Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1426: Demonic words confuse the public

Endless void, void storm swallows everything, and the breath of destruction flows freely.

The Ten Thousand Gods Mountain stands with a brilliant divine light. Even the void storm that can tear apart the gods will turn into a gentle spring breeze when it arrives here. Standing on the mountain, looking at the scene below the mountain, the gods have different expressions, some are amazed, some are regretful. , a divine king who stood above the gods fell like this, which easily made the gods find it incredible. After all, the divine king was comparable to the great sage and was already the best in the world. For a while, the gods' moods were quite complicated, although they were For the victorious side, seeing Lord Miaoshui fall like this, they felt not much joy in their hearts, but more of sadness.

The immortality of gods was once their greatest pride. Even true gods could live longer than those earthly immortals and demon saints. But since this era, everything has become different, not to mention those three who have not yet returned. Even the true gods of the gods will also fall, and unlike these gods who have a lot of emotions, the Houtu God Lord only has the purest killing intent.

"Still struggling?"

Reflected by the Dharma Eye, through the sweeping void storm, Houtu Shenjun saw a hazy divine light. There was a scroll floating in it. No matter how the void storm swept and the destructive air spread, it could not shake it at all. It was exactly The most precious treasure, the Immortal Status and Karma Map, and underneath it, there is still a little blue aura floating around, which is the Innate Water Lingzhu.

"Since you are seeking death, let's die cleanly."

The gentle eyes of the gods in the past were full of coldness. As soon as a thought came to his mind, Lord Houtu pressed the mysterious seal in his hand and dropped the seal. This was the great magical power, Earth-shaking. As the head of the four great gods, his strength was undoubted.

Hum, the palm is like the sky and the earth, overturning down, trying to destroy all living beings, the Lord of Earth is trying to cut off the last bit of life of the Lord of Miaoshui. Although he can't knock the Lord of Miaoshui out of the immortal position, he can beat him physically and mentally. All are destroyed, and there is no time to return.

At the same time, sensing the approaching danger, a sigh came out of the innate water spirit bead.

"You're really sharp. As expected, you can't even get away with it."

The magical power was operating, and the pure white holy fire poured out from the water spirit bead. The aura of compassion and sacrifice was naturally revealed. The Lord Miaoshui walked out of it. Originally, her divine body had been exploded and her divine soul had been severely damaged, but at this time she had already Most of it has recovered, and the blasted divine body has been re-condensed.

Phew, the flames rose high and evolved into a pure land, sheltering the Miaoshui God Lord in it.

Seeing such a scene, Houtu Shenjun's expression changed significantly for the first time, and he was full of surprise and doubt.

"You have obviously abandoned your mother, why can you still use the White Lotus Holy Fire and the White Lotus Pure Land?"

The earth-covering seal fell, shaking the White Lotus Pure Land. Feeling the real and true power, the Lord of the Earth had thousands of doubts.

As an immortal force, although it has been suppressed for half an era and its development has been limited, the White Lotus Sect still has a good foundation. The sect has far more great magical power inheritance than the ordinary celestial beings. The most famous ones are the White Lotus Holy Fire and the White Lotus. Pure Land, because these two magical powers were passed down by the old mother, they are powerful and relatively easy to learn. All gods can try to practice them. If you have enough faith, even if you have poor qualifications, you can cultivate these two great magical powers. It is magical. Visible general.

However, correspondingly, this magical power is rooted in the belief in the White Lotus Mother. Even if you practice it to a very high level, as long as you abandon your belief in the old mother, the magical power you practice will lose all its power.

It is precisely because of this that Houtu Shenjun was shocked when she saw Miaoshui Shenjun showing such power. There is no doubt that Miaoshui Shenjun is the real betrayer. She should not have such power anymore. Could it be said that she never abandoned her mother from beginning to end? How ridiculous.

In fact, at this moment, not only Houtu, but also Hefeng Shenjun and other true gods were full of doubts. They cast their eyes on Miaoshui Shenjun, as if they wanted to see through her true face.

Upon noticing this change, Miaoshui Shenjun, whose face was as pale as paper, sneered.

"I'm very confused as to why I can still use the White Lotus Divine Fire and the White Lotus Pure Land? The answer is simple, because the god you believe in is just a puppet who sits on the throne of the Old Mother and steals the power of the Old Mother, while the one I believe in is the real Old Mother. "

Even without surprising words, Miaoshui Shenjun revealed a huge secret.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed. Their first reaction was that Miaoshui Shenjun was talking nonsense and making things up. But after thinking about it carefully, they felt that there was some truth in Miaoshui Shenjun's words. Only in this way could she commit the theft. After the sins of the immortal position map, he still has the power passed down by his mother.

The most important thing is that since its establishment, the development of the White Lotus Sect has many weird features. As an immortal force, it has always been limited to Middle-earth, and has never even truly unified Middle-earth and turned it into a kingdom of gods on earth. Intermittent stirring up wind and rain, harvesting faith.

It is true that there are reasons for the restraints of Taoism and Buddhism, but it is actually more that the White Lotus Sect is restraining itself. There is an invisible big hand that grabs the White Lotus Sect and prevents it from developing wantonly and growing barbarically. This is very abnormal. After all, Shintoism Value faith.

"It's just a mere illusion to confuse people with evil words."

The sound was like thunder, and Lord Houtu was furious. He felt the shake of the gods.

"For blaspheming my mother's faith, I will kill you today."

With a face as ferocious as an evil ghost, Lord Houtu directly connected to the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain and once again increased his power, even if he was damaged, he would not hesitate.

With a rumble, the terrifying power manifested, and the earth-covering seal evolved into a boundless continent, capsizing down. The White Lotus Pure Land of Miaoshui Divine Lord suddenly suffered a devastating blow and could no longer hold on.

However, seeing this, a smile appeared on the face of Miao Shui Shenjun. Although Houtu Shenjun's attack was extremely powerful and beyond her ability, there were flaws in the operation of his magical power that should not have existed in the first place. His heart was in confusion. Although he was telling lies to confuse people, he was still doubtful in his heart.

"Transform into water!"

Seizing the flaw at that moment, Miaoshui Shenjun fled far away. At the moment of his escape, he even took away the immortal status map.

This change happened so suddenly, and the previous secret news shook my mind. The gods did not react for a while, or it may be said that some gods did, but they hesitated at the moment of taking action.

Seeing this, the anger in Lord Houtu's heart was completely ignited.

"You are seeking death and the catastrophe of all gods!"

Fitting into the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, Lord Houtu activated the real power of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain. At this moment, the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain seemed to come alive. An illusory divine chain condensed out. It was like a dragon or a python, with a sharp blade at the end. Unparalleled, instantly piercing the void.

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