Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 1959: Drive them with profit

The dragon and tiger are on top of the golden roof, and the fairy music is whispering.

Opening up the East China Sea is a major event that involves all aspects. Since it is Longhushan's proposal, this plan must be implemented. However, how to implement it and how much effort each company must invest are still issues worthy of discussion.

As for these, Bai Zhining didn't care. Other gods and gods from Longhu Mountain took the lead. She appeared before to set the general trend, and it was she who was responsible for opening up the East China Sea.

As the general trend was set, the plan for the development of the East China Sea also quickly took shape. Written by Longhu Shan, the East China Sea was divided into twelve major regions, and then divided into three thousand spiritual areas, with each force taking over one of them. Responsible for development.

In order to resist the tyrannical fire evil, Longhu Mountain will provide all parties with blueprints for building a strange place, Chenyue Lake, which can communicate with the lunar moon, precipitate moonlight, and condense moon dew, which can just wash away the fire evil, and slowly Transforming the surrounding environment can provide a foothold for all forces.

Monks can also use moon dew to cleanse themselves and drive away the fire evil, lest the power of the fire evil contaminate their foundation. In fact, this is one of the ways for Longhu Mountain to reconcile the yin and yang of the East China Sea. Each side of Chenyue Lake is a square eye. , when the quantity of Chenyue Lake is large enough and the quality is high enough, the Yueyue Formation will be completed.

As for which force is responsible for which area, it all depends on its own strength and how much power it is willing to invest. The East China Sea is not a benign place, and only a strong enough force can truly gain a foothold.

Fortunately, the way of refining Qi was pioneered by Zhang Chunyi, and it is extremely popular in Middle-earth. All forces have basically begun to turn to the way of refining Qi. Each family can draw out a lot of Qi Refiners, and even some sects. I am already considering whether to move the whole family to Donghai.

It is true that Middle-earth is a holy land for spiritual practice, but the resources here have long been divided, and the real treasures have long been occupied by other forces. Coupled with the suppression of Longhu Mountain from above, and the invisible constraints of rules, many forces are actually trying to make progress. Very difficult.

Compared with the past, there are simply too many forces in Middle-earth today. Under such circumstances, for many ambitious forces, instead of being trapped in Middle-earth, it is better to jump out of the circle of Middle-earth and go straight to the East China Sea.

Although the East China Sea is evil, if it can really return to the balance of yin and yang, it will definitely be a good thing. It will definitely give birth to countless good fortunes. This is opportunity. If you can really get good luck, then taking advantage of the situation may not be an empty talk. The most important thing is that for All forces entering the East China Sea will have certain support in Longhu Mountain, including profound Qi refining methods and various spiritual resources. This is the real foundation of forces.

And just when the East China Sea development project was gradually taking shape, Bai Zhining and Zhang Chengfa gathered together on Feilai Peak.


Looking at Zhang Chengfa who had returned, Bai Zhining asked.

"The Taoist sects have agreed to cooperate in promoting the method of refining qi, and the Confucian sect has also agreed."

Facing Bai Zhining's gaze, Zhang Chengfa gave the answer.

Hearing this, Bai Zhining nodded.

The Taoist sect and Longhu Mountain share the same spirit, and it is right to agree to promote the way of refining qi. After all, after so many years of barbaric development, the potential of the way of qi refining has begun to show. In that land of clouds and wasteland, there is a red sun for casual cultivators. The old man opened up the Qi Refining Sect, gathered his luck, and successfully used the Qi Refining Method to reach the realm of immortals. He was named Hong Sun Ancestor and opened up Lieyang Mountain. He became a new legend in Taixuan World and attracted countless casual cultivators to imitate him.

As for the Confucian sect, they had the opportunity to evolve Haoran Tian largely because of Zhang Chunyi's guidance, so it was natural for them to turn to the method of cultivating Qi.

"Most of the forces in this world have a good relationship with our Longhu Mountain. The method of refining qi is promoted by my Longhu Mountain. All forces will not openly block it. The most important thing is that the method of refining qi does have the ability to cultivate immortality through demons. An incomparable advantage.”

"Now that we have the support of the Taoist sect and the Confucian sect, the general trend has been achieved. Over the past few years, I, Longhu Mountain, have collected the Qi of Zhou Tian and created the Three Thousand Qi Refining Method. It is time to spread the method to the world."

As thoughts arise and die, Bai Zhining waves her hand, and the Dragon and Tiger Heavenly Book quietly emerges, with all the dharma evolved inside, which is extremely mysterious.

In recent years, the art of qi refining has developed vigorously, and more and more data are available for reference. Longhu Mountain has used the Dragon and Tiger Heavenly Book to deduce many qi refining methods. In the end, after deleting, deleting, and selecting, they were classified into Three Thousand Numbers, each door has its own mystery, the worst one can achieve Yang Shen, which is the returning elixir in Taishang Jindan Dao, and the most powerful one can directly lead to the immortality of Jinxian.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chengfa nodded.

"Show it with power and drive it with benefits. The environment of the East China Sea is special. We can just spread the law to the world and build the East China Sea into a holy place for refining qi. There are examples like Lieyang Mountain in front of us. I believe many outstanding people will be willing to jump into it. Establish a sect in the East China Sea and win a point of Qi Refining Dao Qi."

With low words, Zhang Chengfa expressed his opinion. It is actually a taboo thing to spread the law to the world, which is not conducive to the rule of all forces. However, today's Longhu Mountain has the qualifications, even if there is a slight backlash. Press down easily.

The most important thing is that this time is very special. Many small forces may not know it, but all the top forces know that the catastrophe is coming, and Taixuan World needs to further improve its strength.

Bai Zhining was also deeply moved when she heard Zhang Chengfa's words.

"This world is very big, with all the wastelands and seas showing vastness, but it is also very small. All the famous mountains and holy places have their own owners. The rise of a new force will inevitably conflict with the past forces. Blood and fire are inevitable. It is precisely because of this that the East China Sea is precious.”

Holding the Dragon and Tiger Heavenly Book in one hand and looking at Wuji, Bai Zhining seemed to have seen a corner of the future.

This time, the Central Plains forces are not the only ones to open up the East China Sea. They are more of a forerunner, a primer to prove to the world that Longhu Mountain is determined to open up the East China Sea, attract the world's grassroots talents to join, and make them determined to pursue the way of refining qi.

Even a group of cultivators from Longhu Mountain will move out, leave the Longhu Sect, open up branches outside, and pass on the way of refining qi.

Ten thousand years, not long, not short, whether it is the Central Plains forces or Longhu Mountain, there are many drawbacks, just take advantage of this opportunity to sort it out, and divert contradictions by opening up outside.

At this time, the stars gathered, and Zhuang Yuan's figure quietly appeared.

Seeing this, Bai Zhining and Zhang Chengfa hurriedly bowed in surprise and joy.

"Big Brother, you..."

Feeling the subtle changes in Zhuang Yuan's aura, Bai Zhining and Zhang Chengfa's expressions did not change.

Seeing this, Zhuang Yuan showed a smile on his face.

"I have entered the primordial star sea. I am currently trying to control the power of the star sea. I have made some progress. I occasionally feel the changes in the heavens, so I send down some divine thoughts. You have worked hard all these years."

Zhuang Yuan glanced at Bai Zhining and Zhang Chengfa, and instantly understood everything.

Hearing this, Bai Zhining and Zhang Chengfa also smiled. According to their understanding of Zhuang Yuan, since Zhuang Yuan said so, it is probably a sure thing to control the primordial star sea. It is naturally difficult for ordinary cultivators to achieve this step, but if it is Zhuang Yuan, they are not surprised.

And once Zhuang Yuan successfully controls the primordial star sea, with his talent, it may not be far to open the door to immortality.

"Congratulations to Brother on your imminent immortality. We pay our respects to Dao Zun Ziwei."

With a smile on their faces and a glance at each other, Bai Zhining and Zhang Chengfa bowed to Zhuang Yuan together.

Seeing the two of them like this, Zhuang Yuan shook his head and laughed. It was at this moment that Zhuang Yuan suddenly realized something and looked into the depths of the void, while Bai Zhining and Zhang Chengze were a beat slower.

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