Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1416 Substitution

Above the sky, an invisible thought passed through, and the thread of fate was stirred.


God's will was such that as the Book of Destiny bloomed, the thread symbolizing Zhang Chunyi's fate suddenly began to fluctuate.

It is true that Zhang Chunyi is half the son of heaven, and he is favored by heaven. He is also blessed by the two stars of Taiyin and Sun. His destiny is precious and his luck is strong. However, living beings cannot survive the third five declines of heaven and man. They are the iron of Taixuan world. Law, once the bottom line is violated, any living being will be punished by heaven, even Zhang Chunyi.

After all, God's will is supreme and the public has no real feelings. Zhang Chunyi was favored by heaven only because of changes in fortune. He can have some privileges within the rules, but he still cannot challenge the underlying rules of the world.

Hum, the glory of fate fills the air, the power of defeat falls, and the air of decay spreads. Under the thread of fate, Zhang Chunyi in different time periods begins to become blurred. This time, the Book of Destiny is going to wipe out Zhang Chunyi from the root. Go, under such great power, all means of surrogate death are ineffective, even the gods will fall. This is the real God wants you to die, you have to die.

At the same time, in the Huangting Cave, Zhang Chunyi's heart suddenly began to throb, as if it was being clenched tightly by an invisible big hand.

"My fortunes began to decline."

Reflecting on his own body and observing his life, he saw that black spots began to appear on the golden lotus. Zhang Chunyi realized that his life was beginning to decline. When the golden lotus completely withered, it would be the death of his body. when.

"Destiny, destiny, heaven and earth give birth to all spirits and are the mother's womb of all spirits, but they also control the fate of all spirits. After reaching a certain level, it becomes a cage for us who are determined to live forever. No, Without detachment, there is no freedom and no eternity.”

Thousands of thoughts collided, and Zhang Chunyi gained a deeper understanding of the world and destiny.

Heaven and earth are prisons, and all souls are in them. Of course, for most living beings, this is more of a kind of protection. But if you want to achieve immortality and achieve great freedom and freedom, the cage of heaven and earth is a must. Gotta break free.

Although there are immortal golden immortals stationed in the Taixuan Realm, shining for eternity, living as long as heaven and earth, and possessing infinite supernatural powers, strictly speaking, they are still not immortal. Of course, they do not have to worry about longevity, but the premise of all this is that heaven and earth It doesn't matter, once the heaven and earth fall and return to silence, they will be buried with them, and the so-called immortality will be in vain.

"Heaven and earth decay but I am immortal; heaven and earth perish but I am immortal. This is my pursuit."

As soon as a thought appeared, Zhang Chunyi used his magical power with unprecedented determination.

The next moment, Taiyin Lingbao body appeared next to him.

"Change the day!"

Pressing the mysterious seal with his hand, Zhang Chunyi turned into the dark sun. At this moment, an illusory thread of fate spread out from Taiyin Lingbao's body and connected with Zhang Chunyi.

The method of stealing the sky and changing the sun is a method of eroding destiny and deceiving destiny. You can use this to change your original destiny, or even use it to replace a certain existence from your destiny, thereby hiding the sky and crossing the sea. It is very magical, but this magical power also has limits. Only The two beings are closely connected to each other so that it is easier to complete the alternation of fate. After all, the fates between the two have many entanglements. If two completely strangers want to complete this step, it will be extremely difficult and they will easily fail. .

The reason why the Dark Lord originally wanted to replace Sun Star was because there was a deep connection between the two, making it easier for them to intertwine their fates.

"I conceal and he reveals."

The threads of fate were connected. At this moment, Zhang Chunyi's own aura began to fall rapidly and returned to nothingness, while the Taiyin Lingbao body turned into a new "Zhang Chunyi". Zhang Chunyi wanted to use the Taiyin Lingbao body to overcome the disaster for himself.

Hum, the vision is not visible, the murderous intention is approaching silently, and following the thread of fate in the dark, the power of defeat sweeps in. It is rooted in fate and cannot be stopped by external forces.

In response, the Taiyin Lingbao body accepted it calmly. In the next moment, its life breath suddenly collapsed, as if the fire of life was extinguished by an invisible hand.

There was a crack, the human form collapsed, and the breath of life returned to nothingness. The Taiyin Lingbao, which had the characteristics of an immortal and a combat power that exceeded that of an ordinary great sage, was silently beaten back to its original shape. He died. If he wants to reshape him, he needs Zhang Chunyi. It takes hard work to warm and nourish.

Looking at such a scene, Zhang Chunyi's face was as heavy as water. This was not because of the death of the Taiyin Spiritual Treasure Body. When he released the Taiyin Spiritual Treasure Body, Zhang Chunyi asked him to die for him, in order to steal the sky and avoid it. The calamity, but the reality is that the Taiyin Spirit Treasure Body has fallen, but the calamity has not dissipated.

"It's a true spirit."

Seeing the boundless darkness spreading with fangs and claws, Zhang Chunyi realized that this disaster was a real death disaster.

The Taiyin Lingbao body is indeed miraculous. It is born with soul and body as one, just like a god. The only difference between it and living creatures is that it lacks a little bit of true spirit, because it is originally a body of Zhang Chunyi, and Zhang Chunyi's true spirit is its true spirit.

Now Zhang Chunyi has used the method of stealing the sky and exchanging the sun to pass on his fate, allowing the Taiyin Lingbao body to successfully deceive destiny and bear the disaster of fate on his behalf. The only shortcoming is that the Taiyin Lingbao body has no true spirit, but Zhang Chunyi cannot transform himself Once the true spirit is lost, he is truly dead.

"It seems that we can only take this last step."

When the worst outcome occurred, Zhang Chunyi sighed silently. He had actually expected and prepared for the scene before him, but when it actually appeared, Zhang Chunyi's heart still felt ripples, because it meant that he needed to pay. Not a small price to pay.

Hum, the divine light circulated, and the Sun Spirit Treasure Body appeared next to Zhang Chunyi. Zhang Chunyi repeated his old tricks. Although the Taiyin Spirit Treasure Body failed to successfully help him survive the disaster of his fate, it was not useless. To a certain extent, it The power of defeat is weakened.

Kachacha, the past happened again. As the power of defeat fell, the fire of life of the Sun Spirit Treasure Body also became precarious.

At this time, Zhang Chunyi communicated with Wumian who was far away in the dream of all sentient beings. Compared with the Taiyin Spiritual Treasure Body and the Sun Spiritual Treasure Body, Wumian was actually a better candidate for the disaster.

Above the twelve heavens, the Dream Palace stands, suppressing dreams. Its brilliance remains unchanged, as if it is not disturbed by time.

"It seems that death is inevitable after all."

His eyes opened, Wumian looked calm.

"The Taixu Illusion Realm is about to be upgraded. Everyone should exit the Taixu Illusion Realm immediately."

The voice was indifferent, Wu Mian conveyed the order.

Hearing these words, the many creatures stranded in Taixu Illusion Realm were stunned, and in the next moment, the invisible power fell, and their consciousness was all excluded from Taixu Illusion Realm.

"Upgrade? Is the illusion of Taiyuan really going to come into reality?"

"Is something big going to happen?"

There was a lot of discussion. At this moment, the entire Middle-earth caused huge waves due to the abnormality in the Taixu Illusion Realm. Some people were eagerly waiting for it, while others were worried.

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