Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 20 Refining the Way

In the early morning, the orange sun breaks through and casts red clouds all over the sky.

"Those who refine alchemy should refine the Tao."

His consciousness returned to reality, he opened his eyes, his expression was full of energy, not showing any signs of fatigue, Zhang Chunyi let out a sigh from the bottom of his heart.

The first volume of the Taishang Alchemy Sutra does not contain much content. In addition to explaining the concept of alchemy, there is only one article on the fire control technique of the spirit snake and three elixir prescriptions, the Demon Extraction Pill, the Spirit Essence Elixir, and the Spirit-Nursing Elixir, but there is not much. However, Zhang Chunyi read the content ten times during the night, and each time he had different insights.

"Fire control and alchemy are just incidental. The concept of alchemy is the essence of this volume of inheritance."

After getting up, Zhang Chunyi left the quiet room and began today's practice. Although he had embarked on the path of immortality, Zhang Chunyi did not give up on martial arts. At this time, Hongyun was already watering the mist grass in the spiritual field. It looked forward to it every day. Mistweed can grow up sooner.

Practicing martial arts, practicing contemplation, guiding Hongyun to practice magic, and studying various spiritual classics, Zhang Chunyi arranged his day to a full schedule. Although it was boring and boring, Zhang Chunyi enjoyed it. Cherish the opportunity now to practice Taoism.

At night, when a waning moon appeared in the sky, Zhang Chunyi made sure that his heart had settled down and took the corpses of the two monster beasts, Qingfeng Crane and Fire-bearing Toad, into his ancestral orifice. Zhang Chunyi came to the bottom of Chenyue Lake again.

Demonization, pouring a steady stream of demonic power into the Tianjun furnace. When the white light lit up again, his soul was stirred. Zhang Chunyi struggled to remove the lid of the Tianjun furnace. Since he received part of the inheritance of the Taishang Alchemy Sutra, , Zhang Chunyi found that there was a vague connection between himself and Tianjun Lu. If it weren't for this, he probably wouldn't be where he is now.

Opening the furnace and seizing this opportunity, Zhang Chunyi threw the demon corpse of the fire toad in. If the top-grade magic weapon casting furnace was made by Tianjun Lu using his previous life as a material, then the fire toad's corpse was The demon corpse should be able to do it too.

With spiritual thoughts permeating the air, Zhang Chunyi saw a corner of Tianjun's furnace. It was a piece of deep darkness, and the body of the fire-bearing toad fell here, just like his previous body in his previous life.

As time passed, the scene in the alchemy furnace seemed to be frozen, without any change.

"Do you need me to instill demonic power to actively control it? But if so, what happened to my physical body before? Could it be that it was automatically triggered when I tried to instill demonic power before?"

Frowning slightly, squeezing Hong Yun's remaining demon power, Zhang Chunyi sent it into the Tianjun furnace. In an instant, the white light became brighter and brighter. It was at this time that a little bit of white flame came out of nothingness, holding the fire toad. The body is completely wrapped.

After three breaths, the Fire Toad's body turned into flying ashes, and two pills, one gold and one white, appeared in Zhang Chunyi's eyes.

Whoosh, the elixir flew out. Looking at the two elixirs in his hand, Zhang Chunyi fell into silence.

The golden elixir is familiar but unfamiliar to Zhang Chunyi. This elixir is the Demon Extraction Pill. It contains twenty years of demon power, but its quality is so high that it is unimaginable. It is pure and authentic, with no impurities at all. It can be called a "golden elixir". .

The white one is not an elixir at all, but a magic seed, the low-grade magic seed possessed by the Fire Toad - Breathing Fire.

"Is this what is called the Tao of Refining in the Taishang Alchemy Sutra?"

Looking at the magic seed, some of his conjectures were confirmed, and Zhang Chunyi was a little confused for a moment.

The magical seeds for refining monsters exist in the sea of ​​Qi of the demon bones. After the death of the monster, the demon bones are broken and the sea of ​​Qi collapses, and the magical seeds will naturally die with it. This is common sense in the world of immortality, but this scene in front of you is undoubtedly Breaking this common sense understanding, after the death of the Fire Toad, Tianjun Furnace used its corpse as a material to still refine the dissipated method of spitting fire.

In comparison, the unimaginable high-quality demon-extracting pill is not surprising. After all, although this demon-extracting pill can effectively increase the cultivation level of monsters, taking elixirs and elixirs can also achieve similar results. Effect.

With his mind agitated and unable to calm down, Zhang Chunyi glanced at Tianjun Furnace again, turned around and left.

After Hongyun's drained demonic power recovered, Zhang Chunyi entered the interior location again and started his second attempt. The difference this time was that Zhang Chunyi took the lead in removing the beak and tail feathers of Qingfeng Crane that could be used as spiritual materials. It was sent into the Tianjun Furnace, and the final result was not much different from what was expected. He got a demon-extracting pill containing thirty years of demon power and two low-grade wind-type spells, Wind Blade and Feng Xing.

In the quiet room, his consciousness returned to reality, playing with the two demon-extracting pills and three magic seeds in his palm. There were ripples in Zhang Chunyi's dark eyes, showing his inner unrest.

On the other side, Hongyun was lying on the ground, looking very weak. A pair of small eyes couldn't help but drift towards Zhang Chunyi's palm. Water stains from unknown sources soaked the ground, and the night passed like this.

In the early morning, the listless Hongyun began to practice breathing techniques, and at this time, the tantalizing fragrance that kept him awake all night came again.

Turning her head, Hongyun once again saw a pill emitting hazy golden light in Zhang Chunyi's hand.

"Didn't you just want to eat it yesterday? Why don't you come over?"

With a smile on his face, Zhang Chunyi spoke.

Hearing this, Hongyun was overjoyed and came to Zhang Chunyi in a flash, circling around Zhang Chunyi as if to please.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi threw the demon pill with twenty years of demon power in his palm into Hong Yun's mouth.

After swallowing the pill, without Zhang Chunyi's instructions, Hongyun immediately began to try to operate the Din Feng Yin Lu Jue, but this time Zhang Chunyi did not help.

With his spiritual thoughts radiating and his strength hidden inside, Zhang Chunyi became alert as he looked at Hongyun who was refining the elixir.

The demonic energy dispersed and became thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye. As the power of the elixir was continuously refined, Hongyun's cultivation level began to grow slowly, not at a fast speed but more stable than before.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. What he was most afraid of was that the power of the Demon Extracting Pill was too fast, which would suddenly increase Hongyun's cultivation level. In that case, under the impact of the power, Hongyun would most likely do the same thing. Counterattack behavior.

If this is really the case, then Zhang Chunyi must pay special attention to the use of the Demon Extraction Pill in the future, so as not to become a reminder for himself.

Time passed, and it was ten days in a flash. During these ten days, Hongyun did not eat or drink, but stayed on the big blue rock and silently refined the power of the Demon Extraction Pill.

Ten days later, the elixir was completely refined, and its cultivation level also changed from one hundred and ten years to one hundred and thirty years. It had a solid foundation and no frivolity, as if it had been cultivated hard by oneself.

But even so, in order to stabilize Hongyun's mind, Zhang Chunyi suppressed Hongyun for ten days before letting him take the second demon extracting pill. This time, its cultivation level changed from 130 years to 160 years. ten years.

With the help of Hongyun's feedback, Zhang Chunyi also successfully imprinted the true form of the divine tiger in the corpse dog soul and locked the second soul, Fu Ya, and stepped onto a new level. With the help of Tianjun Lu, his path to immortality Definitely smoother.

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