Dragon and Tiger Taoist

Chapter 312 Confrontation

On Bailian Island, a fanatical fighting spirit and a cold killing intent intertwined here.

There was a crash, the air surged, like a strong wind passing by. This was Liu Er's punch, and its target was Wu Sheng, whose cultivation had just exceeded five thousand years.

Several years have passed, and although Liu Er's cultivation level has not improved slowly, it has only reached the level of four thousand years, which is actually much worse than Wu Sheng's five thousand years of cultivation level.

After spending several years on Bailian Island, using the tools to temper his body and sharpen his inner restlessness, Liu Er has made rapid progress in the martial arts. His nine-turn Xuan Gong has successfully entered the fifth stage, and his body is full of energy and blood. Like a river, far beyond the monsters in the same realm.

Of course, Liu Er can make such significant progress. In addition to its extraordinary talent in martial arts and possessing a special high-grade method such as the martial arts furnace, the more important reason is that it once consumed the seventh-grade rare treasure Wu Guo. Blood lotus has a considerable amount of medicinal power hidden in its body.

It is precisely under the promotion of this medicinal power that it can continuously increase its own Qi and blood, advance rapidly in the martial arts, and enter the fifth stage of the Qi and Blood Pill in just a few years.

Hum, the sword sounded low, and I felt Liu Er's concentrated fist strength. Without any hesitation, Wu Sheng Sword slashed down with one strike. It seemed that it had never avoided or defended in its memory.

Not far away, the clouds were rolling and relaxing, and Hong Yun and Chi Yan were watching this scene quietly.

Seeing this, Hongyun seemed very nervous. He covered his eyes with two small hands, but unknowingly opened a small gap, just exposing his small eyes.

Red smoke, on the other hand, looks very indifferent. The aura around it is ethereal, as light as clouds. It is not without any ups and downs, but it is natural, as if it should be like that.

It was at this time that Liu Er's fist collided with Wu Sheng's sword light.

One has the unruly spirit of fighting against the heavens and the earth, while the other has the coldness of being invincible. The two collide, causing thunder in a calm place. It is not only a simple contest of strength, but also a confrontation between two wills.

Hum, the void is distorted, and the two different brilliances of black and red are constantly eroding each other. If it were not for the protection of the formation, Bailian Island would be devastated at this moment.

"It's great, but it's not enough!"

The words he spoke were full of joy, and even more terrifying power burst out. Liu Er punched and shattered the sword light that fell from the Wu Sheng Sword.

With the fifth level of Xuan Gong and successful martial arts, his combat power is no weaker than that of a monster with five thousand years of cultivation.

Buzz, the sharp sound of the sword echoed in the void, outlining the shadows of ghosts and gods. After one move was broken, the murderous intention on the Wusheng Sword became more and more intense, turning into substance, interfering with reality, dyeing the sky red, followed by sword lights. It began to manifest, completely covering the sky.

Sting, even though they were far apart, Hongyun's body still instinctively showed five-color lightning when it was stimulated by this fierce murderous intention. It understood that Wu Sheng's killing was the real intention to kill.

Compared to Hongyun, who reacted obviously, Liu Er, who was in the center of the battlefield, was much calmer.

The murderous intention turned into reality, piercing its heart like a sharp sword, but its divine will was as iron as iron, and its six ears remained unwavering.

Grinning, revealing his white teeth, he looked up at the sky, reflecting the sword shadow in the sky, and Liu Er's eyes were filled with eager sparks.

Three years of refining weapons, tempering the body, and polishing the mind made it look much calmer, but this did not change its nature, it just became more restrained.

In its bones, it is still the monkey who loves martial arts like crazy, loves war like life, and dares to compete with God. It is precisely because of this that after learning that Wu Sheng has broken through five thousand years of cultivation, he will take the initiative to ask Have a fight.

It is warlike, but what it really likes is an even match. At this moment, in Longhu Mountain, only the Wusheng Sword, which has broken through five thousand years of cultivation, can fight it.

Although Chiyan doesn't show off mountains and water, his cultivation level is still a little bit behind after all. As for Hongyun, it has never considered it.


Divine thoughts fluctuate, and thousands of sword shadows resonate. Under the guidance of Wu Sheng, they shoot down like a torrent, intending to destroy everything.

Seeing such a scene, Liu Er smiled even more happily without fear.

Roar, roar loudly, set off a sound wave that is like substance, the heartbeat is like thunder, the Qi and blood elixir rotates, reflecting the long river of Qi and blood inside, letting out an angry roar, growing in size, turning into a great ape about a hundred meters tall, Gang Jin The whole body is covered with indestructible radiance, and the hair is dyed with a faint golden light. Liu Er greets Wu Sheng's killing move with a wanton attitude.

The bells jingled, the sword light shot out, the diamond was indestructible, no matter how the bloody sword light fell, the six ears never wavered.

The nine-turn Xuan Gong strengthens the qi, blood, and body. After the fifth turn, the six-eared monster body is already extraordinary. It needs to be tempered over and over again. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is copper-skinned and iron-boned. With the blessing of the top-grade Dharma Seed and the Indestructible Body , when running at full strength, it truly has a somewhat indestructible appearance, and ordinary killing moves cannot do anything to it.

Hey, the sword light flowed against the current. Seeing such a scene, the tyranny of Liu Er's body was truly clear. Wu Shengjian took the initiative to restrain his killing moves, but this was not to give up, but to use more powerful killing moves.

Hum, the differentiation of high-grade magic types and the high-grade magic types should not resonate at the same time. Ten thousand swords are unified, and a bloody sword light that penetrates the sky and the earth quietly condenses and takes shape.

Seeing such a scene, the excitement on Liu Er's face became more intense, and he felt the dangerous atmosphere in this sword.

Ho, he opened his mouth and spat out, and Liu Er held a polished iron rod surrounded by azure aura in his hand. As the demonic power flowed, the size of the iron rod grew rapidly. It was the middle-grade treasure, Fanjiang Stick.

Holding the stick in hand, the demonic aura around him rose, the sound of rushing water sounded, became louder and louder, deafening, and the shadow of an illusory river quietly took shape behind Liu Er.

Hey, watching this scene closely and feeling the two powerful and rising auras, the worry in Hongyun's eyes turned into reality.

At this moment, even Chi Yan, who had always been calm, could not help but shake his body, as if shaking his head, and let out a vague sigh.

Roar, the scorching breath filled the air, the Nine Fire Divine Dragon manifested, connected with the earth's energy, and evolved into the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, which directly enveloped the area where Wu Sheng and Liu Er were.

Noticing this change, Wu Sheng and Liu Er ignored it. At this moment, they were constantly accumulating their own strength, preparing to decide the outcome as quickly as possible and in the most brutal way.

"What nonsense."

Stepping on the moonlight and wearing Yuesha treasure clothes, Zhang Chunyi's Yin spirit came out of his body.

However, even though he was talking nonsense, Zhang Chunyi did not stop him when he saw Wu Sheng and Liu Er whose auras were rising around them.

Feeling the appearance of Zhang Chunyi, Hongyun looked happy and rushed over to support Zhang Chunyi immediately, although it was not necessary at all.

Hey, hey, hey, he kept saying, Hongyun wanted Zhang Chunyi to stop the fight between Liu Er and Wu Sheng, but Zhang Chunyi shook his head.

Fighting is not a bad thing. Anyway, as long as he is here, no matter whether it is Liu Er or Wu Sheng, nothing will happen. Although the two demons fought in the mountain gate regardless of the occasion, some nonsense, but with Chi Yan taking action, things are still going well. Within the controllable range.

In fact, Zhang Chunyi was a little curious in his heart as to who was stronger or weaker, Liuer or Wusheng. Although Wusheng was stronger in terms of cultivation and aptitude, it was not necessarily the case in actual combat.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine."

Watching the battle on the field, Zhang Chunyi spoke to comfort Hong Yun.

Hearing this, Hongyun's restless heart felt calm.

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