Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 2094 The Source of All Things

In the central chaos, the Palace of Time and Space shone with infinite light, illuminating the ten directions. A new round of time and space turbulence was set off. Compared with the previous ones, this time the time and space turbulence was particularly violent. If it was just a small wind and waves before, this time it has turned into a real huge wave.

Starting from the Palace of Time and Space, it swept through time and space, sweeping in all directions, causing the Taishi Realm to tremble for a while, as if it was about to break away from the origin and follow the waves.

In the void, Yuhua Daojun, Tianyuan Daojun, and Taishi Zhenwang stood side by side, taking in all the changes.

"This is the seventh time, and the general trend is finally established."

With a sigh, Taishi Zhenwang felt relieved, and a smile appeared on his face.

Hearing this, Yuhua Daojun and Tianyuan Daojun also nodded, with a smile on their faces. The three of them worked together to activate the Space-Time Palace seven times, from nothing to something, from small to large, and finally made the space-time turbulence wave completely take shape.

From then on, the general trend was in hand, and external forces could no longer change it.

"The space-time wave is formed. When the eighth wave rolls up, our three realms will also be violently turbulent. When the ninth wave is formed, the biggest wave will be formed, and our three realms will be able to move with the trend and move into the drifting track."

The voice was ethereal. After speaking, Yuhua Daojun's handsome and extraordinary face showed a little expectation. Of course, there was a hint of worry hidden under this expectation, which was not noticed by outsiders.

"Yes, the trend has taken shape, and we just need to wait. Then we can use the power of the waves to make the three worlds of Taishi, Tianyuan, and Qixuan move, just like a big boat across the chaos."

The words were passionate. Unlike the worried Yuhua Daojun, Taishi Zhenwang was full of excitement.

The world is like a tree, planted in the chaos, with deep roots. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to move. Forcing the world to be turbulent is likely to damage the origin. At the beginning, the three worlds were close to each other. Even with the help of special treasures such as the Space-Time Palace, they eventually paid a considerable price. If you want to move over a long distance, the price you have to pay is unbearable for the three worlds of Taishi, not to mention the obstruction of the robbery net.

However, it was different when the space-time wave was completely rolled up. At that time, the entire space-time was in turmoil, as if the continent had turned into an ocean, and the robbery net also collapsed. The world drifted in it and moved with the trend. It was not only effortless, but also did not hurt the foundation.

Of course, it is still impossible to support the Taishi, Tianyuan, and Qixuan realms with the current strength of the space-time wave. At most, it can be shaken. After all, their size is too large, their essence is too high, and they are also the most outstanding existence in the world.

"The confluence of all rivers, the final direction of the space-time wave happens to be the direction of the Taixuan realm. Do you think it will be the final destination?"

The branches and leaves rustled, and Tianyuan Taoist quietly changed the topic.

The general trend has been established, and there is no regret after doing it. Tianyuan Taoist did not worry too much about the future, because worrying is useless. To this day, the Ten Thousand Worlds Drifting Plan can no longer be terminated. What he is more concerned about at this time is actually the Taixuan realm.

The previous space-time turbulence was abnormal, causing the Ten Thousand Worlds Drifting Plan formulated by the Three Realms to deviate from the expected track, causing the Three Realms to lose their core position. After repeated calculations, the three finally reconfirmed the space-time trajectory and locked the approximate range of the end point. It just so happened that the Taixuan realm was within that range.

Under such circumstances, Tianyuan Taoist couldn't help but be more curious about Taixuan Realm. Although this world was new and not as profound as Tianyuan Realm, its growth rate was indeed faster. In just ten epochs, a Taoist monarch and several Taiyi Taoist ancestors were born in less than one calamity. It was really incredible to think about it carefully.

You should know that Tianyuan Realm can have today's foundation after thousands of calamities. It is much older than Taixuan Realm. Taixuan Realm is at most a baby that just fell to the ground in front of it, but even so, in terms of top combat power, Tianyuan Realm is actually not much stronger than Taixuan Realm.

Given time, the possibility of Taixuan Realm surpassing Tianyuan Realm is very high.

As soon as these words came out, the expression of Taishi Zhenwang also changed subtly. Although the results of the calculation were vague, compared with other worlds, the possibility of Taixuan Realm becoming the final place was indeed relatively greater.

Of course, it was only a little bit more likely. After all, even it could not accurately estimate the exact changes after the turbulence of time and space. Everything is impermanent. If it can change once, it can happen a second time and a third time.

But even so, the necessary preparations must be made. Thinking of this, Taishi Zhenwang could not help but cast his eyes on Yuhua Daojun, wanting to hear Yuhua Daojun's opinion. After all, among the three of them, Yuhua Daojun was the one who knew Taixuan Realm best.

And sensing the gazes of Taishi Zhenwang and Tianyuan Daojun, Yuhua Daojun could not help but frown.

"Taixuan Realm is a very special world, and its development trajectory is very different from that of the ordinary world."

"Its essence is extremely high, and it was born extraordinary. Although it suffered a disaster later, it has been silent for several epochs, and it has accumulated a lot of experience and completed its rebirth again. Moreover, this time the momentum is even more fierce than before. Now Taixuan Realm already has a Taiyi Daojun and several Taiyi Daozhu sitting in charge. The strength should not be underestimated. What's more terrifying is that this Daojun and several Daozhu were born in this era."

"The most important thing is that there was an extraordinary path of cultivation there, which is the so-called Qi Refining Method. In my opinion, it is inclusive and has the potential to become the source of all laws."

With a touch of solemnity in his words, Yuhua Daojun gave a very high evaluation and passed on various information related to the Qi Refining Method to Taishi Daojun and Tianyuan Daojun.

The Qixuan Realm established diplomatic relations with the Taixuan Realm a long time ago. Although the two sides did not have frequent exchanges because they were far apart and it was difficult to overcome the barrier of chaos, they had in-depth exchanges on the cultivation system and other aspects, and each gained something.

It was precisely because of this that the Qixuan Realm knew the horror of the Taixuan Realm better than others, and its potential was visible to the naked eye, especially the Qi Refining Method. Even Yuhua Daojun himself was quite interested in it. In comparison, although the Qixuan Realm's Lingqi Method was more complete and more rigorous, the road became narrower and narrower as it went on, and there were many more obstacles out of thin air, which was far less extensive than the Qi Refining Method.

Looking at Yuhua Daojun like this, and digesting the information sent by Yuhua Daojun, the expressions of Taishi Zhenwang and Tianyuan Daojun became more solemn. With their vision, they could naturally see the extraordinaryness of the Qi Refining Method.

Although in terms of the upper limit, the path they are taking now may not be inferior to the Qi Refining Method, and may even be more perfect than the Qi Refining Method, but there is one thing they cannot compare with, that is, inclusiveness, or adaptability.

Qi Refining Method is a seed, which has extremely low requirements for the external environment. It can be adapted to local conditions and bloom different flowers in different worlds, with almost infinite possibilities. However, their cultivation system is different and is often limited to their own world. It is not really impossible to spread the law, but it is extremely difficult.

"Yuhua, why don't we let the Seven Mysterious Realms take the lead and form an exchange team from the three realms to go to the Taixuan Realm? The current situation is turbulent and the future is unclear. We also need to make more preparations."

After a little contemplation, Tianyuan Daojun cast his eyes on Yuhua Daojun.

Facing Tianyuan Daojun's gaze, Yuhua Daojun finally nodded, and he really had to make some preparations in advance.

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