guard, the Confucian sect suffered heavy losses. In the end, the Confucian sect used the methods left by the saint. He defeated those old ghosts and protected his own foundation, but even so, the hearts of the Confucian sect were still in turmoil.

Hearing this, Xi Jing also frowned. Although he was also from a Confucian sect, he was born and raised in the Middle Earth, and his feelings for the Confucian sect were far less deep than Wang Yanzhi's.

"How do you plan to leave?"

His brows furrowed tighter and tighter, he looked at Wang Yanzhi and Xi Jing spoke.

"Cang is practical and knows etiquette. Now in the entire Taixuan, I am afraid that only the Middle Earth is suitable for teaching etiquette. We have been cultivating it for so many years, and it is time to let it blossom and bear fruit. If it can be achieved, it may help that person to make a breakthrough and let our Confucianism sect come out again. For a saint, the situation will naturally be very different by then."

With a solemn expression, Wang Yanzhi expressed his thoughts.

After hearing this, he pondered for a moment, Xi Jing nodded, and the complete etiquette was established. This was a good thing for both the Confucian sect and the Great Yan Dynasty. In fact, this was the reason why the Confucian sect was willing to support the Great Yan Dynasty. The fundamental reason is that they need to use the power of the Human Emperor to implement the doctrine of etiquette, which involves the Tao of a great sage from the Confucian sect. Once successful, he may go one step further and achieve the status of a Confucian sage, comparable to a heavenly immortal.

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