Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1446 The laurel blooms again

In the sky, the great road is growing, all things are prosperous, the sun and the moon are shining with starlight, and the ancestral veins are breathing out the wisdom of heaven and earth. The rich fairy spirit condenses into beads, falls to the earth, enlightens the spiritual springs, and the black and yellow energy rises. It turns into clouds and decorates the sky, where the spirit of purity and peace is intertwined.

Standing in the clouds, with the yin and yang marks between his eyebrows shining brightly, Zhang Chunyi looked at this world that was a million miles away, with rare treasures everywhere and the sky dyed black and yellow.

"Compared to Dongtian, the essence of Immortal Heaven has once again been elevated. It already carries the Great Dao and is as if it is a self-contained entity. Its dependence on Taixuan World has been greatly reduced. Even if it can continue to grow, it may not be able to completely get rid of its dependence on Taixuan World. .”

"It's a pity that this step is too difficult. At least so far, no immortal heaven in Taixuan Realm has completed this step, such as Taoist, Buddha, and Demon Ancestors. Although their immortals are far more powerful than the current Taishangtian, But this is not a transformation on the basis of the original Immortal Heaven. Instead, they combined the original Immortal Heaven with their own Immortal Heaven, thereby achieving immortality in one leap. Strictly speaking, the Immortal Path begins in the Sanren Realm and ends in the Heavenly Immortal Realm. If you want to make further progress, you must obey the destiny. If you don't get the destiny, no matter how talented you are, you will have to leave sadly."

With all the things in the heaven under his eyes, the thoughts in Zhang Chunyi's heart kept turning. At this time, he had achieved immortality. From a high place, he looked at the immortal way again and realized something.

At this moment, the sun was shining brightly, and a bright moon rose slowly on the Moon Peak, shining in all directions, and in the bright moon, a laurel tree began to grow to its fullest.

Ringing bells, the tree crowns cover the mountain peaks and coincide with the bright moon. As the branches and leaves sway slightly, countless moonlight orbs are shaken down. Small ones are like gravel and big ones are like millstones. They possess extremely rich moonlight power. Among them, the most precious one has reached the eleventh grade. It can nourish the soul, refine treasures, refine spells, and enlighten monsters. It has many wonderful uses.

"Is this going to be promoted to the twelfth rank?"

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi understood clearly.

Due to the lack of timing and the lack of inspiration from heaven and earth, he used a trace of Taiyin's origin in order to allow the Immortal Heaven to transform smoothly. Apparently Taiyin Laurel was affected by this.

Because Zhang Chunyi had survived the five degenerations of heaven and man three times, and Taiyin Yuegui also followed him through the tribulation, his innate destiny, which was originally destined to die, was also shaken. Coupled with the stimulation of Taiyin's original aura this time, he finally grasped the opportunity of the mysterious and mysterious, and stepped out This is a crucial step.

You must know that compared to monks, the path to advancement for spiritual plants is actually more difficult. Compared with monks, spiritual plants are naturally much weaker spiritually. Without spiritual practice, it is naturally difficult to change their lives. Germination, growth, flowering, etc. Flowers fall, all of this is fate. Most of the twelve-grade immortal plants in the world are born with the twelve-grade grades. All they need to do is to grow slowly, withstand the baptism of time, grow from young plants, and become Real twelfth-grade immortal plants are rarely transformed step by step, and this often requires great opportunities.

"Let me help you!"

Watching the transformation of Taiyin Laurel, and realizing that its successor was powerless, Zhang Chunyi waved his sleeves.

The next moment, the sun disappeared in the sky, and the lunar star shined alone, scattering the endless lunar charm, washing away the lunar laurel. At the same time, the wind and clouds surged, and the billowing fairy spirit turned into waves, constantly gathering towards the lunar laurel, sweeping it away. submerged.

Under such circumstances, the lunar scars on Taiyin Yuegui's body grew rapidly, giving rise to many strange phenomena. For a time, half of the lunar sky was covered with moonlight.

Hum, time passed, and the fragrance filled the air. I don't know how long it took, but many buds sprouted among the branches and leaves of the lunar laurel. They were the size of a thumb, bright yellow in color, and had a fairy light like water flowing on their surface. It was intoxicating to look at them.

"What a treasure."

After a gentle sniff, the fragrance filled his nose, and Zhang Chun felt a surge of clarity in his soul. He was an immortal, and his soul was extremely powerful. Ordinary treasures could not have any effect on him, but this Taiyin laurel was very different. It was just a bud. The escaping fragrance has already touched his immortal soul. If the flower really blooms, it must be a work of creation, and it can be called a real treasure of the soul.

"The most difficult stage has been passed. It will take another nine years of warming and cultivation before Taiyin Laurel can truly become a twelfth-grade immortal plant, but..."

Zhang Chunyi frowned as he looked at Taiyin Yuegui, who had stabilized and was constantly channeling a huge amount of ideas from the world.

Like a monk, a spiritual plant that breaks through to the twelfth level also needs to absorb a large amount of spiritual energy from the world, but it is not as exaggerated as a monk. But even so, this is by no means an easily affordable figure, especially in a bad environment. Now.

"There is an ancestral vein in Taishang Immortal Heaven, which can continuously breathe out spiritual energy to replenish the consumption of Taishang Immortal Heaven. However, due to the harsh environment, this supplement has its limit. A twelfth-grade immortal plant can still bear it. Within the range, if there is another one, it will be a bit troublesome."

With his thoughts turning, Zhang Chunyi took a look at the sacred hibiscus tree rooted in the Flame Mountain. It seemed that it was stimulated by the transformation of the lunar laurel. There were also wonderful changes brewing inside it. With just a little chance, it could try to advance to the twelfth level.

"Now that I am no longer in the world, I need to face the invasion of chaos all the time. The spiritual intelligence in the Supreme Heaven must be maintained above a certain level, otherwise there will be danger."

With a thought, Zhang Chunyi appeared outside the Supreme Immortal Heaven.

At this time, the stars are shining. On one side is the sea of ​​bright stars, on the other side is the darkness and chaos, on the one side is tranquility and peace, on the other side is danger hidden, and the Supreme Heaven is at the junction of the two.

After the monks open up the Immortal Heaven, once they choose to hold it high, they will eventually be sent here by the Taixuan Realm to face the chaos. If the monks move the Immortal Heaven and move closer to the Taixuan Realm, they will be rejected and eroded by the Taixuan Realm. If the monks do not raise the Immortal Heaven as soon as possible, eventually their Immortal Heaven will be completely assimilated into the Taixuan Realm.

Surrounded by the immortal light, Zhang Chunyi crossed the clear line and came into the chaos. At this moment, a wave of chaos happened to come, trying to submerge it. Its essence was disordered, and it wanted to destroy all laws, even the immortal body. It is also difficult to survive in it forever. After all, the way of the gods is still the way of heaven and earth, and it cannot even be perfected.

But at this moment, Zhang Chunyi's supreme dharma body sprouted the fairy light of chaos, and remained motionless despite the erosion of chaos.

Taishang Wuji calls it Tao. This Dharma body is the source of all Tao. It is both nothing and total, but its essence is similar to chaos. At this time, Zhang Chun feels more comfortable in chaos, as if he has returned home. Of course, this is just a day. This is an illusion. After all, his Supreme Infinite Dharma Body has not been truly perfected, and he is not the real source of the great road. He is just a traveler on the road to immortality.

"Compared to other immortals, I can indeed stay in chaos longer, but its erosion of me is still there."

Phew, the samadhi divine fire rose, and with insight into the subtleties, Zhang Chunyi refined a wisp of gray energy from his body.

Seeing this, Zhang Chunyi frowned slightly. This true chaotic energy was really difficult to control. Even the twelfth-grade Samadhi Divine Fire could not instantly turn it into flying ash.

"For the world, chaos represents danger, so many stars were born, forming the outer star sea, and forming the first line of defense against chaos. Ancient stars such as the Moon and the Sun are basically rooted in chaos. We protect the entire Taixuan with our own power, and we and other immortals actually play the same role."

Looking at the chaos, all he saw was the depth, and there was an invisible pressure rushing towards him. Zhang Chunyi had a clear understanding in his heart. The immortals seemed to be carefree and at ease, and lived for the ages, but in fact they also shouldered extremely heavy responsibilities.

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