Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 16 Fisherman

Songyan Mountain remains calm, but is covered with a layer of silver under the falling snowflakes. It seems that this winter will be far colder than before.

There is a bamboo garden, a pavilion, a small red clay stove, and the aroma of tea. Dressed in green clothes, Zhang Chunyi cut a piece of green bamboo to make a fishing rod. Zhang Chunyi is fishing for a few fish in his lotus pond. In such weather, he can drink A bowl of hot fish soup is also a nice treat.

"Master, the identities of the gangsters you met last time have been found out. They should be Blood Eagle thieves, and that Blood Eagle Order is their identity symbol."

Standing aside without sitting down, Zhang Zhong whispered, as if he was afraid of startling the fish in the pond.

Zhang Chunyi went back to the mountain alone with more than ten horses before. Although Zhang Chunyi didn't say much, Zhang Zhong still found a way to investigate the identities of the gangsters.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi did not speak. At this moment, the fish float disappeared instantly and a fish bit the hook.

Hum, the fishing line is tight, cutting the air, and the fishing rod is bent. Although the adult jade carps in the pond are only the size of a palm, they are exceptionally strong after being baptized by inspiration.

There was no deadlift, Zhang Chun closed and released, and relieved the green jade carp of its strength by constantly walking the fish.

Using the fishing rod as a link, the two sides engaged in a game. After about a cup of tea, the green jade carp's struggle finally became less intense, and it was slowly pulled toward the water by Zhang Chunyi.

However, at the moment when it was about to emerge from the water, the green jade carp, which seemed to have been exhausted, suddenly burst out with great force and dived into the water suddenly. This time, Zhang Chunyi's reaction was a moment slower. He did not have time to cooperate, and the fishing line collapsed instantly. break.

Bang, the fish tail slapped the water, causing a big splash, and the green jade carp was decoupled.

Looking at the fishing rod with a broken fishing line, Zhang Chunyi silently put it away, replaced it with a spare one, hung a pill on it again, and threw it down. On the side, Zhang Zhong lowered his gaze and looked at his toes. .

"Blood Eagle Thief? How is his strength?"

Recalling what Zhang Zhong said before, Zhang Chunyi asked.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhong's expression became solemn.

"Young Master, the Blood Eagle Bandits are quite powerful. They wander around Shaoyang County and the edge of Shiwanda Mountain all year round. There are thousands of them. Each of the five masters cannot be underestimated. Among them are not only martial arts practitioners but also immortal cultivators."

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi showed a look of surprise on his face. Both martial arts practitioners and immortal cultivators had a good status, but not many were willing to join the ranks of bandits.

"I heard from you that the Blood Eagle Bandits are engaged in border business. The oil and water there can indeed support gangs like them, but how come they appear in Pingyang County?"

Thirty-three counties in the eleventh line of the Dali Dynasty, Pingyang County, Shaoyang County, and Gaoyang County are unified under the Queling Road, and Shaoyang County is the real border, bordering the Shiwan Mountains. The situation is chaotic and there are many powerful people. It is indeed relatively Suitable for blood eagle thieves to hide.

Hearing Zhang Chunyi's words, Zhang Zhong showed a trace of hesitation on his face.

"Master, the specific information is not clear yet, but it seems that because of the heavy snowfall this winter, the wild people in the mountains went crazy and launched an attack on Shaoyang County. The Blood Eagle Thieves seemed to have taken this opportunity to cross over. Passed the defense line of Shaoyang County and set foot in Pingyang County."

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi's expression finally changed subtly. The climate in the southern wilderness is relatively hot. Except for a few areas, although there will be some snowflakes in most areas in winter, it will not snow heavily at all. Once something like this year happens, The ones most affected by the abnormal situation must be the wild people in the mountains, because their main source of food is still hunting, and it seems normal for the wild people to go crazy without food.

The human race has only really set foot in the Southern Wilderness for more than a thousand years, but before that, there were already humanoids in the Southern Wilderness. They were wild people. No matter what their original origins were, whether they were branches of the human race or not, Now they have been completely assimilated by the wild land under their feet, and their living customs are completely contrary to those of the Dali people. They are not recognized by the mainstream human race at all. The human race defines them as aliens, and compared to the human race, the wild people have stronger weapons. Physically, a strong man can fight tigers and leopards even if he doesn't practice, but his soul quality is very different from that of the orthodox human race. It tends to be muddy and difficult to practice the immortal way. This is also an important reason why the human race does not regard the wild people as the same kind.

"Barbarians? How dare they!"

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Zhang Chunyi murmured softly. Although the wild people were powerful, they were just ordinary people after all. On the human side, there were immortal cultivators sitting on the side. Even though many of them worshiped monsters, they wanted to shake the Dali Dynasty with this. The foundation is just nonsense.

"Have the Blood Eagle Bandits now taken root around Changhe County?"

Knowing that Zhang Zhong didn't know much about the wild people, Zhang Chunyi asked again about the situation of the Blood Eagle Thief. Since the Blood Eagle Thief had considerable strength, he naturally had to pay attention to it.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhong shook his head.

"Not yet. Master, you should have encountered only a group of sentinels before."

Hearing this, Zhang Chun nodded. It was similar to what he expected. Changhe County is not big. If gangs like the Blood Eagle Bandits enter the country in large numbers, the government will not react at all.

It was at this time that Zhang Chunyi's float disappeared again, and another fish bit the hook.

"you again?"

With his spiritual thoughts spreading, Zhang Chunyi confirmed the identity of the fish that bit the hook. It was the one that had been decoupled before, and the fishhook was still hanging on its mouth.

"Is this a sweet taste?"

With his thoughts turning, Zhang Chunyi confirmed the idea of ​​​​this fish. Although spiritual beasts do not have wisdom like monster beasts, they are nourished by the spiritual power of heaven and earth. Compared with ordinary beasts, they are often more spiritual. This fish is obviously Having tasted the benefits of taking the elixir, I wanted to take another one.


Sliding the fish, looking at the green jade carp who wanted to repeat his old trick, Zhang Chunyi flicked his left hand, and a dark energy burst out and was transmitted along the fishing rod.

Buzz, the strength exploded, the green jade carp's head was stunned, his whole body was sore, and he immediately lost the strength to struggle.

With a gentle lift, Zhang Chunyi pulled the green jade carp out of the water.

"After all, I am the better fisherman."

Taking the green jade carp off the hook, Zhang Chunyi showed an unabashed smile on his face. Fishing was a hobby he had in his previous life. It is both a pastime and a kind of practice. It is conducive to the cultivation of the state of mind. Fishing It doesn't matter if you don't catch fish, what matters is the process of fishing.

"Instruct the kitchen to use this green jade carp to cook a bowl of fish soup at noon today."

"Yes, Master."

Taking the green jade carp that twitched from time to time, Zhang Zhong responded in a low voice.

After Zhang Zhong left, Zhang Chunyi also put away his pole, and he could not catch all the fish.

Getting up and walking out of the bamboo garden, Zhang Chunyi began to practice martial arts. Hongyun was currently refining the method of breathing wind. Now it has fallen into silence. The main thing he has to do at this stage is to polish his body and improve the level of blood transfusion.

You can talk about the monsters that you think are interesting. They don’t need to be too powerful and they won’t be used in the early stage. It’s best if they have nice names.

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