Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1538 Alliance

In the East China Sea, Jin'ao Island, You Qihe and Miao Qingyi stood side by side, looking into the distance with solemn expressions.

"The prices of elixirs and magic weapons on the market have increased by 50% in a short period of time. The war is about to begin, and the East China Sea Dragon Clan may really make a comeback."

With a cold voice, Miao Qingyi looked at the lightning and thunder sky and spoke. Next to him stood a white phoenix, which was full of light and extraordinary.

Although Jin'ao Island is located in a corner and never interferes with the situation in the East China Sea, such a big change in the East China Sea naturally attracted their attention. This change is very abnormal. If it were normal, the Shanhai Immortal Sect would have intervened long ago, but this time not at all.

Hearing Miao Qingyi's words, You Qihe nodded in agreement.

At this moment, a ray of fairy light came through the void and finally stopped in front of You Qihe. It was a jade slip. After seeing the contents clearly, You Qihe let out a sigh.

"The news from the Shanhai Immortal Sect is that there is an abnormal situation in the Storm Sea. The Void Storm is showing signs of calming down. It has been determined that the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea has taken action. Soon, a war will break out in the East China Sea, and they are preparing to fight against all parties in the East China Sea. The forces have held an alliance to gather strength to jointly resist the dragon invasion. I hope we can cooperate."

Putting down the jade slip in his hand, the original suspicion in his heart was confirmed, and there were many ripples in You Qihe's heart.

The war is about to begin, and the collision between the two top orthodoxy of the Shanhai Immortal Sect and the East China Sea Dragon Palace, even now that he has achieved the position of Earth Immortal, he still cannot take it lightly. After all, this war with the Heavenly Immortal will most likely end. Under such circumstances, The death of the Earth Immortal is really common.

"It seems that the pressure from the Shanhai Immortal Sect is really great this time. It also wants to tie the entire East China Sea to the chariot."

Thoughtfully, Miao Qingyi expressed his opinion.

When the Shanhai Immortal Sect opened up the East China Sea, it gave a large piece of the cake to other forces. It even aggressively recruited casual cultivators to let them take root in the East China Sea, establish sects in the East China Sea, and leave inheritance. This allowed many small forces and casual cultivators to gain There are many benefits, and some people even use this opportunity to complete a gorgeous change of identity, from a down-and-out casual cultivator to an ancestor. However, after eating these things, they will eventually have to return them. This time, the Shanhai Immortal Sect said it was an alliance. , but in fact there is no difference from recruitment.

Of course, since Jin'ao Island is backed by Longhu Mountain, it is naturally different from those casual cultivators and is qualified to refuse.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to refuse?"

Turning his attention to You Qihe, Miao Qingyi asked. At this time, the safest way for Jin'ao Island is to retreat, return to the Middle Earth, and return to Longhu Mountain. Once there, even a battle between immortals will be over. It cannot affect them.

Hearing this, You Qihe shook his head.

"Our sect has always been close to the Shanhai Immortal Sect, and both sides help each other. At this moment, we cannot dismantle the Shanhai Immortal Sect. Once our Jin'ao Island withdraws from the East China Sea, the people's hearts will be shaken, and the Shanhai Immortal Sect will think again. It would be more troublesome to subdue the entire East China Sea, not to mention that we are based on the East China Sea and have grown by absorbing the benefits of the East China Sea, so how can we retreat directly at this time?"

There was a sound when it hit the ground, You Qihe Jian's eyebrows were slightly raised, showing off his sharp edge.

Seeing You Qihe like this, Miao Qingyi smiled. Since he wanted to try the Donghai sword, she would accompany him.

"In this case, then let the disciples get ready. The war is coming, and although the entire island cannot be evacuated, some seedlings on the island still have to be sent out to the East China Sea. The storm this time is too big, and they are too immature. , cannot withstand such a storm, and should not be lost in this war. In addition, the final outcome of this matter still depends on what the sect thinks. We need to summarize the news here as soon as possible and send it back to Longhu Mountain· ··”

Nattering on and on, Miao Qingyi added various details, taking into account all aspects.

Hearing these words, You Qihe didn't feel bored at all. Instead, he felt more at ease than ever before. The road to eternal life was long and difficult, but having this Taoist companion by his side gave him a little more comfort. They could support each other.

In fact, the power of Jin'ao Island is not weak at this time. In addition to the two earth immortals You Qihe and Miao Qingyi, there is also a ghost saint, that is Sui Mu, who is with Jin'ao Island. With the third With the advent of the natural change, Jin'ao Island further recovered. With the support of Longhu Mountain, it was successfully promoted to Ghost Saint. With these three powerful men, as long as they did not face the immortals directly, Jin'ao Island's lineage would not have a big problem in self-preservation.


Longhu Mountain is like a divine furnace coming to the world, and the great road is manifested here.

After receiving the news from You Qihe from the East China Sea, Zhuang Yuan looked at the East China Sea and fell into deep contemplation. At this moment, the wind from the East China Sea seemed to blow across endless space to the Middle Earth.

"Do you need me to take a trip to the East China Sea?"

Seeing that Zhuang Yuan was silent for a long time and looking at Zhuang Yuan's back, Bai Zhining asked.

Hearing this, Zhuang Yuan looked back and shook his head.

"It's not necessary. Junior Brother You and Junior Sister Miao have two swords together, and their fighting power is not weak. In addition, they have both practiced sword escape. They can come and go invisible. They should have no problem if they want to protect themselves. Moreover, Junior Sister's understanding of the Tao has already reached an advanced level. It is only right to seize the time to make a breakthrough. This wind started in the East China Sea, but it affects most of the Taixuan Realm. I am afraid it will not end in a short time. You and I both need to further enhance our strength."

With low words, Zhuang Yuan expressed his opinion, but what he didn't say was that if You Qihe and Miao Qingyi encountered an enemy that couldn't even escape, then even if Bai Zhining passed by, there is a high probability that they would not be able to change it. What, and with the Shanhaixian Sect at the front, there won't be any big problems on Jin'ao Island in a short time. The Shanhaixian Sect will never force Jin'ao Island to be at the forefront. Under such circumstances, Bai Zhining can still It is better to seize the time to break through. Once the peace is broken, it will not be easy to recover. He has a hunch that the Taixuan World will become more and more lively in the future.

After hearing this, looking at Zhuang Yuan with a solemn and unquestionable expression, Bai Zhining nodded. After Longhu Mountain was turned into a dojo, the two paths of heaven and earth were permanently stationed here, which can be used to map ten thousand paths, plus a few more. She successfully grasped the opportunity to go further through the teachings of a heavenly being. As long as she stayed in seclusion for a period of time, she could successfully cultivate the great supernatural powers of the sixth heaven and become a great saint.

"In that case, I will go practice."

Simply and neatly, Bai Zhi condensed into the divine light and left. In the final analysis, her own strength was still a little weaker.

After Bai Zhining left, Zhuang Yuan turned his attention to the depths of Longhu Mountain, where a mighty blood river was flowing, roaring like an angry dragon. Longhu Mountain was upgraded from a holy land to a dojo, and as a dragon The blood river on the dark side of Hushan also took the opportunity to grow much stronger, and at the source of the blood river, there was a sword intent that made all souls tremble.

"For Longhu Mountain, this war broke out too early. If we can wait a little longer, I, Longhu Mountain, will have a few more..."

As soon as the thought came to mind, Zhuang Yuan shook his head again, how could things in the world be as perfect as he wished? Accidents always come unexpectedly.

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