Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1797: Self-sufficiency in magical power

At the edge of chaos, Zhang Chunyi manifested the Supreme Wuji Dharmakaya, which was the only one in the sky, operating the sun and the moon.

At a certain moment, his heart was moved, and he cast his eyes to the depths of chaos, where he saw a deep darkness.

"It's easy to find something after searching everywhere. It seems that using your own nest is indeed a good way to fish."

Through the darkness, Zhang Chunyi felt three extraordinary auras, they were powerful and brutal, with obvious chaos auras.

"The danger is not inside but outside, so that's it, but this may not be a bad thing for me. If they help, my original plan may be advanced."

Through his thoughts, Zhang Chunyi had a plan in his mind.

It was at this time that the three immortal kings took action. They used the power of Xuan Zhe to cover themselves, approached the Taixuan Realm, and obscured the consciousness of heaven and earth. Unfortunately, they still couldn't completely hide Zhang Chunyi's induction. The moment Zhang Chunyi looked at the chaos, they knew that they were discovered, so they decisively chose to take action.

"Stars fall!"

The majestic figure stood in the chaos, and with a wave of his hand, the stars in the sky fell from the hands of the Star Burial Giant and went straight into Taixuan.

These stars were collected by him while wandering in the chaos. Except for a few that were embedded in his body and became a part of him, most of the stars were transformed into Burial Stars by him.

Buzz, the stars fell, and the power of the Destruction Star rose in their bodies, connecting with each other, wanting to completely bury Zhang Chunyi. Because of the importance, the Star Burial Giant used a killing move as soon as he made a move. These stars no longer had a future. All their power was concentrated in an instant, just to bloom unprecedented brilliance.

At this moment, the bright starlight completely illuminated this chaos.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chunyi was not surprised but happy.

"The power of the stars is really what you need. It's my luck that it just happens to be useful. But these meteorites can't fall, otherwise my previous hard work will be in vain."

A thought fell, and the body did not move, and Zhang Chunyi reached out with one hand.

The world was born in his palm, with the infinite hidden inside, covering the heaven and earth, and directly collecting the meteorites in the sky into his palm.

Rumble, the stars shattered, emitting terrifying power, but no matter how they exploded, their brilliance was always restrained between Zhang Chunyi's five fingers, and could not leak out at all.

"Not bad power, a newly promoted immortal like the Kirin Patriarch would really suffer a big loss if caught off guard."

Retracting his palm, seeing the stars disappear, Zhang Chunyi's joy became more intense.

In the chaos, seeing such a scene, the three immortal kings all changed their expressions slightly. The means of this native were somewhat beyond their expectations, but this alone was not enough to make them retreat, because they had discovered Zhang Chunyi's fatal weakness, that is, Zhang Chunyi at this time could not move at will, and his movement of the sun and the moon was in harmony with the heaven and earth. Once out of this state, the previous hard work would be in vain.

"Three Disasters: Wind of Doom!"

Moo, a low moo came out of the mouth, the majestic body appeared, the single eye glowed with dim light, and Fei used his magical power.

In the chaos, the Great Dao was silent, and it was difficult for living beings to realize the Dao, so the Chaos Giant Beasts often cultivated their bodies alone, but the Great Dao returned to the same level. After reaching the immortal level, the Chaos Giant Beasts' bodies changed qualitatively, naturally resonating with the Great Dao, and their magical powers were self-sufficient. Although they were not as numerous as the cultivators in the Taixuan Realm, they were equally powerful, and even because they were born, they were more handy to use without any hindrance.

Woo, woo, woo, the horn of doom sounded, and the dark wind came from the chaos, sweeping across Taixuan. Wherever it passed, all things withered, ushering in its own end.

Seeing this, Zhang Chunyi wanted to reach out his palm again to eliminate the wind disaster, but at this moment, the shadow behind him changed and showed a ferocious leopard head. This was Xuan Zheng's magical power, Hidden Shadow. In addition to being used to cover up his own whereabouts, it was also a strange killing magical power.

"Go to hell."

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, with a bit of brutality, the leopard head opened his bloody mouth and bit Zhang Chunyi fiercely, trying to tear Zhang Chunyi's Dharma body apart. This was the real killing move. They never underestimated Zhang Chunyi. The methods used by the Star Burial Giant and Fei before were only to cover Zhang Chunyi's ears and eyes.

However, just when Xuan Zheng was about to succeed, an invisible pressure fell, stagnating time and space, making his movements stiff, and then he met Zhang Chunyi's calm eyes.

"Not bad magical power, but just not bad."

Huh, the immortal fire of refining people rose, Zhang Chunyi purified himself and refined all alien powers.

Ah, a shrill scream sounded, and the shadow of Xuan Zhe, bathed in the fairy fire, was severely damaged and turned into ashes in an instant.

At the same time, the magical power was broken, and Xuan Zhe's true body was also affected in the chaos, and his breath fluctuated violently. Although the wind of doomsday successfully fell, Zhang Chunyi's Taishang Wuji Dharmakaya was in it and emitted a glazed golden light, without any damage. His spirit and soul were already immortal. Although the wind disaster was severe, it was difficult to shake his true nature.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the three immortal kings finally changed. They no longer hid and quietly walked out of the chaos.


The stars were shining, turning into armor, and giving birth to four faces and eight arms. The star-burial giant punched Zhang Chunyi fiercely. At the same time, Fei also released his true body, and his hooves condensed the power of disaster and stepped down fiercely, and the previously injured Xuan Zhe also made a move again, with a claw reaching out, tearing the void.

They are immortal kings, chaotic beasts. Their bodies are their most powerful weapons. Their magical powers are more of a blessing. A few short collisions have made them realize that Zhang Chunyi is not an easy opponent. They can hardly compete with Zhang Chunyi with their magical powers. Only by using their real bodies can they be sure to repel Zhang Chunyi and interrupt his refining of chaos.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chunyi's expression remained unchanged. The flowers of the soul and the flowers of energy bloomed on his shoulders at the same time.

"Three to one is not fair."

Thoughts were born and died, and the three flowers swayed. As Zhang Chunyi's thoughts fell, two mysterious lights suddenly jumped out of the flowers of the soul and the flowers of energy, turning into two blurred figures. One of them was like the sun and the other was like the moon. They all had a vast aura. They were the spiritual treasure bodies of the sun and the moon, but they were just phantoms. At this time, their real bodies were still in the moon and the sun, and only power descended here.

"But we can't delay it for too long."

Zhang Chunyi's eyes swept across the dim Taiyin and Sun, and a murderous intent surged in his heart. The power he borrowed from Taiyin's spiritual treasure body and Taiyang's spiritual treasure body affected the movement of the sun and the moon to a certain extent. It would not be a problem in the short term, but if the time was delayed for too long, the refining of chaos would inevitably fail. When the chaos came back, all the previous hard work would be in vain.

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