Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1786: The Gate of Hell Opens

On August 18, 510 years of the Dragon and Tiger calendar, the sun was hidden, the sky was dark, and the whole world was gloomy and quiet.

That night, invisible portals appeared in the Middle Earth, the East Wilderness, the West Wilderness, and the Wilderness. They were shaped like ferocious heads, standing upright, showing a grim look. The appearance was so powerful that the entire Taixuan Realm could be clearly seen.

"What is this? A ghost? No, it's a strange treasure?"

"This strange treasure is not simple. It seems to be related to Yin Mingtian."

"Is the underworld finally unable to hold back?"

The storm was coming. Looking at the four strange portals, many people felt uneasy. Some people have recognized the origin of these four portals. This is the Ghost Gate. The strange treasure controlled by Yin Mingtian is the portal of Yin Mingtian, which has the ability to communicate yin and yang.

"The Ghost Gate cannot be truly opened."

The divine light was boiling. Looking at the manifested Ghost Gate, some gods felt extremely uneasy and could not help but suppress it. They did not want the Ghost Gate to open.

"The gods are in chaos, the underworld follows the will of heaven and responds to people, and the reorganization of the way of gods is the general trend and cannot be violated."

The divine sound was mighty, and the existence of celestial beings appeared in the Central Plains, the Eastern Wilderness, the Western Wilderness, and the Wilderness.

Rumble, stars shone, thunder shocked the world, Buddhist music sang, and the sky was stained with ink. With the actions of the four celestial beings, all the unrest was suppressed in an instant.

Before the attacks of those gods fell, the terrifying power descended, turning them all into ashes. The Central Plains, the Eastern Wilderness, the Western Wilderness, and the Wilderness are the foundations of Longhu Mountain, Shenxiao Dao, Buddhism, and Confucianism. How can they be offended by villains?

Seeing such a scene, endless chill spread among many immortals and gods in the Taixuan Realm, especially those gods who took the acquired way of gods.

In recent years, Shintoism has grown wildly, with grass growing everywhere. In order to compete for incense and divine power, many evil deeds have been committed. Not to mention the fights between gods, in order to harvest incense, many gods have taken the evil path. Some directly plunder incense with fear, and some deliberately stir up natural disasters and then show their holiness in front of people. There are many such cases.

It’s not that there are no gods who take the orthodox path and manage and accumulate incense step by step. It’s just that in such a chaotic world, such gods often don’t live long, because it’s too slow to see results in the early stage of taking such a path. In nine out of ten cases, they will be swallowed up by other gods. It’s not so easy to be a righteous god, unless there is a big force to protect it, such as the mountain and water gods in the Middle Earth.

"Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism have joined forces."

Observing the weather of heaven and earth, the immortals were silent, and the gods were panicked. The sky of Taixuan Realm was really about to change.

Taoism and Buddhism are both the oldest forces in Taixuan Realm. Although the former has experienced some twists and turns in this era, it has long gotten rid of its difficulties with the emergence of Zhang Chunyi. Although the latter has been dormant for these years, no one dares to question its profound foundation.

As for Confucianism, although it has just risen and its foundation is insufficient, it has an immortal sitting in the seat and has opened up the Haoran Long River. It has already shown signs of prosperity and is also the top force in Taixuan Realm.

Any of these forces can stir up the situation in Taixuan Realm, not to mention the three-party alliance.

"Confucianism is fine, after all, it is close to Longhu Mountain, but why does Buddhism also get involved? You know, Buddha also needs incense. Once the acquired gods really rise, it may not be a good thing for them."

Thoughts collided, and the eyes of the immortals were full of doubts, but no matter what they thought, when Longhu Mountain reached a cooperation with Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Qilin clan, the general trend had been set, and it was rolling forward unstoppable. Those who were unwilling and resisted would eventually be crushed into mud.

It was at this time that the Ghost Gate opened, and endless dim light poured out, washing the heaven and earth. The figures of ghosts and gods appeared from it, and the weakest ones were comparable to true immortals, and behind them there were countless ghost soldiers and generals.

"The Lord of the Palace decreed that all gods should abide by the divine law and benefit the heaven and earth. Those who do evil are not worthy of being gods. From today on, the underworld will obey the will of heaven, redefine the order of the gods, and promote the acquired gods. The gods will create all spirits. Those who follow will prosper, and those who go against will perish!"

The majestic Dharma body appeared, and the mighty Yellow Springs flowed. Holding the decree, Bai Zhining announced the will of the underworld to the world on behalf of the underworld. The underworld received the order from heaven and should sweep away all filth, redefine the acquired gods, and restore the heaven and earth.

At the same time, the Dharma bodies of the other three emperors also appeared in the Ghost Gate, and together with Bai Zhining, they were wrapped in endless divine power, suppressing the world and showing their strength.

Hearing this and watching this scene, all the spirits were silent. They didn't know whether the underworld had obeyed the will of heaven, but there was no doubt that the underworld was powerful. Not only did it have strong soldiers and horses, but it also had at least four immortals standing behind it. How different was such a force from obeying the will of heaven even if it didn't?

And the fact was indeed so. After Bai Zhining read out the decree of Black Mountain, ghosts and gods walked out of the ghost gate and truly stepped into the world of the living, opening the prelude to the war against gods. They took the Middle Earth, the East Wasteland, the West Wasteland, and the Wild Wasteland as the starting point, cut down mountains and destroyed temples, destroyed all obscene sacrifices, and established orthodox Shinto.

At the beginning, the map of the immortal position was broken, and the acquired Shinto spread to all directions. Today, in addition to the Shinto forces that various forces have intentionally cultivated, there are more hairy gods that grow like weeds. They emerge in an endless stream and can never be cut off. Although it does not affect the general situation, it has become a stubborn disease.

Take Middle-earth as an example. Middle-earth is the private land of Longhu Mountain. There are Longhu Mountain monks above to suppress everything, there is the dynasty in the middle to manage people's livelihood, and there are mountain and water gods below to suppress the earth's veins and feng shui and run the four seasons. But even so, some evil gods still pop up in Middle-earth from time to time over the years.

The power of incense is mysterious. With the continuous development of the later Shinto, many simple and convenient Shinto methods have appeared one after another. They have further lowered the threshold of the later Shinto, but the future of such gods is also quite worrying. The starting point is extremely low and the upper limit is also low. Rather than being gods, they are ghosts who can do some magic.

But it is undeniable that compared with other paths, the practice of Shinto seems to be much simpler. In the early stage, you can completely bypass the restrictions of qualifications, make courageous progress, and achieve considerable results in a very short time. However, people are profit-seeking. Under such circumstances, countless people are dazzled by the glory of Shinto, and they continue to step on Shinto. They are banned and killed endlessly.

The most important thing is that because of the lack of foundation, these gods are very easy to lose themselves in incense and eventually fall into evil. This also makes the later Shinto more and more mixed. This is the case in the Middle Earth, not to mention other places. If you want the later Shinto to flourish, a large-scale cleanup is essential.

"It has begun."

In the underworld, the living world is reflected. Black Mountain can see all the changes. Starting from the four wastelands, the underworld will eventually accumulate great power and swallow up the whole world.

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