Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1934 Heaven Grants Seal

Taixuan Realm, the vast long river, the gathering of literary spirit, thousands of students are united, stirring time and space.

"Is this the opportunity that the Supreme Taoist Master said?"

At the source of the long river, feeling the changes in the destiny in the dark, Nanhuazi's mind became unusually lively. As an important member of Confucianism, at this moment he felt the fluctuations of Confucianism's luck.

It was at this time that the divine thoughts gathered, and the Confucian saint with the vast long river showed his figure.

Looking at the sky, seeing the scars left after the destruction of Wuhuitian, the Confucian saint's face also showed expectation.

"That's right, when the Supreme Taoist Master preached, he said that if there was a lack of ten days, he could make up for it with his body, and there would be a chance of creation."

Thinking of Zhang Chunyi's suggestion at the time, the Confucian saint was more and more emotional. Although the world is big, the Supreme Taoist Master sees it like the lines on the palm of his hand, and all kinds of changes are in his mind.

When he heard this and got a positive answer, Nanhuazi's expression also changed.

The Haoran River was formed by the Confucian Saint based on his own Tao body, combined with the beliefs of countless disciples over the long years of Confucianism. It is of extremely high nature and has really approached the Ten Lands, but it is only approaching, not really. Sometimes a slight difference can make a world of difference.

It is precisely because of this that when Guixu was destroyed, the human sea was born, and the evolution was boundless and mysterious. Since then, human Tao has flourished. Countless Confucian monks lamented that it would be great if the Haoran River could also be transformed into the Ten Lands like the human sea. Although the Confucian Saint used his magical powers to integrate the Haoran River into the Taixuan Realm, allowing the literary Tao to flourish, it is still far from the impact brought by a Ten Land.

If the Haoran River can be transformed into the Ten Lands, then the Confucian School will have a real foundation. Even if the world changes and the fortunes change, the Confucian School can always remain invincible. But this is just a thought. All Confucian monks from top to bottom know that it is almost impossible for the Haoran River to achieve the Ten Lands.

Ten heavens and ten earths are a fixed number. Only when one earth is destroyed can new ten earths be born. However, the heaven and earth are stable. From ancient times to now, only Guixu has been destroyed. But the opportunity has appeared, and it is even better than expected.

Although the ten heavens and ten earths are at the same level, in the eyes of the world, heaven is higher than earth after all.

"It is fate, it is indeed fate. How sure are you?"

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Nanhuazi cast his eyes on the Confucian sage.

Hearing this, the Confucian sage observed the changes in the number of heavens and did not give an answer immediately. Although he is an immortal, it is still difficult for him to hold up the Haoran Changhe and turn it into heaven. Fortunately, because of Zhang Chunyi's suggestion, these Confucian sects have made many preparations.

"Seventy percent, the Taixuan Realm is about to be upgraded. In addition to the accumulation of the origin of heaven and earth, the acquired creatures are also a crucial link."

"The Taoist sect seeks freedom, the Buddhist sect focuses on saving the world, and only our Confucian sect intends to educate, so the destiny is in my hands, which is 30% sure. In addition, the Taoist master has pity on all living beings, wants to open the wisdom of all living beings, and favors our Confucian sect, which is another 30% sure."

"Finally, our Confucian sect is united and sincere, and it is the time to flourish, so we can add another 10% sure."

After a moment of silence, the Confucian saint expressed his opinion.

"Pass the news on. Three years later, the Confucian sect will hold a ceremony to worship the sky, holding high the righteousness until the sky. If there is a flaw in the world, our Confucian sect should make up for it."

Looking at the flaws in the world, the Confucian saint's eyes were full of determination.

Hearing this, Nan Huazi nodded solemnly. At this point, let alone 70%, even if only 10% of the Confucian school has to fight. As long as the sky is successfully repaired and turned into one of the ten heavens, the great era of literature and Taoism that the Confucian school expects will really come, and the ambition of the Confucian school to educate all living beings and enlighten all living beings' wisdom will be possible.

"I know."

Without saying much, Nan Huazi's figure disappeared as he turned into a butterfly.

Three years later, a long river crossed the sky, and the vast long river appeared between heaven and earth. Above the earth, wisps of green smoke rose up, straight up to the blue sky, and merged into the vast long river. That was the literary green smoke produced by many students offering sacrifices to the Confucian Temple, which contained the spirit of literature and Taoism of many students.

Buzz, nourished by the green smoke, there are towering figures appearing on the vast river. They are of different shapes, some are gorgeously dressed, some are plain and iron-clad, both elegant and vulgar. The only thing in common is that they all read books to the core, have their own ideas, and have established their own doctrines, opening up a tributary in the vast river. They are all great Confucian scholars.

"After working so hard until now, our Confucianism has finally achieved results."

Looking down at the world, seeing the green smoke like a pillar, these great Confucian scholars all smiled.

These green smokes come from all over the world, the most concentrated of which is naturally the wilderness, followed by the Middle Earth and other places. This is the embodiment of the Confucian teachings over the years. It was at this time that the vast river shook, and the figure of the Confucian saint appeared from the source of the river.

"Meet the Saint!"

Seeing the figure of the Confucian Saint, many great Confucian scholars bowed and saluted. They respected the Confucian Saint from the bottom of their hearts. To some extent, they were all disciples of the Confucian Saint. It was the Confucian Saint who opened up the Confucian school and taught them to read, understand reason, and distinguish right from wrong. Only then could they have what they have today instead of living a muddle-headed life.

Seeing this scene, the Confucian Saint nodded.

"All of you, please follow me to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth to determine the orthodoxy."

Hearing this, the great Confucian scholars bowed and responded. At this moment, the vast river roared, and the power of the entire Confucian school gathered together. With the Confucian Saint as the source and the great Confucian scholars as the nodes, it continued to spread outward, including all the Confucian monks, and all the people became one.

With this blessing, the figure of the Confucian Saint became more majestic.

"Now there is a Confucian school that started from people and reached the sky. We want to carry the truth with literature, transform it into the sky, make up for the deficiencies of the heaven and earth, promote education, and open the wisdom of all living beings. Please grant the seal to the heaven!"

The Confucian saint worships the heaven by operating the secret method and asking the heart of the heaven.

The ten heavens and ten earths are all extraordinary. Unless there is a method like Zhang Chunyi, the intention of the heaven is crucial. In fact, even Zhang Chunyi just followed the trend at the beginning and did not forcibly distort the will of heaven.

In this case, if the Confucian school wants to transform the Haoran Changhe into Haoran Tian, ​​the first thing to do is to obtain the recognition of the heaven. Only in this way can the Haoran Changhe be qualified to transform into the sky.

Om, the heart of the sky is in sync, the chaotic blue lotus sways, the book of destiny quietly emerges, and countless destinies begin to intertwine.

"The world will change, and education should flourish. Yes!"

The heart of the sky fluctuated, and countless threads of fate gathered together. A new destiny quietly formed. Its name was Haoran, which was the true destiny. Since the end of the first era, the ten heavens have been ranked high and low, and only the heaven is supreme. The other primitive immortal heavens seem to be independent, but in fact they are still affected by the heaven.

Om, the destiny fell, and the Haoran River suddenly changed. The great principles resounded throughout the world, and many Confucian magics were derived one by one. At this moment, the Haoran River was like a fairy light falling from the sky, separating the world and starting to derive a new sky.

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